Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 157: Hikija Cave

At dawn, in the training camp on the east side of Prison Island, the candles were dimly lit.

"The local ponds report good news but not bad news, and Changguo County is not lost, but the large island off the east coast of the county has been occupied by Donghai pirates. Last month, I went to Changguo County for a field trip, and the situation was not optimistic. About 300 East Sea pirates took three large ships to attack Shengsi Island in the north. When I left Changshan Island, this shareholder pirate was still entrenched in Shengsi Island and did not leave. During this time, ships from Dongjiang entered and exited Dianshan Lake and Taihu Lake. It is also quite suspicious. The frequency of small shareholder pirates invading the coast of Pingjiang Prefecture is higher than before," Fu Qinghe said, "The She family split the soil and sealed the marquis, and She Feixiong, the eldest son of Shewenzhuang, closed his door to recover from his injuries after being named the prince. , does not assist Shewenzhuang in Jin'an's official business, and has opened the door to see guests only a handful of times in the past four months..."

"The people behind the East China Sea raiders' attack on the Changguo Islands should be She Feixiong," Lin Fu sighed, "The She family also realized that the strategy of invading Zhejiang and Jiangxi by land is not desirable, so they took advantage of the war of interest. , retract his fists, and expand his ambitions by sea instead. The Changguo Islands are indeed a good springboard..."

Changguo County is under the jurisdiction of Mingzhou Prefecture in eastern Zhejiang, which is also known as Zhoushan Archipelago. Xiangshan County in Mingzhou Prefecture faces each other across the sea, and the northernmost Shengsi Islands and Xinyi County in Pingjiang Prefecture face each other across the sea. , and Pingjiang's prefectures will all be under the threat of East China Sea bandits.

The Dongjiang River is a large river in the south of the Yangtze River and in the territory of Pingjiang Prefecture. The waters of Taihu Lake are located between Jiahang and Huzhou in eastern Zhejiang and the four prefectures of Pingjiang and Danyang in Jiangdong County. These four prefectures are the essence of Jiangnan after full development. , all originate from the Pingjiang prefecture.

When Fu Qinghe came over, Lin Fu did not rush to take him to the mouth of the river, but discussed the situation of the East China Sea bandits in the training camp by candlelight, not to share the worries of the court and the locality. Not in their position, not seeking their own government, Mingzhou, Yuezhou, Jiahang, and Pingjiang are threatened by East China Sea bandits should be something that the county and the court should consider, but Lin Fu and the others just have to carefully consider the East China Sea under the control of the luxury family. The northward expansion of the bandit forces threatens Changshan Island.

On the rough wooden platform, a map of Jiangdong County’s sea and territory, which Lin Bie had obtained from the Internal Affairs Office of the Inspectorate, was spread out. The map in this world is difficult to be accurate. Qin Chengzu and others have been on Changshan Island for half a year, and they have also conducted a lot of reconnaissance on the nearby waters, making this map of the sea and territory. The map is quite accurate.

Zhao Hu lay on the wooden platform and painted Shengsi Island and Changshan Island in red with a red pen. Shengsi Island was attacked by East China Sea bandits at the end of April and could not be entrenched. Changshan Island was only more than 300 miles away from Shengsi Island. , Ordinary sea ships can complete this sea route day and night.

At present, it seems that the East China Sea bandits under the control of the She family are likely to be the first to invade Pingjiang Prefecture on a large scale after the gathering. The grain can also be cut off from the river transport to the north of the prefectures south of the Pingjiang River.

Under this situation, Changshan Island is still temporarily safe.

Changshan Island is located in the north of the mouth of the Yangtze River, and it does not pose a threat to the East China Sea pirates gathered on the Shengsi Islands, and because Shengsi Island has much better conditions for attacking Pingjiang Prefecture or entering the Yangtze River waterway than Changshan Island, East China Sea pirates at this time. There should be no firm determination to unplug Changshan Island.

Immediate security is also temporary, and no one can predict how the situation in the East China Sea will develop in the future.


Four hundred bales of smuggled salt were unloaded before dawn, and the Dongyang ship anchored at the Jiang'an Wharf, carrying rice, sugar, tie-dye cloth, and medicine cloth and other goods trafficked from Chongzhou.

This was the first return of the Dongyang from a commercial flight. There were many people watching outside the pier, while Lin Fu led Fu Qinghe from the embankment pier back to the cottage quietly.

Xiaoman woke up early in the morning, his eyes were loose, and when he saw Fu Qinghe's figure, the circles of his eyes suddenly turned red, and tears fell unsatisfactorily. Lin Fu also sent people into the city to tell Su Mei, and Su Mei soon came with the news. Over the years, she and Xiaoman have been under the protection of Fu Qinghe to get out of the mud and not be stained. The three have a deep relationship. , Affectionate with father and daughter.

When Fu Qinghe returned, Sun Wenwan, who had been staying in Zhutang to recover, also came to say hello.

Fu Qinghe has lived in Jiangning for ten years, and has forged a deep friendship with Sun Jingxuan of the Hegang Xihe Association by chance.

The tortuous misunderstanding between Lin Fu and Sun Wenwan was also made clear to Fu Qinghe in the letter, and it was a bit ironic to meet at this time. Although the reason for this was mentioned in Fu Qinghe's letter to Sun Jingxuan, it was actually Su Mei's desire to bring it up, so naturally it was not over at this time.

After Sun Jingxuan got the letter, he rode a fast horse from the south of the city and chatted happily with Fu Qinghe. Lin Fucha also had something to discuss with Sun Jingxuan.

"Sun Huishou, I have something to discuss with you..." Lin Fu said.

"Lord Lin, please give me your orders," Sun Jingxuan said.

Although the matter between Lin Fu and Sun Wenwan is over, but Sun Jingtang's daughter Sun Wenpei and Lin Jingzhong have agreed on a marriage, and the wedding date is also agreed in the autumn.

Although Gu Wuchen went to Dongyang to supervise the battle, the court issued a special decree on Xia Cao's trial, and also sent a supervisory censor to Jiangning, and the inspector's envoy also sent a special inspector to supervise the matter. Wang Xueshan couldn't play tricks, with Jiangning capital as an example, other prefectures and counties could no longer shirk the blame, and many things entered the preparation in a short time.

Because Jiangning has enough grain, it is also the grain trade center of Jiangdong County. The prefectures and counties with insufficient grain storage in Hailing, Dongyang, and Tuzhou prefectures are also prepared from Jiangning. Including Jiangning Prefecture itself, the first batch of Caoliang shipped from Jiangning was as high as Two hundred thousand stones.

For the river gang, Xia Cao is a good errand. The wind and water are strong. Although Hongzepu is in chaos, the road from Weiyang is unobstructed. There is a special purpose to protect the body, so there is no need to be afraid of exploitation by officials along the road. You can carry more private goods for sale from north to south, and this trip can almost reach the past several times.

Since Xia Cao is not a regular system, and other prefectures and counties are preparing grain in Jiangning, the officials in charge of Xia Cao affairs will naturally not miss this opportunity to extort grain from the various factions of the He Gang. The distribution of grain transportation among the various factions of the He Gang It will not be distributed according to the regular system.

Since Gu Wuchen was not in Jiangning, it was not convenient for Lin Fu to directly participate in the affairs of Xia Cao, but he had a lot of influence as Gu Wuchen's cronies. In addition, the officials of Dongyang Mansion in Jiangning who were responsible for preparing Cao grains were Lin Tingli's cronies, not only Dongyang Mansion's 40,000 The transportation of the stone canal grains was given to the Xihe Society, and the affairs of preparing the grains were also handed over to the Xihe Society.

Although Xia Cao of Dongyang Mansion gave 10,000 taels of silver to the officials, but under the promotion of Lin Fu, the remaining 30,000 taels of cash from the office were directly allocated to the Xihe Association without any delay or other difficulties. Sun Jingxuan had just returned from Huzhou, where the price of grain was lower. He had cash in hand and the convenience of running the canal. In addition to the 40,000 stone grains needed by Dongyang Mansion, he also bought an extra 60,000 stone grains of rice to Jiangning. , you will earn an extra 3,000 taels of silver if you change hands.

Sun Jingxuan has been worrying about the livelihood of the 2,000 members of the Xihe Association and their families all day long. He won't worry about taking this good deal for at least two years. At this time, his face is full of red.

"Master Gu is supervising the battle in Dongyang, and my second uncle is training Xiangyong in Dongyang. I have prepared a sum of money here, 70% of the cash will be sent directly, and 30% of the silver will be purchased in Quyang Town to buy some materials that are in short supply in Dongyang and transport them over there. ," Lin Fu said, "I have few people at hand, and the river mouth is very busy. I want to entrust the Xihe Association with the purchase and delivery of materials. When it starts, in order to prevent the robbers from attacking, I will send a boat to **** it... The Sun will first think it is not troublesome. , I'll have someone hand over the list and money to you right away."

The Xihe Association was responsible for Xia Cao's transport capacity of only 40,000 shi, with 20,000 shi remaining.

What Lin Bie asked for was to support Gu Wuchen to supervise the battle in Dongyang. Besides, only the northeastern part of Dongyang Mansion was filled with war. The area from the south of the mansion to Jiangning was still safe, and Lin Bie sent a boat to **** him. Where would Sun Jingxuan shirk? Immediately agreed.

Sun Jingxuan agreed, and Lin Fu went to Lin Xulu to discuss.

The family promised to allocate 24,000 taels of money to Yong Yong in Dongyang’s subordinate town for three years. Lin Fu asked Lin Xulu to spend 10,000 taels of silver to buy the scarce supplies in Quyang Town, and Lin Fu posted another 4,000 taels of silver.

Dongyang/Supplies are not lacking. Lin Xulu didn't understand why Lin Fu wanted to buy supplies in Quyang Town, but Lin Fu put an extra 4,000 taels of silver on him. Lin Xulu couldn't refuse, and only said, "Why would you be so embarrassed to ask you to pay out?"

"This isn't my money either. Some of the money from the Dongyang Mansion has been cut off, and Master Gu has a lot to share. I sent someone to Dongyang Mansion to report to Master Gu, and Master Gu ordered the money to be posted. For the second uncle to train the countryman - so I thought it would be better to buy materials in Jiangning for this money, and I can't send it directly to the second uncle." Lin Fu said nonsense.

Lin Xulu believed it, and he was a little ashamed. The officials in the Dongyang government sent him one thousand taels of silver. He knew that it was Xia Cao's silver, but he didn't expect Gu Wuchen and Lin Funeng to be selfless and not harming colleagues. He took out the silver to subsidize the training of Xiangyong, and said at the moment: "I came here this time, and I also have more than one thousand taels of silver. I also took out the supplies together, and the momentum was bigger, and it also made Master Gu's face bright."

At the moment, Lin Fu and Lin Xulu discussed the preparation of a list of materials to be purchased, including rice candy, cloth, wound medicine, steel bars, etc. There were 17 or 8 items in a mess. The third lady, the sixth lady, the young lady and the three clan elders finally ordered Lin Xuhong to lead Qian Xiaowu and an entourage brought by Lin Xulu with a list to carry 15,000 cash in cash to the Zhutang Xiyuan, where Sun Wenwan temporarily lived. , entrusted to the Xihe Society to purchase.

The time was tight, and the amount of things to be procured was huge. In order to manage this errand well, Sun Jingxuan personally took charge of the Zhutang side, and then transferred his nephew Sun Wenbing to run errands. Sun Jingxuan thought that if the time was not enough, he would go to Dongyang in person and be able to meet in person. It would be better to meet Gu Wuchen.

Sun Wenwan picked up the list proposed by Lin Fu, but became suspicious, suggesting that her father avoided the three people sent by Lin Fu to supervise to speak in the back hall.

"There are too many doubts," Sun Wenwan said to her father with the list. "One, Dongyang Mansion is not short of supplies. Wouldn't it be safer to send the silver to Dongyang to purchase supplies quietly by a boat? There is no shortage of manpower, and there are more than 20 ships in the fleet, and we must let Xihe make this money? Third, since the time is so tight, why do you need to buy 17 or 8 items in a mess? You want me to list other things. Doubtful?"

"Maybe he wants everyone to be closer..." Sun Jingxuan said with a smile.

"You can't make jokes about your daughter," Sun Wenwan said in a sullen voice, "Lin Fu can't be seen at all, and her daughter can't marry him even if she lives..."

"But what would Xihe deserve for his framing?" Sun Jingxuan put away his jokes and asked seriously.

"Maybe he didn't want to harm the Xihe Club, but he wanted to use the West River Club to make it known to everyone in Jiangning." Sun Wenwan said, "Especially to let the Qu family know that today he deliberately said he wanted to go to Quyang Town. The people who buy these materials…”

"Qu Family?" Sun Jingxuan asked suspiciously.

"Father, are you really confused or fake?" Sun Wenwan said, "You can't remember the kidnapping of Qu Wuyang's only son two months ago? , the privately issued bonuses are as high as 10,000 taels, and the final redemption silver is in Chaotian Dang, four miles east of the prison island. Before the redemption silver was handed over, the Qu family privately released rumors, and the redemption silver was in Chaotian swing. The people in the house were robbed from the water, and the forces of the various families who heard the news from UU reading www.uukanshu.com fought hard in the sky, leaving fifty or sixty corpses and returning empty-handed, and they also forged each other. Hatred. If it wasn't for your daughter and aunt's hard work to discourage you, you and your second uncle would have sent ginseng to join in because of their greediness, you'd be embarrassed to forget about it at this time!"

When Sun Jingxuan saw the old scar exposed to his daughter, his face flushed, and he asked softly, "You said that the robbery of Qu Wuyang's only son is related to Lin Bie?"

"Second uncle personally went to the Dongyang ship and saw it. Daddy, don't you suspect that Lin Bie was responsible for the robbery?" Sun Wenwan asked, "I think the Qu family should also suspect Lin Bie after the water battle at Luoyang Lake. Now, I saw that Lin Fu even knew that the Qu family had already suspected him, so he made a big splash and led the snake out of the hole..."

"Why did Lin Fu lead the snake out of the hole?" Sun Jingxuan asked.

"Daughter is only a female class, how do you know so much?" Sun Wenwan said, "Since Lin Fu wants to lead snakes out of the hole, this trip to Dongyang must be very risky. It's not as peaceful as it seems on the surface..."

"..." Sun Jingxuan frowned. He was indeed not as thoughtful as his daughter, but he had to consider the consequences of rejecting Lin Bie.

"The Xihe Society can purchase supplies on their behalf and help them spread the word, but the matter of transporting supplies to Dongyang must be rejected..." Sun Wenwan saw her father's indecision, and persuaded, "You can't escape casually when things happen, but does your father want to take the initiative? Use the life of the congregation to please Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen? If you think this is difficult, you should let the second uncle, Wen Yao and Wen Bing leave Jiangning tonight, and you will start pretending to be sick at noon tomorrow. I have the heart to let a female classmate of mine **** the fleet for him, and my daughter will accompany him on a trip."


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