Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 791: 4 major forces

"The Quartet?"

Erica looked calm.

"Teacher, this Red Tiger Hall seems far less simple than we thought!"

What kind of forces can attract the Quartet forces to jointly target?

Erica thought of gold and alchemy as soon as possible.

Alchemy Club was originally eight small and medium-sized gangs in the southern district of Hell's Kitchen. Under the powerful oppression of Kim Jong, they had to unite to fight against the threat from Kim Jong.

Today's hand union, black dragon gang, gold union group and unknown fourth-party forces, although not merged into one party like the alchemy club, but also indirectly united to fight against the red tiger palace.

"Are the Red Tiger Hall so scary?"

Erica was silent.

In her eyes, the composition of the Red Tiger Hall is clear and the road to growth is clear. No matter whether it is the Red Tiger Mercenary Corps or the original four gangs in the Western District, there should be no such deterrent.

"The only problem should be with that Dawning Church!"

Erica and Stickman thought of this for the first time.

Are those exaggerated rumors true?

Their hearts shook.

"Keep watching!"

Sticks his cane in his hand and tries to keep himself calm.


Erica nodded.

No matter what the truth is, look at it, reality will always give them an answer.


The gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

After quietly resolving the two gatekeepers, the ninjas of the hands meeting did not enter directly, but instead pulled the two gatekeepers to the corner of the side, and then suddenly retreated.

They retreated to a dark place in the northwest corner.

Indistinctly, fifteen ninja figures in black can be seen.

This is all the people who have dispatched this time.

Although there are only fifteen people, each of them is an elite ninja with hands together, and the character levels are all above ordinary LV · 8!

They looked indifferent and said nothing.

Just looked at the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters, and then looked at the other three directions.

Is obvious.

I have solved the doorman, if you do n’t come out again, then we wo n’t play!

It is impossible for them to be pioneers.

The power of the Red Tiger Hall, no one knows better than the people who joined their hands.

Even if they are all elite ninjas of the hands together, fifteen elite ninjas join forces, and even a medium gang can be extinct.

But let them face the Red Tiger Hall, or to be more precise, let them face the shadowless warriors who are immortal, that is really to die!

"Remember our purpose and take the shadow mask at all costs!"

Chief Sanada said in a low voice.


All the ninjas nodded.

Their eyes were firm, and they were ready for sacrifice.

Silence around.

After being silent for a while.

Direction to the southeast corner.

A group of people wearing uniform black suits and uniforms suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Is a member of the Jin Bing Group!"

Erica recognized this group of people the first time.

Because the leader had seen him far away, it was one of Jin's effective men, Wesker.

Subconsciously looked at the stick man next to her.

She is really convinced now about the sense of stickman.

Without any contact, the two parties were separated by tens of meters away, and he could directly recognize the identity of the other party by virtue of breath sensing.

Compared with the people in the hands meeting, Jinjin Group had more people, 25 people.

Everyone brought a gun, their breath was fierce, their eyes fierce, and their eyes kept sweeping around, as if to suppress all disobedience.


The leader Zhenyi's pupil shrank slightly.

"The strength of Jinbei Group has been strengthened again!"

He has a unique means to roughly sense the strength of the other party.

In his induction, although the individual strength of these people is not as good as them, they are similar.

According to the division of the system, each of them is an ordinary LV · 7 or more!

Plus one gun and ammunition ...

"Jin and Group, this time it is a **** one!"

Stickman looks heavy.

Ordinary LV · 7's men, even in the huge Jinbin Group, such people are definitely elites.

Jin and sent 25 people at once.

It is conceivable how much Kim paid much attention to this action.

Southwest corner.

A group of people also wearing black suits appeared.

They have guns on them, similar to those of the Jinjin Group, except that their guns are newer and look more upscale.


Wesk groaned uncomfortably.

Who does this show?

When no one has a few good guns at home!

"Should these people belong to the Black Dragon Gang?"

Elica said softly.

Although she didn't know the people of the Black Dragon Gang, she only looked at the sturdy breath on them. That's right, it must be a person in Hell's Kitchen!

And the power of Hell's Kitchen, except for the hands together and Jin and Group, only the Black Dragon Gang can afford such a person.

"Yes, they are indeed from the Black Dragon Gang."

Stickman affirmed her thoughts.

The black dragon leader Guy glanced at Wesker sideways, his eyes contemptuous.

Before he changed, he might not dare to be so positive to the people who just went to the gold union.

However, since he knew that his boss had dispatched the ‘Black Dragon Gang Foundation’ and easily destroyed the Damico Group, he swelled.

Jinhe Group?


If you have a species, just do a fight with our black dragon!

Look at who wins the last!

Black Dragon Gang headquarters.

Frode Claude sneezed suddenly.

Do not know why, he suddenly felt a chill hit.

Which diaomin wants to hurt me? ? ?


Wesk's eyes narrowed.

Is this guy dying?

Dare to look at him with such eyes!

He was almost going to do it in person ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let them deeply understand what is the difference between the Black Dragon Gang and Jinhe Group!

But in the end, he forced his patience.

Tonight's goal is the Red Tiger Hall!

The big picture matters!

Wesk sneered.

The corner of the mouth flicked.

Looking at the mouth shape, it seems to be saying ‘you are waiting’!

Guy responded quite head-on.

‘I ’m afraid you wo n’t succeed’!

At this point, the three major forces in Hell's Kitchen have all appeared.

Hand Association, Heilonggang, Jinjin Group.

It is no exaggeration to say that they represent the pinnacle of Hell's Kitchen!

Now all three forces have sent out their elite forces and gathered at the headquarters of Chihu Temple. If they are known by others, it will definitely be a big event!

Wesker, Guy, Sanada.

Ordinary people may not know them, but in the underground forces of Hell's Kitchen, their names are very loud.

At this time, all three of them looked at the last corner.

Northeast corner.

A group of people wearing black trench coats appeared slowly.

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