Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 126: Water Village Lake Pirates

The beacon fire burning in the direction of Qingyanggang was not so much a warning signal, but a signal to launch a general attack for the boats lurking in Luoyang Lake and the waters in front of Luoyang Lake. Originally, there were only a few fishing fires on the surface of Luoyang Lake. Over time, the more than 200 water village ships lurking in the night lighted their torches one by one, as if countless stars were suddenly lit up, illuminating the left and right waters as bright as day.

Lin Bie stood up on the deck of the stern cabin. Hongzepu Water Village really didn't expect to attack Luoyang Lake. Most of the ships in the water village were in the waters north of Luoyang Lake, but the warning had been issued, and they had to start in advance. , the boats of the water village in the north all rowed south like arrows.

The Qin family's fleet and the fleet that saw them off were also panicked. Although there were nearly 2,000 people on their side, there were more than 1,200 of them by force (including 300 horse infantrymen in Dongyang Prefecture and 3 people in Shanglinli Township Yingying). Hundreds of people, 200 military guards in the Wufeng Escort, and 400 warriors in the Qin family), the warning came too suddenly, and the enemy's tracks appeared too suddenly, and the number of enemy ships that suddenly appeared was as many as ants. It is unclear how many lake thieves gathered in Luoyang Lake, and they were attacked at night, so how could they not panic?

The building boat that Qin Chengbo was on also made a quick U-turn and retreated.

The wind can be used to raise the sail forward. When the original road is retreating, the wind can only be lowered and the sail can be lowered or oared and swayed. Building boats carry the most people and cargo. In order to pass Hongzepu, they deliberately choose flat-bottomed boats that are not conducive to breaking waves but have a shallow draft. Lin Bing looked at the speed of the boats in the water village, and estimated that the building boats would be entangled in the water village boats when they retreated to the center of Luoyang Lake.

Shen Rong, Lin Tingli, Liang Zuoren and others were still on the small boat they were transferring on, and they did not return to the eight fast-paddle boats they were escorting. The two nearby pirate boats that were turned into fishing boats seemed to recognize the identities of Shen Rong and Lin Tingli. They didn't want to wait for the main force to arrive, so they went to the small boat that Shen Rong was transferring to. The small boat that Shen Rong transferred had two escorts, and they couldn't kill the two thieves boats.

The escorted eight fast oars from the township camp temporarily hired nearly a hundred people to act as oarsmen on Shanglindu. Lin Fu suspected that there might be people from Hongzepu Water Village. lake!"

He is not going to save Qin Chengbo, but the river behind has been blocked by a large number of boats that have sneaked past Hongzepu Water Village. Hongzepu Water Village will even block the river with fire boats to prevent Qin Chengbo from escaping. The hull of Dongyang The biggest, leading the siege will attract extra firepower. The best choice is to lift anchor and sail into Dongyang Lake, and let the lake mouth out for the Qin family fleet and the village camp who don’t know the way back is blocked for the time being. The ship retreated first to impact and block the ships in the water village.

"Uncle Mengde, please go and call me the leaders of Xiangyong..." Lin Fu took off his official robe while talking to Lin Mengde. Most of the people who came this time were brought to Cao Zi'ang and Ge Cunxin. Let's go, together with Wu Qi and his spies who rushed back to the ship, there are less than twenty people in total, and at least ten people will be required to drive the Dongyang. During the escort, there are not enough ships to temporarily accommodate the Dongyang. There are 180 people in Xiangyong. If he can make good use of these 180 people, Lin Fu has the confidence to break out of the siege alone. Wu Qi has been monitoring the boats entering the Shiliang River. Although there are as many as forty or fifty boats, most of them are small and thin-walled river boats. The other party blocked the river with a fire boat, and Lin Fu was sure to rush over.

After a while, Lin Mengde brought the four chiefs of the village camp to the stern deck to see Lin Bie.

Lin Fu took off his official robes at this time, and Zhou Pu both put on thin scale armor, stared at the four village leaders, and said, "The situation is critical, I don't need to say more, Shouyan, Qingshan, Jiyuan, I I usually see you as brothers and sisters, but at this time we are in the same boat, and there is nothing to distrust each other, this is..." Shanglinli Township Yingxiang Yongduo is a child of Shanglinli, and the four township brave leaders, Lin Fuji I know three of them, Zhao Qingshan and Zhao Hu are distant cousins, Lin Jiyuan are both children of the Lin clan, and Lin Fu is a clan brother, and the relationship with Lin Mengde is closer, Chen Shouyan is also a child of the same village, and Zhao Qingshan is the age of The longest, he was already thirty years old. The three of them, like Zhao Hu before, were the backbone of Shanglinli Township Camp. The last person was named Li Guang, and it was not that Lin Fu did not know him. This person was Lin Zonghai. The foreigner who was promoted to control the township camp, at this time, his status in the township camp was higher than that of Zhao Qingshan, Lin Jiyuan, and Chen Shouyan, and the three teams of township braves on this ship were all under his control.

"Little Li Guang, who was appreciated by Big Brother Zonghai, temporarily took up the post of Deputy Commander of the Township Battalion, and met Lord Lin..."

"Oh," Lin Bie stared at Li Guang and said, "On my boat, you and your uncle Meng De will be under the command of me and Uncle Meng, even if Lin Zonghai is on this boat, you will also be under the control of the two of you. Feeling embarrassed about this, I immediately made the boat dock to send them ashore..."

"Lin Xiucai has the highest official position and the greatest prestige. Naturally, we all listen to Lin Xiucai." Lin Jiyuan, Zhao Qingshan, and Chen Shouyan all complained that Lin Zonghai had the greed to control the village camp and let a foreigner ride on them. Lin Mengde stood up and wanted to temporarily take over the command. Of course, he supported it. Besides, before the owner of the family was seriously ill, Lin Mengde's status in the clan was no lower than that of Lin Zonghai. At this time, Lin Fu was even more famous. , but the younger generation in Shanglin felt very refreshed.

Li Guang stared at Lin Bie, his heart was empty, and he saw that one of the civil servants had changed into thin-scale armor at this time, holding a saber, and had a murderous aura. Behind him, Zhou Pu was also wearing thin-scale armor, holding a big Mo knife, and carrying a bow on his back. , with a quiver tied around his waist, even more imposing. Besides, in the early winter of last year, Lin Bie put a knife on the neck of the second son and forced him to kneel. He also witnessed it with his own eyes. What can he say when Lin Bie is going to take over the command of Xiangyong? Although he was the deputy commander of the township battalion, he was sent to Lin Zonghai to lead the three teams of township warriors, but Lin Mengde, Lin Fu, and Lin Jiyuan were all children of the Lin clan. Zhao Qingshan and Chen Shouyan would definitely listen to the three of them. The deck below. Most of the nearly two hundred villagers would also obey the orders of the locals. Li Guang's face was blushing and he stammered, "Listen to Lord Lin's orders."

"Alright then, you can keep me by your side. Qingshan, Jiyuan, and Shouyan will all lead the troops to prepare for the battle." Lin Fu kept Li Guang by his side and took a set of armor and an ambulance to deliver To Lin Mengde, "Uncle Mengde, this armor is not heavy, you barely put it on, just follow us, be careful of arrow stones..."

Almost no one can cross dozens of miles of water with dozens of pounds of soldiers and armor. Lin Bie specially made a simple ambulance suit. Although the big and small loach masters are accustomed to using pig and beef clams to provide buoyancy and ventilation in the water, there are many inconveniences. A kind of cork is produced in Xiqin, which is very light but has high buoyancy. Local fishermen often use this cork as a float for fishing nets. They also use this cork for fishing and weaving nets in the Nanru River. Chenglai's vest and vest made a simple ambulance suit. With an ambulance that provides sufficient buoyancy in the water, long-distance armed crossing is possible.

Lin Bie was ready to abandon the boat and escape when the opportunity went wrong. He was afraid that he would not be able to take care of Lin Mengde in a hurry, so Lin Bie asked him to put on an ambulance now, and others thought he was wearing a wooden armor.

Dongyang lifted anchor and headed for Luoyang Lake for more than a hundred steps before lowering its sails and stopping. Lin Fu and the others had carefully measured the water depth in this area. It was a safe water area. Don't worry about the shallowness, just lower the sails here. The boat is equipped with long bamboo poles, and Luoyang Lake is shallow enough to support the poles. There are four large sculls on both sides of the Dongyang, each of which requires four people to control. As long as there are enough manpower, the Dongyang can travel against the wind It's not too slow either. Now that there are enough manpower, Lin Fu has drawn another 30 people to cooperate with the boat and be responsible for the fire prevention. Wait for more than a dozen people to stay by your side to reserve maneuvers.

There were originally many wind lanterns hanging on the two walls of the Qin family boat, which were as bright as stars and moons in the dark night, as if they were afraid that the lake thieves would not know which boat to rob? The most effective way for the ships of Hongzepu Water Village to deal with the Qin family's fleet is to throw torches and set fire to it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Qin family's fleet has little expectation of this situation, and there is not enough sand and wet quilts for fire fighting on board. The buckets set several boats on fire at one time.

For the Hongzepu water village forces, they are not afraid of burning the bottom of the boat and sinking a lot of gold and silver jewelry to the bottom of the lake.

The Dongyang ship went out of sight and disappeared. It has not yet joined the battle. The building boat that Qin Chengbo was on was entangled with the water village boats that came from the ants. Although it was resisting the lake thief jumping off the boat and retreating to the south, the speed was extremely slow. It was almost until the boats from the water village to the north were chasing into Luoma Lake, and the building boats did not go out until they reached the mouth of Luoyang Lake.

Lin Fu also clearly saw Qin Chengbo sitting in the cabin on the second floor wearing armor, with a waist knife on his knees, and instructing the Qin family to resist. Shen Rong, Lin Tingli, and Liang Zuoren were forced to return to the building. , failed to return to the fast oars to lead the counterattack. The eight fast oar boats also caught up with the Shuizhai boats. The two fast oar boats full of officials and gentlemen had no resistance at all. They gave chase to those who dived after catching up, those who held their heads to save their lives, and more. It was killed by a thief in Shuizhai Lake who jumped on the boat, and the nearby waters have begun to turn red. The other six galleys were loaded with worthy elite warriors, and it was time to fight and retreat. Lin Fu could see it clearly. Although Dongyang Mansion's horse infantry was said to be elite after going ashore, but fighting on an unfamiliar boat, their combat output was greatly reduced, and there were even some people who were unsteady on the boat and carried off to the lake. For armor-piercing soldiers, it is too inconvenient to pierce the armor underwater. If the armor cannot be taken off in the water, it is more likely to be drowned, and the surface of the head is also a knife to the nearby ants attached to the water village. kill.


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