Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 145: funeral proceedings (1)

On the fourth day after Lin Tingxun's death, Lin Tingli sent his eldest son, Lin Xulu, to Jiangning with his wife, maids, servants, and entourages to help deal with Lin Tingxun's funeral and filial piety.

Lin Xulu ranks third among the brothers of the Lin family. He has just passed his thirties and has a thick short mustache on his lips. His appearance is quite extraordinary. I just returned to Dongyang after falling off the list.

After Lin Xulu arrived at Hekou, he first put on his filial piety and went to Yizhuang to stop the mourning hall to worship Lin Tingxun. After seeing several aunts, he went to the cottage to pay homage to Lin Fu, and handed over his father's handwriting to Lin Fu.

"Third brother, sit down," Lin Fu asked Lin Xulu to sit down. After sitting on the desk, he opened Lin Tingli's letter to him. Lin Tingli's handwriting was densely written in small letters for several pages. condition.

It has been seven or eight days since Shiliang County fell into the hands of the thieves, and further news has come back to Jiangning.

When Liu Aner's troops captured Shiliang, the county magistrate Liang Zuoren gathered the crowd to resist on the city wall, and was killed by an arrow in the door. , The latest information shows that the chief clerk Chen Ling fell into disobedience the day after he was captured, and instructed Lu Dongyang and other officials to prefer death rather than yield, and Liu An'er was taken to Sizhou for detention.

When Shiliang County fell, Shen Rong, the prefect of Dongyang, was seriously injured and unconscious. There were many reasons for the fall of Shiliang County, and everyone tried their best to shirk the blame, but Lin Tingli could not shirk the responsibility of weak resistance and inability to dispatch.

Shen Rong, the prefect of Dongyang, who was seriously injured in a coma in Shiliang County, miraculously recovered after returning to Dongyang, and was even able to lie on the sickbed to handle official duties, which made Lin Tingli passive.

Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan led two hundred townships to **** Gu Wuchen, the deputy envoy, to Dongyang to monitor the suppression of the rebellion in Dongyang, which made Lin Tingli's situation better.

The Lin family and the Gu family had old grudges, but that was in the past. After Gu Wuchen got rid of sins and reused them, there was no irreconcilable conflict between the Lin family and the Gu family. Besides, Gu Yingxiu was the widow of the Lin family, and Lin Fu was also a child of the Lin family. Even if Gu Wuchen wanted to win over Shen Rong, he would not sit back and watch Shen Rong suppress Lin Tingli indefinitely.

After Gu Wuchen arrived in Dongyang, he temporarily suppressed the conflict between Shen Rong and Lin Tingli, and even temporarily appointed Lin Tingli and Lin Zonghai to be in charge of the important task of compiling rural bravery in Dongyang Mansion.

"Father always said in Dongyang that you will be the mainstay of the Lin family, Old Seventeen. If you want me to go to Jiangning, you need to discuss everything with you; I come to Jiangning, and the weather at the estuary is really extraordinary..." Lin Xulu said.

"Let the second uncle and the third brother praise him, and Lin Fu is afraid to take it." When others voted for peaches, Lin Fu naturally repaid Li, and made out to Lin Tingli and Lin Xulu first between the titles.

After all, Lin Tingli's ability to temporarily turn back to passive is also due to the relationship between Gu Wuchen and Lin Fu. Besides, the crisis on him has not been completely resolved, and Lin Fu has expressed his attitude that he will not take the opportunity to invade the Lin family's property. Besides, Lin Fu at this time Bound is not Wuxia Amon, Lin Tingli and Lin Xulu don't know how to win each other's relationship, they really don't know how to be human.

After reading the letter carefully, Lin Fu sighed in his heart: After all, Lin Tingli's means were not ruthless enough, and it was true that Shen Rong was injured by an arrow. Death, how can you fall into the passive state at this time?

After all, Lin Xulu was here for the funeral, and it was inconvenient for Lin Fu to hold a banquet for him to wash away the dust. At night, he held a private banquet in the cottage, and invited Lin Mengde, Lin Jingzhong, Lin Xuhong and the three clan elders to accompany the third son, Lin Xulu. Let Liu Yueer and Xiaoman accompany Lin Xulu's wife to dinner in the house.

Lin Xuhong and the three clan elders knew that the Lin family passed down to Lin Xuxi's generation, and they were also likely to be kicked aside. After Lin Fu made it clear that he would not control the clan power or invade the family property, especially after Lin Mengde ceded the affairs on Jiangning's side, they have been very flattering to Lin Fu in the past few days.

It would take more than half a month for the eldest son to get back a letter at the earliest. Many things in the Lin family are a mess, and we can't wait for such a long time to solve it. The third lady, the sixth lady, and the young lady Ma are all women who usually live in the courtyard of the deep house and have little knowledge.

After the banquet, he was ready to discuss business affairs. Lin Xulu said to Lin Fu, "I have to borrow this place from the old seventeen. I will have the third aunt, sixth aunt, seventh aunt and second sister-in-law come over to discuss the matter..."

"This..." Lin Bie said hesitantly.

Lin Fu squeezed out a few separate courtyards from the surrounding house one after another to place the Lin family. Lin Xulu and the others discussed the important affairs of the family and they should go there. They borrowed a place here, obviously wanting him to participate together, so Lin Fu naturally declined.

"Jiangning's situation, Lao Shiqi and Uncle Mengde are the most familiar. When I came here, my father also specially instructed that even if you are busy, Lao Shiqi, you should ask Uncle Mengde to help you make up your mind; my father said that now Xu Xi , Zhaoyi is young, and there must be someone in the house who can make up his mind. There is no more suitable person than the seventh aunt. Of course, I am only talking here, but don't let the third and sixth aunts know, I will not offend the third aunt. , Sixth Auntie..." Lin Xulu said.

Only at this moment did Lin Mengde completely know that Lin Fu's step of "not fighting" retreated extremely well.

Instead of fighting head to head and torn apart, it's better to take a step back and bring the Lin family closer together to face the current crisis.

Lin Bie is considered a local snake in Jiangning, and the Lin family is considered a guest living in distress in Jiangning. As long as there is no huge conflict over clan rights and family property, the Lin family will still rely on Lin Bie for everything in Jiangning.

The seventh lady has no children. It is said that after Lin Tingxun's death, it is no longer inconvenient to participate in the major affairs of the clan. Lin Tingli still suggested that the seventh lady be in charge of the affairs of the inner house, mainly because the seventh lady is someone who cares for the family. Whether Lin Tingli can get rid of the crisis in Dongyang, Gu Wuchen can rise up. to a key role.

Although Lin Tingli lacks courage, he is not a fool after all. He knows that it is far better to let the Lin family survive on a solid foundation than to stick to the 200,000 taels of deposited silver, the piles of land deeds, land deeds, and house deeds. , After the money is scattered, there will be opportunities to gather in the future. Even if you want to fight for power, you have to wait for the Lin family to overcome the current crisis.

Lin Jingzhong was not yet qualified to participate in the important affairs of the Lin family. He withdrew. After a while, the third lady, sixth lady, seventh lady and the young lady Ma invited them over.

The third lady, the sixth lady and the young lady Ma all know that at this time they are under the fence, and their arms can't twist their thighs. It is the general trend to let Lin Bie participate in the affairs of the clan. Besides, the second master, Lin Tingli, made up his mind on these matters, so naturally he could no longer object.

Everyone sat down in the front hall, the candles swayed and swayed by the incoming wind.

"Father means that the future of the eldest brother is important. If things don't bother him, he won't bother him. The situation in Hongzepu is stable and after the uncle is buried in the ancestral grave, the eldest brother can return to his hometown and observe filial piety," Lin Xulu said, "What do the three aunts think? If you think it's okay, I will immediately write a letter to the eldest brother to explain the situation here and let the eldest brother decide for himself."

Lin Fu sat on the side without saying a word. This letter was to tell Lin Xuwen that the important affairs of the Lin family had been decided. Even if he returned, it would not affect the overall situation. It is better to stay in Yanjing and wait for the opportunity for promotion. At this time, Lin Fu was not worried that Lin Xuwen would come to Jiangning to observe filial piety. After all, the Chu Party was gaining power in the DPRK at this time, and he was at least a trusted confidant of the upstart Gu Wuchen of the Chu Party.

"Father's intention is to visit Gu's house to show his closeness, but it is inconvenient to visit the house because of the filial piety. What should I do about this, the seventh aunt should have an idea." Lin Xulu told the seventh lady, Gu Yingxiu, that he would take his wife on this trip. Bring it, is to take the lady's way.

Gu Wuchen can decide Lin Tingli's fate in Dongyang. Tang Haoxin, Gu Wuchen's father-in-law and Mrs. Gu's father, is also a veteran of the Chu Party. To completely resolve the conflicts between the Lin and Gu families, we can no longer limit the observance of filial piety.

"Mrs. Gu sent a letter yesterday saying that she wants to come over to mourn, maybe in the next two days." Lin Bie said nonsense next to him, thinking about sending someone into the city tomorrow to carry the letter, and asking Mrs. Gu to make a hard trip to get there. Hekou came to receive the gift, how could Mrs. Gu refuse? I thought that Lin Tingli didn't have the courage to grasp the overall situation, but his ability to drill into the camp was very strong.

The Lin family and the Gu family did not have a conflict that could not be resolved. Although the Gu family still complained about the Lin family, they could not affect the overall situation. The Lin family and the Gu family were both township parties in Shiliang County, Dongyang Prefecture. At this time, the Lin family took the initiative to bow their heads, and Gu Wuchen would not refuse.

If Gu Wuchen refused, he would not have been able to bring Xiang Yong, who was raised by the Lin family, to Dongyang Mansion.

"That's really good," Lin Xulu said. "My father asked me to bring some small items from Dongyang. I was afraid that it would not be enough to give to the Gu family, so I would ask the three aunts to come up with another idea..."

Lin Xulu took out a gift list from his arms, but handed it to Lin Fu first. How to have a good relationship with the Gu family is the key to Lin Fu and the seventh wife, Gu Yingxiu. Lin Tingli and Lin Xulu understand very well.

Lin Fu looked at the list of gold, silver, jade, and jewelry and wrote a bunch of them. He didn't understand this very well. In short, the value was not too low. Lin Tingli also had a big family business in Dongyang Mansion.

Lin Fu handed the list to Gu Yingxiu. After Gu Yingxiu read it, he discussed with the third lady, sixth lady and young lady Ma. When they evacuated from Shanglin, in addition to gold and silver, they also brought out a pile of gold, silver, jade, and jewelry. The four women discussed for a while, and they all decided to make another copy according to the list, and put them together as a big gift for the Gu family. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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