Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 780: Blow for a lifetime!




At a critical moment, gunfire came.

The bullets crossed the space and fell directly on the Iron Overlord, leaving several white marks.

Obadea looked away.

Not far away, Coulson hooked his finger provocatively at him.

"Come on! Big Iron Man!"

"It's you little bug again!"

Obadiah was so angry that he turned around and killed this annoying bug.

But when he squinted, he found that Tony Stark seemed to be showing signs of recovery.

"When I solve him first! Then I will solve you!"

Colson is really just a little bug in his eyes.

What's the use of holding a pistol?

I, a big, hard and strong iron overlord, stand and let you fight for a day, you can't break the defense!

"Go die! Tony!"

Obadea grinned and was about to launch the missile.

Small missiles over half a meter long were aimed at Tony Stark's head.

"It's over!"

Tony Stark looked bitter.

In the battle just now, Mark's armor had already suffered great damage. In the current state of Mark's armor, he could not resist the missile attack.

Once hit by this missile, he will definitely die!

On the occasion of a great deal.

Bang Bang Bang!

Gunshots exploded.

The bullet came.

Hit the big face of Iron Overlord head-on, and just hit the eyes of Iron Overlord.

The eyes of the Iron Overlord are definitely one of its biggest weaknesses.

Even so, the eyes are made of special glass, and ordinary firearm bullets cannot be broken at all.

Logically speaking, this flying bullet also belongs to the ranks of unbreakable, it is a pistol bullet.

However, there are always exceptions.


The first bullet came.

Hit the eyes of the Iron Overlord, leaving a small stamp on it.


The second bullet came.

Continued to hit the eyes of the Iron Overlord, and hit the same position, the seal expanded instantly, and a small crack appeared faintly at the edge.


The third bullet came.

Is still the same position.

Click! Click! Click!

The fissures expanded and almost covered most of the eyes.

Obadea :? ? ?

(# ° Д °)

Three consecutive shots in the same position, is this your special case? ? ?

Is it necessary to finish another shot?

In a critical moment, Obadea couldn't even take care of Tony Stark, and quickly put away the missile and hid.

And because of the fear that the unknown gunman was still aiming at himself, he always wobbled back and forth, shaking his head and shaking his head, like dancing an old disco.

Colson looked at it, and actually wanted to jump with him.

"Why does this thought appear in my mind?"

Colson looked frightened and was frightened by his own thoughts.

"No! I'm still young! I don't know what disco! My hair is still lush!"

He quickly shook his head to get rid of his thoughts.

Just looked at it, and the thought rose again in his heart.

In order to suppress this idea, Coulson could only turn his eyes.

"Who actually fired the shots just now?"

Shot three consecutive times, all in the same position.

This kind of marksmanship is not surprising. In the shooting of a target, many masters of marksmanship can do this.

But if you add ‘within a second’ before this, you can do this, the world can be said to be one of the few.

If you add ‘in battle’ before this, there is no such person in Coulson ’s memory.

Indeed, what the Iron Overlord just looked like is no different from the fixed target in shooting training.

But in fact, the two are completely different.

The Iron Overlord just turned his head to look at Coulson, then turned his head to look at Tony Stark, and then he was about to launch the missile.

The time between these intervals adds up to never exceed three seconds.

It takes three seconds to complete a series of processes such as aiming, shooting, three consecutive shots, etc., the difficulty level of which is the **** level for Gun King!

Even if it can be done once in shooting training, it is enough for a lifetime!

Not to mention, this is still in combat, the psychological pressure on people, and shooting training are not at the same level.

"who is it?"

Obadea ’s angry voice came from the Iron Overlord.

"Get out of here!"

Now he has regarded the gunman as the biggest threat, a bigger threat than Tony Stark in Mark's armor.

Do not kill this gunman, he is uneasy!

Since the battle between the two iron men began, the crowd around has long fled and fled, and there is nothing to hide in this neighborhood.

Soon, they found the ‘suspicious’ gunman.

More than twenty meters away.

Next to a flower bed.

Fang Mu held a pistol in his hand and stared lightly at this side.

The muzzle in his hand was still breathing a hint of heat.

Seems to be telling everyone something.

"It's you!"

Obadea's eyes are about to catch fire.

"it's me."

Fang Mu blew the heat of the muzzle and sighed slightly.


Within 0.8 seconds, the three shots are already burst, which is already the limit of this pistol.

He actually had a chance to fire a fourth shot just now.

But in this pistol state, if he forcibly fires the fourth shot, more than 80% of them may explode!

"Actually he?"

Colson and Tony Stark looked shocked.

"His marksmanship is so powerful?"

Tony's understanding of marksmanship is not as good as Coulson.

But Tony also knows how terrible such a shot is to make such three shots in one second in battle!

"I'm afraid there is not much that can be done in the world, right?"

Tony Stark thought.

If Coulson hears what Tony Stark thinks, he will definitely refute the first time.

What is bigger in the world?

Is not good at all!

Looking at Fang Mu not far away, Tony Stark's mood is very complicated.

He was saved by this guy!

Really ...


Even the previous things ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I ’m Lord Tony, there are a lot of adults, so I do n’t care about the things you used to rub me!

[] ~ ( ̄ ▽  ̄) ~ *

"What a pity?"

Obadea was trembling with anger.

What a pity?

Unfortunately did he not kill him?

What did this guy think of him?

What did he think of Iron Overlord?

more importantly.

He actually blows with a pistol just now!

He is a big, hard and strong iron overlord who looks down on Chi Guoguo!

(╬▔ 盘 ▔) convex

<(‵ □ ′) ───C < ─ ___-) ||


Obadiah's anger instantly soared to two hundred.

Click! Click!

Turned his arm machine gun directly at Fang Mu.

"Go to **** for me!"

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