Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 125: humiliation

After the Qin family's fleet set off from Longzangpuwu Port in the south of Jiangning City, it sailed all the way north, and did not stop after nightfall. The sides of the ship were covered with lanterns, which illuminated both sides of the Shiliang River as bright as day. When the wind was weak, it would shake. In addition to sculling and paddling, the Qin family also paid money to hire young people from both sides of the strait to pull fiber, and they arrived at Shanglinli at dusk the next day.

The ferry is on alert, and all unrelated ships are cleared out of the ferry, or they are rushed to the shallow water pier upstream of Shanglin Stream. Lin Fu changed into a blue official robe and stood on the ferry, watching the direction of the Qin family's fleet. The sky is getting late, and the setting sun hangs above the northwest peak of Tiemu Mountain, reflecting the rippling waves and golden scales of the river branch.

In addition to Lin Fu, officials such as Dongyang prefect Shen Rong, Tongju Lin Tingli, and Shiliang magistrate Liang Zuoren all wore official robes to welcome Qin Chengbo at the ferry, and planned to pay Qin Chengbo at Shanglindu.

Shen Rong only came to Shanglindu at noon to see Qin Chengbo off, and this was the first time Lin Fu saw him. Shen Rong was wearing a crimson official robe, with a height of less than five feet, a thick waist and a round neck, a black face, neatly trimmed beard, and a very conspicuous large mole on the tip of his left eyebrow. It is said that Shen Rong was ranked second when he participated in the Yanjing examination, but because of his poor appearance, he fell into the top two in the palace examination. However, his talent and political cultivation have made him well-known in the court and the public. Seeing that after Shen Rong arrived at Shanglindu, he inquired and instructed everyone in detail about what to do for Qin Chengbo. Others decided that he was coldly watching Qin Chengbo go into the depths of the death trap step by step. go. Shen Rong was also very eager to Lin Fu, but Lin Fu knew that he had to be more careful about such a person who could eat people with a smile.

The Qin family's fleet came winding, and the building ship at the head was extraordinary, even larger than the Dongyang, with a total length of 13 or 40 feet, and three-story buildings on the deck. When approaching the ferry, there were nearly three cabins above the deck The height of the two masts is at the stern, and there are five or six feet high from the top of the cabin. Each cabin is surrounded by a half-person-high parapet, and it is like a moving fortress from the shore, which is very majestic and magnificent. The top cabin of the building ship is a watchtower, and you can see that Qin Cheng's entourage warriors are all wearing armor and standing inside to guard the sentry, and the swords are flashing with cold light.

"Shen Rong, the prefect of Dongyang, led the officials and gentry of Dongyang to welcome the general of Fuguo to pass through Dongyang, and wish the general of the country a smooth journey..." boat to go.

After a while, a middle-aged scribe dressed as a staff member disembarked from the boat. He bowed to the Dongyang officials who were looking forward to the ferry crossing and said, "My general is very grateful to Dongyang's elders for their love, but the cabin is small, so it is inconvenient to invite everyone to board the boat to thank them one by one. I'll get off the boat and apologize to everyone..."

Others cursed in their hearts: The members of the group prepared a great gift, but they couldn't even see half of Qin Chengbo's figure. How could they be happy?

"Master Shen, my general invites you and Lin Tongjing and others to gather on the boat..." Qin's aide took out a list to read. In addition to Shen Rong and Lin Tingli, Liang Zuoren and other key officials of Dongyang and Shiliang County And more than a dozen famous squires were invited to board the boat, Lin Fu's name was not among them.

Although Lin Fu was able to get along well in Jiangning with the power of Gu Wuchen, but after all, he was only a ninth-rank scholar, and it was reasonable for Qin Chengbo not to invite him on board. When I was invited to the ship list, I deliberately glanced at Lin Fu, and the expression was obvious: you are not qualified. Everyone else looked at Lin Bing scornfully before turning away, and some even showed contemptuous smiles without concealment. Shen Rong smiled inadvertently in the twilight, and glanced back at Lin Bing, hoping to see the look of frustration and humiliation on his face.

The surname of this aide in the Qin mansion is Wang. He is a good person. He has never been admitted to the jinshi examination, so he has not entered the official position. He has been an aide to Qin Chengbo for many years. He is called "Second General" in Jiangning, and Qin Chengbo trusts him. , Jiangning garrison military mansion many military orders and political systems, mostly from his hands. When Jinger in Dongcheng hit the estuary, he appeared with Qin Chengbo, and Lin Fu recognized him. They had to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in Jiangning and would not overly offend Lin Bie, but when they left Jiangning, they didn't take Lin Bie's role in their eyes at all, and they deliberately tried to tease him.

"Mr. Wang, please stay," Lin Bie laughed softly, and said loudly, "I would like to ask Mr. Wang to send a message to the general of the Fuguo: the storm in Hongzepu is dangerous, Lin Fu has a boat on Shanglindu, and I implore the general of the Fuguo En Xulin Bound and escorted for a ride."

The expression on Lin Bie's face was "sincere and sincere", which made many people look sideways, thinking in their hearts: This guy is really thick-skinned, and he would stick his face on it if he didn't give it to him. The Qin family's staff was also stunned, thinking: It's not without reason that this son is so prosperous in Jiangning, and he doesn't have the cheekiness of him.

Lin Fu peeped at Shen Rong who was about to board the boat to meet Qin Chengbo, his face slightly darkened, and he sneered in his heart: His little scholar would be escorted by boat, so Shen Rong, the prefect of Dongyang Prefecture, couldn't be in Shanglin. It was perfunctory, but Shen Rong knew in his heart that the journey from Shanglindu north to Hongzepu was in danger, and his words forced Shen Rong to a corner where he couldn't turn around.

Shen Rong frowned, how could he have thought that Lin Fu was thinking of fishing in troubled waters? When Lin Fu was shameless and wanted to curry favor with Qin Chengbo, he said coldly, "If Lin Siyu insists on seeing General Fuguo, I will say a few more good things to you after boarding the boat, Fuguo. Whether the general is willing to see you or not depends entirely on your good fortune. Mr. Gu may not know that you have such enthusiasm for honoring your superior."

Shen Rong's words were very rude, Lin Fu just thought he couldn't understand it, his eyes were still on the Qin mansion's aides, and he said: "Lin Fu also admires Mr. Wang after the river mouth, and the general style of Fuguo is even more. It is convincing. It is said that he is talking about his intentions. In fact, Lin Fu has to personally **** the general of the Fuguo to pass the Dongyang mansion safely. I think all the officials and gentlemen in Dongyang have the same sincere intentions as me... I hope Mr. Wang can Tell the generals of Fuguo the sincerity of Lin Fu and these people."

Although others couldn't bear to listen to Lin Fu's flattering words, they all nodded and said yes.

Shen Rong didn't expect that he was going to mess up this jumping clown after his careful planning, and he was angry in his heart, but he couldn't say more. The only way to get on the boat is to hope that Uncle Qin Cheng can reprimand Lin Fu and dismiss his shameless request. Otherwise, he and the officials and squires will inevitably **** Uncle Qin Cheng north to the border of Dongyang Mansion. , that is almost to the north of Luoyang Lake.

Shen Rongming knew that the forces of the water villages in Hongzepu regarded Qin Chengbo as their prey, so how could they dare to enter Luoyang Lake with Qin Chengbo so easily? Shen Rong's original plan was to quickly return to Shiliang County to watch the situation after Shang Lindu went to Qin Chengbo. Once the Qin family's fleet fell into Hongzepu, and the fishermen in Hongzepu raised their flags and raised their flags at the instigation of the water village forces, he could dispatch troops in Shiliang County to deal with the crisis. Regardless of whether Qin Chengbo can get away in the end, the benefits of his Shen Rong are naturally indispensable.

Watching Shen Rong get on the boat to meet Qin Chengbo, Lin Bing smiled coldly, and Zhou Pu turned around and walked towards the pier where the Dongyang ship was moored in the distance. Others looked at him with pitiful and contemptuous eyes.

Lin Fu and Zhou Pu climbed the Dongyang from the rope ladder, Lin Fu stood on the bow, watching the Qin family fleet in the afterglow of the sunset. In addition to the fort-like building ship at the head, Qin Chengbo was accompanied by more than 20 large and small ships on his trip north. Before the Qin family's fleet arrived at Shanglindu, Cao Zi'ang and Ge Cunxin led people to dive into Luoyang Lake disguised as fishermen from Hongze Puli.

Qin Chengbo did not intend to stop the boat and go ashore. On the one hand, the building boat is bound to be extremely luxurious, and Shanglindu may not be able to provide him with the enjoyment and luxury that he deserves. On the other hand, Qin Chengbo also wants to quickly pass through the Hongzepu area. He didn't give the water villages and rogues along the coast too much time to react and gather, but he didn't know that the forces of the water villages in Hongzepu had already joined forces to weave a big net and waited for him to plunge into it.

Lin Bie waited for a while on the Dongyang, and an errand from the Qin family came to tell him that Qin Chengbo would allow him to **** him for a ride. Lin Fu wanted to escort, so Dongyang officials naturally couldn't escape. He really knew that the situation in Hongzepu was in crisis. Lin Fu was standing on the bow of Dongyang when he saw Shen Rong running down the stairs to make arrangements, smiling. Said to Zhou Pu: "Shen Rong is afraid to hate me to the bone..."

"He only thinks that you are unintentional. Although he is angry at this time, he shouldn't talk about it." Zhou Pu said with a smile.

Qin Chengbo didn't delay on Shanglindu for a long time. The Qin family's fleet pulled anchor and set sail in the twilight that could not be dissolved. Dongyang also pulled anchor and set sail, turning into the Shiliang River and heading north.

Shen Rong, Lin Tingli and other Dongyang officials and gentry were in a panic, but they couldn't show that they didn't **** them out of the country before. Although Shanglinli Township has eight fast oar boats, but they are not ready for night sailing, hanging lanterns, shaking the waves, and extinguishing when the night wind blows, there are only more than ten wind lanterns for each boat. There were two, but there were too few lights to illuminate very far; there were not enough boatmen and oarsmen, and a hundred people were temporarily employed at the dock.

Shen Rong knew that Shiliang County's knives and archers were all trash, so he didn't let them get on the boat. In addition to the 300 Dongyang Prefecture horse infantry he brought along with him, Lin Zonghai also let Lin Zonghai lead 300 Shanglin villagers with experience in water warfare to accompany him. Shen Rong hoped to use force to deter the forces of Hongzepu Water Village until the Qin family's fleet and the escorts were separated before starting. Shen Rong, Lin Tingli, Liang Zuoren and other major officials naturally continued to travel to Qin Chengbo on the building boat. Although the number of Dongyang officials and gentry was small, they used two boats, and the three hundred Dongyang government horse infantry used four boats, and there were two remaining. The ship could hold no less than 300 Shanglin Xiangyong. Lin Zonghai asked Lin Mengde to come over to discuss with Lin Fu, and asked Dongyang to help the 180 rural braves of the three teams, but Lin Fu naturally couldn’t refuse, and Lin Mengde also wanted to stay on the Dongyang to help Jijixiang. brave.

The entire fleet was dragged for a long time. The building boat and the Qin family's fleet were in the front, the eight fast oars from Xiangying were in the middle, and the Dongyang was at the rear, but the building and Dongyang were the tallest in the Shiliang River. Bie and Lin Mengde stood on the top of the stern cabin of the Dongyang ship, and they could see the brightly lit cabin on the second floor of the foremost building ship. The song and dance girls raised by the Qin family were singing and dancing inside. Most people did not realize that the night Murder in the wind.

The wind was strong, and the boats arrived at the mouth of Luoyang Lake before midnight. The fleet dragged for a long time, and the distance between the north and the north of Luoyang Lake was not large, less than two miles of waterway. The building boat that Qin Chengbo took had already arrived at the north entrance of Luoyang Lake, and the Dongyang was still outside the south entrance.

After leaving Luoyang Lake, you will leave the border of Dongyang Mansion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is inconvenient for Shen Rong and Dongyang Official Mansion to send each other forward. Just at the mouth of Luoyang Hunan, they anchored and stopped, waiting for Shen Rong and the others to lead the way back.

Lin Mengde knew that Hong Zepu was in a critical situation, but he didn't know that Qin Chengbo's crossing was the key opportunity to induce the crisis. He wondered why there were enough wind lights on the Dongyang, why only four lights were placed on the main mast from top to bottom when the ship was stopped. A lantern? At this time, I heard fast horses rushing on the river bank, but the stars and the moon were dark, and only a very confused shadow was seen. The Xiang Yong on the boat also alerted and pulled out their weapons, and heard a few whistles of varying lengths. , I heard Zhou Pu say that he was his own. After a while, he saw seven or eight people coming over to climb the ropes and board the boat. Zhou Pu took a man who had just boarded the boat and had no time to change his wet clothes to the aft deck. Han Zilin looked familiar, but heard him say: "The back road has been blocked. There are more than ten open river boats filled with hay, and they will probably use fire boats to seal the river..."

Just as Lin Mengde was about to ask what happened, he saw a fire suddenly started to burn in the northwest direction. There is the direction of Qingyang Post. In order to guard against the forces of Hongzepu Water Village, Dongyang Mansion has set up an outpost there. Dongyang officials, gentlemen and soldiers are all aware of Qingyang Post. Get up: "The lake thieves are in chaos!"

Lin Mengde also felt strange that the lake thieves in Hong Zepu were going to make trouble in the middle of the night, so why couldn't they hide from Qingyang Post? While hesitating, I saw that in the dark night in front of Luoyang Lake, the dense lights were suddenly lit like a sky full of stars. I don’t know how many boats were ambushed in Luoyang Lake under the night, and I saw these many thieves boats rushing towards. From here, the lights of the Qin family's fleet were the brightest, and the thieves boats naturally concentrated on the Qin family's fleet. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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