Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 767: This flicker process is wrong!

"Let humans have the genes of other organisms and then acquire their abilities? This is indeed a genius idea!"

Fang Mu said with admiration.

But he turned his back.

"However, Professor Kurt, although I don't know much about genes, I also know that human genes are very complicated. It should be difficult to integrate human genes with other organisms?"


Kurt Conners choked.

This flickering process is wrong!

He hasn't got the fusion lizard gene for super regeneration ability, the fusion spider gene for super perception ability, and the fusion octopus gene for tentacles ... cough!

According to the process, shouldn't he blow these first, before Fang Mu questioned it?

He just raised his head, and the other party questioned, how did it break?

Kurt Conners looked subconsciously at Norman Osborne.

The boss, the other party does not follow the flow, I am a bit ignorant now!


Norman Osborne realized this, and inserted it decisively.

"This is the case, Eddie. In fact, we started the research more than ten years ago. Five years ago, our research was even close to success. Only because of an accident, some of our important data Lost, so it failed. "

"However, Eddie, you can rest assured that we have kept the basic information very well. I believe that it won't take long before we can really lead to success!"

Norman Osborne said confidently.

"What accident?"

Fang Mu didn't care about it at all and asked directly.


Norman Osborne hesitated.

Regarding this matter, he actually did not want to say that some secrets were involved, and some information may be very detrimental to the subsequent negotiations.

It's just that he looked at Fang Mu's extremely serious attitude.

If he doesn't say it now, the subsequent development may be a bit difficult.

Thought for a while, he finally spoke.

"Five years ago, our Osborne Group was not in charge of this project, but Professor Kurt, but a friend of mine, Richard Parker."

"Richard Parker led the research team at that time, almost to overcome this project. At that time they had already researched the serum, only one clinical trial, you can get the final result."

"For safety reasons, we decided to take the serum to a suburban laboratory for testing. It is a pity that during this process, the plane crashed accidentally. Richard Parker together with the serum and some important information, Lost in that accident. "

Norman Osbourne sighed, the look was very complicated.

"Oh, I see."

Fang Mu nodded as if in a clear manner.

The plane crashed unexpectedly?

Strictly speaking, this is also true.

"Mr. Norman, Professor Kurt, I am very interested in this research, would you give me a detailed introduction?"

"No problem at all!"

The two of them were very happy.

"Eddie, it's a little inconvenient to talk here. Let's go in and see? Some special creatures are also cultivated in the laboratory. It can be more intuitive to see these creatures with your own eyes."

"it is good."

The three of them went to the laboratory.

Biological genetic laboratory is very large, occupying half of the building.

The laboratory is divided into many sections, and the three of them are going to the cultivation room section.

Of course, in order to deepen Fang Mu's understanding, and add the question from time to time, the two will give an introduction every time they pass through an area along the way.

Soon after, the three of them came to the training room.

Compared with other areas, the training room is obviously much larger.

There are not many other things here, just a glass cover of different sizes, which contains dozens of kinds of creatures.

From terrestrial animals, aquatic animals, amphibians, aerial animals, etc., all are available.

Some of these animals are scarce to almost extinct, and some are widespread everywhere.

The Osborne Group, or Kurt Conners, attaches great importance to these animals. He did n’t just throw them into a glass cover.

Inside each glass cover is a completely different environment.

Kurt Conners has created an environment that is most suitable for the growth of each animal.

If it is not a single species, and the site is a bit small, it is estimated that these guys do not know that they have already changed an environment.

"This is Swift, the fastest bird in the world for long-distance flight, and they can reach 170 kilometers per hour during long-distance migration!"

Kurt Conners pointed to a black and white bird.

"In fact, the fastest bird in the world is the warship bird. Its hourly speed can reach 418 kilometers per hour! It is faster than the fastest sports car in the world today! However, its speed is not a long-distance flight speed. It ’s the dive acceleration when grabbing food. In the case of long-distance flight, the fastest speed in the world still belongs to Swift! ”

"Professor Kurt, I can understand you collecting Swift. After all, it is the world long-distance flying champion. But even if Swift's biological genes are obtained, it is of little use to us humans, right? The main reason why Swift can fly so fast They have wings, and we humans have no wings! "


Kurt Conners was choked again.

It makes sense that human beings have no wings!

For a time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He was speechless.

He could not help but look at Norman Osborne again.


Norman Osbourne coughed twice.

"Can't say that, what if the serum that was researched can make people grow wings?"

"People have wings, are they still humans? Is there anyone who needs such serums?"

"Not necessarily, maybe some people like to grow wings on their bodies?"



Fang Mu stopped talking.

The three of them continued to walk in.

Although he was beaten once, Kurt Conners will give a detailed introduction to Fang Mu after every animal.

Although there are only dozens of creatures here, these dozens of creatures include the abilities of most creatures in the world.

Although there are tens of thousands of species in the world, most of the biological capabilities are actually common.

Among these dozens of creatures, there are many abilities that are very good, but there are also some amazing abilities, like ‘Long-Distance Champion’ Swift.

Say it works, it seems to work.

But it is useless, and it is really useless.

Even if you get a serum that can make people grow wings, you still have to see how well you can accept it.

Walked, the group of people walked to a glass cover with spiders.

Looking at the glass cover in front of him, Norman Osborne's expression was a little complicated.

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