Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 781: Iron Man Battle!

The rotating machine gun rotates, and the muzzle of the black hole exudes the breath of death.

Obadea ’s opponent was extremely angry, and the firepower was fully on, and the bullets were not poured out like money.

The raging firelight bloomed in the night, just like the **** of death lit a fire in the darkness.

Fang Mu ran away very heartily.

But Obadea didn't let him go at all. Not only did the gun chase him, he even chased toward him.



A large tree several meters high was instantly interrupted by life.

Each bullet fell, and the ground and walls made of solid stone all left large and small potholes, which seemed to be bombarded by grenades.

"Did I just shoot you three shots? What about you? Really!"

Fang Mu feels that Obadea is not too kind at all.

Colson shot him at least six times, not to mention Tony Stark, how many times he drove Mark's armor and followed his face, why didn't he find them first?

He only shot three shots, why should he chase after him?


Too stingy!

Obadea: (+ _ +)?

How dangerous are your three shots, don't you have a point in your heart! ?

Tony has been playing with the mixed ball for so long, it didn't hurt you much!

"go to hell!"

Obadea gritted his teeth bitterly, and now he was determined to kill Fang Mu.

Between he stepped on his big thick legs and strode wildly in the back.

While chasing, the machine gun in his hand has not stopped.

It was only very fast, he found that the effect of shooting like this was not good.

The stability of the Iron Overlord is not particularly good.

Runs and shoots, the accuracy is worse.

But what about machine guns?

Is different from ordinary handguns.

He has hundreds of rounds a minute!

No matter how accurate the head is, there is a certain chance that it can hit?

Obadea does not skimp on bullets.

As long as you can get rid of Fangmu, it doesn't matter if you have all the bullets burned out.

But after hitting hundreds of bullets, he almost smashed the street in front of him, but no bullet hit the Chinese side wood.

Don't even mention the hit, Obadea recalled it seriously, and finally found that he didn't even have a bullet close to half a meter!

All the bullets are like hiding from him!

"What the **** is going on?"

Obadea was blue and purple, just like changing his face.

Is this kid so evil?

It's okay to have such a powerful marksmanship.

In high society, there are more people who like to play with guns.

Many people who look like dudes on the surface may not be as good as bit-breeding.

Shoot a gun.

In addition to talent, the most important thing is to see how much you usually play.

As long as you shoot a lot, you will feel the marksmanship naturally.

Is not good at shooting, mostly not because of poor talent, but because there are not enough shots.

Shooting is costly!

Happens to be that the richest children are not short of money.

Other people ca n’t wait for one bullet to be used for two rounds. They use ten rounds for one round.

Under such circumstances, there are really a lot of people with good marksmanship in high society.

So when seeing Fang Mu's marksmanship is so good, although Tony Stark, Coleson and others were surprised, they did not find it difficult to accept.

Compared to other upper-class people who are willing to spend money to shoot guns, he at least has the talent to shoot guns.

Even if this talent seems a bit scary ...

Well, it is very scary!

But understandable, probably ... right?

In short, good marksmanship can also be justified.

But you seem to be able to hide bullets from the bit breeders and special forces, isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

Hundreds of bullets were hit, and even one bullet was not hit?


Obadea angrily put away the machine gun.

"You can't escape!"

Saw that he opened a ruthless iron hand more than half a meter long, and pulled it out.

A big tree was directly uprooted, and there was still a lot of soil in the root.

The Iron Overlord threw it hard.

The big tree took off.


With a loud noise, the big tree lay directly on the ground, blocking Fang Mu's way.

Fortunately, Fang Mu responded quickly.

crucial moment.

Jumped hard and jumped over the big tree that was blocking the road.

However, this jump took a little more time after all.

Iron Overlord took this and got closer.

Seeing that this method works, the surrounding trees will suffer.

Every big tree was uprooted, and then thrown by the merciless iron hand of Iron Overlord.




The wind roared and the branches flew.

The big trees flew towards Fang Mu.

Sometimes, the Iron Overlord even inserts his hand into the wall to directly buckle out a huge rock.

Threw hard.


Pieces of boulders exploded, turned into gravels of various sizes, and blasted in all directions.

Such a method can prevent longer.

Because Fang Mu must avoid the rubble from lasing.

But at the same time, the Iron Overlord took longer to buckle the stone.

Compared with the two, the effect of throwing boulders is worse.

Obadea only throws a few boulders when there are no big trees nearby.

As far as even the boulder can't be thrown ...

Obadea originally wanted to throw the car.

There are many cars nearby.

But as soon as he picked up one, he found himself unable to throw ...



The roar spread across several streets in an instant.

The iron overlord pulled up the big tree and threw the big tree for a while, then pulled out the big stone and threw the big stone.

Just a short time.

The entire street seemed to have experienced an earthquake and was in disarray.


The only people watching in the corner screamed and ran away.

Such a fight is terrible!

A little aftermath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ may crush a person directly.

They just saw that a person was hit by a piece of rubble from the sky, and his head broke blood, fell to the ground, and his life and death were unknown.

In this situation.

Of course they dared not stay here, and hurried away.

But they did not run far, just ran more than two hundred meters away.

This distance is not safe.

If Obadea wants to attack them, it only takes a machine gun to open, and a sweep is a big piece.

However, for the people of the rice empire, compared with the big scenes in front of them, those hidden ‘small risks’ are totally worthless.

I saw many people picking up their mobile phones and cameras and started shooting.

"Big news! Big event!"

Their faces were so excited, they hardly saw tension and fear.

They will upload the photos and videos they have taken directly to the Internet.

The time is now close to early morning.

Most ordinary people have fallen asleep, but for netizens, the nightlife has just begun.

These videos were uploaded to the Internet, and soon attracted a lot of attention.

"What is this? Do you make movies?"

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