Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 792: They are in fear!

"Who are they?"

Elika frowned.

Looked at the person who appeared in the northeast corner, she was puzzled.

Is wearing a black trench coat and a hood, and his body and face are all hidden.

Such a dress is obviously not wanting people to know who they are.

"Not a person in Hell's Kitchen."

Stick man shook his head.

He didn't feel the unique atmosphere of Hell's Kitchen that could not be described by words.


Erica murmured in a low voice.

If the power of Hell's Kitchen, it is easy to guess.

Today's Hell's Kitchen, even if they count their true deep-seated meeting, there are only a few remaining powers, just one by one.

But if you count the power of outsiders, it will be difficult.

New York's three major underworld families, various underground organizations, major family consortia ... and even major official organizations!

As a world financial center, Manhattan is really gathering too many forces.

It may be an exaggeration to say that half of the world's major forces are arranged here, but half of it is still a little possible.

To find one out of so many powerful forces, it is really too difficult for some strong people.

"Don't care where they came from, our purpose tonight, just need to know what is hidden in the Red Tiger Hall!"


Although their previous purpose was not this, but now their purpose is this.

"I understand."

Erica nodded.

A pair of eyes, staring straight at the direction of the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

What secret are you hiding?


Chihu Temple headquarters.

In the four corners.

Wesk, Guy, Sanada, all three looked at the person coming from the southeast corner.

Not only did Guy and Erica not know the origins of these people, even they did not know the origins of these people.

They only know that these people come from outside Hell's Kitchen.

Normally, they would not allow forces outside the Hell's Kitchen to participate, but this force, like them, has experienced the battle of the Red Tiger Hall overthrowing the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance.

And from various signs, they seem to have promoted the establishment of the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance, which is considered to be half of their own.

Plus the power and strangeness revealed by the Red Tiger Hall.

Eventually, the three parties of Hell's Kitchen all defaulted to the unknown fourth party to join.

The Quartet forces looked at each other, and at the same time they surrounded the Red Tiger Hall headquarters in a tacit understanding.

There are fifteen people in the hands together, twenty-five people in the Jinjin Group, thirty people in the Black Dragon Gang, twenty people in the shield of the **** (snake?), A total of ninety people.

The number of people in is not too large, roughly equivalent to one-third of the total number of people in the Red Tiger Hall today.

But these ninety people are the elite of the four forces, and the character levels are all above ordinary LV · 7!

If there are no other external factors to interfere, the two sides are fighting head-to-head, these 90 people can definitely crush nearly 300 people in the Red Tiger Hall!

At this time, the headquarters of the Red Tiger Hall was only 15 people, and the combatants were only 6 or 7 people.

Do not.

After the two gatekeepers died, there were only five combatants left.

Under such circumstances, what should I do with the Red Tiger Hall?

Stickman and Erica are all staring closely at the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

Faced with the elite ninety in front of them, even the two of them had no chance of winning.

Not to mention the odds.

Even escaping from the elite siege of 90 births is extremely difficult for them.

They are really curious. Under such a dangerous situation, what means does the Red Tiger Hall have?

"They are nervous!"

Stick man suddenly said.

"Huh? Teacher, what are you talking about?"

Erica was puzzled.

"Shouhehui, Heilonggang, Jinjin Group, and the fourth party forces, they are very nervous now!"

Said with a serious look.

"Are they nervous?"

Erica was startled, then turned to look, but only felt their dignity.

"Teacher, they just look dignified, shouldn't they be nervous?"

In her opinion, this kind of performance is very solemn to Chihudian.

"Do not!"

Stick man shook his head.

"Their heartbeat is fast and their breathing is very fast, especially the closer they are to the Red Tiger Hall headquarters, these reactions are more obvious. Especially over the Black Dragon Gang, some people even have fear in their hearts!"


Erica stared.

Four forces, ninety elite teamed up to deal with a red tiger temple headquarters with only a dozen people, you tell me, they are actually in fear?

What a joke!

Erica was about to look at the Black Dragon Gang.

Has good eyesight. Even if she is separated by tens of meters, she can still see some slight expressions on the faces of these people.

At first she watched with a disbelieving attitude.

But after a look.

"Do they seem to be really afraid?"

Erica is incredible.

She looked over and found that except for a few people, most of the black dragon gang's elite faces had obvious fear.

Even the few remaining people have a tense look in their eyes.

It seems that in front of them is not an ordinary house, but a giant beast that can devour all of them!

"what the **** is it?"

Erica was shocked.

She skipped the Black Dragon Gang directly and looked in the other three directions.

Except for the fourth party forces, everyone's face is hidden under the hood, and no expression can be seen.

The other two forces.

Jinhe Group and Shouhehui, the expression of each of them revealed a nervous look.

"What secret is hidden in the Red Tiger Hall?"

Shouhehui, Jinbin Group, Heilong Gang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These are the three forces standing on the top of the **** kitchen!

To what extent should this Red Tiger Hall be terrible, so that they could appear nervous or even fearful before they even attacked?

Erica looked at the ordinary headquarters of the Red Tiger Hall. For the first time in his heart, he felt awe at this place.

"Perhaps, the Dawning Church is really as powerful as the rumor?"

The legendary undead shadow warrior, the legendary detachable building Transformers, the legendary omnipotent magician ... Are these actually real?

Otherwise, these four forces have no reason to produce such emotions.

Erica thought so, but another doubt could not help but rush into her heart.

"How can these people come to offend the Red Tiger Hall if the Dawn Church is really so powerful?"

Looking at the Red Tiger Hall headquarters not far away, she always felt that there seemed to be a heavy mist in it.

When Erica's mind was in chaos.

Said suddenly.

"Come! Someone came out of the Red Tiger Hall!"

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