Lord of the House

Vol 12 Chapter 46: Minister of State

Compared with the frequent and endless wars in the past, the six years of Yongxing seem to be much calmer.

Even on the Goryeo Asan battlefield, due to the timely landing of the Haedong battalion from the flanking Asan Peninsula, the Goryeo king's army was forced to retreat and relieve the siege of Cheongyang, so that the Battle of Asan could not be fought after all; and on other fronts, the scale of the battle was Even more limited, all parties are resting and recuperating, wanting to take a sigh of relief from the war that has not stopped over the years.

The drought in western Zhejiang was also relieved by a heavy snow that lasted for two days before the Chinese New Year.

Lin Bian left Haizhou before the New Year's Day and returned to Jiangning, but he did not stop after returning to Jiangning. The heavy snow, which eased the drought in western Zhejiang, caused a serious snow disaster in Xuanzhou.

Lin Fu had just returned to Jiangning on the front foot, and the back foot had to rush to Xuanzhou to inspect the disaster with Jun Xun and his eldest daughter Lin Zhengjun before the New Year Festival, accompanied by Zhou Pu, Zhou Xianzi, Lin Jingzhong, Li Shutang and others.

Xuanzhou was only two hundred and fifty or sixty kilometers away from Jiangning City, and the carriages would arrive day and night after clearing the snow.

The Xuanzhou snowstorm collapsed thousands of houses and killed nearly 3,000 civilians.

Due to the timely disposal, after the snow disaster, the garrison was promptly transferred to the disaster-stricken counties in Xuanzhou for relief, so that the casualties did not expand. Lin Bie walked non-stop for three days in the Xuanzhou prefecture's counties before inspecting the disaster-stricken areas.

On the last day, he ran to the Xuanzhou Coal Yard, which was the hardest hit area. Lin Bing didn't pay attention. He stepped into the snow pit, fell to the ground, and got up sullenly covered in snow.

The Xuanzhou Coal Yard is government-run, and it still adopts stricter military management. Although many houses collapsed, there were few casualties. At least in the early stage, it showed the high efficiency of government-run military management.

Lin Fu sat on the snowy soil ridge and asked Jun Xun to help dust the snow particles on his body, and said, "This is a country, and it is still difficult for me to rule it, but I can't imagine that my descendants are all in the greenhouse. When you grow up, even if your intelligence is not weaker than others, but you have not experienced the torment of the world, how can you be able to govern this country?"

"What's good from above, what's good from below" is still an absolutely valid truth at this time.

Liu Shidu's concerns about overpopulation were initially ignored by Lin Mengde and others. However, after Liu Shidu's special letter to Dingkou added to Lin Fu that "governing the country should be considered a hundred years of affairs", the people below quickly understood what Lin Fu meant, and the wind began to change.

Before Lin Fu returned to Jiangning, Ge Siyu wrote the title "On Guanluo Water and Drought" in the "Xuanzheng Post", discussing Guanzhong, Heluo and other places for nearly a thousand years, Dingkou, cultivated land and Guanluo drought and the Yellow River. relation to floods.

From the Qin Dynasty to the Chen Dynasty for more than a thousand years, there were eleven drought years in Guanzhong, Jinzhong, and Heluo, a total of one drought in a hundred years; , a drought every thirty years; the frequency has tripled.

In the past 400 years, the disasters of the Yellow River overflowing, straying, and diverting its course were far more frequent than those before the Chen Dynasty. Since the Yuan and Yue years, there have even been major disasters in ten years, and minor disasters in three or five years.

Ge Siyu pointed out in the article that this kind of thing is directly related to the over-exploitation of cultivated land and the sharp reduction of forest and grass in Guanluo area.

The world is not short of visionaries, and the problem of ecological deterioration in the northwest region was not discovered until today.

Lin Fu also knew in his heart that if it wasn't for his semi-open support for Liu Shidu, the issue of Guanzhong would not have been brought to the surface explicitly.

Lin Fu wouldn't blame Ge Siyu for his suspicion of ruddering. I don't know how many times stronger it is, but it is also a real combination of academic research and people's livelihood, and it cannot be forced to have the will and courage of a statesman.

However, for population control, Lin Fu did intend to regain the north, and he started in the areas west and north of Guanluo first.

Before the Chen Dynasty, there were six dynasties who established the country in Guanzhong. The key is that the water and soil conditions on the Weiping Plain were excellent in the early stage. The farming areas in Guanzhong had experienced the six dynasties before they could support the consumption of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in the capital.

After the Chen Dynasty, the Guanzhong Wei level was due to over-exploitation and the environment began to deteriorate, but it was enough to maintain the consumption of the national capital.

Since entering Yuanyue, the ecology of Guanzhong has deteriorated into a bitter cold place in the northwest. In the later period, although the Cao family tried to rebuild the Zhengguo Canal on the Weishui Plain, in fact, in three or five years, it was impossible to restore the prosperity of Guanzhong during the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The Yellow River is the lifeblood of the Central Plains. In the past three or four hundred years, the Yellow River has become a suspended river due to the accumulation of sand, and the river has become more and more serious. In the middle period of Yuan and Yue, in order to control the river trouble, the court moved to set up a permanent minister of river affairs, and he was also led by the servant of the Ministry of Industry of Sanpin. In the ninth year of Chongguan, Yan Hu entered the pirates and dug the levee on the north bank of the Yellow River, which attacked the Yannan Plain, and there was no way to restore the river course naturally.

When the Northern Expedition killed Yanhu and recovered the Central Plains, the first thing the center faced was the issue of governance of the Yellow River.

Lin Fu also dispatched Ge Siyu, who led the Tianshui Division, to prepare in advance.

To treat river problems, there is a difference between treating the symptoms and treating the root causes. To cure the root cause, it is necessary to control the scale of farming in Guanluo and Shanxi in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and cultivate forests. It will take hundreds of years or more to restore the soil and water ecology in the north and west of Guanzhong.

To control the scale of farming in Guanluo, Shanxi and even the Kansai region, the most important thing is to control the population of these regions.

Lin Fu even planned to impose strict grazing prohibitions on the Hetao and Yanxi areas after the success of the Northern Expedition, and drove the Yanxi Zhuhu, Qiangyi and other clansmen who could not be completely subdued to the north to the Rouran Sea (Berga Lake) to the north. Drive north and west to the west of the Iri River.

Because of Lin Bie's statement, Liu Shidu's special letter was not dismissed at the public meeting, nor was it given special attention. After all, the current mainstream still hopes to have more Dingkou, but it has also passed two new system adjustments:

First, the male needs to be the crown and the female needs to be 16 before they can marry. This is originally an ancient ritual, but under the policy of encouraging childbirth in the past dynasties, most women in the world are married at the age of 14 or 15. The restoration of ancient rituals is to shorten the reproductive years of women. However, increasing from the age of 14 to 16 is not very meaningful.

Greater significance reduction in obstructive birth mortality in girls under the age of sixteen.

The data in Chongzhou and other places have been improved first. The mortality rate of dystocia among girls under the age of 16 is as high as 10%, which is comparable to the casualty rate on the battlefield. When a 20-year-old woman gives birth for the first time, the death rate from dystocia plummets to 1%.

Although there is no accurate statistics in the past, the world still has a clear understanding of the difficulty of childbirth and rearing of young girls.

Another adjustment made is to abolish official media marriage.

In the past, men were not allowed to marry in their 20s, and women over the age of 18 were not allowed to marry. The official media forced them to marry. After the abolition of the old system, women are allowed to postpone the marriage and childbearing period relatively independently. At present, in Chongzhou, Haiyu, Jiangning and other places, the phenomenon of hiring female workers is becoming more and more common. Women can work to make up for the lack of households. Naturally, the woman's family is willing to delay the marriage of the woman; even more extreme, the father and brother restrict the woman from marrying and working for profit. Things happen from time to time.

The tradition is relatively strong. The mainstream of the Privy Council is that it does not want to put a sudden stop on the nationwide population increase. Some preventive measures may take thirty to fifty years to gradually take effect.

As for the strict population restrictions in the northwest of Guanluo, Lin Fu has only discussed it with a limited number of people.

Strict population restrictions in the areas west and north of Guanluo have many meanings, and they are more related to the governance strategy after the Northern Expedition to recover the north. In particular, the grazing prohibition system is equivalent to adding a hoop to the Yanxi Huhu and Qiang Yi foreign forces in the future, strictly limiting the growth of their forces, which is very supported by the military.

Obviously, the military and the Privy Council are full of confidence in the military victory, and will not stop after the recapture of the North Central Plains.

The plan drawn up by the military and the Privy Council is to bring the original Donghu people's residence in the northeast and all areas including the Ulun Mountains (Xiaoxing'anling) under the direct jurisdiction of the central center, so as to completely eliminate the frontier troubles in the northeast.

As for the Rouran Sea and the Yili River, the Han people have not set foot in such a remote area for six or seven hundred years, and even Gao Zongting, Song Fu and others do not expect the border to extend so far.

Lin Fu disagreed. The steam engine should be able to be used for transportation within a hundred years. The technology of the fire crossbow will mature first. The central control of the Rouran Sea and the Yili River is not delusional.

However, the whole plan could not be discussed in a wider area in advance, for fear that in the event of a panic attack, it is likely to prompt the Yanxi Hu, Qiang Yi and Donghu to unite together to resist the Northern Expedition.

Lin Fu sat on the soil ridge, brushed off the snow on his body, and complained to Jun Xun about the political difficulties.

Although Zhengjun is the eldest daughter, she is only seven or eight years old and innocent.

Lin Bie took her out so that she could understand the sufferings of the world, but her mind was completely attracted to the water pump in the mining area.

Although the snow disaster collapsed a large number of houses, the casualties were not serious, and the Xuanzhou coal yard soon resumed production. When the steam pump is in operation, it will spray water vapor, which will condense into a white mist in the air, covering a large area, and also covering the pumping tower, attracting the curiosity of Zhengjun.

Xiaozhengjun stared at her for a while, and asked a group of guards to surround her, worried about what happened to the steam pump.

Lin Bie brushed off the snow on his robe and came to hold Zheng Jun's little hand in his palm, so as not to let her get too close to the pump out of curiosity, but just stood on the edge of the pump tower and watched the pump operate.

A stream of condensed white steam is sprayed out from the side mouth of the working chamber, the burner is continuously feeding coal into the fire chamber under the spherical boiler, and the chimney connected to the boiler also emits a wider range of white gas. steam.

At the end of the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, next to the hearth, the burner who plucked coal into the hearth was shirtless and sweating profusely. Called to come and ask about the new water pump.

Jiang Yue's original plan was to use 20,000 silver dollars to try to build a set of steam engines for mine drainage. Lin Bui intends to speed up the improvement of the steam engine, and asks the Machinery Manufacturing Division to spend 200,000 silver dollars for Jiang Yue to build eight sets of steam-type water pumps for the drainage of the government-run coal yard, which is to make the eight coal yard relatively independent. Improve the technology of steam pump.

It takes 20,000 silver dollars to build a set of new water pumps. However, since the preparation molds for boilers, working chambers, piston connecting rods and other components can be shared, the average cost of building eight sets of new water pumps is much lower by 20,000 silver dollars. Eight sets of new water pumps did not cost 100,000 silver dollars.

Excess funds are also dedicated to the maintenance and technical improvement of the new water pumps in major coal yards.

Around August, eight sets of new water pumps were built one after another and delivered to coal yards in Xuanzhou, Sushui, Shouzhou, Huaiyang, Putang and other places for installation to remove water in the mines.

At the same time, the eight groups of new models operate relatively independently, investing seven or eight times the technical force and resources, and the efficiency of finding and improving problems is naturally far from one group.

Of these eight groups of new-type pumps, except for one group of boilers, which had major problems due to poor casting, the other seven groups of water-pumps have been running stably for almost four months. There are many problems exposed between them, but they can be renovated in time in the coal yard; the Machinery Manufacturing Division also follows up the operation and improvement of the new water pump at any time.

A set of new-type water pumps spreads the expensive construction cost over ten years of operation and maintenance costs, which is enough to hire nearly 200 young people to work.

However, for the drainage of the coal yard, a drainage well is built above the mine road. A drainage well can cover such a large area at a glance. Even if two or three hundred young men can be hired, there is no way to send so many people to the drainage without stopping.

The new type of water pump is capable of continuous, high-intensity, and high-powered drainage. Although it is expensive, it is also superior to human and animal power after three or four months of use.

In the past, animal power was used to drain water, and due to insufficient driving force, the water was pumped to a depth of 10 or 20 meters at most. With the new type of water pump, although the airtightness is still unsatisfactory, it can also pump water to a depth of 36 to 7 meters. This makes the coal yards in Lishui, Putang, Xuanzhou and other places with high groundwater levels to dig one or two more layers of coal, and the old abandoned mines can also be reused.

At present, coal consumption in the Jianghuai region has greatly increased, so that coal prices have returned to pre-war levels. At the same time, Lin Fu limited the labor scale of the government-run coal yard, no longer limited the government-run iron yard and kiln yard to select the best coal, and no longer restricted the use of the official coal yard. Lin Fu wanted to give up part of the market to the merchants and mines to balance the relationship between the government and the people. However, when it comes to huge coal profits, a basket of coal in Jiangning can net a dime of silver. Even if the government-run coal yard cannot increase the scale of labor, it will do everything possible to increase coal production.

Old mines that are geologically stable and not prone to collapse can be reused, and the cost savings is enough to offset the expensive cost of new pumps; the use of more new pumps, and even the use of steam to lift mine carts, can greatly reduce manpower and the use of animal power.

In Xuanzhou Coal Yard, in addition to ordering two new water pumps, they also began to organize craftsmen to design and manufacture the first minecart hoist powered by a steam engine, which was somewhat beyond Lin Bing's expectations.

Although the steam engine at this time has low efficiency due to the imperfect design of the seal and working chamber, there is still a big gap with the real steam engine, but there is cheap coal in the coal yard. As long as it works, it is not afraid of low efficiency.

For steam engines, Lin Bie only knew a general principle, and the specific technology was far less proficient than professional craftsmen.

As long as the coal yard thinks it is cost-effective to use the new pump, Lin Bie is satisfied.

In the final analysis whether a new technology can be used, the key is whether it can be relatively cheap. As long as the government uses new water pumps to improve efficiency and reduce coal mining costs, iron mines, copper mines, oil wells and even commercial and private mines will adopt new technologies out of the drive for profit.

In the past, when the Xuanzhou coal yard was privately run, there were 500 young people employed, and each person digs four baskets of coal every day to produce wells, but produces more than 600,000 baskets of coal a year. At this time, the amount of coal mined in the Xuanzhou Coal Yard increased eightfold to five million baskets, but the scale of labor only increased fourfold.

The use of new technologies to improve coal mining efficiency is obvious. Of course, compared with the mechanical coal mining of later generations, the efficiency may not be as good as Eleven, and Lin Fu did not expect to improve much at once. As long as he can continue to improve, it shows that the New Deal is gradually gaining popularity.

Lin Fu stood there, discussing the new pump with the general manager of the coal yard and the chief craftsman, accompanied by Lin Jingzhong, Li Shutang and local officials from Xuanzhou.

Lin Jingzhong, Li Shutang and others are nothing. Most local officials in Xuanzhou are bureaucrats and traditional scholars from the old department. I was dripping with sweat, and I couldn't understand it at all. I couldn't listen there, and I didn't dare to be distracted...

Seeing that the local officials in Xuanzhou were also working hard, Lin Fu stopped the inspection and ordered Zhou Pu and Zhou Blind to prepare for the return trip, and he had no intention of staying in Xuanzhou.

Lin Jingzhong took a gap and reported to Lin Fu about the preparation of the iron bridge.

From the Jiangning area, rivers are vertical and horizontal, and there will be many contradictions in the development of land transportation.

No bridges are built on the galloping road, only crossings are built. The traffic efficiency of the galloping road is too slow, but the construction of bridges hinders river transportation; the construction of high arch bridges is not conducive to the smooth transportation of large carriages; and there is no way to build suspension bridges with high spans in plain areas.

Therefore, many pontoon bridges are built on the official roads in the area south of Jiangning when they meet the rivers, so that the ships will gather, and the pontoon bridges will be opened to let the ships pass through at a concentrated time. It's just that the pontoon is not a permanent building, it has many shortcomings, it is extremely troublesome to maintain, and the speed of opening and closing is also very slow.

Lin Jingzhong discussed with the officials of the Department of Engineering and Construction for several months, and was determined to try to build an open iron bridge in the area close to Jiangning City.

The site of the first experimental iron bridge was selected at the mouth of Jinchuan River, where Linfu first developed.

After years of development, Jinchuan River Estuary, together with Prison Island, has replaced Longzangpu Inland River Port and has become the main port of Jiangning. The original Hekou Town had more than 100,000 residents, and a large number of new factories were located there. At this time, it was already extremely prosperous.

The Privy Council even planned to set up new cities and counties on the basis of Hekou Town for governance.

It's just that Hekou Town occupies both sides of the Jinchuan River and divides the Jinchuan River into two, so the traffic is very inconvenient. The Jinchuan River is also the main waterway entering the city east of Jiangning City. It is impossible to build a bridge without being called large and medium-sized sailboats. The opening speed of the pontoon bridge is too slow, which has seriously affected the traffic efficiency of land and water.

In the construction of iron bridges, the middle section of the iron bridge is manually opened at a fixed time by means of lifting the city gate, and ships are allowed to pass through in a concentrated period, which will greatly improve the efficiency. It's just that the river channel at the mouth of the Jinchuan River is 56 meters wide. Building a 56-meter pure iron bridge is the first of its kind in this world. It is estimated that it will cost more than 500,000 silver dollars.

Even if Jiangning can take out the money and invest so many resources on an iron bridge, this is obviously not something that Jiangning can call the shots, and even the Privy Council strongly opposes it - the center is still tight; after the new tax administration, The local income of Jiangning Mansion has increased a lot at once, but no matter how much money there is in Jiangning Mansion, it is impossible to invest so much money on a bridge.

You must know that when Chongzhou New City was built, the money invested in the first two years was not so much. In the future, it is estimated that a new warship will only cost 600,000 to 700,000 silver dollars. How can the Privy Council not be angry with such a big fight for an iron bridge?

Lin Jingzhong could only learn from Liu Shidu and turn around to win Lin Fu's support.

Lin Fu took out the drawings of the iron bridge designed by Jiangning House and the Department of Engineering and Construction, and sighed in surprise: "I want to build an iron bridge!"

Lin Fu has no objection that the Jinchuan Iron Bridge will consume nearly 2 million catties of iron. Without continuous consumption, how will the iron smelting and foundry industry develop and how will the technology progress?

Lin Fu has no objection to invest more than 500,000 silver dollars.

After the tax sharing, there were more local tax sources, especially the lijin income of Jiangning Prefecture soared. If the financial resources are sufficient, it is to be used for local people's livelihood. Don't need to drop it, is it possible to save it in the construction of the silver kiln? For people's livelihood, in addition to benefiting people's livelihood, it can also promote the development of new industries and increase the total economic volume. Jianyin kiln deposits silver dollars, which is a big drawback.

Lin Bie was just worried about jumping from the traditional stone and wooden bridges to the iron bridge at once, which was technically immature.

There is no problem with iron castings for bridge construction. The iron yard can even cast the ribs and keels of super-large seagoing ships, and casting bridges is not a problem. The key is the standing water bridge foundation. The bridge foundation scheme designed by the Engineering and Manufacturing Division abandons the traditional stone base, but injects stone slurry into the iron cylinder and adds iron bars, which is completely different from the traditional new engineering technology.

It has only been five years since the ash from Borneo Mountain was used to build the lighthouse, and it took less than two years for the stone slurry to be developed by Zhao Zuiguier. Lin Jingzhong will use the stone slurry for the iron bridge costing more than 500,000 silver dollars. Many new construction methods have been tested here, but the cost of a single lighthouse is still low. If something goes wrong, it can be remedied in time without causing major losses. Jinchuan Iron Bridge needs to invest more than 500,000 silver dollars. The key point is that once there is a problem, the traffic on both sides of the Jinchuan River will be seriously hindered, and the loss will be even greater. Lin Fu suddenly found out that the officials below are developing new learning and new Technically, he began to show a more radical and positive attitude and attitude than him.

Lin Bie frowned and looked at the iron bridge design plan laid on the long table.

The carriage was chaotic, and due to the special design of the carriage, Lin Bing sat in the carriage to handle government affairs, and did not notice the usual vibrations when the carriage was traveling.

Lin Jingzhong looked at Lin Fu nervously. Without Lin Fu's support, this plan would be impossible to pass.

He came up with this plan and went to Lin Mengde. Lin Mengde almost pointed at his nose and scolded the prodigal son, and said that he would propose to the government meeting to reduce the tax-sharing ratio of Jiangning House.

"Zuo," Lin Bie said with determination, pressing his hands on the long table, "as long as Jiangning House considers fundraising more carefully, don't be afraid of problems in the future. The new policy is to cross the river by feeling the stones, and you can't wait for the stones to come out of the water. Crossing the river... However, the Privy Council took out Wang Xueshan's old house to set up a museum. There is a curved stream in the house and a stone bridge, but the stone bridge can't show the achievements of the new school. I hope Jiangning House will take out a sum of money first. To build a small iron bridge in this curved stream, first test the technology used in the Jinchuan Iron Bridge first in the museum, and it can be regarded as adding a scene to the museum!"

"If you talk about bargaining with the lord, you won't get any advantage. This iron bridge, Jiangning Mansion, can only be recognized." Lin Jingzhong said with a smile.

Lin Bie laughed and said: "Now the financial branches are divided, and the support that the inner government can use has a quota, and there are many things I want to do, so I have to think of additional ways. In addition, it is not necessary to make a moderate amount of financial extravagance. It must be harmful, the key is to master the degree, and our thinking must be changed. This time, I support you. "

At present, Lin Fu mainly uses the huge military purchase market to support the development of new industries and new technologies. Even if the Northern Expedition is successful, he has no plans to stop the military expansion to the west and north...


Lin Fu returned to Jiangning and stayed there for half a month. After Lichun sacrificed to the heavens, he went back to the governor of Haizhou.

Seven years into Yongxing, Lin Fu still had no intention of making a large-scale northern expedition, and his energy was mainly focused on the army, and everything seemed calm. Perhaps it was Jiangning's plan to invest 500,000 silver dollars to build the Jinchuan Iron Bridge, which became the most lively discussion after the year.

Yue Lengqiu returned to Jiangning in early February to report his work.

Although the Military Staff Department has officially taken over the country's military and political affairs, Yue Lengqiu, as the military supervisor of the various towns in Henan, must first be responsible to the Military Staff Department. The political affairs hall all face to face the military affairs of Henan.

"I don't think about the plan of the Northern Expedition, and a broken bridge in Jiangning will cost 500,000 taels of silver. Does Duke Chongguo put all the fat and cream of the people into his pocket?" After the high case, he looked a little better. In front of Cheng Yuqian, Shen Rong, Zhang Yan and others, he complained to Yue Lengqiu about the construction of the Jinchuan Iron Bridge in Jiangning Prefecture.

At present, apart from complaining a few times, the palace and the political affairs hall have almost no involvement in military and political affairs.

The mint casts silver dollars and uses pure silver. The value of one silver dollar is slightly higher than that of one tael of silver. Five hundred thousand silver dollars is five hundred thousand taels of silver.

Yue Lengqiu was also surprised that Jiangning Prefecture invested 500,000 silver dollars for the construction of an iron bridge. 120,000 generals died in Henan towns, and the total military funding allocated by the Privy Council this year was only 2.5 million silver dollars. But to invest 500,000 silver dollars for an iron bridge with a width of 15 to 60 feet, and the silver that can be expanded by 50,000 soldiers to be invested in a bridge, it is simply extravagant.

However, it is also obvious that Lin Fu did not need to put the silver in his pocket by this means.

The empress dowager Liang's anger is also obvious:

In fact, many people here, including Emperor Yongxing, hope that Lin Fu can organize the Northern Expedition. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not to say that everyone expects Lin Fu to win another great victory in the Northern Expedition. In fact, they all know in their hearts, including Emperor Yongxing, the Liang clan and the imperial party: if Lin Fu is in the Northern Expedition, if it will be again If they win a great victory, their prestige will rise to a higher level, and the dynasty will be changed.

Lin Fu obviously understood this, and was not in a hurry to organize the Great Northern Expedition, but to implement the New Deal first. Not only was the authority of the imperial family and the political affairs hall vacated, but most of the officials of the six divisions were absorbed by the Privy Council, and now there are only a few vacancies left. Pizi, after another year or two, the foundation of the government's governance will be laid down, and the Yuan family's imperial family will become a dispensable existence that no one cares about.

This is probably the most resentful and dissatisfied part of Liang's family that Lin Fu spent a lot of money on building bridges instead of rushing to the Northern Expedition, right?

Yue Lengqiu thought secretly, he really didn't know how to comfort Liang's family, and the old minister said something nonsense. When he was about to retire, Yu Yuqian stood up and took out a memorial letter hidden in his sleeve. , raised it on his forehead, and said respectfully: "The old minister is already old, and I occasionally caught the wind and cold a few days ago, and I still feel like a candle in the wind, unbearable to be ravaged by the years. When my mind is exhausted, I think or retreat to the thatched cottage to stay old. At that time, I urge the Empress Dowager and the Emperor Nian to be loyal to the court, although he is stupid, he is diligent and diligent towards the country.

Yue Lengqiu froze there.

"Cheng Qing, are you going to abandon the Yuan clan too?" Liang clan asked in a panic.

"The old minister dare not, forgive the old minister's stupidity and old age, it is useless to stay in the country." Cheng Yuqian walked to the front of the hall and knelt down, begging to go.

Zhang Yan and Shen Rong looked at each other, sad in their hearts, secretly: Cheng Yuqian, the old fox, is going to retreat and seek protection! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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