Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 772: Escaped monster!

The monster is gone!

Everyone's face appeared panic.

They searched every corner of the laboratory, and they couldn't see the figure of the green mouse monster.

at last.

"Vent! It escaped from the vent!"

Things are big!

A researcher's heart suddenly panicked.

The monster escaped from the laboratory!

And escaped from the vent!

Norman Osbourne also changed his face.

"Inform security personnel immediately! Block all exits! Be sure to find it out for me!"


Commands passed down.

The giant of Osborne Group, turned instantly.

"Hurry up!"

Dozens of hundreds of security personnel wearing dark uniforms quickly rushed to the 76th floor.

at the same time.

Observation room.

The atmosphere of tension and fear is spreading.

"That monster will not come to us?"

This idea circulated in the hearts of all people.

Although the vent in the laboratory and the vent in the observation room are not directly connected, it means turning two bends.

If the monster really passes through the vent, come here ...

Many people couldn't help shaking their bodies.

The horror scene of Klepp's corpse emerged in their hearts.

"Boss, here is more dangerous, I suggest to evacuate first!"

Anderson quietly said beside Norman Osborne.

Behind him, two security personnel were holding two guns, staring nervously at the location of the vent.

Because they did not expect such a situation at all, their security personnel, including him, only arranged three people here.

If the monster really came, in this narrow observation room, Anderson could not guarantee that the three of them could protect the people.

Norman Osborne hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

"it is good!"

He turned and said to Fang Mu.

"Eddie, such a thing happened in the laboratory, I'm so sorry! It's not safe now, let's move to a safe place."


Fang Mu nodded lightly.

Norman Osbourne looked at Fang Mu and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, people can successfully control the Morse Group, which is very comparable.

Today ’s accident, even he had a moment of gaffe, but he found that Fang Mu seemed to be extremely stable and calm from beginning to end, as if he had n’t put the monster in his eyes.

Is just such a mentality, it surpasses most people in the world.

Under the protection of Anderson and others, Norman Osborne and Fang Mu began to leave.

Kurt Conners did not like Norman Osbourne because of the collision just now. He deliberately did not take him.

Kurt Conners's complexion dropped.

Although Norman Osborne did not like it, he did not feel that he had done anything wrong. Even if he came again, he would do the same.

Just regretted that he didn't save Clep.

He should have been more decisive at the time.

"Replay the video immediately, collect data, I want to know what happened just now!"


Researchers dare not say much even if they are afraid.

Observation outdoors.

Led by Anderson, a three-person security team, firmly protecting Fang Mu and Norman Osborne in the middle, carefully walked toward the elevator.

Along the way.

There was no one around, it seemed very quiet.

Has just gone a third.


Anderson whispered solemnly in one stroke.

"There is a situation!"

Everyone stopped, held their breath, and tried to keep their voices as low as possible.

Burst into the ears of everyone.

That sound is very small, and I can't hear it without careful listening.

If it is normal, they may not care about these tiny voices, but this is different from the past.

"Everyone is on alert!"

The Anderson trio held a gun and looked around cautiously.

Just at this time.

"Huh? Does the sound seem to disappear?"

"Did you leave?"

Some people are not sure.

Waited for a while.

Still no sound came.

"We continue to move forward, all quietly."

Anderson thought about it, and finally decided to move forward.

Their position is staggered, although it is faster to walk back and return to the observation room, but there may not be much safety there.

Their safest approach now is to take the elevator directly to the first floor and then leave the Osborne Building!

"It would be nice if there were more people at this time!"

Anderson secretly said to himself.

Although the green monster looks terrible, Anderson, who came from the special forces, is not very afraid.

The firearm is in hand, whatever monster you are, just kill it with one shot!

And his party moved on.


Da da da!

There was a rapid voice.

"what happened?"

"Is that the monster coming?"

Anderson and others looked nervous, and pointed the gun in the direction of the sound as soon as possible.

Just when they thought the war was coming.

A group of ten people appeared in front of everyone.

It was an Osborne security officer wearing a dark uniform.

After they arrived on the 76th floor, they came here as soon as possible.

"Gilter, it turns out to be you."

Anderson breathed a sigh of relief and put the gun away.

The other person, Gilt and others, looked at Anderson, especially Norman Osborne, who was behind him, and his face was also relaxed.

The boss is fine!

"Go! Let's send the boss to leave here first!"

In the conversation, Anderson and others trot, and they will meet with Gilt and others.


A loud noise suddenly exploded on the upper left of several people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Haven't waited for everyone to come back.

A green figure has already flew down.

"No! It's that monster!"

Anderson's complexion changed instantly.

"Monster? What monster?"

Gilt and others are a little confused.

They only knew what was going on here. The big boss asked them to come over immediately, and they didn't know what happened.

Anderson had no time to explain to him.

The green monster has already pounced on him!

At such a short distance, although he was holding a firearm, he could not aim at all.

"Hurry away!"

He shouted.

Then he greeted him as soon as possible.

"Go die! Monster!"

Anderson was cold-faced, using the pistol as a blunt instrument, and hit the green monster fiercely.

This was a foolproof blow to him, but he saw a green monster in the air, his body twisted slightly, and he evaded directly.

"Roar ~~"

The green monster waved his claws and aimed at Anderson's arm.


The clothes were torn, the blood soared, and a terrible expression appeared.

Anderson's pain was pale, and he lost his gun.

But anyway, he was also a special soldier. He was not in trouble, and one rolled away, avoiding the second blow of the green monster.

"Roar ~~~"

The green monster roared, and the cry became more like a beast.

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