Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 135: boat on the river

The news that General Qin Chengbo was robbed and killed in Hongzepu, and the Hongzepu water village raised a flag to rebel, shook the banks of the Shiliang River, and the refugees stranded on both sides of the Shiliang River were eager to move.

When the Dongyang was withdrawing from Shanglindu, it did not fight, but on the way to Yerendu, it encountered five groups of rogues hijacking the ship.

When going to the forest, the wind is south, and the sailing speed is very fast; when going south, the north wind is sometimes absent, and the sail is sailed when the wind is windy. Zi was a lot slower, plus there were constant robbers on both sides of the strait, Lin Fu and the others took the boat until noon the next day before arriving at Yerendu.

The robbers were not large in scale, and their weapons were also simple. Many people even took the risk of swimming to grab the boat. It was easy to kill these robbers, but Lin Fu looked at the rippling water of the Shiliang River with a frown. Although not all the refugees on the embankment on both sides dared to take the risk, but when the Hongzepu incident was provoked, the eyes of the refugees gathered on the river embankment seemed to have a fire hidden in their eyes, and it was a moment of imminent danger.

In the past few months, Jiangning Prefecture, Pingjiang Prefecture and other local governments have blocked Jiangdu to ensure that the local area is not affected, resulting in hundreds of thousands of refugees stranded north of Chaotiandang. These refugees either escaped from the official government, or escaped from famine, leaving their hometowns and bringing their families with them. On both sides of the Lianghe River, there was no work and no land to grow. Those refugees who couldn't help taking risks and robbers in the area at the earliest have exacerbated the conflict between the local area and the refugee.

The officials in Zhufu County, Jiangdong County have been in the officialdom for more than ten or ten years. All of them are talented people. They all work hard and are good at scheming. The huge and dangerous gunpowder keg turned a blind eye. The third division of Jiangdong County and the yamen of Jiangning Prefecture discussed the resettlement of the north bank refugees several times. , I don't know what decisions these officials can make in this critical situation!

The boat is near the savage crossing.

The last time I passed the Savage Ferry was at night after the rain. There were restaurants, inns, tax offices and checkpoints at the ferry. The surrounding area was surrounded by shacks where refugees lived. Continuing, there are also carriages and horses heading east to Weiyang House, where countless refugees stay here to beg and work.

Looking around at this time, in the darkening twilight of the four fields, I saw countless pillars of black smoke rising above the wild man crossing to connect with the sky, not only the restaurant, the inn, and the official offices of the tax department checkpoints were only left with broken walls. Even the surrounding refugee shacks were burned to ashes by a fire, and on the ferry dock lay several soldiers and the corpses of low-level officials in robes, and there was also a naked female corpse lying on the dock. Several ferries were also set on fire and scuttled near the shore.

A large number of refugees who had previously flooded the Yerendu had nowhere to go. Only a few people were rummaging through the ruins to find valuables. When they saw the ships of the Dongyang ship approaching, they glanced at the river and fled towards the woods to the east.

After the Dongyang was withdrawn from Shanglindu at noon, there was no delay on the way. Seeing that many ferry crossings and villages were looted and set on fire by robbers along the way, Lin Fu speculated that someone made a special trip to quickly spread the news of Liu Aner's gathering in Hongzepu. I thought that these water village leaders were really meticulous and interlocking.

Originally, I wanted to take a break at Savage Ferry, but seeing the situation in Savage Ferry, this idea could only go to waste. Lin Fu asked the loach master Ge Cunxin to signal to other ships, and continued sailing by the bright moonlight, and he had to return to Chaotian. Dang Nan'an can really breathe a sigh of relief.

"Further south is the border of Jiangning Mansion. The banner of Second Young Master Qin has been made, should it be hung up at this time?" Cao Zi'ang asked.

"Hang it up." Lin Bie said.

I don't know if the warships of Jiangning Water Camp have been dispatched to avoid misunderstandings due to sudden encounters. Lin Fu asked people to raise the flag of "Zhaowu Colonel Qin" on the main mast and pressed it on his "Jiangdong Inspector Si Jinchuan Si Jinchuan Prison Forest". on the flag.

Lin Mengde, Zhou Pu, Ge Cunxin, Zhao Hu and the others looked up at the "Zhaowu School Captain Qin" flag that was unfolding in the wind on the main mast, and they all tacitly looked at each other and smiled.

Qin Chengbo's eldest son died early, and his second son Qin Shizheng entered the military gate because of the shadow of his door, and he has been serving in front of his father Qin Chengbo's tent. Qin Chengbo was killed in Luoyang Lake. When the Dongyang was withdrawn, he rescued Qin Shizheng and more than 100 other Qin family members. Qin Shizheng should be the mainstay of the Qin family on the Dongyang. The son was not injured, but he developed a high fever due to fright, and has been lying in a coma in the cabin since the early morning. Lin Bie prepared a lot of trauma medicine on the boat, but he couldn't give Qin Shizheng the right medicine. He could only rush to Jiangning as soon as possible to extend the medical treatment. The Qin family was in a panic.

"Lord Lin," a maid in green clothes came out of the cabin and called Lin Fu, "Lord Lin, my wife asked why you didn't stop by the shore for a rest. The cabin was suffocating."

Counting Gu Yingxiu, Lin Tingxun, a half-dead man, has five ladies on the boat. Lin Fu couldn't recognize which lady's maid this girl was, and waved his hand and said, "Wait a while..."

The Dongyang has only two cabins on the stern deck that can accommodate people, with bright windows. The thirteen cabins below the deck are all watertight compartments for loading cargo. The ventilation conditions are poor, it is dark and no fire is allowed, and it is uncomfortable for people to live in it. .

It's just that there are limited rooms in the cabin at the rear. It was originally designed for 16 crew members. If you squeeze it, you can only squeeze in 30 or 40 people. Lin Bui cleared out the cabin to place the wounded and take care of the wounded. He, Cao Zi'ang and Zhou Pu. , Lin Mengde, Zhao Hu and others, as well as the armored soldiers and Xiang Yong, were tired and just made do with rest on the deck. Whether it was the Qin family or the Lin family, they all drove him down to sit in the cargo hold.

At first, these people ran to the deck to breathe, but they encountered robbers hijacking the ship five times in a row, and they refused to come out without being driven by Lin Bing.

The maid was a little afraid of Lin Bie, looking at his gloomy face, she said hesitantly, "My wife said..."

"Zi Ling, what did the third lady say?" Gu Yingxiu got out of the cabin. She couldn't show closeness to Lin Fu in front of outsiders. Come up and breathe.

"Madam asked if you can clear a tail cabin? Just put the injured ones in the cabin. There is no reason for servants to enjoy happiness and masters to endure hardships." Ziling's maid watched the seventh lady come over, and she became more courageous. Some, eloquently finished what they said.

"Where is this nonsense coming from? If you think it's uncomfortable to live in the cabin, roll ashore and go to Jiangning," Lin Fu scolded mercilessly, seeing that the maid was about to cry, looking upset, and scolded again, " Get off."

Where did the Ziling maid think that Lin Xiucai, who was dignified and disregarded her manners, spoke ill, her face turned pale with fright, she didn't dare to take a breath, she wanted to cry but she didn't dare to cry, so she walked out of the cabin in a sullen mood.

"The third lady is a person who is used to enjoying happiness. She has never suffered such hardships before. Don't be angry about this." Gu Yingxiu saw that Lin Fu was angry about this, and came over to persuade him, "She usually treats the servants, but Not bad."

"I think she's got water in her head. Without us, the lowly servants, desperately resisting in front, could they escape from Shanglin unscathed?" Lin Bie asked sharply, frowning.

Although Lin Mengde also has the opinion of the master, the noble and the humble, but he also knows the priorities. At this time, he also felt that the third lady's request was too much, but Lin Fu's reprimand was too merciless. Is it true that Bie's words come from the sincerity? Xiangyong and Zhuwuwei around him must have warmed their hearts when they heard it. He also saw the surrounding Xiangyong and Wuwei tighten their weapons and puff out their chests.

Lin Mengde thought that some people are probably born to be able to convince others, just like Lin Fu's words just now, very simple, everyone can learn to say it, but how many people can be as strong and natural as Lin Fu. Say it willfully, and ask others to listen to it and think it's worth your life for him at this time?

The key point is that Lin Fu is not just talking about it verbally. After withdrawing from Shanglinli, Lin Fu did not perfunctory the Qin family or the Lin family, but he sincerely greeted Xiangyong, Wuwei, and ordinary people who took refuge in Jiangning; At that time, regardless of the danger of falling into the water, he personally went to the fast oar boat to check the alert, and delivered food and water to Xiang Yong on the boat himself.

No one is better at treating Jinchuang trauma on the ship than Lin Fu. When the situation eases a little, Lin Fu lets others take turns to rest, while he works tirelessly to wrap the wounded Xiangyong with hemostatic compresses.

Lin Bie was tired and just sat on the deck with his clothes on the side of the boat and squinted for a while.

Lin Mengde thought to himself that they had fled south in a hurry, and they were constantly harassed by bandits along the way, but everyone's morale was not bad, and it had nothing to do with Lin Fu's diligence. Especially during Shanglindu, the enemy ships from the water village were attached like ant colonies. Lin Bie was stunned and had the courage to lead six ships to confront the enemy ships for a long time at the mouth of the river branch, so that the Xihehui would take the boats along the Shiliang River to receive them. Many of the refugees were family members of Xiang Yong. In the end, Lin Fu was able to take everyone back, which left a deep impression on everyone.

From the winter Lin Bie came to Jiangning last year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Mengde has been in contact with him, from the rioting in the feudal building to Lin Bie's independent establishment in Jiangning, from the refugee massacre to the Dongshi incident, and then to these Luo Yang In the lake battle and withdrawal from Shanglin, Lin Meng felt that the talents displayed by Lin Fu were far inferior.

Especially in the refugee massacre, for others, most of the refugees recruited by the first batch would be apprehensive when the massacre happened, but Lin Bie could turn the massacre into a key opportunity for the sudden enhancement of the cohesion of the refugees in the estuary.

This seems to be beyond the scope of talent or talent. It is more appropriate to let Lin Mengde judge accurately, or to say that Lin Fu is a natural general.

Gu Yingxiu thought that the third lady's request at this time was indeed too much, and she persuaded Lin Fu: "I will tell her that the life of the master is unknown, the second master and the eldest son are not here, and the second son is dead again. If it is difficult, this family still needs the third lady to preside over it, if they feel resentment in their hearts, I am afraid they will be afraid of you coming to seize the family property."

Lin Fu sighed slightly. The boat was loaded with about 160,000 taels of gold and silver, but Lin Tingli might make up for the shortage of Dongyang prefect, and the eldest son, Lin Xuwen, was in Yanjing as the fifth-grade minister of labor, so he couldn't This huge sum of money did not reach the name of Jiyun Club.

Lin Bie let out a sigh of relief, calmed down and said to Yingxiu, "Go and sing your red face. And after arriving in Jiangning, where they want to settle down, you should also discuss it first. There will be no rest on this journey. Tomorrow evening. We will be able to arrive at Jiangning soon.”

Gu Yingxiu nodded and sent the immortal Lin Tingxun and the ladies to Jiangning to escape. She couldn't live alone in Gu's house or anywhere else. Besides, the Lin family dragged her family with a family of 100 people, and there was no one else in Jiangning to take charge. This The family wanted her and Lin Meng to be in charge, but they also wanted to avoid suspicion with Lin Bing. Many feelings must be buried in their hearts first. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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