Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 151: riot

Lin Fu took a small wooden spoon and scooped up some light yellow medicinal powder, put it on his nose, and smelled the strong medicinal fragrance. He dipped some medicinal foam on his fingers and licked it on the tip of his tongue, slightly bitter.

Wu Yanqing's prescription is different from the common external application of knife-point medicine (Jin Chuang medicine). From the perspective of Lin Fu's later generations, this recipe has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which is much better than the knife-point medicine that uses animal bone powder as the main medicine. It is also effective in accelerating the recovery of fractures and internal bleeding. curative effect.

Wu Yanqing was famous for treating bruises and injuries in Jiangning. This prescription is based on his study of predecessors' medical books and summarizing his decades of experience in treating bruises and injuries. At this time, Wu Yanqing not only offered this prescription to Lin Fu to open a pharmacy, but he couldn't get away from it himself, but also brought his eldest son, Wu Jiye, into the pharmacy to work.

Lin Mengde walked behind Lin Fu, feeling very emotional, thinking that Jiangning officials were as many as carps crossing the river, and Lin Fu was no more than a small ninth-rank scholar, and it was nothing to be regarded as an official position, but there were several officials in Jiangning. Can people be willing to be used for their own use like Lin Fu? Even the people around Gu Wuchen who can really use it with confidence are far less than Lin Fuduo.

Lin Fu didn't know what Lin Mengde was thinking. He held his chin in his hand and stood aside earnestly to watch Wu Yanqing's son Wu Jiye instruct the apprentice to make medicines.

In Wu Yanqing’s recipe, the most commonly used medicine is pueraria. The Jiyun Club purchased sliced ​​and sun-dried pueraria tablets. In the pharmacy, the bran was simmered and then ground to powder before mixing with other main medicines.

Lin Fu can recognize more than ten kinds of healing herbs that can be found in the wild, but he really does not know much about traditional Chinese medicine. , I am afraid that the common-sense knowledge of later generations is also much better than the current world.

Although the assembly line did not have much significance before large-scale machine production replaced manual work, the production efficiency has also been significantly improved from the development of traditional manual workshops to more detailed and specific workshops. knowledge learned in elementary school.

The medical clinics and medicinal material stores in the world also prepare and sell finished medicines, but the medical clinics and medicinal materials stores in the world can be said to be standard manual workshops, and most of the people employed are apprentices.

Apprentices in medical centers and medicinal material stores belong to the white laborers. Before apprenticeships, apprentices depend on the medical center for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and other remunerations are extremely limited. They also have a strict personal dependence relationship with each other.

"Master and apprentice are like father and son", this sentence is not used as a metaphor for the relationship between master and apprentice, but according to the current law of "serving system", the authority of the master over the apprentice is similar to that of the father, and the apprentice is guilty of hitting the master Even if the master accidentally beats the apprentice to death, he will only be sentenced to a misdemeanor less than a prison sentence. Of course, the master also has many obligations to the apprentice.

Because of these factors, even if the medical center has apprentices to work for nothing, but limited by the number of people, the scale of preparing finished medicines for external sales is also very limited.

The pharmacy that Lin Bie was going to set up in Hekou, even though the recruits were nominally apprentices, but strictly speaking, it was an official hand-made pharmaceutical factory. Although it is impossible to use apprentices to work in vain, on the other hand, it does not teach them the responsibilities of becoming a teacher and other obligations, and there is no strict limit on the number of recruits, which makes it possible to expand production.

Take the words in the junior high school textbooks, the emergence of this actual employment relationship in the Hekou Pharmacy represents the real bud of capitalism.

Lin Fu will not pay attention to capitalism. His real concern is to make all the operations of the estuary more efficient, so that he can use the small place of the estuary to gather more people and forces.

Lin Fu talked with Wu Jiye, asking him to split and refine the many steps of preparing medicines, so that the apprentices in the pharmacy do not need to be familiar with the properties of medicines. Except for the master of dispensing, other apprentices even only need to master the part of the work that they share. That's it.

In this way, hiring a person can be used to do things with only a little training and guidance, and the part of the work that he is responsible for is easier to master, get started with less mistakes, and naturally more efficient.

The medical center uses ten skilled apprentices who have been trained for several years so that they can prepare various powdered medicines according to the complete process and can make 500 packets a month. The Hekou Pharmacy uses ten ordinary people with a little training. Under the guidance of skilled apprentices, with strict division of labor, one thousand, two thousand or even more powdered medicines can be prepared in less than one month.

Lin Fu also suggested that Wu Jiye could test the medicinal properties of a wild mouse in Jiangning, so that he could continuously improve Wu Yanqing's formula.


"Mrs. Gu, Young Master Gu, and Miss Gu have all come here, and the carriage has just arrived at the gate of the fence..."

Lin Bie stood under the osmanthus tree in the atrium of the pharmacy and talked with Wu Jiye about the preparation of medicines. Someone ran over to report that Gu Wuchen's wife, Mrs. Gu, and her daughter Jun Xun had taken a carriage to the estuary. Zhao Qinmin and Gu Siming had already gone to greet him.

"Then let's go first." Lin Fu pulled Lin Mengde out of the pharmacy together. When they passed the thatched cottage, they saw that Gu Yingxiu, the third lady, the sixth lady, the young lady Ma Shi and Zhao Xulu were all ready to greet them in the cottage. To prepare, Lin Xulu didn't know whether to run to the south gate of the fence to meet him, and stood outside the cottage to wait for Lin Fu to come back, and Lin Fu pulled him over with him.

Today is the seventh day after Lin Tingxun's death. Although he has not yet been buried, the Lin family still invited Taoist priests and monks to Hekou to do the "first seven" rituals. Lin Fu sent a letter to Mrs. Gu three days ago, mentioning that Lin Xulu and the Lin family intend to resolve the old grievances between the Lin family and the Gu family, but the Lin family is all wearing filial piety, so it is inconvenient to visit the door. I hope that Mrs. Gu can come to Hekou in person. .

Mrs. Gu had already received a letter from Gu Wuchen from Dongyang, and she sent the letter to Lin Fu, saying that she would go to the Hekou to worship on the "first seven" day, and visit her niece Gu Yingxiu and others who had fled to Jiangning for refuge. Others take care of their families.

Lin Fu and Lin Meng got to the south gate of the fence. Lin Xulu, Zhao Qinmin, Gu Wuchen's cousin, Gu Siming, and Gu Siyuan, who was riding a tall horse, were walking in the carriage that Madam Gu and Gu Junxun were riding.

"It should have been Lin Fu to pick up Madam and Sister Jun Xun out of the city in person, but it's too late to come out to greet them now, **** it." Lin Fu bowed to the carriage.

"Why are there so many rituals, you are busy with your business, and we don't have long legs yet?" Mrs. Gu lifted a corner of the gauze car curtain. Although the weather was hot, it was just that the big family paid attention to their female relatives not to show their faces. , Mrs. Gu opened the curtain to talk to Lin Fu, but she no longer regarded him as an outsider.

Lin Fu smiled and didn't say much. He followed the carriage to the thatched cottage before welcoming Madam Gu and Gu Junxun off the carriage. The female family was naturally received by the female family, led by the seventh lady, and the wives of Liu Yueer, the third lady, the sixth lady, the young lady Ma Shi, Lin Xulu, Gu Tianqiao and others, surrounded by Mrs. Gu and Gu Junxun, and entered the inner hall directly. The younger generation went in with Gu Tianqiao, Gu Siming and others to say hello, chatted briefly, and then went to the front hall of the outer house to accompany Gu Siyuan, the son of Gu Wuchen, to speak.

Gu Siyuan had a grudge against Lin Fu, and was surrounded by everyone in the front hall. Lin Fu didn't mind either, and whispered to Lin Xulu.

In Gu Mansion, there are some things that Gu Wuchen can't control, and Gu Siyuan can't stand in front of his powerful mother. Today's highlight is the inner house.

"Old Seventeen," Lin Xulu said in a low voice, "the three aunts finally nodded their heads and agreed to allocate a total of 24,000 taels of silver for three years to my father. Although Dongyang Mansion is not in chaos, there are many rogues. How to transport this money back to Dongyang, I also want to ask you, Seventeen, to make up my mind for my brother."

Lin Fu was thinking of other things. The Lin family's money to support Xiangyong should be controlled within 10,000 taels per year, and Lin Tingli in Dongyang would have to take away 8,000 taels each year, so Jiangning only had 2,000 taels of silver to support. Xiang Yong can only support a hundred people. The Lin family has more than 300 villagers in Jiangning, which means that nearly 200 people will be cut.

"Is there a conclusion about how to reduce the rural bravery here in Jiangning?" Lin Fu asked.

"Except for the Xiangyong who had been transferred to Jiangning to serve as the military guard, there are only 100 people in the reorganized Xiangyong who took refuge in the Jiangning estuary this time. These Xiangyong have no credit or hard work for the Lin family. The Lin family must not treat them badly. Other townships The second child of Yong Du was killed and left in the village camp after being attacked and defeated. The second child was killed by Zhao Neng for betraying slaves. The Lin family is tolerant enough not to pursue the responsibility for the ineffective guardianship of these village brave masters. Naturally they will not. If you keep them for nothing, I plan to disperse them after today's 'first seven'—Old Seventeen, what do you think?"

When the township camp was attacked, Zhao Qingshan, Lin Jiyuan, and Chen Shouyan led three hundred township warriors to tie them to Luoyang Lake with the forest, and there were still nearly four hundred township men left in the township camp. When the camp was attacked, only fifty or sixty people were killed on the spot by the horse thieves led by Zhao Neng or were seriously injured afterwards. There are 150 or 60 people in Yong, and there are nearly 200 people scattered outside.

"Second uncle and third brother were polite before telling me about the important affairs of the clan. Of course I support the decisions made by the second uncle, third brother and a few ladies." Lin Fu said, thinking that this is fine. Some Xiangyongs broke up the organization, and then cut the Lin family out, and it was easy for him to train.

Mrs. Gu had a luncheon in the thatched cottage, and she took her daughters and family to chat with her for a long time. When the sun fell to the eaves surrounding the corner of the house, she called Lin Fu over to talk.

"La Yingxiu talked a lot just now. Since the Lin family is in Hekou, I think that the seventy or eighty people who came from the Gu family to Jiangning will also settle in the Hekou, and everything is not convenient in the city. I support Five hundred taels of silver for you, you are responsible for helping me do things well." Madam Gu said.

"I don't have any arrangements for the time being. I don't know if Mrs. Gu will have other ideas. There are indeed many inconveniences in the city. If that's the case, then leave it to me..." Lin Fu said, there are several in the Gu family. The female family was in the house, and he didn't even ask the manor not to give out the money. In short, he wouldn't miss five hundred taels of silver, but a good person still had to do it for Mrs. Gu.

Mrs. Gu, Gu Junxun, and Gu Siyuan returned to the city. Lin Fu rode a horse and Gu Yingxiu took them to Donghua Gate in person.

Outside Donghua Gate, Mrs. Gu insisted not to send Lin Fu and the others away, and lifted the curtain and said to Lin Fu, "Yingxiu refuses to live with me in the city, she really wants you to take care of her in Hekou, she wants to have a house in Hekou. It's not that I can't spare you."

"Please don't worry, Mrs. Gu." Lin Bie said without looking sideways.

Seeing Mrs. Gu and her party entering the Donghua Gate, Lin Fucai turned around on his horse, next to the carriage that Gu Yingxiu was riding, chatting while walking.

"I chatted with my aunt in the afternoon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I found out that Jun Xun doesn't have a Xu family..." Gu Yingxiu lifted the curtain of the car window and sat in the carriage watching Lin Fu talking.

"I know this," Lin Fu said. "She's seventeen years old, so it's time to worry about her."

"Don't pretend to be stupid, you know what I mean," Gu Yingxiu said coquettishly, "Jun Xun is trying to find a topic to talk about you today. Speaking of this - Jun Xun is really beautiful, not much worse than the two in your room, I can't humiliate you."

"To be honest," Lin Bie sighed softly, "I'm worried that I won't always walk on the same path with your uncle in the future..."

"Are you afraid that it will be difficult for Jun Xun to be a human being caught in the middle?" Gu Yingxiu looked at Lin Bing with beautiful eyes, and asked, "Why don't you worry that it will be difficult for me to be a human being caught in the middle?"

"..." Lin Fu smiled without saying a word.

"The current situation is rotten, and each of them is wandering. Maybe in a few years, my uncle will hit the wall again and be covered in blood. You will never form a life-and-death feud with my uncle. What do you worry about in the future?" Gu Yingxiu said. .

"Hey," Lin Fu shook his head and sighed, "Anyway, I'm just a child of the Lin family, and I'm just a scholar, and I'm also a scholar in the ranks. If I'm right, I'm not worthy of Jun Xun. ."

"I don't believe my uncle would care about this?" Gu Yingxiu said.

At this moment, two fast horses galloped towards each other, the two guards guarding the river mouth. When they saw Lin Fu, they got off their horses and reported, "The Lin family is going to abolish the villagers, and the rumors leaked. More than a hundred villagers gathered to make a commotion. Please return to Hekou for disposal..."


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