Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 769: Spiderman Serum!

"Acquire advanced skills in advanced genetic science!"

Advanced skills, advanced genetic science LV · 1 (0/1000).

"Not advanced biological science, but advanced genetic science?"

Fang Mu feels a little disappointed. Biological science is more than just genetic science.

And ...

"Advanced mechanical manufacturing should be able to integrate with advanced alchemy, advanced genetic science, and it seems to be refined with advanced magic potions, it seems a bit difficult to match!"

Advanced mechanical manufacturing and advanced alchemy are essentially manufacturing, and the two have a foundation for fusion.

But advanced genetic science and advanced magic potion refining, one is genetically related scientific knowledge and technology, and the other is specialized in refining all kinds of extraordinary auxiliary drugs.

"Sometimes I got a Spider-Man serum, which is not a small gain!"

Fang Mu was satisfied.

From this Lenny spider, he not only got advanced skills-advanced genetic science, but also got the method of making Spider-Man serum by the way.

But the Spider-Man serum made according to this production method, so far, should only be suitable for Peter Parker.

Norman Osborne did not know that this spider gene fusion technology has actually been successfully developed.

It was only at the last moment that Richard Parker adjusted these Lenny spider genes according to his own genes, so that they were only suitable for himself or his direct blood relatives.

"The next step is to find a way to make this Spider-Man serum as soon as possible!"

Making Spider-Man serum is not Fang Mu ’s thoughts on Spider-Man bloodline, he is just greedy for the ability of ‘super danger perception’!

Peter Parker was originally just an ordinary high school student, did not learn any combat skills, but because of this "super danger perception" ability, he was directly turned into a "genius flow" player.

No moves?

Don't understand the routine?

I'm sorry, your attacks have been hidden by me!

La la la!

Come and beat me!


You can't fight!

This passive skill, which can be called ‘magic skill’, can be used to directly increase his combat ability if placed on Fang Mu!

Fang Mu glanced at the dozens of Lenny spiders in the glass cover, his eyes glowing slightly.

He has a system, as long as he makes Spider-Man serum, he can directly obtain the ‘super danger perception’ skill.

Is like the T virus in the world of Resident Evil.

Gene restriction?


Is the T virus different for Alice?

The only thing that hinders him from making Spider-Man serum is how to get these dozens of Lenny spiders.

Don't look at these dozens of Lenny spiders, but they seem to be inconspicuous, but they have been improved many times by Richard Parker. They have already been fundamentally different from normal Lenny spiders, even they can be called Parker spiders.

Without these ‘Parker’ spiders, it ’s simply impossible to make Spider-Man serum with Fangmu ’s current advanced genetic science level.

Fang Mu quietly glanced at Norman Osborne beside him.

"This matter needs to be considered carefully."

Norman Osbourne is not a fool. If he wants these ‘Parker’ spiders with his mouth open, he will definitely be able to see something, and he will not give him almost one hundred percent.

"Find a time and steal it directly?"


Is a good way!

However, it cannot be done in the near future.

People just took you to see the lab once, and turned around and disappeared. Do not doubt who you doubt?

"Okay, this little spider is cute."

Fang Mu smiled and returned the tweezers in his hand to the researchers.

Researchers carefully put the spider back into the glass cover.

As soon as the tweezers left the body, the little spider ran away quickly.

"Oh, this spider is quite delicate."

Norman Osbourne catered to smile.

He saw Fang Mu just picked it up, glanced at it, and touched the spider lightly, and immediately returned it, and he was relieved.

It seems that interest has only come for a while!

The two of them took Fang Mu and continued to walk in.

Kurt Conners introduces each kind of creature, mainly to introduce the most prominent function of the creature.

Such as the fastest flight speed of Swift, the super danger sensor of Lenny spider and so on.

As for other things, such as the slight toxin on the Lenny spider, if Fang Mu had to take a look at it himself, Kurt Conners would not say it.

Well sell the product, of course, just take out the best point, the other is not important!

Ten minutes later.

"This is a Kurt lizard, born in the Amazon jungle, has extremely powerful regeneration ability! After its tail is broken, it only takes ten minutes to grow a new tail!"

Kurt Conners's tone was obviously different, becoming soaring and excited.

"Mr. Eddie, if you think about it, if we can transplant this regenerative power into humans, what would be the scene? Countless disabled people will be reborn because of it, which will benefit tens of thousands of people. Humans! This is a supreme charity! "


Norman Osbourne twitched.

You talk about charity in front of a capitalist?

"Cough! Eddie, this application scenario of regenerative ability, I do n’t need to say more, you should know it. If we can make it out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The future will be inestimable!"

Norman Osborne looked at Fang Mu seriously.

A ‘we’ has exposed all his ideas.

Fang Mu didn't seem to hear it, but he moved closer to the glass cover in front of him and carefully observed the lizard inside.

The Kurt lizard is not much different from the ordinary lizard. It has a green body, a slender body, a long middle finger, and a slightly thick skin. It looks very tight.

Their protruding eyes turn up, down, left, and right, giving people a very spiritual feeling.

"Is this the direction of your current research?"

After watching it for a while, Fang Mu finally said.

"Study this lizard?"

Norman Osbourne and Kurt Conners looked at each other, and finally Kurt Conners spoke.

"Yes, our main research direction is now lizards. In addition, there was originally a cockroach, a jellyfish, all creatures with extremely strong regeneration ability!"

"It was only after a period of research that we found that cockroaches and jellyfish are not very suitable for fusion with human genes, so we abandoned them and specialized in lizard research!"

"Mr. Eddie, maybe you think I did this genetic research on regenerative ability for myself. I do not deny that there are such factors, but I dare to guarantee that all this can be achieved!"

Kurt Conners looked at Fang Mu very frankly, his eyes were extremely sincere.

Fang Mu was silent for a while, then said.

"Can I see the lizard inside?"

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