Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 787: Tier 6 puppet!

"I am Iron Man!"

At the press conference.

Tony Stark spoke this statement in front of countless reporters.


The crowd was sensational.


"Iron Man has finally become Iron Man."

Fang Mu turned off the TV, and threw the remote control aside.

The birth of Iron Man also means that the curtain of superheroes is officially opened.

Although there were Daredevil and the Punisher before, they even started to exercise the "superhero" a few years ago, but their activities were basically limited to Hell's Kitchen, not even the Manhattan area of ​​New York. Go in.

Such ‘superheroes’ can only be called ‘civilian superheroes’ or ‘community superheroes’.

Perhaps their own strength is not worse than some super heroes, such as black widow, eagle eye, falcon, etc., really fight, the two sides are fifty-five.

Due to regional problems, they can only be limited to one district and one city.

They may have a great reputation and high prestige in Hell's Kitchen. Even in Manhattan and New York City, they have a great reputation. But when they expand to a larger area, not many people know them.

At most, some people have only heard their names.

Truly allowed the concept of "superhero" to be recognized by the world, starting with Tony Stark.

The powerful appeal that Tony Stark has made the concept of "superhero" quickly penetrated into the hearts of the people and was recognized and admired by countless people.

This can't be done even by Fang Mu, or 'Eddie Morse'.

'Eddie Morse' appeared too late.

If he is in the US, ‘Eddie Morse’ still has a lot of popularity, but outside the US, his popularity is very weak.

Unlike Tony Stark.

He is very famous all over the world!

for example.

Tony Stark's popularity in the Marvel world is equivalent to the combination of Bill Gatesgaelon Musk and Leonardo!

Tony Stark became Iron Man, and one can imagine how sensational it would cause in the world!

"The curtain opened, and my actions will be accelerated!"

Fang Mu turned his head to look at a burly steel statue not far away.

This is the sixth-order puppet he made!

Today is the third day that the Iron Overlord has hung up. He has not yet put all the sixth-level spells into play, but this does not prevent him from first creating the original form of the sixth-order puppet.

I saw that this sixth-order puppet was bright silver, and his muscles burst, showing a perfect streamline. It is a bit like the Silver Shadow in the "Fantastic Four" movie, but it is stronger and more burly than him.

Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a ‘Governor’, with a firm face and a steel texture.

At a glance, you can feel a strong sense of power from it.

In front of its chest, inlaid with a blue gem-like object.

It is full of brilliance, and there seems to be light flowing inside, and the bright blue light radiates, giving people a gorgeous and gentle feeling.

It is only the size of a walnut. It looks a bit like a pine nut. It almost occupies the body of the sixth-order puppet, leaving only one side round.

It is the energy core of the sixth-order puppet.

Is also a palladium element small energy reactor for Iron Man's armor.

It is only after the alchemy transformation of Fangmu, it has become a qualified magic energy core, plus a shrinking spell, it has changed from the size of the fist to the size of the walnut.

"The energy is much more than the ordinary sixth-order magic core, but it has not yet reached the level of the seventh-order magic core."

Fang Mu frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that the energy core is the most important part of an alchemy puppet.

How much power an alchemy puppet can exert depends on how strong its energy core is!

If the energy core can't keep up, no matter how precious the raw material of this alchemy puppet is, and how powerful the magic rune is, it's useless.

Logically speaking, the sixth-order puppet only needs one sixth-order energy core.

But this alchemy puppet made by Fang Mu now, don't look at level 6 only, but whether it is material or magic rune, he has used it to the extreme!

Even a general seventh-order puppet is not necessarily comparable to his sixth-order puppet.

According to performance, only the seventh-order energy core can fully display the strength of his sixth-order puppet.

"The energy core of the palladium element can still be tapped. If it is tapped, it should be able to be upgraded to the level of the seventh-order energy core!"

Fang Mu touched his chin and said softly.

This palladium elemental energy core is a new version developed by Tony Stark after he escaped from terrorists. The energy is much higher than the old version.

But this does not mean that the potential of the energy core of the palladium element has been tapped.

In theory, if we continue to study, this palladium element energy core can be further improved!

In the original movie, Tony Stark did not further develop this palladium element energy core because of palladium poisoning.

"To get a more advanced energy core, one is that I continue to develop the palladium element energy core, and the other is to wait for Tony to develop a new element energy core."

Tony ’s new elemental energy core is not only cleaner, but also more powerful!

Fang Mu estimates that the new element energy core starts with a seventh-order energy core.

As to what level can be reached in the end, I don't know.

In the third and fourth reunification, Iron Man can rely on a body armor and tyrant resistance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although it soon lost, it is also conceivable that Tony Stark must The new element energy core has been developed to the extreme!

May not reach the level of legend yet.

The new element energy core is naturally better, but it is still a long time before Tony Stark develops it.

Fang Mu looked at his skill bar.

Advanced machinery manufacturing LV · 1 (0/1000)!

Fate point: 1300!

Do you want to improve?

Fang Mu hesitated.

He can easily create this sixth-order energy core, because he has obtained all its information from the Iron Overlord.

But if he wants to further develop and continue to improve the energy level of this sixth-order energy core, then he needs to have his own corresponding level.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Mu finally shook his head and chose to give up.

He now has only 1,300 fate points, at most can only promote high-level mechanical manufacturing to LV · 2, according to the comparison, this corresponds to the sixth order.

If he wants to develop a seventh-order energy core, he must at least upgrade advanced mechanical manufacturing to LV · 3.

"In a short time, the sixth-order energy core should be enough!"

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