Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 779: No one can stop my plan!

"Director, Tony Stark and Obadea fight!"

Colson's eager voice rang from the phone.

Nick Fury :? ? ?

WTF? ? ?

They are a heart patient and an old man, and they beat it!

Are you calling me specifically for this matter?

More time, what time is it now?

Do you really think that being the director of SHIELD would not have to sleep?

Nick Fury forcibly suppressed his waking breath and said.

"Speak slowly, don't worry, talk about the causes and consequences. Why should they fight? Have you been injured?"

Although this sounds ridiculous, he felt that Coulson should not call him so casually.

If he really is so casual, just call him ...

Nick Fury felt that he should send him to the Middle East to ‘study’ again!


Colson was stunned.

"Director, they are about to kill each other!"

Nick Fury :? ? ?

Are these two so fierce?

"Simply and briefly tell me the specific situation!"

Nick Fury said solemnly.

"Okay, Director, like this ..."

Colson did not delay, and quickly told all the things he knew.

He knew all these things from Pepper Pepper, so the situation is still detailed.

"Obadea, is this crazy?"

Nick Fury could not help but scolded directly.

Sell ​​weapons to terrorists, let the terrorists kidnap Tony Stark, and now he is going to kill Tony Stark himself!

How dare he do such a thing?

"Coleson, how is the situation going on?"

"I don't know, Tony Stark was driving the armor just now, and took Obadea to the sky, wait! Tony is back!"

"What about Obadea?"

"Obadea didn't come back, I don't know what happened. Hmm? Obadea is back! The two of them are fighting again! Miss Pepper is next to me, she said Tony's armor is running out of energy ! "

"Where are you now?"

"Back door of Stark Tower! Tony they are at the front door!"

"You immediately find a way to help Tony! Here I will immediately issue a support order!"


The two quickly hung up.

Colson turned around and said to Pepper.

"Miss Pepper, you will immediately find a safe place to hide first, I will help Tony!"

Finished, he hurriedly took his small pistol and rushed out.

As soon as Coulson rushed out, he saw the Iron Overlord shooting with rockets.

"Wait! Why are there others?"

His face changed slightly.

Iron Man may be able to carry rocket attacks, but how do ordinary people carry it?

More importantly, the look of that person, Coulson also felt very familiar.

Who on earth is it?

"It's Eddie Morse! The new chairman of the Morse Group!"

Colson's complexion changed greatly.

If Eddie Morse died here, this matter would be completely overwhelming!

Eddie Morse may not be as important as Tony Stark, but as the controller of the Morse Group, his influence is equally remarkable!

But before he responded, the Iron Overlord ’s rocket was already launched.

"It's over!"

Colson feels that he is likely to go to the Middle East for 'study' for some time.

Multiple rockets fired at once, striking Tony Stark and Fang Mu instantly.


The power of the horrible explosion exploded.

The flames are flying and the rocks are flying.

A car was directly blasted into a big hole.

The ground was dark.

Blazing with a hot flame, the surrounding temperature was a little bit higher.

Just looking at the power of this rocket, Coulson felt that Fang Mu was dead.

It is impossible for ordinary people to stop such a bomb!

But he glanced, but he was not seen in the bombed area.

"Well? Did he hide?"

Colson quickly looked to the side, and really found Fang Mu's figure on the side.

Had no injuries on his body, but was shocked by the force of the explosion.


What a blessing!

Colson was relieved.

Fang Mu is fine, he should n’t have to go to the Middle East for ‘training’.

He now only hopes that Fang Mu will leave quickly, the farther he goes, the better.

Colson felt that group bosses like Fang Mu definitely knew what it meant to be "avoiding evils".

"Next, it's time for me to play!"


The bullet is loaded.

Colson looked grim, and quickly ran down the stone ladder in front of the Stark Group building.

Shot while shooting.

His pistols have been specially modified to be twice as powerful as ordinary pistols.

boom! boom! boom!

Three consecutive shots, all of which hit the shoulder joint of the Iron Overlord, leaving several small stamps on it.

Colson :? ? ?

The Iron Overlord turned his head, staring at him with bright eyes.

"Annoying little ants!"

Obadea frowned.

He raised his hand and the machine gun in his arm turned.

Da da da!

Da da da!

A series of bullets came out thinly, and it was necessary to beat Coulson into a sieve.

Colson quickly evaded.

However, his skill is fast, and he is helpless in the face of continuous machine gun fire, let alone, he now has no room to hide in this place.

Looked at him when he was about to be killed.

Tony Stark rushed up in his Mark armor and punched **** the big face of the Iron Overlord.

The Iron Overlord was beaten with a crooked face and an evil body, and almost fell.

"Tony! I'm going to kill you!"

Obadea shouted angrily.

He gave up Colson ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and turned his attention to Tony Stark again.


The two started the war again.

They launched a melee mode, punching and punching, all carrying thousands of pounds of force.

The two iron men are fighting, and it is obvious that the Iron Overlord is suppressing Iron Man throughout the process.

Iron Man, who is seriously deficient in energy, is extremely difficult to hide.

at last.

The Iron Overlord found an opportunity, suddenly punched out, directly blasted Mark's armor, and smashed through a fountain, leaving a long scratch on the ground.

"Warning! Warning! Warframe has been seriously damaged!"

"Okay! I know!"

Tony Stark struggled to get up, but the leg was underpowered for a while, and some circuits were damaged in the previous blow.

Obadea discovered this great opportunity for the first time.

"No one can stop my plan! Not even you!"

'S mechanical voice showed his fierceness and ruthlessness.

The small missile on the back rose and pointed directly at Tony Stark.

"Farewell! Tony Stark!"

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