Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 770: Experimental surprise!


Professor Lizard serum is handy!

"Compared with the spiderman serum, this lizard professor's serum is a bit far worse!"

Fang Mu despised Professor Kurt Connors a little bit.

The serum of Spider-Man made by Richard Parker has some defects and cannot be popularized, but can it be used anyway?

Your lizard professor serum is completely a semi-finished product and can't even be used!

"If I want to actually make a finished lizard professor serum, my advanced genetic science skills must be at least LV · 3."

Spiderman serum is already finished, as long as you get the ‘Parker’ spider, Fangmu can be made at any time.

But the semi-finished product like Professor Lizard's serum must first be improved.

Fang Mu looked at the struggling lizard on the tweezers in his hand, and he let go back in shock.


You are a semi-finished product!

"Mr. Norman, I have a question. Did you also study the lizard gene before?"

"No, what we studied before was the spider gene, which is the spider you saw Eddie just now."

When he said this, Norman Osborne stared closely at Fang Mu's face.

Fang Mu very appropriately revealed a look of 'surprise'.

"Oh? What a coincidence?"

Norman Osbourne, who holds his own "eyes with fire eyes", couldn't see a clue from Fang Mu's face and laughed.

"It is indeed a coincidence."

"Mr. Norman, although I do n’t know much about biological genetic technology, let me say a biological danger between spiders and lizards, just say a" danger perception "and a" physical regeneration ". These are completely different directions. ? "

"Eddie, you are right. The research directions between the two are indeed very different."

Norman Osborne chuckled, in order to flicker ...


In order to facilitate the cooperation with Fang Mu, he had already preset all the issues for the record.

"Well, it's unfounded. Our experimental project has already made some achievements. Eddie, shall we take a look together?"


Fang Mu nodded.

Although he has long known what the effect is like, he has already shown his interest in this gene research, so he still needs to give a face.

In a closed laboratory.

An experimenter is preparing for the experiment.

Observation room across a wall.

Norman Osbourne and Kurt Conners are accompanying Fang Mu, watching the situation in the laboratory through a single-sided glass, and four screens, 360 degrees.

"This experiment is temporarily unstable, and sometimes some unexpected conditions may occur. For safety reasons, we can only watch it here."

Kurt Conners said with regret.

"It doesn't matter, it's better to be safe."

Fang Mu waved his hand, indicating that you are the master.

Kurt Conners breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that Fang Mu wanted to go alone, so he had to enter the laboratory to watch.

Although he has developed the lizard serum into a semi-finished product, the probability of error during normal experiments is extremely low.

But the gene is too complicated and changeable. Even the real finished product cannot guarantee that 100% will not go wrong, let alone his semi-finished product.

"Let's get started, Clap."

Kurt Conners pressed a small red button and spoke to a small microphone.

In the laboratory.

Researcher Klepp did not speak, but took out a little white mouse from a small cage.

Holding a scalpel in his hand, he skillfully scratched the body of the little white mouse. The blood stained the body of the little white mouse, and the wound was very clear.

Clap opened a closed glass cover next to it and put the little white mouse in it.

After the little white mouse was put in, it ran back and forth a few laps at first, and gradually stopped moving.

Generally speaking, after putting the white mouse into the glass cover, it should be input serum immediately, and the relevant reaction has been observed.

But in order to let Fang Mu see clearly, they did not use any special means, but really made a cut on the little white mouse, they can only let the little white mouse go for two more steps.

Kurt Conners glanced at Fang Mu quietly, and he saw that there was no fluctuation on the other party's face, but just watched the experiment quietly.

"Well, nothing happens!"

He nodded secretly in his heart, pressed the small red button again, and aimed at the small microphone.

"Clap, you can inject serum!"

In the laboratory.

Clap held a glass needle tube filled with green liquid in one hand and a little white mouse in one hand, and skillfully inserted the pinhole into the body of the little white mouse.

Gently press, the green liquid in the needle tube is injected into the body of the white mouse in a blink of an eye.

Clap put down the little white mouse, withdrew his own hands, and at the same time, closed and locked the cover above the glass cover.

Immediately, Klepp moved back two steps to the left, giving way to the position, so that the people in the observation room could observe the experiment in more aspects.

Inside the glass cover.

At the beginning, there was no change in the little white mice injected with serum. He lost too much blood and was lying on the ground and seemed to be ready to die.

After just over a minute, the little white mouse remained unchanged.

"Experiment failed?"

Norman Osbourne and Kurt Conners both looked dull.

The first experiment failed, which made them wait for money with Master Fang Mujin's father?

While the two were thinking about how to save their respect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Inside the glass cover.

The little white mouse suddenly opened his eyes, which were a pair of blood-red eyes!

Unholy! terror! tyrannical!

With a terrible breath to destroy everything!

Creep ~

Screamed from the mouth of the little white mouse, passed through the glass cover, through the laboratory, and directly penetrated into the observation room.

This sharp cry made many experimenters quickly cover their ears.

Did not wait for more reaction from everyone, the body of the little white mouse suddenly began to swell, and as it swelled, the white hair on its body fell off.

In a while.

A strange mouse with no hair and green body appeared in front of everyone.

His feet stood upright, his body size had at least tripled, and his entire body was filled with explosive muscles.

It's skin looks thick and compact, and the wound that almost killed him has disappeared.

Its head still retains the characteristics of a mouse, but when you look closely, it is very similar to a lizard.

"This, this monster ..."

Clap stared at the green monster in front of him, his eyes full of terror.

He has done so many experiments, and the experiment has experienced many failures, but it has never happened like this.

more importantly.

The green monster stared at him.

That look.

Seems to eat him!

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