Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 789: It seems very reasonable!

"Teacher, the headquarters of the Red Tiger Hall is not far away, we will turn right again and we will be there."

Elika said casually.

"Wait! There are situations!"

"Is there a situation?"

Erica froze.

Stickman looked serious.

"We are likely to be late!"

"I'm late?"

Erica's complexion changed.

Why did they come here?

In addition to being curious about this sudden appearance of the Red Tiger Hall with unique behavior, another reason is that they discovered that someone was bad for the Red Tiger Hall!

This person is not someone else, it is their lifelong enemies of true innocence, hand in hand!

The purpose of stick man to create Zhenchun Association is to kill the hands together!

There is a saying that the enemy of the enemy has friends.

Although this sentence is somewhat inaccurate, Gushou did have a great interest in Chihu Temple.

It can be specifically targeted by the Shouhe Association. Over the years, it seems that only Jin has been merged?


First of all, they want to get rid of them, and his good apprentice Daredevil.

The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend.

Jin Meng was an enemy of the hand meeting before, but he was never regarded as his friend.

Even because of their good apprentice Daredevil, they really would have had several conflicts with Jinhe Group.



Chihudian is similar to Jinhe Group, but there are differences.

As we all know, Chihudian is a gangster force.

Although they never admit it, in the eyes of everyone, they are a gangster.

It also includes stick man.

The dark forces fought each other, especially the hand-joint club actually planned to come off to fight with it personally. This extremely rare thing, the stick man is very happy to see it done.

Because of the success or failure of the hand meeting, some people will certainly be lost.

Was just some actions of the Red Tiger Hall, which made Gushou curious about it and decided to take a look at it himself.

If possible, he is willing to give the Red Tiger Hall a chance to cooperate with each other to deal with the hands.

Of course, it is just an opportunity.

"If you want to cooperate with me, you will have to see if you are qualified for the Red Tiger Hall!"

The old man thought so.

He did not go directly to the door, but chose to secretly visit.

The results are not bad.

The Red Tiger Hall will also manage the Western District.

However, this alone can't impress the stick man.

He intends to see the administrators of Chihu Temple in person to see what they are like.

If they find that they really have justice in mind, then they can give them a chance.

Just came here and found out that it was not the right time.

In the eyes of ordinary people.

This is a quiet street.

Under the dim light, there was no one but the two of them.

But in Stickman's ‘vision’.

There are too many people around!

"Teacher, what shall we do now?"

Erica's expression tightened, but she quickly relaxed again. She worried that her sudden change would attract the attention of the people in secret.

"Leave here first."

The face on the face of the stickman is quiet, but the corners of the mouth are slightly moving, giving this sentence.

Erica no longer speaks.

As if nothing happened, they continued to move forward.

Instead of turning right, they went straight ahead.

Soon after, they were away from the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

In the dark.

A few tiny voices sounded.

"Those two people don't seem to be near here!"

"Do you want to catch them?"

"······ Action is imminent, don't hit the grass!"

The sound disappeared.

Two corners away.

"Teacher, are you sure that the Shouhui will deal with Chihudian?"

Erica said more euphemistically.

If the people in secret were just meeting together, they should have been recognized long ago.

The hand hatred index against them, if you recognize them, you will never let them go so easily!

"The news that the hand-joint club has to deal with Chihudian will not be false."

Stick man shook his head and said.

"However, those people who were secretly just now are not people with hands together."

"Not a hand meeting? Where do they come from?"

Asked Erica.

Stick man hesitated for a moment.

"The breath on them is a bit like the people of Jin and Group."

If he is a member of the hands-on meeting, he can recognize it at once, but the Jinhe Group is worse.

"Jinhe Group? Do they have to deal with Chihudian?"

Erica frowned.

Why is that?

Robbed by the fire?

This explanation is very reasonable.

For Kim who intends to unify Hell's Kitchen, whether it is the Red Tiger Hall or the Black Dragon Gang, he is his enemy.

As long as there is a chance, Kim would never mind killing the Red Tiger Hall!

I just don't know why, Erica always feels like she has overlooked something.

what is it?


Her expression moved.

"Teacher, do you think the rumor is true?"

"Well? What rumors?"

Stick man is a bit strange.

"There are rumors about the Dawn Church!"

Said Erica.

"Dawn Church?"

The wand frowned.

"Why do you think so suddenly? Didn't you think this rumor was false before?"

"They said that the Dawning Church was so powerful, it was like the ruler of the extraordinary world. I certainly don't believe it."

Said Erica rightfully.

There are too many rumors about the Dawn Church in Hell Kitchen, what immortal shadow warrior, what can easily destroy the building of Transformers, what omnipotent magician ...

These are too fake!

"But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there are some rumors that are not so exaggerated, maybe this part of the rumors is credible? For example, Chihudian is indeed affiliated with an organization called Dawn Church? And this organization does have a lot of Strong strength? "

Erica proposed another hypothesis.

Stick man is silent.

This is not impossible.

Before, he always regarded the Dawn Church as a protective umbrella for Red Tiger Hall. After all, the background of Red Tiger Hall in Hell's Kitchen is too shallow. Without a strong strong backing, who would think it is eligible to be combined with Jin, Compared with powerful forces such as the Black Dragon Gang?

This statement is not what he came up with, but one of the most recognized interpretations of the ‘rational interpretation of the Dawn Church’ in the Hell ’s Kitchen.

Summed up in one sentence.

Dawn Church is a smoke bomb released from the Red Tiger Hall, the purpose is to tell others that they are not easy to mess with!

After listening to it, I found it very reasonable.

But what Erica said now seems to make him feel very reasonable.

"You mean, Kim doesn't think that the Red Tiger Hall backed by the Dawning Church is very threatening, so he decided to join hands with the hands to remove the Red Tiger Hall?"


Elica said seriously.

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