Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 766: Professor Kazama

"Hello Mr. Eddie, this is Kurt Conners."

Kurt Conners stretched out his left hand with a smile, while he shook his empty right hand.

"Generally you should use your right hand, but I'm sorry, there is something wrong with my right hand, it may not be easy to shake hands with you."

His smile was clean and pure, and he did not have any inferiority complex.

Now, he is Professor Cote, not yet Lizard Professor.

"Professor Kurt."

Fang Mu smiled and extended his left hand.

"Although my left hand may not be easy."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Norman Osborne said aside.

"Professor Kurt is the chief scientist of our Osborne Group and is now in charge of one of our most important biological research projects in Osborne!"

Said, he looked at Kurt Conners.

"Professor Kurt, it is up to you to explain Eddie, about the biological research project you are currently responsible for?"

"Extremely happy!"

Kurt Conners smiled slightly, turned his head and said.

"Mr. Eddie, don't you know what you know about biological gene technology?"

"Biological gene technology?"

Fang Mu frowned slightly.

"Well, understand a little, but not much."

Not much?

That's easy!

Norman Osbourne and Kurt Conners looked at each other, and the smile became brighter.

"Then I will explain briefly to Mr. Eddie. Biological gene technology is a technology developed based on various biological genes. We all know that genes are the most fundamental part of living things. The reason why humans are humans, Just because the human body has human genes. "

"Similarly, the reason why a bird is a bird is because it has a bird's genes in it, an octopus is an octopus because it has an octopus gene in it, and a tiger is a tiger because it has a tiger in it. Genes ... It is precisely because of the differences in genes that biological diversity is created. "

Speaking of this, Professor Kurt looked at Fang Mu and found that the other party seemed interested, so he continued to preach.

"The same kind of organisms, the genes may not be exactly the same, but their gene combination is the same. This determines one thing, the same kind of organisms, they have the same basic ability!"

"For example, birds are born with wings and can fly in the air, fish are born with fish gills, can swim in the water, pangolins are born with scales and can protect their bodies ... these are all they have Unique capabilities, which we do not have in humans. "

"All this comes from the genes in them!"

"The experiment we did was based on such a question, can we humans have the ability of other creatures?"


Fang Mu raised his eyebrows, but really got a little interested.

In the Jackie Chan World, he once obtained a legendary skill from the monkey charm, which is kaleidoscopic and can transform any creature at will.

Fang Mu has never tried it, but according to the level of legendary skills, it should be changed from the most basic genetic level.

To some extent, this should belong to biological gene conversion.

"If I remember correctly, should Professor Kurt do biological gene fusion?"

Biological gene conversion and biological gene fusion seem very similar, but in fact, the two are essentially different.

One is to completely transform into other biological genes, and the other is to fuse other genes to generate a brand new biological gene.

Fang Mu's legendary skills are ever-changing and belong to the category of the mysterious side.

As long as he is strong enough, he can switch between any creature.

Kurt Conners' biological gene fusion belongs to the category of science.

The effect is unknown, and its success is unknown.

According to the thought of Kurt Conners, he wanted to fuse various biological genes in order to obtain their own capabilities.

For example, the extraordinary regeneration of lizards.

This ability is common in lizards, and is the basic ability that every lizard has.

But put it on humans, what is properly is an extraordinary ability!

After Professor Kurt became a lizard professor, the terrible extraordinary regeneration ability can almost achieve the effect of Fang Mu's extraordinary regeneration LV · 3, even LV · 4!

Professor was originally just an ordinary person. Because of this biological gene fusion technology, after fusion of a lizard gene, he directly became a strong man who can be counted even among the extraordinary.

Although there should be some kind of mutation in it, a simple lizard gene cannot have such a strong regeneration ability.

The possibility of a high probability is that during the fusion process of the lizard gene and the human gene, some unpredictable mutation has occurred, which greatly enhanced the regeneration ability.

But it is undeniable that this is indeed a very good technology.

If this technology can be truly perfected to eliminate the hidden dangers, maybe all humans can be upgraded from ordinary creatures to extraordinary creatures in one fell swoop!

Fang Mu's eyes flashed and smiled.

"Professor Kurt ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Please continue, what you said is quite interesting."


Professor Court and Norman Osbour looked at each other with a sigh of relief.

Finally succeeded in attracting Fang Mu's attention!

Although Norman Osborne is very confident in his killer, if they can really study it, it will be a miracle in human history! Enough to leave them in history!

But whether he can touch Fang Mu, he is not very sure.

After all, with so many experimental directions, which one does not blow up the smallpox? Rare in the world?

But what about the actual situation?

Then only they know it.

"Because of the different genes, each creature has its own different abilities, the flying ability of birds, the underwater breathing ability of fish, the protection of scale armor, scale armor, etc ... So there is no such ability because we have no special genes in this area in humans. "

Professor Kot said eloquently in front of Fang Mu. Among biologists, he may not be the top, but in the field of biological genetic knowledge, he is definitely the world's top expert and scholar.

Can be the chief scientist in Osborne Group, the world's top biochemical pharmaceutical group, and he is also responsible for one of Osborne Group's most important biological research projects today, showing his strong ability.

"Then the question is coming, we humans don't have these abilities because we don't have those special genes in our human bodies. If we have those genes in our human bodies? Will we humans also have those abilities?"

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