Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 788: Stick man!

"However, advanced machinery manufacturing should also be included in the upgrade plan."

The sixth-order energy core is only enough for a while, and the upgrade must definitely be upgraded.

It's just that because the fate is not enough now, the upgrade plan is temporarily stranded.

"Indestructible Curse, Divine Power Curse, Divine Speed ​​Curse, Divine Change Curse."

Fang Mu whispered the four sixth-level spells he had already performed.

God speed mantra, deduced with the legendary ban mantra-speed as the core, can greatly increase the speed, up to three times!

God ’s Change Mantra, a sixth-level mantra, is deduced from the legendary banned mantra-kaleidoscopic change, which can change body and appearance arbitrarily.

"It's the last level 6 spell."


Since Tony Stark exploded and said, "I am Iron Man", it seems that the whole world is following him.

But there is one exception.

Hell's Kitchen.

These people at the bottom of the society seem to be extremely cold to Tony Stark, who is inherently superior.

Power is yours, beauty is yours, talent is yours ...

From birth, you automatically have everything.

Until now, even "Super Hero" is special to you!



The keyboard men of Hell's Kitchen are very abusive to Iron Man.

They became the first batch of "Iron Man" black powder, unswervingly!

"These people are still so annoying!"


Mark inside the armor.

Tony Stark frowned heavily.

He originally planned to go to Hell's kitchen to punish evil and promote goodness. He turned directly and flew in the other direction.

That's right!

He, Iron Man, Tony Stark, is so stingy!

Who said that superheroes must be atmospheric and generous?

I tell you.

Those who persuade you to be generous without knowing anything must stay away from him, otherwise they will hack you!

The blue aurora flashed, and Iron Man disappeared.


Western District of Hell's Kitchen.

Under the dark.

There are only a few pedestrians in a hurry.

Although the Red Tiger Hall unified the Western District, the public security in the Western District improved greatly, especially after the Western District ’s offensive and defensive alliance was resolved, it almost reached the point of ‘no road left.

But the concept that has been formed for a long time is not so easy to change, it takes a certain amount of time.

Under the dim light, an old man and a woman came towards us.

The old man had a thin face, with dark eyes and a cane, and seemed to be a blind man.

The woman is beautiful, hot and sexy, with a fascinating wildness in her breath.

Is in stark contrast to the passers-by who walk around in a hurry. The two of them are very leisurely. They seem to have no idea that this is the Hell's Kitchen. They only regard it as another ordinary place in Manhattan.

They watched while walking, with a relaxed and unpretentious look.

"Teacher, this is really very different from other places in Hell's Kitchen!"

Erica's eyes flashed a strange color.

Although the pedestrians on the road are in a hurry and want to go home in a hurry, she does not see much worry and anxiety on their faces.

Here is a **** kitchen!

Even though this avenue is the main road, in the middle of the night, who dares to guarantee that nothing will happen?

Late night, that is the world of the dark forces!

In the past, who came home at this time, which is not trembling, fearing that he was walking on the road, a few big men jumped out, want to blame them?

Erica saw such a situation, and when he saw this situation, he naturally felt very surprised.

"The Red Tiger Hall seems to manage the Western District very well!"

She thinks that if the gangs are all like the Red Tiger Hall, then she is not unacceptable.

"It is too early to make a conclusion."

Stick man shook his head.

He is indeed a blind man, but his powerful hearing makes him more aware of the changes in people around him.

Their heartbeat is very stable, and there is no worry or nervousness of the rapid heartbeat.

Can relieve people's worry and anxiety in such a short period of time. The management of this Red Tiger Hall is indeed quite a set.

But this does not mean that Gushou believes that the Red Tiger Hall is a good force and a good organization.

He experienced too much.

A force or organization is not good or bad, it can't just look at the surface, but also its inner.

Unless he saw the leader of the Red Tiger Hall in person, or even tried the other person in person, he would not easily believe it.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the headquarters of the Red Tiger Hall."

Stickman walked forward.

He is a blind man, but he walks steadily and firmly.

As if all the roads are in his heart.

Erica looked at her teacher with admiration.

She had endless awe in her heart for the teacher she had worked so hard to pay tribute to.

Although he is a blind man, he has done countless things that normal people can never do!

This is a really great man.


Stickman stopped his pace.


Erica's look changed.

Is there an enemy around?

She looked around cautiously.

Whether it is her or stickman, the identity is too special.

If there are enemies attacking, to kill them, she is not uncommon.

It was just that she looked around and found no trace of the enemy.

But Erica did not relax her guard.

She knew that although Gushou was a blind man, his senses were far superior to her. She could not find the enemy, probably because the enemy was too powerful!

Powerful enemy?

Erica's expression tightened, and she quietly stretched her hand to her waist.


The stick man suddenly coughed twice and said.

"Which direction is the Red Tiger Hall?"

Erica: ······

Is it too late to change my teacher?


Under the guidance of Erica, the two still went in the right direction.

The closer to the headquarters of the Red Tiger Hall, Erica and Gushou found that the better the law and order.

In the end ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When they saw many people walking on the road, they no longer looked in a hurry, and some even talked and laughed.

Such a scene, if it appears in other areas of Manhattan, it may not be a big deal, but it appears in Hell's Kitchen, which is really surprising.

"If the Red Tiger Hall really wants to do this, then they really deserve to be a good organization!"

Thinking secretly in his heart.

After walking a few blocks, they were close to the headquarters of Chihu Temple.

Strangely, the number of inexplicably fewer people here.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

Asked Erica a little puzzled.

The stick man was silent for a while, then replied.

"After all, the Red Tiger Hall is nominally a gangster. Although they don't seem to think so, the people in Hell's Kitchen think so. For the gangsters, they still have a natural fear in their hearts."

"So it turns out."

Erica nodded, expressing her understanding.

The two went on.

Not long.

They came to the headquarters of Chihu Temple not far away.


The stick man stopped again.

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