Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 136: long drive

From Yerendu to the south for more than 20 miles is Gutang County, Jiangning Prefecture.

Lin Bie took off his armor, put on a plain robe, and deliberately bandaged the wound on his right arm to exaggerate; there were only ten armor-piercing military guards on the Dongyang, and the others would either take over the sail or drill. Rest in the cabin. The scorpion crossbow on the tail deck has also been removed a long time ago. Everyone knows some things. The Dongyang is a private armed ship, but the surface work must be done well.

Near dusk, the Dongyang, five fast-paddle boats, six Wupeng boats from the Xihehui, and dozens of other ships along the Shiliang River that followed the Dongyang fleet to Jiangning for refuge entered the territory of Gutang County, Jiangning Prefecture. .

Compared with the chaos and disorder in Shiliang County, Jiangning Prefecture was heavily guarded, and at dusk, dozens of campfires were set on both sides of the front.

A little further in Gutang County, the Shiliang River is a little narrow, about 40 feet. At this time, a pontoon bridge has been built on the river with boats, cables and chains to connect the two banks together.

On the open space on both sides where the pontoon bridge connects, tents are connected, and rows of trees with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl have been cut down to build a wall, and horses have been rejected. A camp city has already been built, and I don’t know how many battalions will come over.

The river was blocked by the pontoon bridge. Behind the pontoon bridge, the warships were high masts like forests. There were light boats and paddle boats on the pontoon bridge and there were cavalry soldiers on the shore. They announced loudly that they were going to escape from the north. let go.

"Li Zhuo is really not easy." Cao Zi'ang sighed slightly.

"Well..." Lin Bie nodded, Gutang County was the defense area of ​​the Jiangning garrison, Li Zhuo took over as the garrison general of Jiangning only ten days ago, and Liu An'er gathered a crowd in Hongzepu to rob Qin Chengbo and raise the flag as soon as possible. It would not reach Jiangning until noon last night. It was only fourteen or five hours before the Jiangning garrison was ready in Gutang County. Li Zhuo certainly lived up to his reputation.

Hundreds of boats fleeing to Jiangning were blocked in front, and the western half of the Shiliang River was filled with proper restraint, and the eastern half of the river remained unobstructed.

At this time, this order is the most important, in order to avoid the enemy ships taking advantage of the chaos to attack the water village.

Lin Fu didn't know who was in charge of the Jiangning garrison here. He calmly waited for the border crossing. He had put up the banner of Qin Shizheng, the second son of Qin Chengbo. He thought that someone would come to pick them up soon.

Sure enough, more than a dozen horses galloped with their whips under the setting sun, and the two current cavalry soldiers shouted: "Zhaowu Colonel General Qin, Jinchuan Sector Prison Lord, where are the people? There is an order in the military tent, please come out quickly. See you."

After four or five cavalry, Yang Pu and Gao Zongting's cavalry came, and a senior military officer accompanied him. Lin Fu shouted loudly across the bank: "Mr. Gao, Yang Dianwei, I am here, the commander-in-chief and Master Gu are in the camp. in?"

"Sure enough, it was you who scared everyone into a cold sweat. Just come back safely," Yang Pu said loudly, "Is Second Young Master Qin on your boat?"

Lin Fu had already sent Qin Shizheng to the deck, and at this time he raised his voice and said, "Second Young Master fought bravely against the enemy at Luoyang Lake, and led us to escape from Shanglin Lidu. Although he was not injured, he was injured after the fierce battle. Cold, the high fever does not subside at this time, can there be medicine in the camp?"

Qin Shizheng was supported and barely able to stand. He was very grateful to Lin Fu for speaking for him, but he didn't think that Lin Fu was blocking his mouth.

"There is medicine in the camp," Gao Zongting shouted, "bring it ashore, the commander-in-chief and all the adults want to ask about the military situation of Hong Zepu..."

Lin Fu didn't dare to delay, because the Dongyang was unable to dock, so he and Qin Shizheng got off a light boat first, and then went ashore.

Qin Shizheng had 200 catties of fat, and Gao Zongting and Yang Pu did not believe that he could fight the enemy without getting hurt.

Gao Zongting, Yang Pu and one other person was the captain of Zhaowu from the Admiral's Mansion. The three of them came together. One was to verify the identity of Lin Fu and Qin Shizheng, and the other was to confirm that Lin Fu and Qin Shizheng were not coerced by the enemy.

The ships of the Dongyang came, and along the way they gathered more than 400 people from the armed township Yong, plus other ships and people who accompanied Jiangning to flee, there were a total of 3,000 or 4,000 people.

The patrol sent out here got the flag of Qin Shizheng and Lin Fu raised by the Dongyang ship, and quickly reported to Li Zhuo and Jiangdong Admiral Zuo Shangrong, Gu Wuchen and others, and they immediately sent people to summon Lin Fu and Qin Shizheng to meet on the shore. After all, they have gone through the great changes in Hong Zepu, and they are more aware of the details of Liu An'er and other rebels.

When Lin Bie and Qin Shizheng came ashore, Yang Pu saw Lin Bie's arm wrapped in wounds, and asked with concern, "Does it matter?"

"It's no big deal. When Luoyang Lake was attacked, someone put the armor on me in time, so I put my arm out and shot an arrow in the opposite direction. Fortunately, I didn't hurt my bones," Lin Bie said, and whispered again. Ask Yang Pu, "How is the situation in Dongyang and Haozhou? We have been running for our lives all the way, and we have no way to find out."

Lin Fu knew about Liu An'er's uprising with General Shuntian on the way, but at this time it was not clear what happened to Dongyang.

"The situation is not optimistic. A battalion of soldiers stationed in Sizhou in Changhuai Town mutinied. Sizhou City fell before noon yesterday, and Shiliang County fell into the night yesterday..."

"Ah! How could Shiliang County fall?" Lin Fu was taken aback.

Yesterday morning when I returned to the forest, Lin Fu sent Lin Tingli and the 150 horse infantrymen of Dongyang Prefecture down on the west bank of Shiliang. At this time, there should be more than 700 horse infantrymen of Dongyang Prefecture in Shiliang County. In addition to the Shiliang County Knife Archers and Changhuai Town's garrisoned troops in Shiliang County, there are almost 12,300 people. It is impossible for Liu An'er to conquer it in one day.

"The specific situation is not clear at this time, and the letter sent from Dongyang Mansion is also unclear," Yang Pu said, "Let's go back to the main camp and let the adults return the order." Let the guardian give up two horses to Lin. Bound with Qin Shizheng.

Qin Shizheng couldn't ride a fast horse even if he didn't have a high fever, let alone at this time. But it would take three or four miles from here to the camp, and the adults were eager to see him. At this time, the carriage could not be found. Gao Zongting bowed to Qin Shizheng and said, "I offend the second son..." Someone brought a rope to tie Qin Shizheng. On horseback to prevent falling, the horse galloped to the tent.

Qin Shizheng vomited twice on the back of the horse, but the camper became more awake. After entering, he cried to Li Zhuo, Zuo Shangrong and others: "My father died so miserably, all uncles want to avenge my father. what……"

"Nice nephew, rest assured, the generals of the country are the pillars of the country. We all hate the generals of the country who died in Hongzepu, and we should kill the giant bandits in Hongzepu..." Jiang Dong declared the relationship between Wang Tian and Qin Chengbo during his lifetime Recently, he was the oldest among them, and he spoke out to comfort Qin Shizheng.

In this large tent as wide as a palace, Jiangning Minister of War, Jiangning Guard Li Zhuo, Jiangdong Admiral Zuo Shangrong, Jiangdong Xuanfu Envoy Wang Tian, ​​Jiangning Governor Wang Xueshan, Jiangdong Inspector Jia Pengyu, Jiangdong Inspector Deputy Gu Wuchen, etc. As well as the Jiangning garrison mansion and the chief generals of the Jiangdong Admiral's mansion, Jiji sat in the same order.

It was also the first time that Lin Fu saw Zuo Shangrong and Wang Tian.

Although this is the camp of the Jiangning garrison, and the giants are gathered here, but there is a new decree from the court, Liu An'er raises the flag to rebel, and it is handled by the third division of Jiangdong. Li Zhuo has the highest rank, but he and Wang Xueshan are currently His duty was to keep the grounds of Jiangning Mansion from causing trouble.

After Lin Fu came into the tent and bowed to Li Zhuo's group, no one cared about the injury on his arm. Li Zhuo stared at him and asked, "You two have fought against the giant Hongzepu bandit, so you should know better about the giant bandit in Hongzepu. The details of the attack, now that Dongyang Mansion and Haozhou Mansion are in chaos, and the information is limited.

Lin Fu concealed his passive confrontation with the Hongzepu water bandits at Luoyang Lake and his fishing in troubled waters. He told Li Zhuo, Zuo Shangrong and others about the details of the attack on Luoyang Lake. All military commanders listen. Of course, he did not mention that he discovered various abnormal situations on the way to Shanglinli and wrote to Gu Wuchen to report these things.

When Luoyang Lake was attacked, Qin Shizheng hid in the cabin most of the time. Others didn't embarrass him, they just asked Lin Fu in detail.

Lin Fu took the trouble to answer the questions from Li Zhuo, Zuo Shangrong and others, and after stating the details, he left the tent; there was no place for his little nine-rank scholar in the tent.

It was already dark, and the campfires were burning around, burning the four fields as bright as day. Lin Fu didn't know if the fleet had passed the check and blocked the pontoon bridge. A little scholar can't dare to wander around the barracks.

At this time, Gao Zongting chased out from the tent and said to him, "Lord Lin, can I ask you to stay in the military camp for a while? After all, you know the most details about Hong Zepu's situation. It's a hassle to find you, you want to eat dinner, I'll find someone to arrange it for you..."

"I'm not hungry, I'll go see the fleet first, and call me to come," Lin Fu said, Gu Wuchen was still in the barracks, of course he couldn't rush to the south bank, and immediately promised Gao Zongting that he would stay in the barracks temporarily, and then He asked, "There are more than 400 people from Shanglinli Township who took refuge in Jiangning with me. They all have armor. I didn't dare to say this in the big tent just now. It's a little troublesome to think about it. ."

"As long as you are innocent, I will accompany you..." Gao Zongting said. He was Li Zhuo's most trusted aide. He had only been around for more than ten days and already had prestige in the Jiangning garrison.

At this time, Yang Pu listened to the voices of Lin Fu and Gao Zongting, and walked out of the tent next to him; Gao Zongting said: "Xiang Yong must also report to Jiangning when he arrives at Jiangning. The chariot is here, let Yang Dianwei accompany you there."

Gu Wuchen also led the army to prepare the road and supervise the army road. It can be said that he was fighting against Jia Pengyu in the court of the inspector and envoy. Lin Fu bowed his hands to Gao Zongting and walked towards the river bank with Yang Pu.

"Depending on the situation, Jiang Ning got the news early. Has there been a decision on how to suppress the rebellion?" Lin Fu asked Yang Pu.

"The news of the death of General Luo Yanghu of the Fuguo, a letter came before noon yesterday. Li Zhuo said rashly, to make the Jiangning Water Camp go straight in when the enemy's situation is unknown, and even dispatch Jiangning to the garrison before the divisions have made a decision. The ten battalions of infantry and two battalions of navy troops of the military mansion were assembled here, and the tenth battalion of infantry was sent to the north bank of Chaotiandang to deter the refugees... All the divisions felt that the enemy should be treated with caution before the situation of the enemy was unknown, and Hongzepu's suppression of the rebellion should also be The Admiral's Mansion is under the overall jurisdiction, and the various prefectures and counties are divided." Yang Pu introduced the situation here to Lin Fu.

Lin Bie frowned slightly. He still didn't know Gu Wuchen's attitude, so he couldn't make a casual evaluation in front of Yang Pu.

Li Zhuo's judgment is undoubtedly correct. The captain of the Jiangning water camp should drive straight in and immediately suppress and defeat the Hongzepu water bandits. The key is to deter the displaced people on both sides of the Shiliang River from acting rashly, and to contain the main force of the Hongzepu water village, so that the Hongzepu water village can be restrained. The surrounding prefectures and counties can deal with it calmly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this way, the impact and scale of the Hongzepu Incident can be limited to a certain range and dealt with calmly, even if Liu Aner's troops capture Sizhou City and Shiliang City, the total It is much better than the disaster that swept the Jianghuai land.

However, without the decision of the various divisions, Li Zhuo did not have the authority to transfer the Jiangning garrison out of the Jiangning prefecture to fight. Li Zhuo's quick action to deter the refugees on the north bank of the sky was the limit of what he could do.

After thinking about it, Lin Fu can think that Gu Wuchen's judgment on the matter is on the opposite side of Li Zhuo. Whether Li Zhuo can transfer troops from Jiangning Prefecture to deal with the rebellion in Jiangdong is the most important thing.

"The enemy's situation is unknown. If the Jiangning water camp is lost, the ships in the Hongzepu water village can drive straight into the sky. At that time, the scourge was even more severe, and Li Zhuo was a little reckless..." Lin Bie said against his heart.

In fact, the main channel that Hongzepu directly enters Chaotiandang is the Shiliang River. The Shiliang River is only a hundred paces wide at its widest and only thirty feet at its narrowest point. However, after two more days of delay here, there will be tens of thousands of refugees gathered under the banner of Shuntian General Liu An'er.

Lin Bie went down the Shiliang Henan, and he has seen a trend of migrants from both sides of the strait moving north.

For the refugees, many will die of starvation, and the grievances will accumulate for several months. In order to have a meal, as long as someone takes the lead in instigating, raising a **** and sickle to follow the rebellion, killing the rich and helping the poor, it is not particularly difficult to overcome. What's more, Liu An'er robbed and killed the Fuguo general Qin Chengbo at Luoyang Lake, conquered Sizhou and Shiliang, and also had a great impact on the refugees.


PS: The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday has passed, and I didn't even ask for leave. Brothers, please cast a red vote to encourage me. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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