Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 144: The death of Lin Tingxun (4)

In the world, "service system" is used to determine blood relatives, and it is divided into five types of mourning clothes: cut down, Qi decline, great power, small power, and numbness.

When the ruler, father, and husband die, the ministers, sons, wives and concubines have to wear the clothes of beheading and mourning for three years for the sake of beheading their close relatives.

"Qi's relatives" refer to paternal relatives, "maternal relatives" refer to grandfather relatives, "small Gong relatives" refer to great-grandfather relatives, "Zhenma relatives" refer to great-grandfather relatives, and maternal relatives are also included in "Zhenma relatives" middle.

Usually, the main family refers to the blood relatives of the clan within the five clothes. Once the blood relatives of the clan exceed the five clothes, such as Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, and Lin Jingzhong belong to the Lin family, they are considered collateral children.

Although the Lin family is a noble family of Sehun in Dongyang Mansion, the only people who can really benefit are the blood relatives within the five clothes, such as Lin Fu, Lin Jingzhong, and Lin Mengde all came from poor backgrounds, and they stand out because of their own abilities.

Of course, there are differences between the clan blood relatives within the five clothes.

For a long time, the main affairs of the Lin family were controlled by the clan members within the line of Lin Tingxun's grandfather. Specifically, the elders are Lin Tingxun's uncles, the peers are Lin Tingxun's brothers and cousins, and the juniors are Lin Xunting's nephews and cousins.

Among the people who took Lin Bie to Jiangning for refuge this time, Lin Tingxun's two uncles, one cousin, five survivors, one young son, one young grandson, one cousin, three daughters, and two sons-in-law were close to Lin Tingxun. people.

The crowd gathered in the thatched cottage to discuss Lin Tingxun's funeral, in fact, to discuss the way out for the Lin family in the future. Due to the service system, in addition to Lin Tingxun's two uncles, one cousin, five wives, and Lin Tingxun's nephew Lin Xuhong, Lin Tingxun's three daughters and two sons-in-law were all excluded.


Lin Fu walked into the front hall of the cottage, his eyes swept across the crowd quietly, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "It's really negligent, why didn't you ask the young lady and the young master to come over to discuss the funeral of the head of the family?"

The second son, Lin Xuzong, has always had a bad relationship with his wife. Lin Xuzong and his concubine lived in Wangxiang Tower on the south bank of Shanglinxi all the year round, but his wife and five-year-old son lived in the mansion. Wangxiang Tower set fire to Zhao Neng and all the thieves, and his wife and son escaped and brought Lin Fu to Jiangning together.

The young lady and young master Sun mentioned by Lin Fu were the orphans and widows left by the second son, Lin Xuzong.

The three elders were Lin Tingxun's uncle, and the other was Lin Tingxun's cousin. They were stunned when they heard Lin Fu's words.

It is said that the orphans and widow mothers left by the second son are first-class females and fifth-year-olds. After discussing the funeral, let them know.

At this time, Mingli said that the treatment of mourning was actually determining the way out for the Lin family in the future.

The meaning of Lin Fu's words is very clear. The three clan elders and Lin Tingxun are "great relatives", but when the Lin family spreads to Lin Xuxi's generation, their relationship with the Lin family will be alienated as "little relatives".

According to the service system, the Lin family has been passed down to the Lin Xuxi generation. In addition to the designated heir Lin Xuxi, only Lin Tingli (uncle and uncle), Lin Tingli's son (cousin), Lin Xuwen (brother), and Lin Xuwen and Lin Xuwen have the decision-making power over the Lin family's important affairs. Lin Xuzong's son and others.

When discussing the way out for the Lin family in the future, the orphans and widows left by the second son Lin Xuzong have the right to speak, but now the three elders of the Lin family have to be kicked aside, and Lin Tingxun's cousin Lin Xuhong will also be kicked. Go aside.

In fact, with the exception of the third wife, who is the principal and the sixth wife, Shan, who is the biological mother of the younger son, the other wives will have no decision-making power over the Lin family's affairs in the future, except for the needs of the widowhood, which are provided by the Lin family.

After Lin Tingxun passed away, the last words he left left everyone puzzled.

The three clan elders and Lin Xuhong were worried that Lin Fu would take the opportunity to take the opportunity to control the affairs of the Lin family, and then occupy the huge clan property. Understand it: no matter whether Lin Fu is fighting for clan rights or not, he actually has nothing to do with the three clan elders and Lin Xuhong.

With a simple sentence from Lin Bie, the four of them seemed to be punched hard, and they didn't say a word for a long time.

"Yeah, I'm really in a hurry, I'm going to find someone right away..." Lin Mengde patted his head, turned and walked out to personally invite the orphans and widows left by Lin Xuzong.

Lin Xuzong's wife, Ma Shi, was a young woman with a thin and long face. There were some white pockmarks on her face. She was barely considered a middle-aged person. Body salute: "Our orphans, widows and mothers thank Lord Lin for taking care of you..." We salute the third lady and several other ladies, and finally salute the three clan elders.

The third lady is the mother of Lin Xuzong, but she has had a long-term relationship with his daughter-in-law Ma Shi. At this time, when she saw her walk in and salute, she wanted to pull her grandson Lin Zhaoyi into her arms. Seeing Ma's face, she thought about it. .

Ma was a strong-tempered woman. She excluded Lin Tingxun's funeral when she discussed the funeral of her father-in-law in the cottage, and complained very much about the three elders in charge and her mother-in-law, but she was a female class and had no support in Jiangning. , there is nothing to fight for. At this time, Lin Meng ran over and said that Lin Fu invited her orphan, widow and mother to participate in the decision-making event together. She was naturally very grateful to Lin Fu.

Lin Xuzong hated Lin Bie deeply because of his humiliation, but Lin Xuzong died at Zhao Neng's hands after all. Lin Fu naturally didn't have the slightest resentment.

Ma also knew in her heart that if she wanted to interfere in the affairs of the Lin family as a female class, she would have to take her youngest son Zhaoyi into her own hands, instead of giving her mother-in-law the third lady, an old widow, to **** Zhaoyi away.

Ma was isolated and helpless in Lin's family, and her parents' family was too weak to rely on her. Lin Fu asked Lin Mengde to invite her over in person, as if she saw a big tree floating in front of her when she was drowning, and instinctively wanted to hug her tightly. .

Gu Yingxiu was amused, not knowing what Lin Fu and Lin Mengde went out to negotiate for a long time. Just by inviting Ma's mother and son out, they ruthlessly sent everyone present.

The three clan elders and Lin Xuhong looked like eggplants from Jingshuang, and the expressions of the other ladies were different.

"Uncle Mengde told me about the will of the patriarch," Lin Fu saw that all the people who should be there and those who could be there had arrived, so he started to talk about the business, "The patriarch is kind to me and my parents, I made a big mistake. How can I repay the grievances of the Patriarch?" Lin Fu's tone was earnest and weeping, as if he was regretting the big mistake he had made, "In order to be able to give the Patriarch a proper account. Wearing hemp and filial piety, I naturally want to follow the instructions of the family master and return to the clan, and I don’t need the ladies to persuade the clan elders. After the change in the forest, you also know that I, Lin Fu, have always thought of the Lin family, and can also be a little bit confused about what I have committed in the past. It's a big mistake. I just don't know how to comfort the head of the family under Jiuquan, and I want to ask the ladies and clan elders to help me make an idea. Although Jiyun Club was created by me in Jiangning, but Jiyun Club was created by me. After all, Yunshe is not my one-man Jiyun Club, and Jingzhong is also a child of the Lin family. It is easy to say, but Jiyun Club still has the silver shares of the Gu family and Zuo Sikou who joined the army, so it is really embarrassing for me to let Jiyun Club return to the Lin family. …”

When Lin Fu said this, everyone in the room was shocked, and even Gu Yingxiu was quite surprised. After all, she was always on the side of the thatched cottage. I don't know what Lin Fu and Lin Mengdao went out to discuss for a long time.

In those days, Lin Fu was a scholar in the examination. In order to win over Lin Fu, Lin Tingxun adopted Lin Fu to a distant cousin who had passed away but had no heir.

Lin Fu came from Suijiang Ning, and the Lin family never proposed to expel Lin Fu from the clan.

The Lin family passed down to Lin Xuxi's generation, and the relationship between Lin Fu and Lin Xuxi was farther away.

According to the court dress system, Lin Fu could not participate in the decision-making of Lin Clan affairs, but after Jiyun Club returned to the Lin Family, Lin Fu could have the decision-making power over the actual affairs of the Lin Clan by holding a certain percentage of silver shares in the Lin Family's many industries. .

Whether or not Jiyun Club will return is actually the key to Lin Fu's ability to control the power of the Lin family.

Lin Tingxun’s last words asked everyone to persuade Lin Fu to agree to return Jiyun Club to the Lin family. Everyone was worried that Lin Fu would take the opportunity to fight for clan power. They never thought that Lin Fu would refuse to return Jiyun Club to the Lin family. It's good to know what to say, do you really want to persuade him and ask him to agree to return Jiyun Club to the Lin family?

"It's just that my uncle Tingxun's last words said so..." Lin Xuhong, Lin Tingxun's nephew, said hesitantly.

"Don't persuade me, I don't want to go against the will of the owner, but it's really hard to do, I'm going to kowtow to the owner..." Lin Fu said decisively, "How much more will the owner's funeral take? The lady is discussing with the elders of the clan, and it is best to send someone to Dongyang to report the funeral to Yanjing tonight, asking for money and a place, tell me that it is the same as what Jingzhong said, and I will do everything here."

Lin Fu made a statement and removed the biggest doubts that weighed on everyone's heart. There are rules and regulations to follow in the next things, there is nothing difficult to decide, and there is no need for everyone to gather in the thatched cottage to discuss.

The corpse was to be temporarily parked in the Yizhuang of Luze Garden in Hekou, and after the situation stabilized, it would be transported back to Shiliang to be buried in the ancestral tomb; that night, people were sent into the city to invite the necromancer and the mortuary to embalming Lin Tingxun's body. Afraid of the change on the way, I sent two groups of people to each of the eldest son of Yanjing and the second master of Dongyang to deliver the funeral letter; in the letter, I wrote about Lin Tingxun's death, his last words, and the amount of property he hastily brought to Jiangning. Ming, three clan elders, five wives, and others who have decision-making power over the Lin family's affairs have all signed the letter.


After Gu Yingxiu arrived at the Hekou, she and the fourth and fifth ladies lived in the same courtyard surrounded by the house. At this time, she and the other ladies had to go to the Yizhuang of Lvze Garden to give Lin Tingxun a wake-up call. There were people in the Hekou and the surrounding room. With so many eyes, Lin Bie couldn't get along with Yingxiu alone to talk in detail.

After Lin Fu was busy with other things, he went to the mortuary Yizhuang to worship Lin Tingxun at night, and brought Liu Yueer and Xiaoman there together.

Several ladies rested in the side room with Mrs. Ma, the young master, and the young master Sun. Lin Fu asked Liu Yueer and Xiaoman to find Yingxiu and tell her his plan, so that she could feel at ease for the time being.

In the main room of the mortuary, Lin Fu sat with a stack of yellow paper under his buttocks, burned a few stacks of paper money for Lin Tingxun, and looked at the giant nanmu coffin, the most honored after death was just a cold corpse , I thought that Lin Tingxun's life was magnificent and he had enjoyed all the wealth and honor. In fact, his talent and vigor were far stronger than his younger brother Lin Tingli. Until he was bedridden, unable to speak or move, the Lin family was out of his control. Born in troubled times, he might be a hero.

"Lin Lin is here..."

Lin Fu glanced back, Lin Tingxun's nephew Lin Xuhong walked in, he gave way to the side, gave Lin Xuhong a place to sit down, and said, "Seventh brother can call me Lin Fu, if it is arranged according to the family's seniority , I'm the seventeenth, and the seventh brother can call me the old seventeen, but each other's own brothers, don't call them born." He handed him two stacks of paper threads and burned them to Lin Tingxun under Jiuquan.

Lin Xuhong is only twenty-eight years old this year, ranking seventh among many brothers in his family. He has been the chief steward of Lin Kee Warehouse for several years. Although his ability, knowledge, and experience are not as good as Lin Meng's, his father, who died young, and Lin Tingxun , Lin Tingli is a direct cousin. His actual status in the Lin family is much higher than that of Lin Mengde. After Lin Tingxun was bedridden, he was one of the main stewards of the Lin family.

Now that Lin Tingxun has passed away, the Lin family has been passed down to Lin Xuxi's generation. According to the rules, several major managers of the Lin family have to be replaced.

"Hehe, Old Seventeen," Lin Xuhong laughed, feeling that the two of them were really getting closer to each other. Although Lin Fu was listed in the clan after he passed the exam as a scholar in the past, none of the brothers in his family looked down on him. They were brothers, and they deliberately left Lin Fu out. Lin Xuhong sat next to Lin Fu and burned paper for Lin Tingxun, and said, "It's not that I said it afterwards. With so many children in the Lin family, I was most optimistic about you very early on. If it is as I expected, no one else can make a plate as big as the mouth of the river..."

"What kind of plate is not a plate, tossing around..." Lin Fu said, he had no contact with Lin Xuhong, and naturally it had nothing to do with it, but he took retreat as advance, and forced Lin Xuhong and the three clan elders to the near future. In the corner where the power fell, Lin Xuhong and the three clan elders had to think clearly that suppressing Lin Fu would not benefit them at all, so Lin Xuhong took the initiative to come to kiss him, and Lin Fu would naturally not reject people thousands of miles away. .

"Old Seventeen, what do you think the second master and the eldest son will do when they receive the funeral letter..." Lin Xuhong asked.

"The second master can't get away in Dongyang, and he will probably send the fourth or sixth to observe filial piety, but the eldest son is not clear." Lin Fu said vaguely.

Lin Fu took a big step back, and the power struggle of the Lin family would not be transferred between him and Lin Tingli, Lin Xuwen and others.

According to the regulations of the court dress system, the young son Lin Xuxi, who is the designated heir, is still young~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to Lin Tingli and Lin Xuwen, there are Lin Tingxun's third wife and the young son Lin Xuxi who can participate in the decision-making of the Lin family affairs. The biological mother of the sixth wife is Shan, and the first is the biological mare of Sun Young Master Lin Zhaoyi. Obviously, the third wife, sixth wife and Ma are all females, and they can't really show their faces and stand up as masters, even if Lin Tingli and Lin Xuwen can't come in person , will also appoint an agent to participate in the affairs here. The previous principals of the Lin family, including the three clan elders, Lin Xuhong, Lin Zonghai, and the seventh lady, Gu Yingxiu, were to be marginalized.

At this time, Lin Xuhong came to look for Lin Futao, of course, he didn't want to be marginalized.

"By the way, Uncle Mengde just asked the three clan elders and I said that he wants to let us take care of Jiangning's affairs. Said that his family's children are all in Jiangning, and he continues to hold Jiangning's affairs in his hands. It's not suitable," Lin Xuhong said, "It's just that even if the second master and the eldest son will send people over, they won't be able to arrive in a while, and no one can make an accurate decision on everything here, so we can't just let it be a mess, right?"

"The second master is quick, send someone across the river to report the letter, and you will hear back in three days," Lin Fu said. Even if we negotiate, nothing will be delayed. You live in Hekou, although the conditions are difficult, you don’t need to worry about anything else.”

Lin Fu can be sure that Lin Tingli can't escape and come to Jiangning. He only needs to achieve two points in this arrangement: one is that Lin Tingli keeps Lin Zonghai in Dongyang, and one of his two sons can be sent over; the other is that Lin Xuwen is temporarily staying in Yanjing.


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