Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 798: How could there be 5?

Is SHIELD powerful?


Is the strongest international official secret agent organization under the International Security Council, and is hostile to terrorists, super criminals and even aliens all over the world.

The strength of SHIELD is not to be said at all.

Is the SHIELD agent coming to the Red Tiger Hall tonight powerful?


Nick? Furui attaches great importance to the Dawning Church, and they are sent by elite agents of SHIELD!

The ordinary agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., placed in the police force, belong to the elite of the police force, not to mention the elite agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Powerful elite agents, outside strengthen the big scientific and technological weapons.

There is no doubt that SHIELD is definitely the most powerful of the four forces!

The attack power they can burst out even exceeds the sum of the other three forces!


Facing the ‘Governor’ who opened the Shen Su mantra + Shen Guang mana, they simply did n’t look at it.

Although the speed spell and the **** light spell are nominally sixth-level spells, the actual power of these two big spells with the legendary banned curse as their core is by no means worse than the general seventh-level spells!

In other words, today's "Governor" can be regarded as a seventh-order strongman!

And he is a strong seventh-order strongman with two big seventh-level spells!

Ordinary people with powerful thermal weapons have a certain chance to kill the fifth- and sixth-order transcendents, but against the seventh-order strong ??????

Unless you are holding a missile launcher and aim at the seventh-order strongman.

Or let dozens or hundreds of specially trained fighters, armed with high-powered thermal weapons, surround and attack desperately.

Otherwise, in the face of the seventh-order strong man, it is the slaughter.

These elite agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were specially trained, and they also possessed powerful weapons in their hands, which met the two major requirements for the siege of the seventh-order strongmen.

But one of the most important conditions.

Number of people.

They did not meet the requirements.

The ‘Governor’ used the Divine Speed ​​Curse to evade attacks, and used the Divine Light Curse to attack.

In just a few minutes, he left more than ten remaining Agents of SHIELD in here.

After, he did n’t even have any damage to his clothes.

Four major forces, the whole army is annihilated!

Fang Mu spent great efforts to build the sixth-order puppet ‘Governor’, destroying the three forces with a winning stance!


John walked out of the gate in a trance.

He took off the mask that had been covered with cracks and looked at the corpses around him. His heart was still unbelievable.

He thought he would win.

After all, he is leaning against the Dawning Church and his son.

What are the four major forces in the district?

But John couldn't think of it anyway. In the end, he would win so easily.

"Is the governor so powerful?"

John looked at the intact ‘Governor’ with amazement in his heart.

Even before the 'Governor' shot, the ghost ninjas had already shot ahead, killing half of the 90 elites.

But the remaining half are the elites of the elite.

Especially the last SHIELD power!

If they expose those powerful technological weapons earlier, I am afraid that only one of them will be enough to destroy the 23 ghost ninjas.

Although the ghost ninja is strange and powerful, it is far from being invincible.

In fact, they are so powerful when facing ordinary people, if they are facing a magician ??????

Do not need too much, only a fifth-order magician can easily destroy these twenty-three ghost ninjas.

If you know a lot of magic like Fang Mu, the fourth-level magician level can destroy them.

Is at most a price to pay.

In terms of individual strength, shadow creatures are not as good as cultivators of the same level.

Their real power lies in two aspects.

One is immortality and the other is shadow characteristics.

Is immortal, users can use suicide attacks without any care, they can be resurrected anyway, they are afraid to do anything!

Shadow characteristics give shadow creatures the ability to roam freely in the shadows. This ability can exert their imagination indefinitely, and if they are used well, it is not difficult to win from weak to strong.

Fang Mu has developed too little about this feature, and has not been able to fully utilize this feature.

All in all, Ghost Ninjas are not as powerful as the world thinks. In the face of some powerful hot weapons, they are not much stronger than ordinary people.

With these powerful hot weapons, SHIELD can destroy this ghost ninja.

It was only in the end that they themselves might be crippled.

And the SHIELD agents who are stronger than the ghost ninjas, what is the final result?

The whole army is annihilated!

The 'Governor' was unharmed!

Only comparing these two results, you can know how terrifying the ‘Governor’ is!

"Is this a full member of the Dawn Church?"

Some of the left-behind staff in the Red Tiger Hall looked at the cold figure of the Governor, with a slight awe in their eyes.

Comparison of strength.

Facing the attackers of the four major forces, even the most confident people at most think that they are about the same strength as one of them.

The 'Governor' can easily kill so many people who have the same strength as their own, and even far above themselves. Compared with them, it is naturally too strong.

The strong always inspire awe.

And in awe, they also have a little bit of desire in their hearts.

"Can I have such strength in the future?"

Inside the Dawn Church, there is a perfect promotion system ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as they can meet the requirements, they can also become full members of the Dawn Church in the future!

"Yes! As long as I become a full member of the Dawn Church in the future!"

The members of the Red Tiger Hall clenched their fists one after another, secretly cheering themselves up.

The image of the Dawning Church has once again deepened in everyone's mind.

Mingyue hangs high.

There was silence around.

The sound of worms at night disappeared without a trace when the gunshots sounded.

Four powerful menacing forces, a total of ninety elite warriors, were all lying on the ground at this time.

Outside the gate of the Red Tiger Hall.

Except John, who had just come out, only the ‘Governor’ was standing alone.

At this moment, he seems to be standing on a pile of corpses.

'S cold, unforgiving eyes shot at all directions.

In certain dark places, he purposely stayed still.

It wasn't until these dark places made some noise that he turned his eyes to look at another dark place.

"Those people, should be the four forces sent to monitor the results?"

John is not surprised.

The four major forces deliberately conducted the second trial because of the fear of the existence of the Dawning Church.

Before temptation, it is normal for them to assume the worst result in advance.

One, two, three, four ?????? Five?

"How can there be five?"

John froze.

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