Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 773: I want to be a military dad!

"Roar ~"

The green monster opened his mouth and snarled.

A pair of rat teeth has turned into a horrified fang.

It was originally the only head like a mouse, and now it became flat, free of an enlarged version of the scary lizard.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Anderson feels that this green monster looks a little bigger.

"not good!"

Anderson's complexion suddenly changed.

"This monster seems to be staring at me!"

I do n’t know if it was because he just escaped the blow. The green monster is now looking at him with an angry look.


A green monster flew forward and shredded him.

It's very fast, and even in the best condition, Anderson is not easy to avoid.

Not to mention, Anderson is now not only being scratched on his right hand, but also sitting on the ground, responding more slowly.

He tried his best to barely escape the first attack, but by the second time, he was really helpless.

The green monster opened his mouth wide, showing his mouth full of teeth, and pointed it at his throat.

The sticky saliva spread all over its big mouth, and the smelly smell came out.

Saw that he was going to die in the mouth of the green monster.

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots sounded.

Gilter and others finally reacted, drawing a gun and shooting at the green monster.

The keen sixth sense of the green monster, the first time he sensed the crisis, a flashing body escaped this round of attack.

Gilt and others chase after victory and want to kill this unknown green monster.

But the green monster was too flexible. After a few jumps, he ran to a corner and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Anderson, are you okay?"

Gilter and others hurried forward to support Anderson.

Anderson is their leader.

"I'm okay, please hurry up your boss and Mr. Eddie to a safe place."

Anderson grinned. It was a bit cruel to get caught in that mouth just now.

"alright, I got it."

Gilter also knows what is most important now.

In fact, when he came here, another group of people had already gone to protect Norman Osborne and Fang Mu.

Two people gathered together.

"Boss, let's go to a safe place now!"

Anderson said.

Norman didn't respond in the first place, but asked instead.

"What about other security personnel?"

"They have blocked all exits according to your orders."

Gilt said.

"Tell them that their goal is to catch the green monster! Remember, I asked for live catch!"

"Live catch?"

Anderson frowned.

"Boss, this is probably very difficult! That monster is too fast! And the incident happened suddenly, we did not make any preparations in advance, it is almost impossible for us to catch it alive!"

"This is your business! I don't care about this, I just want the result!"

Norman Osbourne said solemnly.

Anderson sighed.

He knew it would be the result.

"I know, boss, I will tell you to continue."

Live catch?

Fang Mu looked at Norman Osbourne, then at a corner.


Being confident is a good thing.

Come on!


"Boss, let's leave here first."

Anderson continued.


Norman Osborne has no objections this time.

As a boss, as long as he knows how to use his subordinates, fighting this kind of thing ...

But he is the boss!

How can I be in danger by myself?

And the others hurried towards the elevator entrance.

Although the unknown green monster seems a bit fierce, they now have nearly twenty security personnel with a dozen guns on their bodies.

If they were n’t worried about what happened to their boss, they just caught up and killed the green monster!



Can't get rid of it, catch it alive!

唵 啷!

A crisp sound.

A lamp suddenly broke.

A light goes out.

The brightness around dropped slightly.

"What's going on? Why did this light suddenly break?"

"I don't know, it seems that the black light flashed, and the light broke."

"Black shadow?"

Everyone's heart burst out.

Green monster!

This green monster wants to destroy all the lights around, and then hunt them in the dark!

"Is this still a little white mouse?"

Anderson's heart was tickled with hate.

Although this little white mouse is now a green monster, it was originally just a little white mouse!

A little white mouse can actually have such an IQ?


Anderson gritted his teeth.

If they are in a visual environment, of course they are not afraid of the green monster at all.

But in the invisible dark environment, they thought of the speed the green monster just showed ...

A feeling of numbness in the scalp appeared in their hearts.

Without saying anything.

They immediately accelerated their pace of progress.

compare to.

Fang Mu and Norman Osbourne had completely different reactions.

"I thought it was a beast that knew nothing about killing. I didn't expect it to know how to use tricks."

Fang Mu was a little surprised in his heart.

It seems that this lizard serum is only a semi-finished product, but it should not be far from the finished product.

"Smart mutant creature! If you can catch it, maybe you can domesticate it!"

Norman Osborne's eyes flashed with excitement.

Faced with a powerful, domestically mutated creature, what other reasons does the military not give them?


He Norman Osborne ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will soon become the superior father of the military!

The speed of a group of people is already very fast. This speeding up is almost the same as fast running.

In order to take care of the two big bosses in the team, this is already the fastest speed they can control.

They thought this speed was enough.

It's not far from the elevator entrance. With so many lights around, it seems reasonable that their time should be sufficient.

But unfortunately, they estimated the wrong speed of the green monster.

唵 啷!咵 啷!咵 啷!

A lamp quickly burst, they only traveled three quarters of the way, and more than 90% of the surrounding lights had been extinguished.

Only the last three lamps remained, providing them with insignificant light.


Anderson said abnormally ugly.

"Can't go on like this! If we wait for all the lights to go out, then we can only let them be slaughtered in the dark! Call them immediately! Let other security personnel come with high-power flashlights! Then we protect the lights and fight back ! We must definitely protect the last three ... "

唵 啷!

Another lamp broke.

"··· Two lights."

Nuoda has only the last two lights left.

Norman Osborne shuddered.

He felt that his desire to be a military father might not be so easy to realize.

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