Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 152: grass mustard

Gu Yingxiu changed to a fast horse, and quickly rushed back to the estuary with Lin Fu.

Lin Xuhong, who shrank his head and hid at the gate of the fence, saw Lin Bie rushing over surrounded by guards and military pawns, and hurriedly greeted him and said, "It's messed up, it's messed up, these **** eat the food of the Lin family and wear the clothes of the Lin family, but at this time they know that there is a mutiny. The tortoise son of Zhao Qingshan didn't obey his orders, and the Lin family didn't treat him badly. He even dared to refuse to lead people to drive away the mutinous Xiangyong. Old Seventeen, you quickly order troops to be transferred from Prison Island to suppress these bastards. …”

"What are you panicking about?" Lin Fu said in a deep voice, "How can the soldiers be so sharp that they can be casually added to the children of this village?"

Cao Zi'ang, Ge Cunxin, and others would not be involved in the affairs of the Lin family, but would only secretly strengthen their vigilance. Besides, in addition to Lin Bing's orders or encountering a real enemy attack, Zhao Hu, Zhou Pu, and Yang Shi might lead the prison island soldiers to cross the river to help.

Lin Jingzhong and Lin Mengde left the Hekou for business in the afternoon. At this time, Lin Mengde, who went to Quyang Town to work on errands, had to believe and rush back with Lin Fu. Lin Bie didn't have time to discuss anything with him. He watched the crowd gather in front of him and went straight to the trouble spot.

The new house on the west side of the street has not been fully completed, but the Lin family couldn't stand the simplicity of the surrounding house. After this new house with three courtyards opened up, they couldn't wait to move in in the past two days.

Before the gate of the new house had time to lay the top bricks, the tie-horse pillars were temporarily buried for emergency use, the dismounting stone was not ready, and the garden behind was just built. Since the Lin family belonged to Shixun's family, the door had just been painted vermilion, but it was not completely dry, and there was a smell of tung oil.

There are 1,670 people in the villages that the Lin family wants to reduce this time. The rumors that the Lin family wants to reduce the villagers' bravery have already been released, and the real decision will be made before noon today.

The troubled villagers were sitting or squatting in the open space in front of the new house. The weather was hot and the military uniforms were heavy. Some people could not bear the heat. In one place, plus the crowd of onlookers, not only the site in front of the new house, but also the entire north-south long street was blocked tightly. The scene was really lively and chaotic.

But seeing Lin Fu, Gu Yingxiu, Lin Mengde and others riding over, it suddenly became quiet.

Zhao Qingshan only led 30 or 40 Xiangyong to guard in front of the gate of the new house. He did not let the mutinous Xiangyong get close to causing trouble, and did not take any other measures. Watching Lin Fu and the others rush back, Zhao Qingshan brought a few. People came down the steps to meet them.

The vermilion door and the side doors on both sides were tightly closed, and only the side door looked half-faced to check the situation outside, and it was Lin Xulu who was inside.

Lin Fu sighed slightly. Lin Xulu's knowledge and work are good, but his courage is too lacking. He and the other Lin family are hiding behind closed doors. Xiang Yong gave birth to a heart of alienation.

After Lin Tingxun, the Lin family really has no one who can control the overall situation.

"What do they look like? The soldiers are not like soldiers, and the bandits are not like bandits. How can the river mouth allow you to come here?" Lin Fu got off his horse, handed the horse to the guard Wu pawn, and went straight to the middle of the mutinous villagers with Gu Yingxiu, kicking To the spear that had been thrown on the ground at will, he scolded sharply, "You are not disbanded in one day, but one day you will be soldiers in the villages in the forest. Who would allow you to throw away your weapons and armor anywhere? If there is an enemy attacking the estuary, how will you respond? enemy?"

"Lord Lin, your kindness will not be repaid in our lifetimes, but the Lin family will be disbanded tomorrow, and there is no money to settle the family. Why do you want us to work for the Lin family today?" A soldier stood up and argued.

"There are no parents, wife and children you're waiting for here?" Lin Fu looked at the soldier and asked, "You're waiting for the soldiers to defend the land, are you really just for the Lin family?"

After Lin Tingxun died, no one in the Lin family could have his prestige.

Lin Bie gained such a great reputation in Jiangning in just half a year, and became a legend in Shanglin.

This time, he led the crowd to fight fiercely with the water bandits at Luoyang Lake, and he led the crowd to confront the bandits at Shanglindu for a long time, and successfully pulled thousands of people out of Shanglinli. Afterwards, the villagers who fled to Jiangning were taken in by Lin Fudu. These village braves who were scattered when the village camp was attacked were also gathered up, sheltered and brought back to the estuary for refuge by Lin Fu.

Although the older generation of Shanglinli villagers have different views on some of Lin Fu's radical attitudes, the younger generation undoubtedly regards Lin Fu as an example.

When Lin Fu and the seventh lady, Gu Yingxiu, came over, no one was squatting or sitting on the ground again; Lin Fu had been reprimanded at this time, and even though he still had the resentment of abandoning the Lin family, he still wore neat military uniforms and put them on the ground. Pick up the weapon armor.

"It hasn't been a day or two since you arrived at Hekou, but you see people dying of starvation here, what are you worried about?" Lin Fu walked up the steps and said aloud, "What grievances do you have, recommend a few people to follow along? I went in to talk, and I, Lin Fu, ensured that they were all right; everyone else went back to the temporary camp, what kind of etiquette would it be to gather here? Before dark, the Lin family will explain it to everyone."

Lin Mengde brought the situation under control after seeing Lin Fu in just a few words, and Lin Xulu saw that Lin Fu was in control of the situation at this time, so that people could open the door from the inside. , also has fame and fame, but compared with Lin Fu, he is really a world of difference.

The mutiny must be led by someone to coax. With Lin Fu's guarantee, the five leading people quickly stood up. In order to show respect for Lin Fu, they also handed over their weapons to others to bring back first.

"Third brother, the third lady, the sixth lady, the young lady and the three clan elders are all inside?" Lin Fu asked Lin Xulu.

"It's fortunate that you and Seventh Aunt came back in time." Lin Xulu didn't dare to speak ill of the five leading troublemakers at this time, and walked into the new house with Seventh Madam, Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, Lin Xuhong and others.

Going around the Zhaobi and entering the Chuihuamen, the widow of the Lin family and the three elders were all looking forward to the atrium in fear. They took the five leading troublemakers that Lin Fu brought in as Lin Fu's entourage. As if seeing the savior, they couldn't wait to say: "Just come back, just inform the government to send troops to arrest those troublemakers. I have long said that these pariahs are unreliable. When the master was alive, how could he treat them badly, the corpse of the master. If there is no cold, they will rebel, and they are as abominable as Zhao Neng's traitor."

"Okay," Lin Bie drank slightly with a sullen face, preventing them from talking nonsense any more, and said, "The situation is not that serious, and everyone has dispersed. I asked everyone to select five people to discuss the abolition of Xiangyong with the family. After all, the abolition of Xiangyong is related to the Xiangyong itself, and they cannot but listen to their opinions. Zhao Neng will not hesitate to cut a thousand swords. Can you mix things up?"

At this time, everyone realized that the five men who came in with Lin Fu and the others were troublemakers and recommended by Xiangyong to come in to negotiate, and their faces became ugly. When they saw Lin Fu coming back, they brought the situation under control, and they had confidence in their hearts. The third lady said coldly: "Have you discussed it with them? The Lin family is the one who raised them, do you have to take care of them for the rest of their lives?"

Lin Bie frowned, knowing that it was impossible for women to turn around and want them to turn back immediately. He had already made up his mind on how to deal with this matter, so he said: "The ladies and the three clan elders are all here, Yong also elected five representatives here, and this matter needs to be properly resolved. Since the family is determined not to use it, I will take over first, and after the forest is recovered, it will not work if there are not enough people... Although the Hekou side is embarrassed, there are more people. Raising one or two hundred people will not let people starve to death, but the quota of military guards in Jiyun Society has only forty people, so it is not possible to raise more private soldiers. Third lady, sixth lady and young lady, what do you think?"

Lin Fu meant to take over the troubled township Yongdu, but he also had to take up the soldiers' quota for the Lin family.

Although Lin Fu raised private soldiers in the name of Jiyun Club, he would not stick to the limit of 40 military guards, but to increase so many people at once, it would be difficult to hide it from Gu Wuchen's political enemies or Lin Fu himself in Jiangning. If the offender is stabbed, there will be big trouble.

Although Shanglinli Xiangyong is a guest soldier in Jiangning, but after all, he has an official name in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. With this name, Lin Fu can even drive these rural braves north to participate in the Hongzepu battle.

"That's fine." Lin Xulu couldn't figure out how powerful Lin Fu was behind his back for a while. He was able to raise nearly 200 more private soldiers by himself, but it's not good to provoke the troubled Xiangyong. Lin Fu is willing to It would be better to take over the hot potato. After all, Lin Fu was still part of the Lin family. He looked at the widows of the Lin family, "What do you think of the aunts?"

"People with foreign surnames are really unreliable. Since Old Seventeen is not afraid of trouble, then he will take over Xiang Yong with foreign surnames." The third lady said angrily, "That Zhao Qingshan, we have decided to increase his monthly salary to four Two, he dared to perfunctory the order of the family just now, this time he must clear it out..."

"I won't talk about this matter for the time being. Since it's decided, please accompany me to the camp and the seventh lady to announce the decision." Lin Fu said, thinking that the third lady lives in the house, how can you know that it is not easy to grasp the heart of the people? one thing? Even if the children of the forest clan are used, it is difficult to ensure that the children of the forest clan will not have dissent. Has there been less brother murderers in history? There is no unprovoked loyalty in this world. The Lin family regards the hometown brave as grass, and the township treats the Lin family as an enemy. It makes no difference whether they are different surnames or not.

Lin Fu no longer wasted time in the new house, and led the five leading troublemakers, Xiangyong, and together with Lin Xulu, Lin Xuhong, Lin Mengde, and the seventh lady Gu Yingxiu, they rushed to the temporary camp of Xiangyong to the west of the surrounding house in the Hekou. The troubled Xiangyong all gathered to announce the decision to incorporate the troubled Xiangyong into the military guard of Jiyun Society.


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