Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 801: Let's drop it!

Nick Fury made a compromise.

Just as Coulson and Grant Ward thought.

Nick Fury is a pragmatist. Continue to increase the manpower to deal with the Red Tiger Hall, not much benefit for SHIELD.

Chihu Temple's actions did not touch his bottom line.

Even if certain practices of the Red Tiger Hall reveal the huge ambitions behind them, that is the future.

Do n’t say if the Red Tiger Hall will be able to unify the Hell Kitchen in the future, even if it can be unified, there will be more troubles to face.

There is no reason, the benefits are not great, and the future is full of uncertainty.

Under such circumstances, SHIELD would go to the Red Tiger Hall to die, and that would be very worthwhile.

of course.

Although it will not continue to die, the monitoring cannot be relaxed.

The so powerful ‘Governor’ is just an official member of the ‘Ordinary’ of the Dawn Church. So how strong is the Dawn Church?

Nick Fury, who has always been accustomed to rainy days, has regarded the Dawn Church as a powerful 'imaginary enemy'.

Treat the enemy, then naturally need to know each other.

The actions that were originally placed on the bright side were all transferred to the underground, and the information of the Dawn Church was secretly investigated.

Seen from the surface, this is an expression of the mind.

Actually ??????


Is actually from the heart.

Nick? Fury could not think of it, just a tentative act, and in the end would provoke such a powerful enemy.

Although the Dawn Church has already proclaimed its own strength, the appearance of the Shadow Warrior seems to support this point, but after analyzing the ability of the Shadow Mask, these are all forgotten.

Otherwise, he would not send twenty elite agents to the Red Tiger Hall in order to capture the shadow mask.

Now 20 elite agents have been annihilated in the army, which is also his responsibility.

You want to grab someone else's things, and then someone comes up against the mountain, and directly kills you. Isn't this justified?

The S.H.I.E.L.D. faced the powerful ‘Governor’ and chose Congxin.

The remaining three forces have different responses as if.


Black Dragon Gang headquarters.

After listening to his trembling and shocking report, Flode Claude waved his hand down and made people go down.

Flode? Claude and the Black Dragon Gang the first army division Parker, the two sat on the sofa, silent for a long time.

"Parker, what do you think we should do next?"

Flode Claude said, his tone was dry, bitter, and helpless.

Offended the boss!

Very strong, very hard, big boss!

What should I do now?

Online, very urgent!

"I do not know either."

Parker's eyes were apathetic.

He knows how to deal with ordinary people, but he really doesn't know how to deal with such a big guy who obviously exceeds the level of ordinary people!

"Frode, if he uses the inside of the Black Dragon Gang, can he win ?????? Can he fight against the governor?"


Flode? Claude's mouth twitched.

I do n’t even know that the background of the Black Dragon Gang is there!

The ghost knows if he can fight!

I think so, but as the leader of the Black Dragon Gang, I can't say that.

Flode? Claude pondered for a moment, thinking about how to express his thoughts euphemistically, while still retaining his majesty as a "leader".

"Probably, maybe, it should be impossible."



Should I?

Parker looked at Flode Claude's calm face.

After a while, after a while.

"Frood, why don't we drop!"

What kind of stuff?

Flode? Claude's eyes widened.

"Parker! Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know, I am saying that our Black Dragon Gang surrendered to the Red Tiger Hall! From now on, we will become part of the Red Tiger Hall."

Parker said calmly.


Flode? Claude was furious.

"The Black Dragon Gang is from our Claude family! It can never be part of the Red Tiger Hall!"

Their Claude family struggled for decades. After two generations, they finally saved the current foundation. Parker's words are like letting him hand over this foundation?

Is absolutely impossible!

"Parker, are you crazy or are you taking advantage of the Red Tiger Hall? You would say something like this!"

Flode? Claude was furious.

Parker has followed him for decades and is the most trusted person around him. How can he say such things?

Parker didn't rush to speak, but waited for Flode? Claude to calm down ??? At least his face calmed down before he spoke again.

"Frood, before answering your question, let me ask you a few questions."

Flode? Claude's anger did not disappear, but still said.

"go ahead!"

He wants to see what Parker can say!

Parker was not in a hurry.

"The first question, Frode, do you think the Black Dragon Gang is the opponent of the Red Tiger Hall?"

Claude opened his mouth and wanted to say something ambitious, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

If it is before today, he will definitely speak out confidently.

Chihu Temple?

My Black Dragon Gang is not bad!

The Black Dragon Gang has accumulated for decades, not a joke.

Even if the Red Tiger Hall has such unrealistic means as the Shadow Warrior, he is also confident that he can fight against it!

But now that the "Governor" is out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he can't say anything anymore.

"Huh! Although the Red Tiger Hall is strong, it is not so easy to deal with my Black Dragon Gang! Don't forget, they still have the enemy like the gang and Jinhe Group!"

Flode? Claude will not easily compromise.


The Black Dragon Gang is not an opponent of Red Tiger Hall.

But, what if you add Shouhe Hejin Group?

Experienced what happened tonight, and he believed that as long as he said that, the two forces would definitely agree to join forces with their black dragon gang to fight the Red Tiger Hall!

This is where Flode Claude's greatest strength is, and why he is so angry.

The Black Dragon Gang is far from reaching the point of surrender. Although it offends the Red Tiger Hall, the future is still there.

You Parker is so hurried to sell the Black Dragon Gang, what is the intention?

Parker's face didn't change, but he slowly said.

"The second question, Frode, what do you think of the Dawn Church?"

"Dawn Church?"

Flode? Claude was silent.

If we say that before today, he still has great doubts about the rumors of the Dawn Church.

After today, even if he didn't dispel all these doubts, he began to be half-trusted, and even the components of the belief were even higher.

no way.

'Governor' is really too strong!

Strong is not like a person at all!

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