Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 793: Hand over the mask!

"Someone came out of the Red Tiger Hall?"

Erica quickly stared at the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

Outside the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

Shouhehui, Heilonggang, Jinjin Group, Aegis Bureau and other four forces have stopped.

They don't have the sensitive sensing ability of stickman, but they are closer, they also heard some movements.

"Sure enough! They have discovered us already!"

Wesk's eyes flickered.

The hand-to-hand meeting killed two gatekeepers smoothly, without causing any disturbance or movement, but the two gatekeepers had been talking all the time, and suddenly there was no sound. Isn't this also a doubt?

Faced with this doubtful point, there was still no movement inside the Red Tiger Hall. This suspicious thing made Wesk feel embarrassed to say anything.


The hearts of all the four forces are all in awe.

"Come out! Huh?"

Erica was surprised.

"How come there are only two people?"

Faced with 90 elites from the four forces, are you two?

Too arrogant!

"Wait! What did you just say? Two people?"

Stickman suddenly said, looking at his expression, it seemed extremely surprised.

Erica thought that she had made a mistake and looked at the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters.

After repeated confirmation, she nodded.

"It is indeed two people, yes!"

"How could it be two people? Shouldn't it!"

Stick man looks trance, it seems difficult to understand.

But after all, he was not an ordinary person, and soon recovered.

"You describe in detail what these two people look like!"

"Okay! Of the two, one on the left is of medium build. He is simple and capable. He looks a bit like a mercenary. He can't see his face clearly. He wears a gruesome horrible mask of evil spirits; His muscles are prominent, and he looks just like those bodybuilders. His face is expressionless, like a robot, and very cold. "

"From the rumors, the person wearing the mask, if there is no accident, should be the lord of the Red Tiger Hall. As for the other person ..."

The wand frowned.

Before he came, he had collected the intelligence of all important personnel in the Red Tiger Hall. He seriously recalled it, but no one was similar to the second person.

"Does this person have the confidence of the Red Tiger Hall?"

He couldn't help thinking.

"Teacher, is there anything wrong with this second person?"

Asked Erica.

Stickman hesitated a moment and said.

"In my induction, there is only one person."

"only one person?"

Erica was shocked.

She looked outside the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters, the burly figure that occupied almost half of the doorway, such a big person, you can't see it?



Forgot, you really can't see it.

Erica expelled the idea of ​​rebellion in his heart and asked.

"Teacher, what's the matter with another person?"

"In my perception, I did not find another person's heartbeat, breathing, or even his footsteps."


Erica stared.

No heartbeat, no breathing, no footsteps ...

Such a person, is it a ghost?

She looked at the burly figure outside the gate of the Red Tiger Hall headquarters, and she was inexplicably scared.


Is different from Gushou and Erica.

Wesk, Sanada and other four forces, all looked at John wearing a mask.

Or more precisely, it was put on the mask on his face.

"Shadow mask!"

A greedy gaze, either obscure, direct, or unscrupulous.

"Are you all here?"

John's eyes were clear, and he glanced around, as if he couldn't see the greed in their eyes.

"John, quickly hand over the mask on your face! Otherwise, you will definitely die today!"

Hey of the Black Dragon Gang stood up for the first time and said.

He holds a newest powerful submachine gun in his hand, with a high posture and arrogant look.

And the twenty-nine younger brothers behind him saw that their boss was in their early stages, and quickly exposed their weapons.

They are all ugly, with a look of ‘I am super fierce’!

"Yes! Hand over the mask on your face! I will spare you!"

"Don't try to struggle! You can't be our opponent at all! Did you see this gun? This is the latest submachine gun!"

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and hand over the mask!"

These black dragon gangs are elite, yelling loudly one by one, and they are fierce.

In the sense of stickman, they are the most feared.

But at the same time, they jumped out the earliest.

This may seem contradictory, but in fact it is not contradictory.

There are many ways to face fear, and the most common use of these gangsters is to expose their fiercest side.

Wesk was silent.

Since someone came forward, he naturally relaxed.

The same is true of the other two forces, allowing the Black Dragon Gang to come forward.

"Want this mask?"

John sneered.

"Then it depends on whether you have fate!"

In an instant.

His eyes became blood red.

A strange breath spread, and everyone who saw these eyes couldn't help shaking.


Guy's face changed.

"Everyone spreads out!"

Thirty black dragon gangs are elite, as if they have practiced countless times, all dispersed at the first time.

Deal with the first rule of Shadow Warrior.

Don't gather!

Is not only the elite of the Black Dragon Gang, but also the elite of the other three forces are also dispersed at the first time.

They are spread out very regularly, with a certain distance between each other. If there is any danger, they can start rescue immediately.

"Watch out for underground shadows!"

The second rule of the Shadow Warrior.

Watch out for the darkness!

Four forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ninety elite.

Take a gun with a gun, take a knife with a knife, and pay attention to all the darkness around.

The shadow warrior comes from the darkness.

This is the conclusion they have drawn after countless people summed it up.

The strength of Shadow Warrior is very strong, it can be said that it is an enhanced version of the elite ninja of the hand.

However, if we remove the weird characteristic of itself that seems immortal, they are not invincible.

As long as they do well in advance.

After they went back, they all carefully studied the battle of the Western District's offensive and defensive alliance.

Thinks that the reason why the Western District's offensive and defensive alliances are so easily destroyed is that the main reason is that they have suffered the "unexpected" loss.

Western offense and defense alliances simply did not expect that the Red Tiger Hall actually possessed extraordinary items such as shadow masks and could summon shadow warriors.

If they are prepared in advance, it will definitely not be the end!

Two major countermeasures fell, and Guy was relieved.

He looked at John and said proudly.

"Are you all right now?"

John's blood-red eyes gave him an indifferent look.


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