Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 800: Nick Fury's decision!

"Look away, Ward."

Colson comforted.

"This is not the result we can expect."

The whole team of ‘teammates’ was wiped out, and he was also very uncomfortable. But much has happened to similar things, he has been able to control his emotions well.

Compared to the dead, the living talent is more important.

Coulson had seen too many people who fell because of the death of his teammates. He valued Grant Ward very much, and did not want him to be such a person.

"I know."

Grant Ward squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Colson reassured him with his three-inch tongue.

Grant? Ward didn't know if he heard it or not, but the expression on his face was no longer so ugly.

Asked for a moment of silence.

"Sir, what do you think will happen next in the game?"

"What will happen next in the game?"

Colson was asked to stay.

Continue temptation?

Give up temptation?

Both possibilities.

However, according to Coleson ’s understanding of Nick Fury for many years, the final result is likely to be to temporarily abandon the exploration on the bright side and turn it into a secret exploration.

The Dawn Church once again showed its strong strength!

And compared to the last Shadow Warrior, this time the strength revealed is more powerful and more frightening.

Undead Shadow Warrior is terrible.

But after analyzing the major forces, it is almost certain that they came from the shadow mask.

People will be afraid of the strong with strong strength, but for the items with strong strength, people will be greedy and will want to take this item to their hands.

The reason why the four major forces will appear for the second time, in addition to being too curious about the dawn church behind the Red Tiger Hall, the main reason lies in this shadow mask!

The four major forces all want to seize this shadow mask with powerful power from the Red Tiger Hall.

Bibi guilt.

The Red Tiger Hall has a precious treasure, but it does not reveal its own power to protect it, it will naturally cause a group of wolves to peep.

And now ??????

Coulson thought of that burly figure, and a heart sank directly.

Originally, he and Grant Ward hid behind them, not to know what the result was, but to give them the ultimate shadow mask and create a most favorable hole card.

As long as they are elite agents, they have captured the shadow masks, or the robbery has reached a deadlock, they will suddenly attack as "strange soldiers" and become the last straw to overwhelm the victory.


That burly figure directly crushed the audience in an invincible posture, and did not give them the chance to play!

The Red Tiger Hall is strongly displayed, and they can protect the powerful force of the treasure.

Faced with such a powerful force.

And behind this powerful force, represent a more powerful force.

Colson feels that his guess will become reality in all probability.

"I believe the director will make the most correct decision in the end!"

Said righteously.

The first rule of the director's heart.

The decision made by the director is always right!


Grant Ward nodded and sighed in his heart.

Coulson did not answer his question positively, but he had already heard the result.

Aegis highly likely will not start the Red Tiger Hall in a short time!

Today's Red Tiger Hall has become a kind of existence that is similar to the Golden Union Group, the Hand Association, and even a higher level.


The SHIELD, which has many black technologies, said that even the "Governor" who showed an invincible trend, if they really made up their minds to fight, they could do it.

But the question is, are they worth so much?

Since its establishment, the Red Tiger Hall has not robbed, stolen, sold washing powder, bullied the weak, or even actively exhibited to maintain law and order.

What does, piece by piece, pile by pile, is completely unlike a gangster.

When it comes to the harmfulness, they are far less than the evil hands, the Black Dragon Gang, and the Jinjiang Group.

From the standpoint of justice, they have little reason to start the Red Tiger Hall.

Destroy the Red Tiger Hall. For their SHIELD, the only benefit is probably the shadow mask that has been split.


Can the shadow warrior be summoned after the shadow mask splits?

If they can't, then their SHIELD may have nothing.

Not to mention, after the destruction of the Red Tiger Hall, they are still very likely to provoke the hidden behemoth of the Dawn Church!

The harvest is extremely low, and the troubles are endless.

Grant? Ward analysis from the standpoint of pure interest, can't think of Nick Fury has the reason to continue to face the hard and hard tiger palace.

"I also believe that the Secretary will make the right decision!"

Grant? Ward's mouth twitched a smile.

In front of the director's heart, he said that the director was bad, he was not so fresh.

Colson glanced at Grant Ward with the expression of "teachable".

The car speeded up and drove towards an iconic building.


Headquarters of SHIELD.

Colson reported to Nick Fury alone.

Before he came back, he had already made a phone call and said the process roughly.

This is a detailed report.

Nick? Fury will interrupt from time to time, asking for some details.

More than half an hour later.


Nick? Furui's face is indifferent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The thoughts turn in my heart.

Why such a code name?

Does have any meaning?

What is his relationship with ‘Governor’?

Or is he planning to become the 'Governor' in the future?

Or is he really the governor of a certain state?

The name of the person is taken by the parents, and it may not necessarily explain what the problem is.

But the code name is different.

Each code name must represent some kind of information.

"Colson, what do you think of this governor?"


Coulson paused and said.

"First of all, he is a very powerful person! By analogy, it is equivalent to the Iron Overlord among human beings! Secondly, he is a very cold, even indifferent person! From the beginning to the end, his words are very few, killing People come clean and clean, almost, no, never used the second move! "

"I don't think he looks like a person, it's more like a ruthless killing machine! He killed people, not because he was murderous, I don't see any excitement or other emotions on his face. Purely because he got the command to kill! "

"A ruthless killing machine?"

Nick? Furui pondered.

After a long time.

"Starting today, adjust the Red Tiger Hall rating and raise its level to nine! Change the course of action for the Red Tiger Hall to focus on secret investigation! Note that the survey subject focuses on the Dawn Church!"

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