Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 45: Minister candidates

(I have been very diligent in updating these days. I updated 10,000 words the day before yesterday, 8,000 words yesterday, and 6,500 words today. I want a red ticket)

The next day, Liu Shidu wrote a special letter on the many problems that the surge in population would bring about the hidden danger of excess, and presented it to Lin Fu's case.

Lin Mengde, Gao Zongting and others all have different opinions on this:

Not to mention the demand for labor in emerging industries, the war is not over yet, and no one knows how many lives will be filled in the brutal war.

Jingxiang, Henan and other places are almost unknown for thousands of miles; Yanji, Guanzhong, Jinzhong, Liangchuan and other places to be recovered in the future have their populations greatly reduced due to the continuous war; it is necessary to completely suppress Yanhu and no longer become a frontier problem Therefore, the Liangliao area must become the central prefecture directly under the central government, and a large number of Han people need to be relocated to make up for it.

Guangnan, Yizhou, Qiongzhou and large tracts of land in the southwest are relatively backward in development; the most important resource for further development and strengthening of governance is population.

The area under the jurisdiction of the Jeju Governor's Office is no more than two counties, and 150,000 people have moved in one after another, which is especially insufficient; the Nanyang colonial business has just begun, and Sun Sizong has just established the Luga Governor's House on Luga Island, and in Johor The Pudan Peninsula has only just established permanent settlements. At least 100,000 to 200,000 people need to be relocated in these three places.

Taking Luga and Pudan to penetrate into the peripheral Southeast Asian countries, more people are needed.

What's more, the Southeast Asia route will continue to extend westward and southward, and it is impossible to predict whether a large-scale war will break out with the Jiduo Dynasty during the colonization of the South China Sea in the future...

The attitudes of Lin Mengde, Gao Zongting and others are now that they are afraid of the shortage of manpower, how can they be worried about overpopulation?

Moreover, the high proportion of net increase in the population in Huaidong area is the prelude to the prosperous rule of the New Deal. Liu Shidu raised the hidden worries of overpopulation at this time, which is naturally too unpleasant.

After all, Gao Zongting belonged to the military, and it was inconvenient to meddle in the affairs of the Privy Council too deeply. If he said different opinions, he would keep his mouth shut.

In front of Lin Fu, Lin Mengde quarreled with Liu Shidu.

Wu Qi, Ge Cunxin, Yang Shi, Luo Yicheng and others couldn't talk about this kind of thing.

Lin Fu can imagine that after returning from watching the show the day before yesterday, Liu Shidu should have had a dispute with Lin Mengde and Gao Zongting on this issue, but he did not accept his opinion, so he bypassed Lin Mengde and Gao Zongting and came to him directly.

"Okay," Lin Bie held the long case with his hands, interrupting Lin Mengde and Liu Shidu's quarrel, and said, "Your words are all reasonable, and there is no contradiction in reality. It's just that you can't calm down and listen to the other side's words. , the disagreement of political opinions and political disputes are the result of this. However, in order to govern a country, you must consider the good aspects, and you must also consider the bad aspects-in this way, I give you all the ministers who are involved in political affairs and military affairs a privilege: you Even if the statement submitted is inconsistent with my opinion, you have the right to submit it to the government meeting for full discussion. In this case, you can refer to the matter of the establishment of the heir. However, you are all ministers at the auxiliary level, so don't be concerned about one point. Disagreement of opinions, and there is a gap in my heart..."

Lin Fu's words pointed directly at the party dispute, and he was very fierce; Lin Mengde hurriedly explained: "The teacher is also worried about the public, and I know it in my heart."

"Yes, there is a big shortage of Dingkou right now. It is a good thing that there is a net increase in Dingkou in Huaidong," Lin Fu said, "but we should consider a century of affairs in governing a country. In the next 30 to 50 years, we need a high proportion of Dingkou. However, after 30 to 50 years, is this high proportion of net increase still appropriate? You all have to take this into consideration. 'Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish', you can't treat a headache at this time. Thirty or fifty years later, the headache will be cured." Lin Fu handed Liu Shidu's special letter to Lin Mengde and said, "You record my words on Liu Gong's special letter and bring it back to Jiangning to deliver it to the councilors of the government meeting. Read it carefully; around the New Year's Eve, I will go back to Jiangning, and then let Duke Liu go to Jiangning to discuss the matter..."

Lin Mengde and Gao Zongting looked at each other: Lin Fu is sure that there is a great demand for Dingkou at the moment, but at the same time asking them to think about the country for a hundred years is equivalent to affirming Liu Shidu's opinion at the same time...

Lin Mengde really didn't think about what happened in forty or fifty years or even a hundred years. He stopped arguing at the moment and said, "I'm really worried, and I will read the teacher's special letter carefully."

"Okay," Lin Fu waved his hand and said, "You and Duke Liu are leaving Haizhou today, so let's all stay and have a feast. We will make an exception at noon, open two jars of good wine, and don't get drunk..."

It was said that he wanted to put aside his political affairs and have a good drink, but the purpose of governing the country was to unveil the prelude to a new empire. There were many things to be done and everything was going to be complicated. How could there be room for everyone to have a drink in peace?

When it comes to grain storage, Liu Shidu and Lin Mengde have different opinions.

Whether it was Zhao Chen in the previous dynasty or Yuanyue, in order to ensure the security of food supplies for the capital, the Beijing army and the frontier army, a large-scale official warehouse system would be established. Huang Jinnian, who served as the governor of Dongmin at this time, had previously served as the right servant of the Ministry of Household and the head of the Gyeonggi Cangchang, and was the head of the Yanjing official warehouse system.

The Gyeonggi Warehouse has a perennial grain reserve of three to five million stone, but during the Chongguan period, the central finances collapsed, and the Gyeonggi Warehouse’s grain reserves decreased year by year.

Although Jiangning is in a land of fish and rice, and the peripheral grain sources are abundant, the official warehouse system must also be established.

After Jiangning was captured by the She family, although the Huaidong Army recovered Jiangning, the original weak official warehouses in Jiangning were called the Shejia to be destroyed.

At present, Lin Fu has separated the military and government of the Huaidong system. The military warehouse is only the military grain storage, and the scale cannot be expanded without restrictions.

Jiangning Guancang only began to absorb and store grains in the summer and autumn this year, and only then did one million stone grains be stored. During a severe drought in western Zhejiang, 2 million shi of rice grains were transferred from the peripheral prefectures and counties. The grain storage capacity of 1 million shi in the official warehouse was obviously far from enough.

Lin Mengde wants to increase the purchase of rice grains in Jianghuai, Zhejiang and Fujian next year, and increase the total grain storage capacity of official warehouses and military warehouses to 8 million stone. Only with this amount of grain can we cope with the following Northern Expedition and unforeseen droughts and floods.

Liu Shidu was appointed as the Minister of Proclamation of Jianghuai at this time, and he was very clear about the situation of Jianghuai.

Over the years, Lin Fu has transferred a large amount of grain and grass from the Jianghuai region to support Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and the two lakes in the periphery. In fact, the private grain storage in the Jianghuai region has always been at a very low level.

The severe drought in western Zhejiang, also known as Liu Shidu, also has lingering fears. He is worried that if a severe drought or flood occurs in the Jianghuai region, involving more than 10 million people, the central relief may not be timely and effective. It is also necessary to ensure that the private sector has a certain amount of grain storage. Liu Shidu hopes that the central government will slow down the purchase of rice grains in the Jianghuai region and reduce the grain storage capacity of 8 million stone by two levels.

"It's a good thing to have disputes because of business. The more thorough the discussion is, the less likely there will be problems in the future." The entire rice storage project involved complicated estimates, and Lin Fu suddenly didn't know about Liu Shidu and Lin Mengde. Who's opinion is more correct, but he encouraged as much discussion as possible at the beginning of the matter, saying, "In the past, there was no way to transfer rice grain from Jianghuai, Jiangning, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and the two lakes and other places will starve to death in large numbers. Now, I can’t calmly consider the buffer capacity of the Jianghuai region against droughts and floods. Fortunately, there have been no major problems in the Jianghuai region in the past two or three years.

Having said that, Lin Fu said to Lin Mengde again, "Choose a place for me in Jiangning. I will set up a museum in Haizhou. After a while, in Jiangning, Chongzhou and other places, I will also set up a few more places accordingly. Ge Siyu, Jiang Yue, Song Shixian and Zhao Shuhan wrote to each other, and after several months of discussions, they believed that it was necessary to establish natural history as a basic branch of the new study, and I would help them build this museum..."

"I'll remember," Lin Mengde said, "I left Jiangning, and Song Jiang and the two made a special trip to find me about this matter. If the inner government can allocate a sum of silver dollars, the pressure on Zhidu Division will be less..."

Lin Bie shook his head and smiled.

Lin Fu proposed a new philosophy of Confucianism in order to ease the conflict between the new learning and the old learning. The establishment of the new learning system was also discussed repeatedly by Jiang Yue, Song Shixian, Ge Siyu, and Zhao Shuhan in Jeju. .

The preliminary opinion at the moment is to divide the new credits into five categories: physical science, natural history, arithmetic and measurement, geography and astronomy, and medicine.

In the new Confucianism, the new Confucianism interprets the eight eyes of Confucianism, “to examine things, to gain knowledge”, and interprets “to examine things” as “research and to gain knowledge”. Traditional miscellaneous studies such as alchemy are included. Mathematics and measurement, geography and astronomy, and medicine, in fact, continue the tradition and integrate overseas miscellaneous studies.

To list the natural history, in fact, with the continuous extension of the Haidong and Nanyang routes to the north, south, and west, more and more new things and new species are presented in front of people, and people can recognize and learn new things. Features have become an increasingly urgent need, and there are huge benefits in itself.

The discovery of kerosene in Borneo has directly changed the situation that the fuel oil in the Central Plains used to depend almost entirely on edible oil. Since the first barrel of Borneo kerosene arrived in Jeju five years ago and was used for the lighthouse, this year, the importation of Borneo kerosene through Chongzhou, Quanzhou and Mingzhou has reached 80,000 barrels.

Due to the limited production of kerosene in Borneo, most of it is now absorbed by Huaidong, and the use of kerosene in Borneo has also increased greatly. Nanyang Shipping Society and the colonial merchant Yinzhuang plan to buy the nobles of Borneo and directly build large-scale mines in Borneo. of mining kerosene.

Borneo Ash, used by local indigenous people as fertiliser and construction slurry.

After these characteristics of Borneo ash were discovered, it was quickly imported into the Central Plains by sea, used as fertilizer, and also used for building walls with white ash.

Borneo Ash is actually volcanic ash.

Zhao Zuigui'er, who has been studying construction slurry for half his life, heard about the characteristics of the ash from the Borneo Mountains. Two years ago, he asked people to bring local volcanic stones to Jiangning, intending to build a kiln to calcine the same stone, and seek artificial production of volcanic ash. method.

At first, Lin Fu didn't think about what Borneo Ash is. After all, there are many kinds of natural building slurries; people in the world have long mastered the technology of calcining lime. Still listening to Zhao Zuiguier's intention to build a cellar to calcine volcanic stones to make volcanic ash, Lin Fu realized that Borneo ash is natural cement.

As long as the cage of ideological imprisonment is opened, the continuous discovery and cognition of new things and characteristics will directly promote the development of new learning and new industries.

In the past, Lin Fu knew the usefulness of reinforced concrete, but he couldn't remember how to make cement.

On the contrary, Zhao Zuigui'er, who was immersed in traditional architecture and craftsmanship, was inspired by the characteristics of new things and began to try to develop a method of cement calcination, but Zhao Zuigui'er named the imitation volcanic ash as stone slurry.

Zhao Zuigui'er often made mistakes because of his addiction to alcohol. He achieved success in the later period, and also exposed his **** for sex. He has a strange temper. Except for a few people like Lin Fu and Ge Funeng, no one can cure him, so that other Chongxueguan bachelors are not very good. see him.

Although Zhao Zuigui'er had deep attainments in the art of building and craftsmanship, when the Chongxue Museum was first established, Lin Fu did not list Zhao Zuigui'er as a bachelor of the Chongxue Museum. On the other hand, because of his pioneering method of calcining magma, Lin Fu could only hold his nose, regardless of other people's objections, he was included in the Chongxueguan bachelor's list, and he was allowed to open a school so that his builder could be trained. The new knowledge of technology and calcination can continue to develop and carry forward.

Of course, the creation of the method of calcining magma cannot be separated from the background of the development of the whole new school.

At this time, Zhao Zuigui's stone slurry, which was calcined in a kiln, has performance similar to that of Boro Mountain Ash, but it has extremely high requirements on the kiln temperature, which is almost the same as the firepower of the Liuli kiln. The cost of calcination can be reduced, and it can be better than shipping Borneo ash by sea.

Otherwise, even if a new method of calcining paste is discovered, there is no practical possibility at all; just like in the past, the glazed ware was only a plaything for the wealthy and noble family, and it would never have the opportunity to enter the homes of ordinary people.

In addition to Borneo kerosene, Mount Borneo ash, and local gold, silver, copper, and tin being transported back to the Central Plains, Jianghuai and other places have an exceptionally large demand for another specialty product in Southeast Asia, which is abaca from Johor.

The Central Plains have used hemp to make clothes, nets and ropes for thousands of years, but the hemp crops produced in the Central Plains are not resistant to corrosion and are perishable. "Three days of fishing and two days of drying nets" does not mean that fishermen are lazy, but the hemp fishing nets are not dried in time after being soaked in water, and they rot very quickly.

During offshore waterlogging and sea navigation, the rot problem of hemp fishing nets and hemp ropes is even more acute and prominent.

Lin Bie thought that this kind of problem would have to be solved until nylon was produced. However, we have to wait for nylon to be produced, and I don't know if it will wait until the year of the monkey and the donkey month.

The cost of wire rope is extremely high. Whether it is military or commercial ships, wire rope is currently only used in key places. Hemp ropes are perishable, and the big deal is to change them more diligently.

The discovery of abaca in Johor solved this big problem at once.

The abaca is produced from the banana tree that is widely planted in Johor. The local people use abaca to make clothes, ropes, nets, and weaving seats. The abaca material is light and tough, and it is not easy to rot, especially if it is soaked in seawater for a long time.

Initially, the fleets that went south to the South China Sea mainly purchased ready-made fishing nets and hemp ropes from Johor; after the characteristics of abaca were further confirmed, the fleets going south to the Southeast Asia this year began to purchase abaca raw materials from the local area on a large scale. Supply to JAC's rope-making and net-making workshops.

Due to the high-quality characteristics of abaca, the military also included it in the list of strictly outflowing military supplies.

At present, the strong growth of new industries in Huaidong can be said to have laid the foundation for new science, but the direct stimulation of the large-scale use of many new species with high-quality characteristics is becoming more and more obvious.

In the new study, the natural history is listed separately, and it is also intended to encourage the discovery and application of new species. After all, it may take hundreds or hundreds of years to wait for the development of physics to the stage where new species can be synthesized on a large scale, and nature itself contains countless treasures. As long as we are good at discovering and utilizing, we can continuously inject new vitality into the development of new learning and new industries.

Lin Fujinian set up museums in Haizhou, Jiangning, Chongzhou and other places. In addition to stimulating the development of natural history, he also wanted to show the world the achievements of the development of new learning, and also wanted the world to have more opportunities and more opportunities to enter the museum. Open your eyes to see the world intuitively.

To build a museum is not simply to build a building, but also to collect as many species as possible, and to classify them and identify their characteristics, which is also the main thing to do in the current natural history. Right now, we just need to set up the framework first, and the work of species collection and classification has to be done slowly.


Lin Mengde and Liu Shidu left Haizhou in the afternoon and returned to the south, and Haizhou City returned to its former calm.

But in the afternoon, it snowed again, Lin Fuwuwu practiced a knife in the snow courtyard, sweating on his forehead, watching Song Jia and Liu Miaozhen with a big belly come in, put away the white cloth spatula, and put on his clothes , go down the corridor.

Song Jia said with emotion: "The two annoying guys have finally left..."

Lin Bie laughed and said regretfully, "It's a pity that Duke Liu is old!"

"Oh!" Song Jia looked at Lin Fu in surprise, knowing that he would not aimlessly and express such feelings.

Lin Bie sat down with Liu Miaozhen, and he sat on the railing with snow grains along with him, and he didn't feel cold.

He has been investigating the candidate who can actually preside over the Privy Council on his behalf, and who is also the minister of the new empire.

As the direct head of the Lin clan, Lin Xuwen is not suitable to appear as prime minister. In the future, Lin Fu intends to let him replace Lin Tingli to preside over the meeting of the government, instead of asking the Privy Council to leave him to preside over it.

Lin Mengde has a wealth of experience in handling practical affairs, but he also has serious flaws. He is one of the ministers in the future, but it is inappropriate to ask him to fully preside over the Privy Council.

As a minister of the new empire, not only must be able to accept the new study and the new policy, but also have the ability to actively guide the development of the new study and the new policy. Although Liu Shidu seems a little conservative, although he is a figure born out of an old official, he has served in Hailing, Huai'an and other places for a long time, and he has also led the Salt and Iron Division and presided over the implementation of the new salt and iron taxation policy. He has rich political experience. ; Or is he able to spontaneously generate new thinking from the New Deal and New Learning.

From Lin Fu's point of view, the most rare thing in Liu Shidu is the overall situation that Lin Mengde and others cannot achieve.

Before the war, the population of the entire Central Plains region was about 120 million to 140 million. Taking Qinling Mountains and Huai River as the line, the population of the south (excluding the two Sichuans) was about 70 million.

Affected by the war, the population of western Zhejiang, eastern Fujian, eastern Jiangxi, Huaixi, Jingxiang and other places suffered the most severe reductions, with the respective population figures dropping by 20 to 70%. mainly concentrated in these areas.

However, areas such as Huaidong, Ninghu, and the south of Hongzepu were not greatly affected by the war. On the contrary, due to the influx of refugees, the population increased sharply. Among them, Chongzhou, Hailing, Pingjiang, Huaian and other places were the most obvious.

The dingkou in the five counties of Chongzhou has surged from 500,000 to 600,000 before the war to 1.2 million at this time. In addition to Chongzhou County, Hailing House has also surged from 1.1 million before to 1.1 million. One hundred and sixty thousand.

The excess population provides sufficient labor for the reclamation of coastal wasteland in Chongzhou and Hailing, as well as for new industries and the increasingly prosperous maritime trade industry, which stimulates the strong growth of new industries and maritime trade.

However, some problems have been gradually exposed. After the construction of the seawall, the coastal wasteland has been developed on a large scale, resulting in the newly added grain fields of Chongzhou and Hailing in the past ten years, reaching 3 million mu. However, under the background of the newly reclaimed large amount of wasteland, the per capita arable land of farmers in Chongzhou and Hailing has dropped by about 8% in ten years.

It's just that the problems exposed by these details, Lin Mengde, Li Shuyi, Wu Meijiu and others did not notice them.

Over the past two hundred years, the population has doubled, and the natural increase rate is less than 2/1,000. Under the tradition of the world's habit of procreating, such a low rate of natural growth was forcibly suppressed by additional factors such as high mortality rates, epidemics, famine, and **** large-scale internal wars.

As for Lin Fu's implementation of the new policy, he wants to solve the high mortality rate, solve large-scale uncontrollable diseases, solve famine and solve internal war problems. If he wants to let it go, let Dingkou's annual natural growth maintain at 100%. The third or so will be an extremely terrifying data.

Many people don't realize how terrifying the "3%" natural growth rate is, but to maintain such a high natural growth rate, based on the southern population of 5,000, it will increase to 100 million in 23 years. , it will increase to 200 million in 46 years; within 100 years, the population of the south will increase to 800 million, but within 100 years, the total grain output in the southern regions south of the Qinling Mountains and Huai River will increase. Sixteen times?

The beginning of a new empire is about to begin. The country should be considered for a century, and the national policy should be considered in the perspective of a hundred years, not just five or ten years.

Lin Fu hopes that the population will increase greatly, but this is limited and should not be unrestricted.

Lin Fu estimated that after recovering the north, the Liangliao, northwest, southwest and other places would be brought under the central government, and the total population of the country was about 90 million.

A four-fold increase in population in a hundred years, including overseas immigration, to between 300 million and 400 million is tolerable and possibly beneficial.

A hundred years from now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The development of new policy thinking, new industries, and new learning and new technologies will all take root. People's living standards will be greatly improved, and the habit of procreating will be overcome. At that time it may even be possible to encourage fertility in reverse.

However, within a hundred years, the total population will increase sixteen-fold, and that can never be considered a good thing.

Lin Fu did not explicitly raise these issues, but he had already buried the introduction of the "Yu Ding tax"; in the new military service system, Yu Ding also had to enlist in the army before the Du Ding conscription; in the New Deal, Lin Fu also intended to maintain the inheritance of the eldest son The tradition of homesteading intended to weaken Yu Ding's economic, family and social status, in the final analysis, was an introduction buried in advance.

Lin Fu was deeply impressed by the explosive growth of population in later generations after entering the modern industrial society.

Lin Bing just wanted to use these means to control the explosive, uncontrolled growth of Dingkou at the macro level, but he did not want to immediately stop the high growth rate of Dingkou in a short period of time.

When formulating national policies, taking a hundred years as a time unit to weigh the overall situation is the quality that ministers must have. At present, Lin Fu still only sees a shadow on Liu Shidu, which is also the biggest surprise of his trip to Haizhou.

But it is a pity that Liu Shidu has already passed his sixtieth year, and he has just taken up the post of the Jianghuai Xuanfu Envoy this year. It will take two or three years to transfer him to the center, and then observe for a period of time. When it is determined that he can be used as a minister, Liu Shidu is afraid It's almost seventy years old.

Lin Fu really had no interest in appointing a 70-year-old man as the prime minister of the new empire; therefore, Song Fu, who was already 63 years old, was not among the candidates for Lin Fu's minister at all.

Thinking of this problem, Lin Fu had a headache. Without a suitable minister, after the war was over, he couldn't be lazy. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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