Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 782: Hit his leg!


"I don't think so! If so, this movie is definitely not pretty at all!"

"Two big steel robots are fighting! Isn't such a good movie?"

"If this is a movie, which one do you think is the villain?"

"Then I need to ask, it must be the bigger one! It looks so rough, so I know that it is not as good-looking as the other."

"It turns out that you looked from the looks! I thought you were analyzed from the strength. For example, according to the movie routine, the villain boss is stronger. At the beginning, the strength was crushed, and the heroine died suddenly. Now, the decent broke out and finally defeated the evil! But ... I'm sorry, I was wrong! The value of the face is justice! The smaller one does look better! "

"Is it only I think the big guy is also domineering?"

"No! I think so too!"




"I'm going! Isn't it a steel robot war? What happened to the sharpshooter that popped up?"

"In one second, even three shots, each shot hit the same place, is this serious?"

"Fake! It must be fake! I swear as a member of the American Firearms Association for ten years that no one in the world can make such a shot!"

"Yes! He uses a pistol, and it is the most common M9. Looking at the shape, listening to the sound of the gun, according to the ballistic analysis, there is no trace of modification. Such a pistol is enough to choke three shots per second, let alone It is said that precise control is required so that all three shots fall into the same place, which is simply not something humans can do! "

"Uh! Didn't anyone find out that the person who shot was a bit familiar?"

"Familiar? Who is he? Which big star?"

"Not a big star, but this time he is also quite popular in the United States. His name is Eddie, Eddie Morse, the new chairman of the Morse Group."



"I can actually pull the chairman of the world's top 500 group to make a movie, 6 times!"

"I'm on the central avenue of Manhattan now, the video is real ..."

"It is true! The police have closed the road, and the place where the fighting took place is outside the Stark building!"


The police did close the road.

However, due to time constraints, not many police officers came.

Join the battle?

That is impossible.

Such a battle, where can they join?

Wait for the special police force or the army to come!

Like them, you can seal the road like this.

"Hey! If you don't help anymore, I can't hold on!"

Fang Mu shouted.

He did not call the police.

They really can't join such a fight.

He called Coulson and Tony Stark.

Coulson immediately opened fire to support.

The bullet landed on the Iron Overlord, leaving several white marks on it.

Iron Tyrant ignored him and continued to chase Fang Mu.

Colson was helpless.

Is a pistol, and his pistol has been modified.

But people are different.

"Director, hasn't the support yet arrived?"

"It's coming! You will keep on for another three minutes!"

three minutes?

Colson face lotion is bitter.

Director, I can hold on for three minutes, but Eddie Morse may not be able to hold on for even a minute!

After some chasing, the gap between Iron Overlord and Fang Mu has reached within ten meters, which is almost within reach.

"go to hell!"

The iron overlord pulled up a big tree, wiped out the branches, and carried the big tree and smashed it.

The wind roared.

The tree carrying the weight of the catty suddenly slammed into the square tree.

If you hit it this time, you must kill someone!

On the occasion of a great deal.

Fang Mu rolled forward, evading the blow dangerously.

"You're dead!"

The Iron Overlord again relied on the first two steps, rounded the big tree, and smashed it hard.

This time, Fang Mu was unavoidable.

critical moment.

A red-and-gold figure rushed over and knocked the Iron Overlord away.

"It's you again! Tony!"

Obadea roared, picked up the big tree and swept at Tony Stark.

Tony Stark rose upward and escaped dangerously.

Hadn't waited for him to relax, a big iron hand with no mercy grabbed him, and grabbed him directly.

"I want to smash you!"

The Iron Overlord threw away the big tree, grasped the Mark armor with both hands, and squeezed hard!




"Warning! Warning! The armor is being crushed by a strong external force and will be destroyed! The armor will be destroyed!"

Tony Stark struggled hard.

The propeller on his body was fully open, but the Mark's armor was seriously insufficient at this time, and the blue light flashed a few times, and it was directly extinguished.

The time of crisis.

Tony Stark shouted suddenly.

"Molotov cocktail!"

On his shoulders, small cannonballs flew out, directly on the big face of the iron overlord.

Thick smoke and flames filled.

Obadea's vision was blocked, and his hands were released subconsciously.

Tony Stark found an opportunity, immediately broke free and flew to the other side.

That's where Fang Mu is.

The face shield rose, and he directly revealed his true face.

"Hey! Is there anything you can do?"

Tony Stark said to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu looked at Tony Stark, and then looked at the Iron Overlord who was stagnating in the thick smoke.

"Yes, but it needs your cooperation."

"Yes, how do you want me to cooperate with you?"

Tony Stark nodded.

Fang Mu's marksmanship just now made him very confident in him.

He felt that if they were given a chance, they would win!

"When I shout later, you beat him in the leg!"

"Beating his leg?"

Tony Stark looks weird.

He suddenly felt that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his confidence might have been given too early.

"The legs of that armor are very thick, and even the joints, we can't break it! Moreover, my energy and ammunition are almost exhausted.

The energy and ammunition are gone. If he is caught again, it will not be so easy to break free.

It can even be said that it is almost impossible to break free!

If it was not Obadiah who was determined to kill Fang Mu, and both sides were dead enemies, Tony Stark almost doubted that Fang Mu was going to let him die.

"If you believe me, just do what I say!"

Fang Mu did not explain, but said very seriously.

Tony Stark's complexion changed, and he gritted his teeth.

"Okay! I will believe you once!"

Finished, he will fly to the other side.

But he seemed to think of something, and suddenly stopped again, turning his head to look at Fang Mu.

"Right, aren't you surprised that I am?"

He opened his face shield and revealed his true appearance.

In addition to wanting to gain trust, there is also a stunned expression that wants to see Fang Mu.

But from beginning to end, Fang Mu looked calm, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Me, Tony Iron Man Stark, is this ignored?

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