Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 44: Population concerns

After returning from Yingyou Island, Lin Fu sent Lin Mengde and others away and returned to Xingyuan on his own. At dusk, he accompanied Su Mei and Xiaoman in the garden for recreation; when it was night, Liu Shidu came over to ask for an interview.

"This Liu Shidu left some time for him to get close to Zong Ting and Cunxin, but they came to bother me again. Could it be that he missed the book I promised to give him?" Lin Fu was quite surprised to see Liu Shidu alone at this time. He was puzzled, and told Su Mei and Xiaoman that he promised to give Liu Shidu's "Speculation" when watching the shooting during the day.

Su Mei smiled and said: "Master Liu may not have such a small mind, and he is thinking about her husband's book. I guess most of them have some ideas that are contrary to Mengde Gong, and feel that the writing and playing may not be able to convince them, but in my heart I don't think so. I'm not happy to vomit, I really took this opportunity to come alone to make a statement..."

"Then tell him to go to the study room and wait..." Lin Fu frowned slightly. Many new laws have not yet been established. It will take a long time for the laws to be finalized. Everything was left to the public house and the Privy Council, and had Liu Shidu be led to the study where he usually received guests in the inner room.

Lin Fu took a breath before calling Song Jia and rushing to the study room together, smiling at Liu Shidu who was detained and sitting in the back compartment: "The booklet has not yet been sent, but Duke Liu will come to thank you first... …”

"Shidu doesn't dare to ask the lord for a book, but he has other doubts. I hope the lord can solve it for Shidu." Liu Shidu blushed, and the executive invited Lin Fu and Song Jia to come in.

Lin Fu looked at Liu Shidu's face, wondering what he was going to say alone.

"What's the matter, sit down and talk."

Lin Bie sat cross-legged with the long desk, and asked Liu Shidu to sit in front of the desk so that he could talk easily. Lin Fu casually invited Liu Shidu to sit in front of the case. It was cold outside, and the study room simply burned a stove to keep warm, and a tin pot was placed on the stove with a "puffing" sound.

"Jiangdong County was divided into the jurisdiction of the four divisions of Jianghuai, Huaixi, Chongzhou, and Jiangning. The data of Dingtian and households under the division of Jianghuai were merged before Shifu came..." Lin Bie sat cross-legged casually, but Liu Shidu lowered his waist His limbs were straight to show his weight. Sitting against Lin Bing's desk was actually more difficult than sitting on a chair. He slowly said what he had thought about for a long time.

The split of Jiangdong County is something that Lin Fu has been doing since then.

Jiangdong County was split into four parts, and the two Xuanfu Envoys and the two Zhili Prefectures were set up under the direct jurisdiction of the Privy Council. After the split, data such as setting up the Yaxuan, splitting and merging Dingtian were also the most urgent things for the Jianghuai County Department to do, but these data It was all transferred to him through the Privy Council, so there was no need to tell Liu Shidu to avoid Lin Mengde and report to him alone.

No need for anyone else to wait, Song Jia held the kettle to brew tea for Lin Fu and Liu Shidu; when the boiling water was poured over, the fragrance of the tea filled the house, refreshing the nose, Song Jia put the kettle on the stove and retreated behind the screen; Without saying a word, he motioned for him to continue.

Liu Shidu thought for a while and replied: "In the records of Dingtian, there were fish scales in the old days, but there were even many mistakes and omissions, and there were too many brevity and ignorance. , grain production, industrial property, marriage and childbearing age, maternal deaths, infant deaths, mulberry and cotton fields and cattle feeding, all of which can be checked in detail, which is very convenient for people's livelihood and government affairs, and is actually good governance. Only with detailed data can it be possible to Knowing for sure that the power of the New Deal is far from being equal to the old..."

"Yes, yes, yes, if you only report good news and not bad news, you won't miss the opportunity to drink with Zong Ting and the others..." Lin Fu said, asking Liu Shidu to put down his burdens and say anything directly.

Liu Shidu went on to say: "...In the past, for women of childbearing age, birth and rearing were the key to life and death. Jianghuai is still good, but there is a saying that one hundred lives and one death; when a child is born, it is the most difficult for poor families to maintain health. , only two or three children can grow up. However, in recent years, the old concept of difficulty in childbirth and child mortality has gradually improved, and these have been gradually improved in Hailing Prefecture. In the investigation after the first year of Yongxing, detailed records were obtained, and there was a scene of prosperous times, so Shidu specially came to congratulate the lord!"

Lin Filie guessed Liu Shidu's intention, but seeing that he was still secretive at this time, he didn't dare to tell the truth, so he sat down with his arms in his arms and waited for Liu Shidu to continue talking hesitantly.

"Last year, Hailing House gave birth to more than 80,000 young children, and 186 mothers died; children under the age of ten, including the stillborn infants who did not survive, died of 4,000 premature deaths due to illness or accident. There are more than 30,000 people who died. In the first year of Yongxing, the number of births was similar, more than 500 people died of maternal deaths, more than 15,000 young children died, and adults died due to illness or accident. , and only slightly more, but not a big change..."

Lin bound his hands on the long table and was silent.

In the first year of Yongxing, various conditions in Hailing Mansion had improved, but according to the data of that year, nearly 20% of the children died and could not grow up; even at this time, the young children in Hailing Mansion The number of premature deaths accounted for about 6% of newborns. It is no wonder that people have a tradition of procreating.

"..." Liu Shidu said, "Because of the good governance of the lord, after excluding the relocated Ding households in Hailing House last year, the number of Dingkou increased by about 48,000; but in the first year of Yongxing, this number was less than three Wan. Even earlier, between Qingyu and Chongguan years, Hailing Dinghu has not increased but decreased..."

Hailing House is undoubtedly the place where the New Deal has been implemented most thoroughly and for the longest time, except for a few regions such as Chongzhou and Jeju. The power of the New Deal can be said to have been fully demonstrated.

In addition to excluding the factors of people's migration, the net increase of the population at a high proportion is definitely the prelude to the prosperous era.

However, it is clear that Liu Shidu has a different opinion on this.

"The net increase in Hailing's one-year residence is more than 48,000!" Lin Bing gritted his teeth and sucked in the cool air.

Traditionally, the net increase in small households has been regarded as one of the most central political achievements of local officials.

Population growth is also the most direct stimulus to local and central revenue growth, and correspondingly, it will also bring about an increase in national strength.

In reality, the long-term war brought about a sharp drop in population, which made land relatively abundant. At present and in the future, a large number of people need to fill the sparsely populated areas of Jingxiang, Henan, and Guan, etc. due to war. Therefore, the Privy Council also intends to lower the age of marriage and childbearing again to stimulate population growth.

It is in the past that every time the great chaos was settled and the new dynasty was established, the government of rest and nourishment would be popularized, and even girls would be forced to marry and have children at an early age to increase the fertility rate and stimulate population growth.

The pros and cons of anything are relative, and there is a balance point.

More people are more powerful and more powerful, which is the most intuitive understanding of the benefits of population growth in this world. However, the population growth is too fast, exceeding the growth rate of food production. When the production of food and other materials necessary for survival cannot meet the total demand of the population, a series of vicious disasters such as famine and war will be induced.

The population of Hailing Prefecture has a base number of 1.6 million; after deducting the factor of population migration, the population of Hailing Prefecture did not increase but declined during the period from Qingyu to Chongguan; and in the first year of Yongxing, there were 30,000 people By the end of last year, the increase had risen to 48,000 people - and the Hailing House Township Division system has been established, and local statistics can be considered perfect - which means that the population of Hailing House is naturally The growth rate has risen to about 3%, and if it is not controlled, it will continue to rise in the next three to five years.

Liu Shidu also made it very clear that the reason for the high proportion of net population growth in Hailing House in recent years is that since the ten years of Chongguan, the gradual implementation of many new policies in Hailing House has made the young children of Hailing House The mortality rate has dropped sharply, and the mortality rate of the disease among adults and the mortality rate of pregnant women has decreased year by year.

Population increase is a multiple increase. The natural increase rate of 3% does not seem to be large, but in about 23 years, the population can double from the base, and in 46 years, the population can be kept at the base. quadruple up -

Liu Shidu inspected Lin Fu's expression carefully and speculated that he should know that the rapid population growth may not be good, so he continued: "After the Emperor Gaozu established his dynasty, he also carried out a government of rest and nourishment, in order to make the population prosperous, but his government It’s not as far as the lord. The population of the households that have been investigated by Hailing House has only doubled in the past 200 years; and according to the lord’s government, it is privately calculated by teachers. The mouth will double in size..."

The war caused the population to drop sharply and the arable land to be relatively abundant, which brought relatively sufficient space for the recovery or increase of the population, but if this space was slowly filled in over two hundred years, at least in the early days of the dynasty, it would not be possible. cause too much problem. On the contrary, in the early decades or even nearly a hundred years of the dynasty, due to the gradual increase of the population and the orderly development of more land, a world of great governance will be achieved.

At present, the counties south of the Qinling Mountains and east of the Xiajiang River have a population of about 50 million. If the new policy is thoroughly implemented in the counties, the burden on the people and the pressure on their existence will be reduced, the health and medical conditions will be greatly improved, and the population will remain at 100 million. A three-thirds net increase could double the population to 100 million within 23 years.

If it is said that after 23 years, the land south of the Qinling Mountains can still support 100 million people, but in the next 23 years, the population will double again, and the population living in the south of the Qinling Mountains and Huai River will reach 200 million—— In addition to the natural population growth in the north of the Qinling Mountains, as well as in Liangchuan and Daxiguan, the population growth rate of the new empire cannot be contained—the total population of the new empire will approach 400 million in 40 to 50 years. At that time, can such a dense and huge population still be able to afford it with the existing arable land and crop yields?

Lin Fu looked up at Liu Shidu. He didn't expect that he, who was born in the traditional imperial examination, would think about the problem of overpopulation before others-why would Liu Shidu bypass Lin Mengde and find himself directly? He should have communicated with Lin Mengde on the population problem in Haizhou Prefecture, but the problem of overpopulation is obviously beyond the times. Lin Mengde ignored it and even sneered at Liu Shidu's worries.

Probably a lot of people will not be happy about Liu Shidu's high percentage of net population increase in Haizhou Prefecture, but worry about it, right?

With the further development of Guangnan, Yizhou, Qiongzhou and other regions, with the continuous improvement of farmland water conservancy construction in other regions, with the continuous improvement of planted species and the use of more fertilizers, Linfu believes that the Qinling Mountains and the south of the Huai River will be improved. The total grain output in the region has increased four or five times, which is not a problem. As long as food is relatively abundant and the population is overpopulated, it can be absorbed by emerging industries and mining industries, which will stimulate the development of social productivity again.

It's just that the increase in total grain output is a long-term process, and it may take seventy to eighty years, hundreds of years, or even longer to double the grain production. And once the population doubles and doubles in just 40 to 50 years, it is likely to exceed the total supply capacity of current food production, which becomes a great hidden danger.

And Liu Shidu cannot be more optimistic than Lin Fu about the prospect of increasing grain production, so he will have stronger concerns when he realizes the problem of overpopulation.

The new policy imposed by Lin Fu was originally to unveil the rule of prosperous times. At this time, Liu Shidu talked about the hidden danger of overpopulation and did not please Lin Mengde and others. It was normal. Liu Shidu did not write a special letter to state the matter, but made a special trip to see him alone. It can be seen that he was also ready to reprimand Lin Fu, protest in person, or observe the words and feelings to determine the depth of the discussion.

"People are breathing, this is the scene of a prosperous world, but Duke Liu is worried about the overflowing mouth, which cannot be carried by the land." Lin Fu took a tea cup, took a sip of tea, and asked, "This worry, Duke Liu, from Where did you think?"

"Before the eighth year of Chongguan, although the country was difficult, it was barely able to maintain it. The Yanhu invasion of Chongguan in the ninth winter and the chaos in Huaisi completely damaged the vitality of the country. Why did the Huaisi rebel against the enemy? I have been thinking about it over the years, and I have gained a lot. First, the refugees who poured into Huaisi were confused by the wife and brother of Qiao and rebelled; Looking at the inability to treat the drought that has spread to more than 20 counties in the past eight years and nine years, or in other words, the inability to treat and treat the disaster has caused the affected people to flee, and impacted the surrounding prefectures and counties, forming a wave of millions of refugees. Zheng thinks that the severe drought that spread to Henan and Guanzhong in the eight and nine years of Chongguan has a great relationship with the over-cultivation and sharp reduction of forest land in these areas, and Shi Du also thinks it should be the case. Fourth, over-cultivation and sharp reduction of forest land, There is a direct relationship with the over-breeding of the population. Fifth, even if the land is over-cultivated, in the past 200 years in the disaster-stricken areas of Henan and Guanzhong, the grain fields that Ding Zhuang can cultivate have decreased by more than 50%. Decrease, but the taxation remains unchanged, resulting in a great reduction in the grain storage of ordinary people and their ability to survive the famine, and the vast majority of people cannot survive the catastrophe of two seasons of no harvest..." Having said that, Liu Shidu lowered his head and swept his sleeves. With two eyes, it was obvious that he had come prepared. He was afraid that he might not have a good memory in his old age and that his words would be out of order, so he deliberately wrote the main points on the inside of his sleeves.

Lin Bie took a look and saw Liu Shidu's cuffs were densely written. He thought that he had thought deeply about this long ago and did not interrupt, and listened to him continue.

"The sixth is the merger of land, so that even if there is surplus grain in the disaster-stricken area, it will be concentrated in the hands of the big landlords, and the poor people have no ability to buy surplus grain to overcome the famine, so they can only get out of the disaster-stricken area to overcome the famine. Seventh, The flood-affected people rushed out and hit the surrounding prefectures and counties, forming a larger group of hundreds of refugees. Eighth, the Jianghuai during the Chongguan period was a land of fish and rice, but due to the overflowing population, it was unable to accommodate millions of people. As a result, the victims and refugees who traveled south were stranded between the Jianghuai and Huaihe River, unable to make a living, and eventually they were taken advantage of, causing civil chaos. Taking advantage of each other, they swept across the Central Plains in just a few years, causing Jingxiang and Henan to completely become rubble, and the two lakes, two rivers and the Jianghuai region were also greatly affected-the combination of these factors made Yanjing unable to do anything. Go calmly with Yanhu and the two bandits of the She family, so when Emperor Chongguan is tangled, he will make a hasty plan and fall into Yanhu's trap..."

Lin Fushen thought that the development of new craftsmanship would naturally touch new learning to form a strict system, but he did not expect that Liu Shidu was the first to form new thinking on the basis of many new policies and new craftsmanship - Lin Fu does not remember the overpopulation in later generations What is the specific content of the theory, but Liu Shidu's new theory on the relationship between population and war, population and cultivated land is obviously beyond the old times.

"What Liu Gong said is quite innovative. There are many things and countermeasures. I even bothered Liu Gong to write a special letter and send it over. It can also be called a public meeting and a Privy Council discussion." Lin Fu said.

Seeing Lin Fu's statement, there was no sullenness on his face. Liu Shidu felt relieved and said goodbye. Lin Fu asked Song Jia to bring the booklet "Speculation" translated by Song Shixian in the study room and asked Liu Shidu to take it back.

After Liu Shidu left, Song Jiacai sat down according to the case, and Lin Fu smiled and said, "This old man Liu clearly wrote a special letter, but he didn't take it out. I told him to run again tomorrow..."

"Liu Gong's new theory is generally not likable. If you don't understand his heart, most of you will think that he is using things to criticize the New Deal," Song Jia said. "Liu Gong may be afraid that he will submit a special letter, so there is no possibility of turning around..."

Lin Fu smiled lightly. He knew that Liu Shidu had the ability and knowledge to be world-class, but after being immersed in the officialdom for a long time, it was difficult for him to have a cautious temperament.

When it comes to the problem of overpopulation, Lin Fu has not thought about it.

In the four years of Yongxing, taxes were reduced for the Jianghuai prefectures and counties, and each household only reduced the tax by a small amount, and the rest were levied. On the surface, he didn't want to reduce the central revenue too much at once, but in fact, Lin Fu had no intention to revoke the remaining tax from beginning to end.

In the new tax policy, households with more than a certain number of acres of land will be levied at a maximum of double the basic land tax, in order to restrain the gentry from annexing land rent. However, if the "Yu Ding Tax" is retained, and if the households with many children are not fully apportioned into the mu, it will form a situation in which the households with many children have to pay an additional part of the Ding Tax.

Although there are many pedantic and stubborn people in the world, the vision and knowledge of the world's great talents standing on the cusp of the rapids can actually surpass the limitations of history.

Lin Fu said to Song Jia, "Go and fetch my pamphlet marked 'Chongmi' on the cover page and Dingtian materials from the five counties of Chongzhou..."

"Ah!" Song Jia stared at Lin Bing for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Did you realize that there are hidden worries behind such a large population increase?"

Lin Fu has some information, and Song Jia is not allowed to read it, but Lin Fu's many fantastic ideas can often be found in those thread-bound booklets. Song Jia once asked him why he kept it secret, and Lin Fu once joked that these were the heavenly books given by masters,

Lin Bie nodded.

These pamphlets are actually used by him to record his thoughts and thoughts, which is not a big deal. He didn't ask Song Jia and the others to read it because some of his views were too far ahead of the times. Asking Song Jia and the others to read it would increase their confusion. As for joking that it is a book from heaven, that is to say, I am worried that Song Jia can't bear curiosity and secretly read it, so there is an excuse.

"You have long recognized this hidden worry, but why didn't you mention it? Could it be that if Duke Liu didn't open this layer of window paper, then you also gave up." Song Jia asked strangely.

Lin Fu smiled and asked Song Jia to bring a few notebooks from the wooden box, as well as the Dingtian materials from the five counties in Chongzhou.

After Liu Shidu left, Lin Fu asked her to bring materials from Chongzhou Dingtian and the "Book of Heaven" that Lin Fu often carried with him. He guessed that there was no specific reason.

"For the new empire, population will be the most important resource," Lin Fu sighed softly, opened the notebook to look at the data he had written down earlier, and said, "However, too much population, It will also make the rice and grain produced by the land insufficient, and mergers and acquisitions are rampant. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and there is no way of balance. The population increased naturally. From the eleventh year of Chongguan, it reached 20,000, and in the first year of Yongxing, it reached 40,000; if it were not for the high death rate of soldiers who joined the army from Chongzhou in the later period, the first year of Yongxing After that, the number of Chongzhou Dingkou will naturally increase, and I am afraid that it will continue to rise. There are 1.2 million people in the five counties of Chongzhou at this time, of which 280,000 are the additional numbers after the eleventh year of Chongguan, that is, It is said that, excluding factors such as migration, the natural population growth rate of the five counties in Chongzhou has been 30% in recent years…”

Song Jia looked at the Chongzhou Dingtian information in her hand, and there was no detailed Dingkou increase number before the first year of Yongxing as mentioned by Lin Fu, so she knew that Lin Fu had long been aware of the hidden worries of the sudden population increase, but he did not announce to others, nor did he I know how many secrets others don't know are recorded in his booklets.

When he woke up on the Weiyang ship, Lin Fu was also confused for a while. Although he had a lot of vague impressions and memories of the future, but it was not profound and difficult to form a system.

For example, Lin Fu knew that smallpox was an extremely powerful infectious virus, and also knew that "vaccination" was necessary to prevent smallpox, but in fact he only knew the term "vaccination". What exactly is "vaccination", then There is no impression at all - just like most ordinary people know that gunpowder is one of the four great inventions in ancient times, but among ten ordinary people, not necessarily more than half of them know "one sulfur, two nitrates, three charcoal".

Before the ship woke up, Lin Fu was just such an ordinary person, with a glimpse of the future, living in a scholar of a strange era.

In the long years that followed, Lin Bing adapted to this era while sorting out the flashy memories of later generations in an effort to form a system. At the same time, he also studied the current miscellaneous arts and craftsmanship very carefully, hoping that the two could have a better harmony. , which can be beneficial to the leap-forward development of this era.

To say that Prison Island is only Lin Fu’s experimental site, Chongzhou is the first city that Lin Fu managed to manage. All kinds of changes in Chongzhou, and changes in Chongzhou’s land, population, customs, upbringing, epidemics and other aspects. Research is actually the implementation of Lin Fu's career in the past few years.

Mo Kan Lin Fu successively appointed Wu Meijiu, Li Shuyi, Chen Lei and others to govern Chongzhou, but the familiarity and profound understanding of Chongzhou, including Wu Meijiu, Li Shuyi, Chen Lei and others, are far less than Lin Fu.

Lin Fu's research on Chongzhou's population and life expectancy has a long history. In the early days, he was also shocked by the high mortality rate of infants, young children and teenagers before Chongzhou.

Before Lin Fu officially implemented the new policy, after excluding the factors of war and large-scale severe epidemics, the infant mortality rate in Chongzhou usually exceeded 20% in normal years, and men usually only had a 50% chance of living to the crown year; , the high mortality rate of young children and teenagers, so that the average life expectancy of Chongzhou people is only 35 years old. On the contrary, after coming to adulthood, there are many people who survive to the sixtieth or the old age.

There are many factors that lead to the high mortality rate in the world. Malnutrition, poor sanitation, poor living habits, weak resistance and poor medical conditions, and insufficient care for young children are all important factors for the high mortality rate.

In the tenth year of Chongguan, Donghai bandits attacked Chongzhou City and slaughtered all the gentry and civilian households in the city. As a result, Lin Fu was able to completely control Chongzhou and took the lead in Chongzhou to implement various new policies without resistance.

Lin Fu implemented the New Deal, including the construction of Chongzhou New City. Even if he did not have the conditions to realize the modern urban system, he basically planned and designed it according to the modern industrial and commercial cities. As if a miracle had happened, the high buckling rate dropped immediately.

In the early days, due to the huge number of people who moved in, the data on Dingtian in Chongzhou county government office was not as detailed as Lin Fu's private transcription and analysis. In the third year of Yongxing, talents such as Li Shuyi and Lin Mengde began to pay attention to the increase in the number of Dingkou. It is listed in the Dingtian Fish Scale Book of the Five Counties in Chongzhou—these data were not even accessible to Liu Shidu five years before Yongxing—but Lin Mengde and others regarded it as a powerful effect of the New Deal. Even Song Jia, who claims to be talented, has not been able to see the hidden worries of overpopulation behind the high net population growth. In fact, the population of Chongzhou, which has been increasing rapidly in recent years, had not been accommodated by the emerging industries of weaving and dyeing, shipbuilding, ironmaking and HNA in Chongzhou. Excessive population depletes clean...

If the new empire wants to finally lay its foundations, it will not do without a demographic advantage. At the same time, the dense population can ensure that emerging industries can obtain enough surplus labor and a large enough sales market——

There is a good side to having a large population, but once the population is over-populated, the drawbacks of consuming too much resources and intensifying the cycle of domestic conflicts will become increasingly exposed.

Of course, in Lin Fu's view, as long as the Nanyang route continues to extend westward and finds a new continent with extremely sparse population density, the excess population can be alleviated through large-scale immigration——

As for now, Lin Fu is even more afraid of rapid population growth. His policy of infiltrating Haidong and Nanyang colonists also needs to export a large amount of the remaining population.

Lin Bie also suppressed the hidden worries of overpopulation because of various complex and even contradictory considerations and trade-offs.

Now that this layer of window paper has been pierced by Liu Shidu, Lin Fu will naturally no longer forcefully suppress it, but will do some work to pave the way for future population control.

Song Jia looked at Ding Tian's documents, stared at Lin Bing, and asked suspiciously: "As far as you know, most of the data should be recorded in the fish scale book, even if there are occasional errors and omissions, they should also be included in other official documents - except for military information. Outside of the Division, the Division of Neiwei, and the Division of Fu, County, and Township, you have no other eyes and ears, so where did you calculate the number of people in Chongzhou before the two years of Yongxing?"

"It's said that the secret cannot be leaked out," Lin Fu proudly raised the notebook in his hand, and explained to Song Jia with a smile, "You can't see the secret just by looking at Dingtian's fish scales. The junior high school in Chongzhou The public school took shape as early as the eleventh year of Chongguan. And Chongzhou has a tradition of abandoning dead babies to the wild. I also set up a boy's grave in the eleventh year to forcibly collect the remains of minors; By comparison, it is not difficult to find the number of people in Chongzhou before Yongxing two years ago, and I don't need to rely on the people below for everything, as if I have no mind..."

"It's really hard to be an errand under your command. I can't fool you if you want to." Song Jia said with emotion.

"Chongzhou is my foundation, why don't I pay more attention?" Lin Fu said, "As for other prefectures and counties, even if I have so much energy to take care of it?"

Saying that Chongzhou is the foundation is not because Lin Fu laid the foundation of Huaidong there.

But because Chongzhou's high mortality rate has dropped sharply since the tenth year of Chongguan, nearly 150,000 children in Chongzhou can survive extra because of this factor. At the same time, the development of the public school system in Chongzhou was the earliest. At this time, there were 367 primary public schools, almost reaching the density of one primary public school in three or five villages. Fifty-six schools have also developed, and there are eleven new schools and new political schools in medical administration, agricultural administration, and shipping administration.

The entire public school system in Chongzhou accommodates nearly 190,000 students, of which 70% are children of Chongzhou nationality, and the enrollment rate of children of Chongzhou nationality In recent years, it has also increased to 40% at once.

In comparison, the development of public schools in Jiangning and Mingzhou is much slower, and there is not much resource investment for a while, and there is no urgency.

In the Chongzhou public school system, there are 20,000 more Chongzhou youths who have been fully educated by the new school for six or seven years and have been deeply influenced by the New Deal. These people have either already been or will be gradually arranged in the next two or three years to various emerging industries, or camps, or Haidong and Nanyang, or prefectures, counties, and townships.

Led by Chen Enze, Hu Qiaozhong, Hu Qiaoguan, Luo Yicheng, Tang Xitai and other Chongzhou children, the earliest group of Chongzhou children who followed Lin Fu numbered more than a thousand people. Chongzhou children can be seen anytime, anywhere in many matters involved in the New Deal, and as more Chongzhou children are cultivated from the earliest perfect Chongzhou public school system, it will be able to ease the current development of the New Deal to the greatest extent. shortage of human resources.

Obviously, the children of Chongzhou nationality, including a large number of the children of generals and officials who were naturalized in Chongzhou, are loyal and supportive to Lin Fu, which is beyond the reach of children from other places. The counties and the various lines also ensured that there would not be too many unexpected factors during the period from the public administration to the real establishment of the new empire.

Lin Fu is now asking the children of Chongzhou nationality to go to a place to work as a career, so he is mentally prepared to take root here, that is, in this city of Haizhou, the frequency of use of Chongzhou dialect is even higher than that of Jiangning mandarin, and Haizhou dialect. Almost disappeared in Haizhou City. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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