Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 784: Data Awareness LV. Five!

"Get 2000 Fate Points."

Fate point: 2200!

"System, improve data consciousness!"

"Improve the data consciousness to LV? 5, 900 fate points are needed, are you sure?"


Nine hundred destiny points disappeared.

Data consciousness body LV? 5!

"Data consciousness!"

Fang Mu opened the state of data consciousness and felt carefully.

"The speed of deduction has increased again!"

Now, he deduces a sixth-level spell, which takes only one and a half days.

Three six-level spells only take four and a half days.

If there is no data consciousness body, he deduces a sixth-level spell, which will take at least one month!

Twenty times the gap, it can be seen how horrible the data consciousness LV? 5 brought him.

And skill deduction is just one of the help that data consciousness brings to Fang Mu.

Other than that.

There are also skills recovery, skill fusion, combat, etc. Although these help is not as big as deducing skills, it also brings a lot of help to Fang Mu.

new York.

The central area of ​​Manhattan.

Stark Building.


"Okay, things are over, I should go back."

Tony? Stark looked at the Iron Overlord in a complicated way, and turned away.

No matter what Obadea did, there was one thing that could not be changed. He was his uncle.

Obadea was the closest person around him after his father died.

Without Obadea, he could not have controlled the Stark group so easily.

Why did n’t he believe that Obadea was the principal behind the scenes at the beginning, that is, if he thought that Obadea wanted to take control of the Stark Group, he had taken it back then.

Tony? Stark's psychological activity if they are known by Fang Mu and Coulson, they will probably tell him very clearly.

Obadea did not seize control of the Stark group at the time, not because he did not want to seize, but he did not dare to seize it!

Howard? Stark died, but his connections are still there.

Obadea would dare to do it, and he would be killed in minutes!

"Hi! Don't you take this home?"

Fang Mu stepped forward and patted Iron Overlord.

"Although I also think that this‘ toy ’is a bit rough, but if you stay here, I do n’t think it will take long, and your‘ toy ’will no longer be your own.”

He gave a meaningful look at Colson next to him.

Colson coughed twice, turned his head to look to the other side, and Quandang didn't hear it.

Tony? Stark hesitated for a moment, and finally spread his hands helplessly.

"It's not that I don't want to take it, it's that I have no energy."

"You only need to replace it."

Fang Mu patted the small energy reactor on the chest of the Iron Overlord.

Tony? Stark: ??????

Colson: ??????? ? ?

Colson glanced at Fang Mu resentfully.

You said that you have nothing to do with so much!


This time, Fang Muquan was invisible.

Coulson sighed in his heart. Although he wanted to keep this armor, he knew that it was basically impossible.

The two people in front of me.

One is the chairman of the Stark Group, and the other is the chairman of the Morse Group. His identity as an eighth-level agent of SHIELD cannot threaten others.

Tony? Stark replaced his own core of energy, once again full of motivation.

He directly grabbed the iron overlord of thousands of kilograms and flew to the sky.

Leave a word in mid-air.

"There are several cars in my garage. If you don't have a car, you can drive one and go back."

The car in his garage, but his baby!

Although he recently had new babies because of the appearance of Mark's armor, these old babies are still not good for him.

Can let Fang Mu drive back, which shows that he has truly recognized him in his heart.

It's just Tony Stark, who is arrogant, and will not admit it in person!

"Mr. Eddie, this is my business card. If you have any questions, you can call me immediately."

Colson stepped forward and handed a business card to Fang Mu with a gentle smile.

"Perhaps, we won't be able to meet again soon."

"Farewell! I am not very interested in you official organizations!"

Fang Mu took the business card, waved his hand, and turned to walk towards the Stark Building.

Tony? Stark even said he was going to send him a sports car, of course he could not waste his good intentions.

Although he had already taken the Iron Overlord's manufacturing technology, as well as the small palladium element energy reactor technology, he had already won the prizes!

Isn't it right for him to win?

"Eddie Morse."

Colson looked at Fang Mu's back, his smile gradually disappearing.

"What kind of person are you?"

"Yes, I think if you call SHIELD, it should be pretty good!"

Fang Mu suddenly turned his head and looked at Coulson.

Colson's face instantly smirked.

Fang Mu smiled and shook the business card in his hand.

"Purely give a personal opinion, your name is too long."

"Aegis Bureau?"

Colson raised his eyebrows slightly.


"Mr. Eddie's opinion, I will reflect it to the superior!"

Although he has been talking for so many years, he also feels that the name of the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is really stinky and long.

Aegis Bureau?


This name is good!

Is simple and convenient, with a little domineering.

Happens to be the abbreviation of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If someone asks, you can directly say the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau.

How good!

"I am Agent SHIELD Coulson?"

Colson meditation several times.

Don't say it, it's quite smooth!

Thought to himself, when he raised his head, he had disappeared from Fang Mu's figure.

"Already gone."

Shook his head, and Coulson did not continue to struggle with Fang Mu's problems.

Fang Mu's marksmanship is somewhat perverted and completely inconsistent with his identity as the chairman of the World Top 500 Group, but it is not incomprehensible.

Eddie Morse is 28 years old this year. If he likes firearms since he was a child, he has practiced for more than 20 years. With his amazing talent and no need to skimp on bullets, it is also very possible to practice such a shooting technique of.

It's just that they didn't know it before.

As if they did n’t know, Tony Stark has quietly built it, and the performance has obviously increased by several grades of Mark III.

Although SHIELD is best known as the world's most powerful secret agent organization, it is not really omnipotent and knows everything.

"The most critical issue now is how to solve the matter in front of me."

Colson looked at the ruined scene in front of him and the policemen who were not far away.

Hesitated for a moment, then took out his phone decisively.

"Director ??????"

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