Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 786: I am not Iron Man?

No one expected that Fang Mu would kill Iron Overlord in the end.

Although Fang Mu caused a fatal crisis to Iron Overlord at the beginning, people later realized how powerful Iron Overlord was.

Ordinary people have no resistance against the Iron Overlord.

Even a strong man like Fang Mu, in the face of the pursuit of the Iron Overlord, can only barely escape, if not the last Iron Man came out to save the scene, it is likely to die.

Under such circumstances, everyone really can't think of it. In the end, Fang Mu killed the Iron Overlord.

"Eddie President Niu Kui (Breaking Sound)!"

"What an Iron Overlord! A brother in front of our President Eddie!"

"The shooter is the strongest! No refusal!"


A time.

Eddie Morse gained huge reputation on the Internet, countless people praised him and admired him, saying that he is a new generation of superheroes.

"Super hero?"

Top floor of Stark Building.

Tony Stark pouted and threw away the newspaper in his hand.

Even if he had agreed with Fang Mu, he still felt very unhappy that Fang Mu had occupied the headlines of major news media in the past few days.

Is usually there, but he is all Tony Stark!

"Okay, you are also very good! Look, people call you Iron Man!"

Little Pepper Pepper held a newspaper and comforted the proud Tony Stark.

"iron Man?"

Tony Stark looked at the title above.

"Iron Man vs. Iron Overlord!"

Also attached a picture below, the left and right sides are the Mark III battle armor and the Iron Overlord.

He raised his eyebrows.

"This name is not domineering at all!"

Pepper Pepper rolled his eyes.

Could you please put away the smile at the corner of your mouth and say this sentence?

You are an old and charming boy!

A mechanical voice sounded.

"Sir, someone wants to see you!"

"Don't see! Just say I'm not here!"

Tony Stark said directly.


Little Pepper Pepper stared at him.

Tony Stark picked up the newspaper and Quan Dang couldn't see it.


This photo is too bad!

Can't show my heroic figure at all!

Make sure they take a better picture next time!

Pepper Pepper sighed in his heart and turned his head to say.

"Jarvis, who is that person?"

After a lot of screening, the people who finally came to Jarvis are not easy.

At least in terms of status, that is very special.

"He said his name was Coulson."


Tony Stark frowned.

"No! Let him go back!"


Pepper Pepper's voice was a bit heavy.

"I think you should meet him! He saved me before!"

She was very fond of this gentleman who saved her life and was very gentlemanly.

Tony Stark was helpless.

Little Pepper Pepper said that for this part, he would not be able to see it.

"Let him come in."

In a while.

The iron door opens automatically.

Colson walked in from outside.

He walked in front of the two, politely.

"Mr. Tony, Miss Pepper, hello, we meet again."

"Hello Mr. Coulson."

Little Pepper Pepper stood up and said with a smile.

"You saved me before, I haven't had time to thank you!"

"Miss Pepper is welcome, this is what I should do!"

Colson said with a gentle smile.

"What are you doing here? If it doesn't matter, let's leave quickly. I'm busy! I don't have time to chat with you!"

Tony Stark sat on the sofa and interrupted the two of them who were having a good time.

Pepper Pepper looked at Tony Stark helplessly, turned his head and said to Coulson.

"Sorry, Mr. Coulson, Tony, he has not been in a good mood these days."

"It doesn't matter, I can understand."

Colson didn't care at all, and always kept a smile on his face.

"Mr. Tony, I am here just to ask about the press conference this afternoon, I wonder how you are preparing?"

Because of the continuous fermentation of the "Iron Tyrant" incident a few days ago, and various reasons behind it, the Stark Group will release a press conference to clarify certain things.

"All are ready, if you have nothing else, then hurry up and go!"

Tony Stark waved his hand, beckoning him to roll quickly.

In the face of Tony Stark with an extremely bad attitude, Coulson's gentleness is still the same.

"Mr. Tony, we received some news that some people are very interested in the 'toys' you made. If you know that the ownership of the 'toys' is in your hands, it is likely to do something that is not very good for you. Although I know that Mr. Tony may not care much about this, but it ’s good to be able to reduce a little trouble. "

During the speech, he also took out a piece of paper.

"If you think it is necessary, we have also designed a speech for you, you can choose whether you want it or not."

Colson handed the paper in the air for half a day, and Tony Stark didn't mean to pick it up.

"Sorry, Tony is not used to taking things from other people."

Little Pepper Pepper came out to round the field and received the speech.

"Okay, my task is also completed. Mr. Tony, Miss Pepper, I will leave first."

Colson saluted, turned and left.

Inside the room.

Only Tony Stark and Pepper Pepper were left.

Little Pepper Pepper looked at the speech in his hand and nodded while looking at it.

"Good, better than our previous design, what do you think of Tony?"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What do you think?

I closed my eyes and watched!

"Tony, this is also a good idea! What is the value of the steel armor, you know better than me, if you let others know that the armor technology is in your hands, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble!"

Little Pepper Pepper persuaded.

Tony Stark said nothing.

As a former military weapons research expert, he could not understand the value of Mark's armor.

It can be said that this is a cross-generation product!

Any country or power gets it, its own strength will usher in a qualitative leap!

Once such a thing is known to him, even the Stark Group, it is difficult to keep it!

"Tony, if you are too troublesome, then the press conference will be held. You just have to come on stage and answer" I am not Iron Man ". I will answer the questions for you later.

Pepper Pepper continued.

"It's very simple, just a sentence."

I am not Iron Man?

A very simple sentence?

Tony Stark looked at the newspaper in his hand and remained silent for a long time.

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