Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 797: Peace talks? nonexistent!

Who else?

I want to ask, who else?

Looking outside the gate of the Red Tiger Hall, the proudly standing 'Governor' and a group of ninjas lying around him, John swelled.

There is a big killer like "Governor", which forces dare to fight them?

Have you ever seen a big casserole?

Minute your group in minutes!

"Do it!"

Gunshots exploded.

Jinhe Group and SHIELD took action.


Sorry, I forgot to have you there.

John quickly hid deeper to prevent the bullet from being affected.

Expansion to expansion, you should hide when you should hide!

"God changes curse!"

The ‘Governor’ once again became a shield, blocking the first wave of bullet attacks.

"Beat his foot!"

Someone shouted.

The silver shield of the governor turned out to be large enough to block most of his body, but his feet were exposed.

The ‘Governor’ can certainly make the shield larger, but it is not necessary.

"Magic Mantra!"

Sixth-level spell, magic spell!

In a place where no one can see, the round blue gem-shaped energy core in front of the 'Governor' chest emits a faint blue light.

Burned on the ‘Governor’, but the runes that seemed to exist in another dimension lit up.

The power of the runes circulates throughout the body.

Triple speed blessing!

The 'Governor' put away the shield in an instant, and dashed across a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and fell into the camp of Jinhe Group.

Jinhe Group originally had 25 people. Among the four major forces, except the Black Dragon Gang, the most people came.

But when facing the Ghost Ninja, they suffered heavy losses.

Especially in the last few rounds.

John found that both the SHIELD and the Hand Together had effective means to kill Ghost Ninja.

The hand-joint club has a fifth-order master, Ichiro Sanada. Although the levels of ghost ninjas are generally in ordinary LV · 8 and ordinary LV · 9, there are no extraordinary levels of ghost ninjas.

With the addition of modern thermal weapons, the gap between the fifth- and sixth-order transcendentals and ordinary people is not as great as expected.

If ordinary people hold light machine guns, it is still possible to kill the fifth- and sixth-order transcendents.

If the hot weapon can be eliminated, the gap between the transcendental and the ordinary will be larger.

Even the ghost ninjas are of ordinary LV · 8, LV · 9, only one step away from the extraordinary, but facing the fifth-order extraordinary Sanada Ichiro, it is still a crushed situation.

Although the SHIELD side does not have extraordinary, they have advanced thermal weapons!

A powerful small musket can directly burn Ghost Ninja to ashes.

Ghost Ninja has no obvious advantages in facing these two forces, and it is even at a considerable disadvantage.

Naturally, Jinhe Group became the target of the fire.

Under the suicide attacks of the Ghost Ninjas, Jinhe Group ended up with only nine people left, two fewer than the least number of Shouhe.

Before Ichiro Sanada was punched through the chest by the "Governor", there were eleven people left in the hand meeting.

There are only nine members of the Jin Bing Group, and the "Governor" who just easily beat the ten elite ninjas in the close fight, what will the result be?

Wesk's pupils contracted and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He shouted desperately.

"Spread out! Everyone spread out!"

Everyone spread out by words, how far they ran.

In the face of melee, the ‘Governor’ like a **** of killing, they could n’t afford any resistance.

Maybe on the individual level, they may not be lower than the elite ninjas of the hand-joint, but they are more accustomed to gun fighting, and they will definitely not be the opponents of the elite ninjas in the close combat!

Even the elite ninjas in the hands of the association were easily beaten. Are they inferior to them, and can they be opponents of the ‘Governor’?

As a leader, Wesker made the right decision.

It's a pity.

Correct does not mean effective.

The 'Governor' entered the flock like a tiger, and he opened the magical speed curse. With three times the speed blessing, he cleaned the elites of the Jinhe Group with faster efficiency.

Some people who feel desperate want to shoot regardless of everything, but the ending has not changed at all.

As a dragon suit, the part of the show is gone, so I can only lead the lunch and exit.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, and Wesker was put in the last one.

Watching his elite men fall down one by one, a trace of regret flashed in his heart.

"If I hadn't taken this task, how good would it be?"

No matter how bad it is, if he chooses to leave instead of shooting when the 'Governor' attacker and the ninja, will the result be different?

It's a pity not to.

With despair and regret, Wesk was killed by the last punch of the ‘Governor’.

Jin Bing Group, the whole army is annihilated!

Four major forces, now only the Hidden Shield of hidden identity.

Faced with the "Governor" who once again displayed great power and directly destroyed the Jinhe Group, the SHIELD looked at each other and froze for a while.

How to do?

Can you still fight?

Had to say that among the four forces, the SHIELD side had the lowest loss.

So far, they have 13 healthy people.

In terms of personal strength, they are almost the same as the elite of Jinjin Group.

But relying on advanced technological weapons, they were able to save a lot of strength in the previous fierce battle with Ghost Ninja.

Thirteen elite agents, plus super advanced weapons, they feel that they still have a strong deterrent force!

Just want to continue playing ...

They are in deep contemplation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with the strength shown by the ‘Governor’. Even if they rely on the hidden ‘tech weapons’, they are likely to win, but they will also be hit hard.

"Forget it, anyway, the appearance of the 'Governor' has completed some of the tentative missions. Continue, with our current strength, it is impossible to get a shadow mask, give up!"

The head of the SHIELD Bureau thought of this, and had already made a decision in his mind.

"Let's talk one ..."

"Divine Light Curse!"

The words were not finished.

‘Governor’ ’s eyes are already red.

Six-level spell, Shenguang spell.

Fang Mu takes the legendary forbidden curse-aurora rays as the core, and specially promotes the six-level magic spell, which can emit powerful energy rays, and the maximum distance can reach 300 meters!

The hot, hot red light penetrated the person's chest in an instant.

"······ Talk?"

The agent looked down at the big hole in his chest, full of incomprehension.

We all want peace talks, why kill me?

Governor: Peace talks?

What peace talks?

I didn't hear it!

As long as I do n’t hear, there is no peace talk.

As long as you don't say that you are SHIELD, I don't know that you are SHIELD.

Is there any problem with this logic?

Not at all!

Fighting is back.

The boss was killed, everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. was mad, and his eyes were red to revenge.


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