Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 768: 1 more advanced skill!


Fang Mu's eyes flashed slightly.

The color of these spiders is very light, almost transparent, if you don't pay attention to it, it is easy to ignore the past.

They are very small, even smaller than an adult's little finger. In this regard, they still rely on their eight long legs to occupy a huge advantage. If only the body is counted, they are even as big as rice grains, and the typical legs are short and long.

Fang Mu glanced around and found no second spider.

"Unsurprisingly, these should be the spiders left by Richard Parker."

Those spiders that can bite Peter Parker into Spider-Man.

"This is the Lenny spider in the Amazon jungle, with a very strong sense of danger."

Cot Conners said.

"Danger perception ability?"

Fang Mu seemed a little more interested.

"Mr. Norman, can you take this spider out for me to see?"


Norman Osborne gave Fang Mu a surprised look.

Does he know the secret behind these spiders?

He frowned secretly.

Don't blame him for being so cautious, just because this spider is so special.

This is the spider left by Richard Parker, the last person in charge of the Biogene Laboratory!

Although its appearance is no different from the ordinary Lenny spider, in fact, in order to be more compatible with human genes, its genes have already been changed many times.

The genetic difference between organisms is too great. In order for two different genes to be fused, it is necessary to ensure that the biological ability remains unchanged as much as possible, and the degree of agreement between the two sides is increased.

In front of me, this Lenny spider changed the genes in the body and greatly increased the degree of fit with human genes, while still maintaining the original appearance almost completely.

On this point, we can know the preciousness of these spiders.

Norman Osbourne said that their previous experiment was almost successful because of these special Lenny spiders.

If they didn't use the Lenny spider later, they did many gene fusion experiments, and without exception, the experiment failed because of some unknown reason.

Their experiment will not be nearly successful, but already successful.

Although Norman Osborne hasn't paid much attention to the Lenny spider because of many failed experiments, its status is still quite special.

From the beginning to the present, they have passed two or thirty kinds of creatures. Why didn't Fang Mu take other creatures to come to see, but it depends on the Lenny spider?



Norman Osborne always feels that simple.

"However, he should not know the details of this Lenny spider."

This experimental project belongs to the top secret project of the Osborne Group. Even the board of directors only knows that this project is related to the military.

Including him, there should be no more than five people who know this Lenny spider!

"Hmm? Wait!"

Norman Osborne suddenly thought of something.

The people behind Richard Parker also seem to know!

After many years of investigation, although he has not fully investigated, but the probability can be locked, behind Richard Parker is the **** CIA!

"He is from the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States?"

Norman Osbourne put a startled look on Fang Mu, but in a blink of an eye, he dispelled the idea.

"What am I thinking, how is this possible!"

He is Eddie Morse!

The master of the Morse Group!

The second heir to the Morse family!

Although the Morse family is much worse than the world's top big families such as the Osborne family and the Stark family, it can definitely rank in the forefront of the world.

Not Norman Osbourne looked down on the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, but in the position of the second-middle heir of the Morse family, the current Patriarch of the Morse family made him a member of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, and they could afford this price. ?

"It seems that it should just be a coincidence."

Norman Osborne felt that he might be a little nervous.

This series of thoughts were completed in a short time.

As short as Kurt Conners did not notice any abnormalities.

"of course can!"

Norman Osbourne said broadly.

He called a researcher.

The researcher wore gloves, holding a long pair of tweezers, and carefully opened the glass lid.

Many experiments failed, and Norman Osbourne has long been disappointed with these Lenny spiders, but because of the unwillingness in his heart, he still kept dozens of spiders down.

Dozens of spiders less than the size of a little finger naturally occupy a small area.

Even if Kurt Connast intended to make an environment similar to the Amazon jungle for them, the entire glass cover is only about half a cubic meter.

This researcher is usually responsible for taking care of these creatures. He is skilled and has very neat hands and feet, but in the face of this Lenny spider, he still tried several times before successfully clamping a Lenny spider.

Its extremely strong sense of danger, it really deserves its reputation.

Researchers carefully handed the Lenny spider, along with the tweezers in his hand, into Fang Mu's hands.

"Mr. Eddie must be careful. Although the venom spider is very low in toxicity, it is also toxic. If you bite it accidentally, it will hurt!"

Kurt Conners reminded.

For this Lenny spider ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ except for the dead Richard Parker, he knows it best.

After all, after Richard Parker died, he asked him to do the spider gene fusion experiment.

"Relax, I will be careful."

Fang Mu responded with a smile.

Kurt Conners nodded without saying much.

This Lenny spider is indeed a little toxic, but it's not big. It hurts even if it's bitten.

He is the duty, remind me.

After all, in the near future, Fang Mu is likely to become their gold master.

Treats gold master dad, he may have to wait carefully.

Fang Mu took the tweezers from the researchers.

The strength and position of the researcher are well controlled. The tweezers just caught the spider's body without hurting the spider.

Came to Fang Mu's hand, the spider was still alive and full of vitality.

Fang Mu carefully watched this spider. Compared with most spiders, this Lenny spider is undoubtedly much more compact and delicate.

Rice grain-sized body with long, slender, almost transparent legs.

At first glance, it does not give people a sense of fear.

"I don't know if this spider can bring me something special?"

Fang Mu, with a certain expectation, touched the spider lightly with his finger.

"Discover advanced skills, do you absorb them?"


"Acquire Advanced Skills ..."

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