Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 127: Luoyang Lake Water Battle (1)

Dongyang also surrounded seven or eight loach boats. By the light of the fire, Lin Bie stood on the deck and saw a dozen or 20 people standing on each Shuizhai loach boat, all shirtless and bare chested, biting their mouths. With a knife, he gestured to climb the boat, and someone at the bow of the boat threw a rope with a nail hook over to hook the boat. The ballast stones installed on ordinary sea ships are large pieces of long granite, each weighing thousands of pounds, but the ballast stones that Dongyang brought this time were all 20 to 30 kilograms of stones, which were prepared for the water battle. Can be used as falling rocks. Two or three hundred stones were brought up and neatly stacked on the deck. Although the Dongyang ship was tall and bulky, smashing the stones down, not to mention smashing people's brains, might be able to smash the bottom of the thin loach boat. A big hole came out, but Lin Fu wanted to avoid attracting more pirate ships to besiege the Dongyang. The long bamboo penny with long iron nails jabbed at the loach boat to prevent the loach boat from approaching, and let half a liter of sails swing the hull to the right by the wind. With the height of the hull, the two loach boats were immediately arched over. Sweep thirty or forty people into the water, and don't shoot the lake pirates who fall into the water, let them escape, and only prevent them from climbing on the boat.

There are few bows and arrows in the lake. Seven or eight ships only have eight or nine hunting bows. They shoot arrows sparsely. The side panels of the Dongyang ship’s cabin are already high. Two Xiang Yong accidentally shot one in the arm and the other in the calf.

Seeing that the big ship was in difficulty, the loach boat lit a straw handle soaked in oil and threw it at the boat, and then smashed a clay pot filled with oil over it. The oil floated to the deck, and it burned into a large area. The fire was very scary. The villagers rushed to carry buckets to fetch water to put out the fire. Lin Fu asked Zhao Qingshan, Lin Jiyuan, and Chen Shouyan to restrain Xiangyong to prevent the enemy from climbing the boat. This kind of fire just looked scary. The deck was covered with cooked cowhide, and it was soaked beforehand. This fire may not be able to burn the cooked cowhide completely. Besides, water can’t put out the oil fire. If water is poured, the oil fire will spread everywhere on the water surface, making it even more difficult to clean up. Soldiers with experience in water warfare know that they need to use prepared fine sand and soaked cotton to smother the fire. . Zhao Qingshan and others watched the more than ten sailors of the Dongyang quickly put out the fire, very orderly, and felt ashamed. Lin Mengde can be regarded as someone who has seen the world before. He has never encountered such a large-scale water battle before.

At this time, the lake thief transferred a slightly larger river boat, and saw several strong men standing on the bow deck, holding a long bag like a cloth pocket, and carrying something heavy at one end. Those people vigorously swung the long bag over their heads, and after swiping it twice over their heads, they let go of their hands and let the long bag fly over. The long bag is filled with sharp-edged stones. There is no defense here. When something hits, he still uses a wooden sign to block it. Some people can't bear the force, and suddenly two or three people's arms are broken. There was also a hole in the human wall, and I saw a dozen people from the river boat and the Wu Peng cabin, throwing the short bamboo guns in their hands at the hole, and at the same time, several stone bags smashed over, and immediately several people could not escape. Hit by a bamboo spear and a stone, the blood is blurred.

Zhao Qingshan was in charge over there. He couldn't bear his temper any longer, so he had people carry the injured to the cabin for treatment. He concentrated all the thirty bows he had on hand and shot them at the river boat. Lin Bie also ordered the Dongyang to go to the boat. The riverboat rammed. The front crest of the Dongyang boat is also equipped with a ram with sharp piercing angles. Seeing that the boat is not fast, but it hits the river boat by the waist, the sound of the opponent's ship's plate cracking can be clearly heard in the ears, and then the waves are chasing after each other. Go, that boat, which was less than one-tenth of the capacity of Dongyang, was considered a big ship in Hongzepu, and the Dongyang ship's crest was pushed over and overturned. There is no mercy here. With the light of the fire, looking at someone underwater, he stabbed a long bamboo penny with a long iron nail, and the nearby water surface was immediately stained with blood.

Although the lake pirates don't have big ships and strong ships comparable to the Dongyang, there are also several cooked cowhide ships with their backs covered, the hatches in the two sides, and the spear holes on the left and right fronts, which are convenient for water battles. This is the new force that the Shuizhai forces have secretly accumulated over the years. No one will hide their secrets this time, but their goal this time is Qin Chengbo. It doesn't matter if Qin Chengbo escapes. The key is to take Qin Chengbo on board. Several boats remained in Luoyang Lake. As long as the Qin family's fleet remains in Luoyang Lake, even if it is a big ship like the Dongyang, they don't have to frown if they want to build a hundred ships. The main battleships of the Shuizhai forces were all used to bite the Qin Mansion fleet. The battle was in full swing, so naturally they could not deal with the Dongyang. Seeing that the Dongyang was too strong and the defense was strict, they could not climb on the boat. , using ship to ship on the water surface, the loss is too great, at this time, it can only spread far away, just be prepared not to let the Dongyang go to rescue the Qin family ships.

Lin Bian stood on the deck and watched the situation on the lake. Although the Qin family boat was entangled, but relying on the hull of Pang Jian, while resisting the lake thief jumping off the boat, he slowly moved southwards, and was about to withdraw back to the Shiliang River. flee south. The hundreds of oars temporarily hired in Shanglin on several fast oar boats were indeed mixed with water village craftsmen. In the cramped and crowded fast oar boats, three or five craftsmen grabbed the weapons and killed them, jumped into the water and escaped, and the fast oars could be taken out. The boat was a mess, and to make matters worse, the other oarsmen were not trusted and rushed into the water. The fast oar boats that the two Xiangyongs rode on were better, but they drove the foreigners into the water, and the familiar local people stayed on the boats to control the boats. They rushed down with their hands, the boat had no oars, and the Dongyang Ma infantry sent people to paddle themselves, but paddling paid attention to coordination, and rashly derived hand paddles. They could only row the boat round and round in the middle of the water. Opportunity, several ships collided with the fast oars from one side, and the two fast oars were knocked over in a moment. After more than a hundred Dongyang horse infantrymen fell into the water, they could only be slaughtered, and seven or eight loachs were seen. The boats shuttled back and forth in that waters, spears and spears kept piercing the water, and the casualties were horrific.

There are still many oarmen who fell into the water in the lake. Although these oars are mixed with fine works, most of them are coolies who seek a living in Shanglindu. The local people could not help but immediately, Lin Fu immediately ordered the Dongyang to sail to the lake there, and Zhao Qingshan and others also shouted, asking the paddlers to swim here.

The oarsmen were more proficient in water than the drowning horse infantrymen, and they were all shirtless and light-clothed when paddling, and they were agile in the water. The water village loach boat will not be too difficult for these coolies, only intercepting officers and soldiers in the lake, and letting the oars swim to the Dongyang. The Dongyang threw down the rope ladder and asked the drowning oarsmen to declare their hometown aloud while saving people. Most of the Xiangyong on the boat were the children of the four villages and Bali near Shanglinli, and it was difficult for me to get on the boat. come up. These officials and gentlemen watched Lin Fu humiliate Qin Chengbo with cold eyes in Shang Lindu. At that time, they only felt happy and tight. At this time, when they saw Lin Fu rescue them, and wiped their nose and tears, they regarded Lin Fu as a reborn parent. The Dongyang Guanshen No. 45 and 50 of the two ships were almost the only ones left alive at this time. They didn't even care to save Qin Chengbo, and cried out for Lin Fu to let the boat flee south and go to Shiliang County to bring reinforcements.

"Come on, send all the adults and village elders to the cabin to rest, don't let anyone disturb them..." Lin Fu ordered.

"Lord Lin, why did the lake thieves suddenly make trouble?" Lu Dongyang, the teacher of Shiliang County, didn't care that he was wearing a wet suit and fled on the Dongyang after falling into the water. He felt like a second generation. Calm down a little, look at Luoyang Lake full of lake thieves and kill them, and I don't know why the sky suddenly turned over.

Forty-eight shallow lakes in Hongzepu are connected, and the mountains on the west side are continuous. The so-called poor mountains and bad waters are the so-called poor mountains and bad waters. The fishermen and boaters in Hongzepu donated money to fight against theft, but also to prevent theft. It has a history of hundreds of years. These forces are usually much weaker in confrontation with the government than the real bandit stockades and rogue forces, and they are also common in the Huaihe River Basin. The government also turns a blind eye to the existence of the water village forces, and does not Treat it like a rioter. It was precisely last year that Hongzepu's substantial increase in fishing taxes and donations seriously threatened the survival of Hongzepu's fishermen and boat households. The months-long anti-tax and anti-tax campaign made these water village forces even tighter.

As for Lu Dongyang's doubts, Lin Fu was speechless to answer. The officials and gentlemen who were sitting on the deck, like bereaved dogs, should usually be less exploitative of the fishermen. Why did the situation deteriorate to such a point. They only know that these weak and fart people are easy to bully, and they usually want to exploit them in a bone-sucking manner, leaving no room for them.

"Find some clean clothes for Master Lu..." Lin Fu said.

"No, give me a knife, and I can also help you kill thieves and defend your enemies." Lu Dongyang said.

Lin Fu saw that Lu Dongyang was much more stubborn than other officials, so he had someone bring dry clothes for him to put on, put on a leather armor, gave him a waist knife, and asked him to stand on the deck to accompany him Watch the enemy together.

At this moment, the Dongyang horse infantry who fell into the water also killed the lake thieves. There were also four fast oars each carrying 120 Xiangyong and 150 horse infantry. Because the horse infantry lacked oars, Lin Zonghai did not dare to drive the fast oars in the lake to kill. The enemy, he and the horse infantry boat stopped in the middle of the lake to defend against the enemy. Once the speedboat loses its agility, it immediately becomes passive. The lake thief who had hit the Dongyang just now threw rocks, and dozens of bags of angular stones were packed in bags and smashed, causing heavy casualties on the four fast oars.

After all, in addition to the Dongyang Horse infantry on the four fast oar boats, there are more than 100 villagers who are natives of the village. Even if Lin Fu can bear to not save, Zhao Qingshan, Lin Jiyuan, Chen Shouyan and others will not sit back and watch them give lake thieves. slaughtered. Lin Fu ordered the Dongyang to go on a rampage, expelled the water village ships on the right side of the fast oars, and relieved their pressure. At the same time, he urged Lin Zonghai to lead the fast oars to cruise nearby, and wait for the Qin family's fleet to rush out to join, so don't rush to rescue.

Lin Zonghai just wanted to go to make a miracle. At this time, he saw that the lake thieves were emerging one after another. He was standing on the short bow of the fast oars, so he couldn't see far, and he didn't know how many lake thieves gathered in Luoyang Lake. He didn't dare to rush to the center of the lake to help the Qin family's fleet.

Lin Zonghai wanted to get on the Dongyang, and shouted that Lin Bing would throw the rope ladder over. First, the Dongyang was very strong, and there was no water village nearby that could rival the Dongyang. It was temporarily safe to board the Dongyang. The second was for him. Dongyang can more easily command Sanbai Xiangyong to fight.

Lin Fu was so impressed by the lard that he let Lin Zonghai ship, and said loudly: "Uncle Zonghai drives the boat to defend the enemy and charge into battle. The little nephew is here to cheer Uncle Zonghai and protect the back road. Don't worry about it here..."

Lin Zonghai thought that Lin Fu was able to save them just now because he was thinking of the love of his hometown, so he no longer expected to be able to take the Dongyang to command the overall situation at this time. With the Dongyang ship to rely on, Lin Zonghai commanded more than 100 Xiangyong to control the two fast oars, and there was no need to worry about outflanking the Shuizhai boats, and the attack was more sharp. After all, Xiangyong's boats, equipment and personnel training are far stronger than these Shuizhai miscellaneous. soldier. Seeing that the two Dongyang Mansion horse infantry boats were sheltered by large ships, they no longer panicked. They sent a few long bamboo poles over here. It is always easier to hold a pole than to paddle, and they no longer need to be trapped in the lake. , but the oarsmen rescued by the Dongyang are no longer willing to control the boat for them.

After a hard battle, the building boat that Qin Chengbo was on finally moved to the mouth of Luoyang Hunan.

The Qin family's defense force was mainly concentrated on the building boat. The building boat could carry more than 400 people, including 300 elite warriors. After encountering the enemy, nearly 200 people were transferred to the building boat for defense. In contrast, the defenses of other ships are much weaker, and there are less than 20 military guards assigned to one ship. uukanshu. com The **** fleet of Dongyang Mansion was cut off at the periphery again, the building ship was withdrawn to Nankouzi, and the other ships of the Qin family's fleet were lost one after another. In order to prevent these large boats from being stolen from the lake and attacking the building, the people on the boat set fire when they abandoned the boat to escape.

Naturally, the main battleship of the water village is to hold on to the building boat. Everyone will take it for granted that Qin Chengbo will hide the most gold and silver treasures on the building boat, not to mention Shen Rong, Lin Tingli, Liang Zuoren and other Dongyang Prefecture, Shiliang County. The main officials accompany Qin Chengbo on the ship. As long as they are intercepted and killed, no one will come forward to organize an effective counter-offensive in a short period of time. This is also very important for the Hongzepu water village forces to gain enough time to prepare. importance.

Although there are more than 100,000 fishermen living around Hongzepu, there are only more than 3,000 people who have organized water villages in advance, undergo simple training, and distribute weapons to fight in the water. In addition to the five or six hundred people in the back, they all came out of Luoyang Lake this time. Before the building ship disembarked, the main force of the Qin family still did not hurt their bones. There were still more than 400 elites in the building ship and the two Qin family ships. The advantage of sailboats on Luoyang Lake is too great, and the water village forces certainly did not dare to be sloppy. They mobilized all the combat power and large ships that could be mobilized, and handed over the Qin family ship, which was captured and set on fire, to the reserve staff for disposal. These reserve personnel are temporarily organized fishermen who have not undergone any training. They only knew that they had come to gather at Luoyang Lake before the incident, but let them take Qin Chengbo to Yanjing on the boat set on fire. It shouldn't be difficult to transfer the goods and treasures, so Cao Zi'ang and Ge Cunxin took people by boat to mix in these boats to wait for the flight to fish in troubled waters. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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