Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 799: Give a chance?

"let's go!"

Stickman turned and said.

"Teacher, are we going to the Red Tiger Hall?"

Asked Erica.

The figure of the stickman paused.

"No longer, it is not suitable now."

Where else to go!

They have such a big backing. If he goes up to find cooperation, will they give you the opportunity? Or do people give you the opportunity?

"Teacher, when should we go?"

Erica's eyes gleamed.

With the strength of Chihudian, maybe she can avenge her!

Do not.

As long as the Red Tiger Hall takes action, she will definitely be able to avenge her!

The corner of the mouth and the mouth twitched slightly, and then again.

How do I know when it is appropriate!

This is an excuse! !

Stickman strives to maintain the dignity of his ‘teacher’ and speaks in an unpredictable tone.

"When the time comes, the time is right."

Erica :? ? ?

Is this the same as not saying?

Erica talked to her mouth, and finally bit her lip, swallowing it back.

"I know, teacher."

"Let's go."

Stickman immediately left.

Erica kept up with her step by step.

As the two left, the 'Governor' finally recovered his gaze.

John hesitated for a while, and finally did not ask who the fifth force was.

Mainly feels that asking is not necessarily useful.

The ‘Governor’ can detect people around, but he does n’t necessarily know who they are, let alone the forces from which they came.

However, this suddenly appeared the fifth force, but it caught John's attention.

"Who is it? Is it a force inside Hell's Kitchen? Or is it a force outside Hell's Kitchen?"

These days, after sorting out the forces in his hands, he has gradually learned more about Hell's Kitchen.

Heilonggang, Jinjiang Group, and Shouhehui.

This is Hell's Kitchen, besides Red Tiger Hall, the most powerful three-party force.

"If it is a force inside Hell's Kitchen, who would it be? Grey Shadow Gang?"

John thought about it and shook his head again.

Gang Ying Gang should not have this courage.

Recently, the Grey Shadow Gang, which has gradually emerged in the northern area of ​​Hell's Kitchen and quietly made wind and rain, has gradually become the title of the fifth largest force in Hell's Kitchen.

But they have absolutely no courage to touch the beard of the Red Tiger Hall!

In addition to the gray shadow Gang ??????

"I heard that in the Hell's Kitchen, there is such a force that they and the hands meet are dead enemies. The purpose of the establishment is to destroy the hands together, will they be them?"

John thought deeply.

In terms of strength, this mysterious force is more qualified to participate in this event than the Grey Shadow Gang.

It's just a pity that he really knows too little about this force.

The hands meeting is mysterious enough, this mysterious force is more mysterious than the hands meeting!

Hand meeting is no longer mysterious, it is also to be eaten.

Even its purpose of disturbing Hell's Kitchen is to make a better meal.

As long as the forces reach a certain level, and then deliberately probe, you can always find a clue about the hand meeting.

But this mysterious force, it does not need to eat like a hand meeting, the purpose of establishment is to kill the hand meeting.

Is really hard to find under such a force.

"If they are, what is their purpose?"

John thought deeply.

The other party didn't attack them with the other four forces, and they would die together with one of the four forces.

From this perspective, the relationship between them and the four forces is not necessarily good.

"Perhaps, can you try to draw them? Wait! Why should you draw them?"

John suddenly had a meal.

It is true that this mysterious force has good strength, and it will have hatred with the hand. After it is drawn, it can help the Red Tiger Hall against the hand.

But do they need this?

John looked at the 'Governor' who could not see far away.

"Leave it."

Doesn't need to go to them deliberately, it's unnecessary.

If the other party comes to the door ???


The Red Tiger Hall is short of people. If these people can pass the assessment, it is not impossible to give them a chance to join them.

Of course, it is just an opportunity.

John raised his head slightly, his mind was very swelled.

Is comparable to the power of the hands together, he dare to think about such things as "give a chance", is there anyone more inflated than him?

Stick man :? ? ?

Always feel someone is black me!

"Clean up these corpses."

John ordered.


All the members of the Red Tiger Hall started the finishing work one after another.

A war that was supposed to change the whole pattern of Hell's Kitchen quietly came to an end at this moment.

The curtain fell.

But the feedback has just begun.


Inside a black car.

Grant Ward's hand trembling slightly.


Is all dead!

The elite agents they carefully cultivated are all dead!

In order to get the shadow mask smoothly, among the twenty agents of SHIELD, they had placed 18 elite agents loyal to Hydra.

Indeed, there are not many Hydra elite agents in SHIELD, but that does not mean that there are many elite agents under John Garrett.

In the SHIELD Bureau, the nominal leader of the Hydra is Alexander Pierce, the former director of the SHIELD Bureau!

John Garrett is nominally also affiliated with Alexander Pierce ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But from John Garrett, he never told Alexander Pierce the news of the shadow mask, and even these 18 agents were all from John Garrett's "private soldiers" can know that this "nominal" is really just "nominal".

"Eighteen elite agents!"

Grant Ward's heart was shaking.

Even if John Garrett is already the most powerful branch under Alexander Pierce, it is unacceptable to face such losses.

The real elite agents come out of the battle for years.

This is the most precious wealth!

John Garrett has accumulated for decades without saving much.

Lost nearly twenty at a time, and one can imagine how much damage this was.

"Why is there such an ending?"

Grant? Ward thought of the latest technology weapon that he was difficult to apply for.

Twenty elite agents, together with the most powerful new technology weapons, they can completely deal with the small number of shadow warriors.

And the final result is similar to what he thought.

The more than twenty shadow fighters were wiped out by them.

But what happened to the "Governor" afterwards?

When I was about to enjoy the fruits of victory, a ‘big guy’ came suddenly and wiped out all of them invincibly!

Faced with this result, Grant Ward almost collapsed.

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