Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 124: wedding reception

After staying in Shanglin for three days, April 26th was the day when Zhao Hu married the Guo family daughter. Lin Fu established his own door and is the head of the family. When the welcoming team returns, he will also accept the newcomer's gift with Zhao Hu's parents. Lin Fu didn't know much about the complicated etiquette, and he was confused when he heard it, but although the Zhao family was a small door in Shanglin, there was also an old man in charge, so Lin Fu could just follow his orders.

Zhao Hu's wedding room was arranged in the new yard, and the flowing mat was placed in the old yard, and a pergola was also built; Lin Fu went to Zhao's house before noon and had a banquet at noon, and temporarily settled in the new yard to rest.

Outside the new yard is a wheat field. Lin Fu stood in the courtyard wall talking to Cao Zi'ang and Zhou Pu. Looking at the wheat field outside the courtyard wall, he said with regret, "Just after Xiaoman passed, the wheat grains in Dongyang began to head. After filling the grain, it will be harvested in more than ten days. After the wheat is harvested, the rice is planted, which is a pity..."

Cao Zi'ang knew what Lin Bie meant, and the crisis in Hong Zepu would break out before the wheat harvest was completed.

It has been ten days since Li Zhuo officially took office. Qin Chengbo has completed the handover with him. Lin Fu and the others are in Shanglin. They receive news from Jiangning twice a day. Having lived on the boat, the Qin family's first team to explore the way has already set off from Jiangning.

Rogues are rampant these days, and no way is absolutely safe. Qin Chengbo also knows that the huge wealth he has collected in Jiangning has made the rogues coveted by all the families. In addition to having 400 or 500 elite warriors in the family, Lin Fu and the others got news that Qin Chengbo also hired 200 military guards with Jiangning Wufeng Escort with a lot of money. In addition, the troops sent by the Qin family to explore the road were also divided into two groups. , all the way to Weiyang, all the way to Hongzepu, people can not understand the truth. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow morning, the Qin family's fleet will set off from Jiangning and head north. Once Qin Chengbo finally chooses to go up the Shiliang River, it means that the Hongzepu crisis will inevitably break out. In fact, the more Qin Chengbo was bluffing in Jiangning, the more Lin Fu and the others were sure that Qin Chengbo would go up Shiliang Hebei.

Most areas north of the Huai River are still dry and drier this year. In addition, the large-scale Qing banditry in the imperial court before and after the New Year's Festival has prompted the wave of refugees to break out very early, causing many areas in the north to miss spring planting, and the famine in the north will further aggravate. The surrounding area of ​​Hongzepu was originally a large grain-producing area. The military disaster will greatly reduce the grain production, and it will miss the summer planting, which is really not a good thing.

Cao Zi'ang and Zhou Pu glanced at each other. Years of experience made their minds a little cold. Perhaps it can be said that the general situation of the world and the livelihood of the people should not be their "rogues" who should worry about it, but seeing Lin Fu's expression solemn They looked at the wheat fields outside the courtyard wall, and they felt uncomfortable.

In the past few days, Lin Fu sent two private letters to Gu Wuchen about Hong Zepu's abnormal situation. Gu Wuchen didn't return without saying a word, and the commissioner was not at all prepared for the situation in Hong Zepu.

The old mansion is busy preparing for the evening banquet, the Dongyang wedding banquet, the evening is the main banquet, the bride is married into the door to worship, although the banquet is also held at noon, but some well-known people always have to wait until the afternoon to come to congratulate.

Lin Bie listened to the noise in the yard next door. Some people were saying that the Seventh Lady had come here, and they all boasted that the Zhao family was really proud. Ordinarily, the Zhao family should find a few decent female family members and aunties to accompany the seventh lady to a quiet room to speak. The two younger sisters accompanied the seventh lady and her two maids to the new courtyard.

The seventh lady saw Lin Fu Qingshan standing in the courtyard and looking at her, her brows and eyes were happy, but Lin Fu was accompanied by Zhou Pu and Cao Zian, she restrained the joy of seeing her lover again, and gently bowed her body: " You are here..." Zhou Pu and Cao Ziangming were all Lin Bie's entourage, Gu Yingxiu didn't know their identities at this time, and seeing their extraordinary demeanor, he just nodded.

The Zhao family didn't have any decent female relatives. Zhao Hu's two younger sisters were accompanying guests. Maybe they had given instructions to their mother. Although they were young, they didn't say much, so they first entered the house with the two maids.

"Sister Yingxiu, there are many things I haven't had the chance to tell you," Lin Fu said, "I have a rare opportunity today. I will introduce Zhou Ye and Cao Ye to you. My grandfather called Cao Xiucai, all the friends I met in the last two months when I was outside in the fall..."

Gu Yingxiu was also calm. Lin Bie called out "Sister Yingxiu" in front of outsiders, so that she could no longer have sex. Gentle affection grew in her heart, and she asked Lin Bie in a low voice, "What about Master Wu?"

In the winter of last year, Lin Fu went to Jiangning, but there was no wave of migrants in Jiangning. Wu Qi did not have a clean identity and could not follow him to Jiangning. Gu Yingxiu first arranged to be a guest in Shanglin. If Gu Yingxiu did not have any knowledge, and could not survive in the intriguing Lin family, he had long guessed that Lin Fu must have experienced unimaginable catastrophe in the period after last autumn, and the identities of Zhou Pu, Wu Qi and others were also doomed. It's simple, but Lin Fu didn't take the initiative to say it, and she didn't ask, and did things properly for Lin Fu in Shanglin.

"I usually call him Lord Crow, and people on Huai Shang are called Hei Tian Crow. In fact, people are not so vicious. He has also come to the forest, but he has other things to do," Lin Fu said with a smile, "Speaking of which, Ying Xiu Sister doesn't believe it either. I also have a bandit called Donghaihu, but I'm embarrassed to admit it because everyone pretends to act under this name... This is not the time to discuss this matter in detail. After Jiangning, I will report this. Many things that have happened in the past six months and more will be told to you as they are." Many things can only be said face to face, and must not be written in a letter to prevent loss, and only at this time will Lin Bie have a chance to mention it to Gu Yingxiu.

"Well," Gu Yingxiu gave Zhou Pu and Cao Zi'ang a gift again, and said, "Yingxiu greeted Zhou and Cao, and my younger brother usually takes care of Zhou and Cao..."

Cao Zi'ang saw that the Seventh Madam could not be surprised when she heard such secrets, and thought that she was not an ordinary woman, so he clasped his fists and saluted with Zhou Pu: "The Seventh Madam is serious. …”

At this moment, I heard someone in the yard next door say that the sixth lady brought the young master to congratulate him. Lin Fu was slightly startled. Gu Yingxiu smiled and said, "If I were her, I would be worried that you would help me seize the power of the forest clan behind my back. It's really hard for her..."

Lin Fu smiled, Hong Zepu would be chaotic, and the war would be like a nest. He just wanted to arrange as many people as possible to go to Jiangning to avoid disaster this time. He had no greed for the authority of the Lin family. . It's not that he can't guard against others if he is not greedy. Sixth Madam and Lin Zonghai think that they are sure of manipulating or exploiting clan power, and guarding against him is not difficult to understand.

After a while, he saw that the sixth lady, Shan Shi, who was at the age of the young woman, came over with the young son Lin Xuxi, who was holding a brocade gown, accompanied by Zhao Hu and her mother in person.

"It turns out that Xiaoqi and Lin Xiucai were talking here. By the way, Xiaoqi said that he was going to Jiangning to visit relatives. Did he go to Jiangning with him when Lin Xiucai's affairs were over?" Mrs. Liu smiled sweetly, compared to half a year ago. At this time, the sixth lady has learned a lot of skills that she did not know before.

"The Lin family didn't have a boat to go to Jiangning during this period of time. I won't borrow a place to stay with Lin Fu. Could it be that I, a woman, would hire another boat to go to Jiangning?" Gu Yingxiu said. Even if she is a thief, she will not feel guilty, and she will directly take the words back.

The sixth lady is not Gu Yingxiu's opponent in words, and she is not annoyed, and smiled: "Xiaoqi will be taken care of by Lin Xiucai, you are nominally different in seniority, but everyone knows that you are brothers and sisters. There's nothing to avoid..." A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lin Bie, the corners of her lips curved like a smile, and she said, "Lin Xiucai went back to the forest, why didn't you come to see me? It's your aunt, sober master never said that he wanted to expel you from the clan, it's all the Lin family, and they always come and go." He peeked at Lin Fu with his eyes, and thought to himself, "It's really strange, it was useless before." I haven't seen him for a long time. Now it seems that Duan is really extraordinary. What other people say happened in Jiangning, is it really what he did?

Lin Fu didn't care what Madam Liu thought in her heart, and apologized, "It's Lin Fu who neglected her, so I'll make amends for Madam Liu."

Lin Mengde and Lin Zonghai came one after another. The Zhao family did not have any prominent relatives, so Lin Fu could only perfunctory with Lin Zonghai. Later, an elder of the Lin family came to congratulate him, and Lin Fu got rid of Lin Zonghai and talked to Lin Mengde.

"The wheat is heading, and it will be harvested in more than ten days. The young people who are working outside are all rushing back to prepare for summer harvesting and summer planting. At this time, it is difficult to persuade people to leave their hometown..." Lin Mengde squatted down on the mud in the yard With a bitter face on the ground, he told Lin Fu about the matter, "You said that things won't happen after Xia Zhong? After Xia Zhong, it's much easier to persuade people to leave their hometown."

"You can't delay it, just do your best to obey the destiny," Lin Fu said. "Have your family arranged to go to Jiangning?"

"They were sent away before noon," Lin Mengde said. "This military disaster can't be explained clearly, and the crime of lying to the public is not something that anyone can suffer..."

"Let's spread it privately, and be trapped. After a few days, the army will be in chaos. The government wants to track down, but no one can be tracked down." Lin Fu said, but he also doubted how effective the private rumors of military disasters would be.

Lin Fu won't tell Lin Mengde about fishing in troubled waters, but he needs Lin Mengde's help to arrange as many people as possible to go to Jiangning to avoid disasters, and he also briefly explained the current emergency situation to him.

Don't talk about persuading others, even Zhao Hu and his parents are reluctant to leave the wheat in the field that can be harvested in more than ten days and go to Jiangning with him. Fortunately, Gu Yingxiu was going to Jiangning, and asked Zhao Hu's mother to serve with his two sisters. The second brother Zhao Bao had learned to work with Gu Yingxiu, and the younger brother Zhao Mengxiong had been in Jiangning for almost half a year. The whole family was going to Jiangning. Zhao Hu's father had no excuse to stay, and could only entrust more than ten acres of land to the tenants. Lin Jingzhong's family directly used Jingzhong's marriage as an excuse to run on Sun Jingtang to take the Lin Jingzhong family to Jiangning to live for a while as his in-laws. For other people in Shanglin, Jiyun Club can only recruit people in the name of recruiting workers. People who have no land and no land are easy to persuade. Tenants who have land and land or rent land to grow crops naturally refuse to give up the harvest of more than half a year. Follow to work in Jiangning.

Lin Fu and the others set up spies in Hongzepu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to monitor the situation around Hongzepu, so they knew the urgency of the situation, and even knew that the dozen or so boats and Qiuzi boats that stopped at Shanglindu were the forces of the Hongzepu water village. Arrange for the ships to block the back of the Qin family's fleet. Ordinary people naturally don't feel the urgency of the situation, even if Lin Mengde first heard Lin Fu talk about it, he would be skeptical.

When the wedding team came back, there were many ceremonies to be done. Zhao Hu, who was wearing the red robe of the groom's official, looked at the opportunity and asked Lin Fu, "Qin Chengbo will leave from Jiangning tonight?"

"If you honestly entered your bridal chamber, how could the groom go missing so easily? You are guarding in Shanglin, and if something goes wrong, I expect you to be in charge," Lin Fu asked again, "What did the Guo family say?"

"According to Master Cao's instructions, I put on the stinky face of a rich son-in-law, and asked their family to go to Jiangning to play around, but can the situation here be delayed for three days?" Zhao Hu asked.

According to Dongyang custom, the third day or the sixth, seventh, ninth, or tenth day after marriage is the full moon. The newlyweds will go to their parents’ home to pay homage to the family.

"Qin Chengbo departs from Jiangning tonight, and the boat travels slowly. If the boat travels day and night, it will also enter Hongzepu in three days. The timing is very urgent," Lin Fu said, "When you return to the door, you will go by boat. Go back to Shanglinli to prepare first, but there is no time for you to delay when you return to Shanglinli, it is difficult to say that the Hongzepu clan forces did not work together to control the important areas south of Hongzepu."

After nightfall, Lin Fu and Zhao Hu's parents received the newcomer's gift in the main room. Zhou Pu hurried over and handed him a note. Jiang Ning received news that Qin Chengbo had brought forward the originally scheduled night's farewell banquet to today's noon. After that, the Qin family's fleet immediately set off from Jiangning and sailed into the Shiliang River, at least half a day earlier than Lin Fu and the others judged. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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