Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 771: Little green monster!

"Squeak ~ ~"

The green mouse monster screamed and rushed towards Clap, looking as if a tank was charging!

Although its size has been enlarged three times, it is only more than thirty centimeters, which is far from the tank, but its momentum is too amazing!

Is so shocking that everyone can't help but tremble.


The green mouse monster suddenly hit the glass cover.

The terrible impact sounded in everyone's ears, and the collision seemed to hit them directly.

They looked around.

The special glass that can resist the impact of pistol bullets was actually hit with a small crack!

"How can this be?"

Kurt Conners was shocked.

How could his lizard serum make such a monster?


The green mouse groaned.

That terrible and terrible momentum showed everyone's heart shivering.

This monster is so scary!

This is still true of the people in the observation room, not to mention Clep, who is directly facing the green mouse monster.

He was scared to fall directly to the ground, and his expression was full of fear.

Who can think of it.

This little white mouse, who was just let him be slaughtered, became such a scary monster in a flash?

"No, no, I want to leave here!"

He kicked his legs and climbed up panic.

"Let me go out! Let me go out quickly!"

Clap slammed the laboratory glass door.

Kurt Conners turned to press the switch button.


The green mouse monster launched its second impact.

Click! Click! Click!

The glass cover was instantly covered with large cracks.

"not good!"

Cot Conners changed his face and immediately pressed the button.

"Can't press!"

Came a majestic voice.

Is Norman Osbourne, his face is serious.

"Mr. Norman! If you don't press it, Clap will die!"

Kurt Connor shouted anxiously.

"I know! I will compensate his family! But that green monster can never be released!"

Norman Osborne cuts the railroad.

He looked at the little green monster in front of him, and a trace of fear flashed imperceptibly in his eyes.

He thought of a big green monster of the same color.

If you let this monster come out ...

Norman Osborne shuddered.

This is Osborne House!

"But ..."

Cot Conners still want to say something.


The green mouse monster launched its third impact.

This time, the glass cover could not withstand such a strong impact, and it shattered directly, and the glass fragments flew to the ground.

The green figure jumped out of it and ran towards Clep.

"No no no, no, save me, save ..."

One minute later.

The screaming stopped.

The corner of the laboratory has been covered with stumps, minced meat, and blood.

The green mouse monster swore his terrible strength with this horrible killing.

Observation room.

All the experimenters couldn't help but look away from them, and couldn't bear to see the scene in the Shura field.

Only Norman Osbourne, Kurt Conners, and Fang Mu were watching the green mouse monster through the screen.

The green mouse monster seemed to perceive the gaze of the three people. It turned its head to the direction of the camera and grinned.

Spilled blood all over his body, making it look terrible.

"Squeak ~"

'S original sharp cry also followed the voice of the beast, adding a bit fierce and brutal.

"This monster ..."

Norman Osborne's eyes flickered.

For capitalists, there is never an absolute bad thing.

Klepp ’s death will indeed bring a little influence to the Osborne Group, but it is only a little.

For Osborne Group, this effect is not a big deal at all.

On the contrary, the value that this green mouse monster can bring is inestimable!

"From the strength and speed it just showed, it has almost reached the limit of ordinary people!"

Although it is far from the big green monster, if you consider that it was originally just an ordinary little white mouse, this increase is a bit scary!

"Release coma gas!"

Norman Osborne made the decision instantly.

Catch it alive!

Study it!

Find out the real reason why it has become so powerful!

At this moment, even Fang Mu was ignored by him.

As long as he can catch this green mouse monster alive, will the funding problem still be a problem?

By the time.

Him, Norman Osborne.

Holding this data, he dared to shoot directly on the military's face and shouted.

"Play money!"

But he knew how much the military guys coveted the big green monster.

With this green mouse monster, what is the gold father, I am the father!

"Mr. Norman, this monster is too dangerous! I think it should be destroyed directly!"

Cot Conners said solemnly.

"No! I don't want you to think!"

Norman Osbourne waved his hand, and the president was imposing.

"I want you to release coma gas now!"

Kurt Conners still wanted to continue his argument, but Norman Osborne was impatient.

Pointed to an experimenter.

"You! Release coma gas immediately!"


This experimenter didn't dare to talk back to his big boss, and immediately obeyed.

呲 呲 呲!

Unconscious gas is released.

After a while, the pale white coma gas has already filled the entire laboratory.

Observation room.

Whether it is a one-way transparent glass or a screen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is all white.

Experimental equipment, broken corpses, and the scary green mouse monster are all invisible.

Can only vaguely see a little blurry image.

"Did you make it?"

Asked Norman Osborne.

"This, this ..."

The experimenter stuttered, not knowing how to answer.

"According to common sense, maybe it succeeded?"


Norman Osborne frowned and snorted.

"Give me more concentration! According to the dose of ordinary people, increase three times, no, increase five times!"

He once again flashed a big green monster in his mind, always feeling unsafe.


No matter what the experimenter said, immediately follow the instructions.

The concentration of coma gas increased again.

This time, even the blurry image was invisible.

Norman Osbourne did not rush to clear the coma gas, but waited patiently for a few minutes.

After a few minutes.

He gave the order to clear the coma gas.

The coma gas was evacuated.

The scene in the laboratory gradually became clear.

Various experimental instruments and equipment, broken a large glass cover, broken corpses ......

All the things in the original laboratory appeared one by one in front of everyone.

"and many more!"

"What about that monster?"

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