Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 783: Goodbye, Obadea!

Fang Mu glanced at Tony Stark.



Tony? Stark raised his eyebrows.

Is his figure so good that he ca n’t hide it in his armor?

"Your value of this" toy "is not low? There are not many people in the world who can spend money to create such a" toy ". Moreover, he just called" Tony "so loudly, I am not Can't hear. "Fang Mu said lightly.


Tony Stark pouted, turned and flew away.

Coleson who just came over felt a little ignorant.

Why am I flying away as soon as I come?

Look down on who?

I am an eighth agent of SHIELD!

"Hello Mr. Eddie, I'm Agent Coulson under the International Security Council, Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

Colson said politely.

In etiquette, he is a well-deserved gentleman.

Fang Mu glanced at Coulson.

"Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau? I haven't heard of it, and your name is too long. If it's in a battle, the name hasn't been finished, and people will call it."

"Ha ha!"

Colson smiled awkwardly.

"Well, about the name, I will talk to our leaders. Mr. Eddie, may I have any help for you?"

"Yes! We have a plan!"

"what's the plan?"

"When I shout to attack later, just hit him in the leg!"

Fang Mu pointed to the Iron Overlord and said seriously.

"Beating his leg?"

Colson was stunned.

He looked at the big iron legs that were several laps larger than his body.

Beat this leg?

is that useful?

He looked at the small pistol in his hand again.

Should it be useless?

"The smoke is about to go away!"

Fang Mu said something.

Before Coulson reacted, he quickly flashed aside.

Colson :? ? ?

"Ah! Again you little bug! What about the two of them? Forget it, crush you to death first!"

Obadea found Coulson not far in front of him for the first time. He didn't see Fangmu and Tony Stark. He rushed directly to him.

It's just a small bug, just step on to death, so that he won't buzz in his ear again later.

Colson: ??????

MMP! !

He felt like he was pitted!

Fang Mu and Tony jointly sold him to the Iron Overlord!

What plans are all fake?

Colson said nothing, turned and ran.

Behind, the Iron Overlord chased his big thick legs.

Thousands of pounds of body, every step of landing on the ground, will cause a tremor of the earth.

"Beat his leg!"

A sound suddenly sounded.

iron Man:?

Colson :? ?

Iron Overlord :? ? ?

What kind of operation is this?

Do I have to say it again before the attack?

Tony? Stark felt a little embarrassed, but he quickly recovered.

He was in the left rear of the Iron Overlord. After recovering, he rushed towards the Iron Overlord the first time.

He wants to beat his leg!


Obadea did n’t expect Tony Stark to actually run out, and looking at the direction, the goal was his leg!

Tony? Stark really wants to beat his leg?

Do not!

Is definitely not that simple!

He wanted to attack my leg joints!


How did he see that there was my weakness?

Obadea's complexion changed.

The manufacturing time of Iron Overlord is short, the workmanship is relatively rough, and the treatment at the joints is not so perfect, which naturally becomes one of its weaknesses.

These insidious guys, who can't beat me, actually want to break my leg!

"Your dreams are successful!"

Obadea roared.

He forced the Iron Overlord to stop.

Inertia made Iron Overlord leave a scratch of more than one meter long on the ground, but finally made Iron Overlord stop.

Iron Overlord ’s leg joints are weaknesses.

Obadea could not change this established fact, but he had a way to protect his leg joints!

"Flight mode!"

I saw Iron Overlord's legs standing upright, and parts and pieces moved.

Ku 咓 嚓!

Ku 咓 嚓!

In an instant, the legs of the Iron Overlord were slightly larger again.

Below its thighs, it seems to be wrapped in two or three layers of armor.

It was at this time that Iron Man's attack came.

He blessed the remaining energy of Mark's armor on the thruster of his right leg, aimed at the joint of the iron overlord's leg, and kicked hard.

when! ! !

The steel collided and the roar exploded.

A huge shock wave rushed to the surroundings in an instant and rolled up a circle of air waves, dust and gravel flying all over the sky.

It can be clearly seen that the leg joint of Iron Overlord is directly recessed by a large amount.

The Iron Overlord stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"Hahaha! Tony! You failed! It's my turn next!"

Obadeya defended against this round of attack, quickly stabilized the Iron Overlord's body, and immediately turned around to capture the Iron Man who was about to evacuate.


Tony? Stark changed his face.

Things have come to the worst!

His attack failed to achieve the original results, but he himself was caught by the Iron Overlord.

With the current situation of Mark's armor, there is no possibility of breaking away!

"Are you dying?"

Bang Bang Bang!

Gunshots burst.

Each bullet came flying and landed on the iron overlord's face.


Obadea turned to look.

Colson was holding a pistol and shooting at him.

"It's you little bug again!"

He was angry.

"Wait for me to solve him! Then solve you!"

Say it.

Worried about Obadea, who is long in the night, will soon be crushed.

He grinned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Farewell! Tony! "

"Farewell, Obadea!"

Fang Mu slowly raised his gun.

Bang Bang Bang!

Three shots in a row.

Three bullets are connected in a line.

The first bullet.

Directly shattered the eyes of Iron Overlord who had broken apart.

The second bullet.

Passed through the broken eyes of the Iron Overlord, and struck his smooth head in the frightened expression of Obadea. The gorgeous blood flower bloomed in the Iron Brain's 'brain'.

The third bullet.

Follow the trajectory of the previous bullet, so that Obadea, who has not yet died, can die instantly.


The eyes of the Iron Overlord lighted up and immediately went out.

The pistol once again fired three times in a row.

Fang Mu glanced at the deformed M9 pistol in his hand, and there was still steam coming from the muzzle.

Shook his head.

Throw it away.


Pistol landed.

'S clear voice echoed on the silent street, as if to draw the final stop to this battle.

The war is over.

Both sides of the battlefield.

Colson looked at Fang Mu.

Tony? Stark also looked at Fang Mu.

Is this what you said about ‘beating his leg’?

A time.

The two were speechless for a long time.

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