Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 765: Biochemical research is dangerous!

"Eddie, I don't know what you think of Captain America?"

Stepped out of the elevator door.

Norman Osbourne said inadvertently.

"Captain America?"

Fang Mu appropriately exposed a trace of surprise, and then a serious way.

"Captain America, with his spirit of dedication and lofty behavior, eradicated the evil forces, has made outstanding contributions to our rice empire and the peace of all mankind! He is a superhero in our rice country and a superhero in the world. Hero! It is the spiritual symbol of all mankind! "

Norman Osborne :? ? ?

I am not asking this!

"Eddie, you are right, Captain America is the pride of our people in the US!"

Norman Osbourne smiled embarrassedly but not politely.

The two chatted about the greatness of Captain America for a while, and then Norman Osbourne said again inadvertently.

"If we can have the power of Captain America, that would be great!"

Fang Mu nodded.

"Well, it's pretty good."

Norman Osborne :? ? ?

and then?

Very good, then? !

You will talk to death like this! !

Norman Osborne was about to explode, and finally calmed down. He gave Fang Mu a deep look.

He really didn't hear what he meant?

Norman Osbourne thinks that this possibility is almost zero. As a young man, he will suppress many old foxes and control the entire Morse group in one fell swoop. Will it be a dull and stupid person?

This seems to insult his IQ!

"He heard it! But he was waiting for the price!"

Norman Osbourne secretly gritted his teeth.

He is the chairman of Osborne Group, he has done this, but the other party is still waiting for the price to sell?

It's so deceiving!

Norman Osbourne wished to immediately turn around and walk away.

But in the end, he endured it.

He has no choice.

The group of damn, dirty board members, in order to obtain greater benefits, jointly blocked his financing channels.

Although they use their energy, it is impossible to block all of them.

But some of the rest, either taking advantage of the fire, bid too high, or contain a lot of traps, most likely bait released by those bastards.

Neither Norman Osborne could accept it.

Originally, he wanted to go to the Stark Group's Obadea. Obadiah was also looking for some assistance recently. If he posted it, the two parties might even hit it off.

However, he happened to see Fang Mu that night.

Eddie Morse!

The master of the Morse Group!

The new "Business Wizard"!

He is younger, much younger than Tony Stark!

He is unfamiliar, before that, he had no intersection with other major groups.

the most important is.

He is rich!

As far as Norman Osbourne knows, the Morse Group has a lot of cash flow and has at least tens of billions of dollars to spend!

Young, unfamiliar and rich.

There is better flicker than him ...


Is there a more suitable partner than him?

Norman Osbourne immediately abandoned Obadea and chose Eddie Morse.

Obadea is good, but his greed is also well known. Norman Osbourne has no confidence in taking advantage of this old fox.

He thought that this young, unfamiliar, rich Eddie Morse would be fooling, but now it seems that this is also a little fox!

Norman Osborne's heart sank slightly.

"It seems that there will be no blood this time, it will not work."

The thoughts in his heart turned, and Norman Osborne had changed his smile again.

"Eddie, let's go in and see. Biochemical medicine is our Osborne's signature, I believe it will not let you down!"


Compared with the weapon research and development department and the artificial intelligence research institute, the protection of this layer of biochemical research institute is much more careful.

Here are also divided into many small laboratories, each of which uses the highest standard protective measures.

During the experiment, all laboratory doors were closed.

These doors use the latest fingerprint locks. Except for the person in charge of the laboratory, no one else is qualified to unlock and open the door.

Some laboratories, even the person in charge of the laboratory, cannot unlock it.

"Eddie, you know, biochemical research like this, especially in high-end fields, carries certain risks, and some necessary protective measures are indispensable."

Norman Osborne explained that he seemed a little dangerous to say so, and he continued.

"But you can rest assured that our measures are quite safe! According to the existing safety specifications, we have directly increased by three times to implement!"

"I know."

Fang Mu nodded.

Biochemical research is indeed very dangerous!

But ...

He glanced at Norman Osborne.

Do you think such protective measures are enough?

If he remembers correctly, Norman Osbourne is doing research on the blood of Captain America right now?

The last one to take Captain America's blood to research something, but that big green guy!


Dare to put the laboratory in his own building, I have to say that Norman Osborne's heart is big enough.

Norman Osborne took Fangmu to wander outside the laboratories, and each time he went to the laboratory, he introduced its experimental products in detail.

Osborne Group deserves to be the world's top biochemical medical group ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The research it does is the most top in the world.

There is even a considerable part of it, which is about to produce results.

Norman Osbourne is very proud and proud of this, just talking, his emotions gradually fell.

Eddie is not interested in these!

Although the other party greeted a few words and praised from time to time, but this performance, Norman Osborne saw at a glance that this was perfunctory.

When he went to charity to fund a performance, it was such a performance!

"Do it deliberately, and then strive for more benefits for yourself? Or are you really afraid to be interested?"

Norman Osborne's heart sank.

No matter which one, it shows that he might be uncomfortable next!

Norman Osbourne quickly picked up his emotions, still smilingly introducing Fang Mu's top research products here.

His killer has n’t come out yet, it ’s too early to talk about the result!

Norman Osborne is full of confidence in his killer.

As soon as Fang Mu saw it, he would definitely throw money on him on the pole!

"Eddie, let's go, let's go to the next floor."

Norman Osbourne smiled, calm and confident.

Sell ​​for price?

My hole cards are far more valuable than you think!

In the elevator.

Norman Osborne pressed the button to the 76th floor.


The 76th floor, arrived.

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