Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 802: Can the Black Dragon Gang bet?

Frode Claude thought.

Like the punisher, Daredevil, and the flow of target eyes are already the pinnacle of humanity.

But compared with the ‘Governor’, they are nothing at all.

These so-called superheroes who can compete with each other by ten will definitely not be able to sustain three moves if they face the 'Governor'!

Even if the ‘Governor’ uses a laser beam, it is likely that it will be finished in one stroke.

Is like the fifth-order transcendent Sanada Ichiro of the hand meeting.

For such a person who can kill a person with one punch, can pull out a shield with his hand, and can emit a laser in his eyes, it is very difficult to convince himself that this person is an ordinary person.

And the existence in his heart like "Superman" is only a formal member of the Dawn Church.

So, how powerful is the Dawn Church?

Frode Claude was silent.

Parker continued.

"The third question, Frode, if the Dawn Church increased its support for the Red Tiger Hall, the hand-joint association, the Jinhe Group, and our black dragon gang, how many chances of winning?"

How many chances of winning?

Frode Claude was silent.

Even if he was conceited, he had to admit.

The strength shown by the ‘Governor’ does n’t need much. As long as the Shuguang Church sends two more such regular members to come over, they can completely crush their Black Dragon Gang + Hand Together + Jinhe Group.

"From the rumors flowing out of the Red Tiger Hall, the Dawning Church has its own task. It is already the limit to give a shadow mask and send a" Governor ". It is impossible to continue to give bigger stand by!"

Flode Claude said hardly.

Church of the Dawning, their Black Dragon Gang is certainly impossible to fight, plus the two major forces of the Hand Association and the Jinhe Group are also unbearable.

But your Red Tiger Hall is just one of the organizations under one of the shrines of the Dawning Church. To put it bluntly, it is a peripheral organization of the Dawning Church.

The entire Red Tiger Hall, also named John, is a full member of the Dawn Church.

Has sent you a regular member to come, it is already benevolent, how could more people be sent!

Parker was silent for a moment.

"Frode, you are right, the Dawning Church has its own mission and does not necessarily give more help. But what if it is?"

Parker asked rhetorically, he looked at Flode Crowder's eyes.

"What if the Dawning Church gives more help? What should our Black Dragon Gang do?"

His tone was low and his eyes were burning.

Frode Claude looked down.

He couldn't think of something that could be refuted.

"Let me tell you, Flod, if that happens, our Black Dragon Gang will never have another chance!"

Parker grabbed Frode Crowder's shoulder.

"Frood, we all know that the goal of the Red Tiger Hall is the entire Hell Kitchen. Sooner or later, they will unify the entire Hell Kitchen! Originally I thought that this day would be very late, and the Red Tiger Hall would slowly accumulate its own strength, Wait until you have enough power to do such a thing. "

"But the appearance of" Governor "broke my mind."

Parker looked dark.

Even though he is superior in wisdom, he is really powerless in the face of such ‘superman’.

"Frood, I have been in the Black Dragon Gang for decades, and my feelings for the Black Dragon Gang are never under you! If it is not to the end, I cannot make such a suggestion."

"But it hasn't reached that point yet!"

Frode Claude couldn't help but said.

"Not at that point?"

Parker glanced at Frode Crowder.

"Frood, do you think we can cover the attack on Chihu Dian tonight? Think of the Western District Offense and Defense Alliance!"

Frode Claude just wanted to say that even if you can't hide it, the Red Tiger Hall will not be able to deal with them so quickly.

This sentence, after Parker said the last sentence, could not say it from his mouth.


West Side Offensive and Defensive Alliance.

Strictly speaking, the Western District Offensive and Defensive Alliance has not officially started to form, but with this intention, it is preparing to unite and fight against the Red Tiger Hall together.

The results of it?

On the day of their joint meeting, the Red Tiger Hall directly brought people to the door to destroy the decay, forcibly destroy this organization that has not yet been established, and destroy it instantly!

"We are now very much like the original Western Union offensive and defensive alliance. It seems that as long as we are united with the Hand Association and the Jinhe Group, we can fight the Red Tiger Hall, but is the result really like this?"

Parker asked Flode Claude.

Frode Claude was silent.

"Frood, our Black Dragon gang has reached the most dangerous time. Tonight we test the behavior of the Red Tiger Hall. It is likely to be an excuse for the Red Tiger Hall to launch a total attack on the Hell Kitchen!"

Parker's voice grew louder.

"It seems that with the current strength of the Red Tiger Hall, even with the addition of the 'Governor', it may not be possible to unify the entire **** kitchen. The shallow foundation of the Red Tiger Hall does indeed lack in terms of strength. However, there is the Dawn Church Does Chihudian, who is behind him, really lack strength? "

Parker ’s rhetorical question is full of power, and Floyd Claude ’s heart is getting deeper and deeper. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Indeed, Flod, you may have a high probability of appearing. Tiger Temple support. But can our Black Dragon Gang really bet on this one? "

Can the Black Dragon Gang bet?

Can bet.

Once the bet is lost, the entire Black Dragon Gang will be over.

Frode Claude understood this.

Speaking of this, he has also understood the reason Parker made him surrender.

Parker thinks their Black Dragon Gang can't bet!

Parker said so much, this is the core sentence!

"Frood, it's nothing to surrender. The Red Tiger Hall was originally built by the Red Tiger mercenary corps and the four gangs in the Western District. We will surrender and they will not refuse to accept."

"And we surrendered voluntarily, maybe we can get a higher status! I heard that there is a complete upgrade system in the Red Tiger Hall. If one day in the future, we can become full members of the Dawn Church, and we are more likely to be given a powerful force. ! "

"Think about the 'Governor', that's just a full member of the Dawn Church."

Flode Claude's eyes flashed a longing.

Full member of Dawn Church!

"Frood, I know you have a deep feeling for the Black Dragon Gang, but the Black Dragon Gang has indeed reached the point of life and death."

Parker was at the end, and did not go on.

Frode Claude was confused and abnormal, and his eyes were rarely blank.

Should he go to Chihudian?

"Let me think about it."

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