Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 158: female rabbit blurry

Sandalwood lingers in the elegant room in the West Garden of the Bamboo Hall in Hekou. It was scorching hot outside, and when I walked outside, my hair and skin were scorching hot. I don't know what method Li Zuigui'er used when he built the bamboo hall. When he walked into the elegant house, he only felt the shade and coolness.

Sun Jingxuan's face was sallow, sweat dripped from his forehead, and he was reclining on the bed with a pillow under his neck, with a sick look on his face; Wu Yanqing took his pulse for him with a serious look, and Sun Wenwan, who looked haggard, stood beside him. Sun Jingxuan was ill for five days, and Sun Wenwan died After five days of non-stop service day and night, people are naturally exhausted.

Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe, who came to visit, were sitting on the high chairs of Huali, and Ao Canghai stood beside them, like a mountain.

When Wu Yanqing finished taking Sun Jingxuan's pulse, Lin Fu asked, "Can Sun Huishou's condition be relieved?"

"It's better than yesterday." Wu Yanqing said vaguely.

"That's good," Lin Fu said with a little peace of mind, "Let Sun Huishou get sick from overwork, all of which are Lin Fu's fault. Seeing that Sun Huishou's recovery is in sight, I can finally feel relieved..."

"I'm fine now," Sun Jingxuan struggled to get up and said to Lin Fu, "Lord Lin, the matter of going to Dongyang can't be delayed any more, I'm sweating again, and I can barely accompany Lord Lin to Dongyang. "

"Sun Huishou wants others to say that I am unkind," Lin Fu said with a smile, "I have troubled Xihehui enough for the past few days. Sun Huishou is exhausted because of this, how can I bear to pull the sick body unhealed? Is Sun Huishou tired again? There is no need for Sun Huishou to worry about going to Dongyang."

"This trip to Dongyang may not be able to stop. If there is a sudden change, those congregations are not restrained, and I am afraid that it will cause trouble for Lord Lin. Unfortunately, Jingtang, Wen Yao, and Wen Bing are not in Jiangning at this time," Sun Jingxuan frowned for a moment and groaned. "Master Lin, do you think this is good? Wanniang's mother died early, and I will not discipline her. She was born with a wild temperament, and her daughter's family has nothing to shy away from showing her face, but it is not without benefits. What's the big problem..." Having said this, he couldn't help coughing violently.

"How does this make it possible?" Lin Fu refused, "The Lin family also has a boat. Before, I asked the Xihe meeting because I was afraid that the Lin family's boats would not be enough. Now the Longjiang Shipyard has delivered two large ships to transport these materials to Dongyang. Enough is enough, and everything will not bother Sun Huishou," and said to Wu Yanqing, "A few days ago, the pharmacy collected a dozen old ginseng from other places, and I sent two to send over, please Mr. Wu. Dispensing medicine for Sun Huishou, let Sun Huishou take care of his body as soon as possible, can't delay Xia Cao's affairs..."

Immediately, Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe said goodbye and left, and after a while, someone sent two old ginseng wrapped in jinpa.

Looking at the two old ginseng sent by Lin Fu, Wu Yanqing sighed softly, opened a prescription for recuperation, and handed it to Sun Wenwan for her to take the medicine for decoction. Without saying much, she packed the medicine. The box is ready to leave.

"Mr. Wu is embarrassed..." Sun Jingxuan restrained his illness, he knew that his illness could not be put on in front of Wu Yanqing.

"I'm just an old man, treating illnesses and injuries, no matter what's going on between you, but it's a big mistake for you to think that Lord Lin can't see that you're pretending to be sick," Wu Yanqing sighed softly, "Wanniang can take care of her injuries. Well, others just think that the old man's medical skills are much better than before, but they don't know that this bone solidification thaumaturgy is actually created by Lord Lin..."

"..." Sun Jingxuan was slightly startled, he knew that his illness was just the right time to make Lin Fu suspicious, but he didn't know that Lin Fu's visit to the disease and the medicine was simply cooperating with his acting. Yanqing defended himself in front of him, "The West River Society has passed into my hands, it is already the fourth generation, and there are a lot of ups and downs in the Hegang factions. It’s not that Jing Xuan doesn’t know about the upper hand. But the Xihe Society is just a group of poor brothers who get together to work hard to earn a living. What qualifications do they have to participate in these major events? In danger."

"You have your concerns, you have your considerations, I'm just one of the old men, and I don't care much about these things, so I can't really evaluate anything." Wu Yanqing said, calling the apprentice who was helping the decoction outside and returning to prison by boat. Island to go.


Lin Fu and Fu Qinghe went to the pier on the river bank and looked into the distance.

In the past few days, Lin Fu spent a lot of energy to incorporate the Xiangyongdu into the Wuwei according to the new formation method. These villagers have a very good foundation. Although they haven't had time for more rigorous training, they are barely able to use it.

"Jing Xuan always has too much concern," Fu Qinghe sighed slightly, "It's not easy for Xihe to pass to him for four generations."

At this time, Lin Xulu came over and asked, "Why, we don't need a boat from the Xihehui? It's all agreed upon, so they said they wouldn't leave if they didn't leave?"

"It's better not to trouble others, or to trouble others less," Lin Fu said. "Our ship is barely enough, and we will set off after loading the goods."

Since Xi He will see the danger in it, Lin Fu knows that he is not qualified to let Xi He follow him desperately.

Sun Jingxuan fell ill at the right time on the second day after he asked the Tuoxihe Association to buy supplies, and his condition worsened day by day. Lin Fu mobilized the Lin family's boats in Jiangning to the estuary for backup. Fortunately, Long The two Qianshi clippers at Jiang Shipyard were also delivered in the past few days.

The little loach master Ge Cunxiong, Chen Enze and others have been training at Longjiang Lake with more than 60 boatmen and sailors selected from the migrant workers. They are almost proficient in the two boats, at least in There is no big problem in controlling these two ships in the inland river, and Lin Fu also tried to save the trouble, and the two ships were directly named "Jiyun 1" and "Jiyun 2".

Lin Fu has three thousand stone ships in his hand, and the Lin family also has more than 20 wooden ships, with a total transport capacity of nearly 7,000 stones, and one shipment of milled rice can exceed one million catties.

Lin Mengde, Lin Jingzhong, Ge Cunxin, Ge Cunxiong and others supervise nearly 300 wharf workers in the warehouse, berth and ship respectively, and load the steel bars, rice sugar, medicinal materials, cloth and other materials in the warehouse into categories and load them onto the ship.

At this time, many empty ships were parked on the river outside the pier, and the Dongyang was parked at the berth. When the Dongyang was full, the "Jiyun 1", "Jiyun 2" and the Linjia Wupeng wooden boats berthed in turn to load the goods. . The goods are scattered and complex, and there are no containers that can provide efficient loading tools in the world. Although there are many workers on the dock side, there are lights from the corner towers to provide light at night, and work does not stop at night, and all ships are loaded in the afternoon of the next day.

At dusk, it started to rain, but the wind was southeast, and it was time to set sail to the west.

Hearing that the maid came back and said that the ship was ready to depart from the pier, Sun Wenwan held up an oil-paper umbrella and walked out of the bamboo hall with the maid, climbed the embankment and walked to the river bank, overlooking the boats like a city in the mist and rain, and the people on the dock dressed in rainforest. Wu Wei also boarded the ship one after another.

There were so many people on the pier and on the boat, all wearing rain scorpions, and it was impossible to tell which one was Lin Bie.


On the water facing the sky on the west side of the prison island, a Upon boat floated in the misty rain, and several fishing boats were scattered around.

After Li Zhuo arrived in Jiangning, it was strictly forbidden for the ships of the water camp to go down the river to collect donations. He Jin's mouth was torn open.

Not to mention the misty and rainy weather at this time, even if the wind and rain are a little bigger, there will be no shortage of small fishing boats swaying in the sky.

She Feihu sat in Wu Peng's cabin, watching the situation by the pier on the river bank in the distance, just put his saber on his knee and fiddled with the tassels.

Song Jia's eyes looked at the girl in green with an oil-paper umbrella on the river bank. She couldn't see her face clearly. She just walked with an umbrella in the mist and rain, like the person in the picture, and asked, "Who is that girl?"

"Maybe it's Wan Niang, the daughter of Sun Jingxuan of the Xihe Society..." Du Rong said, "Lin Fu asked the Xihe Society to send a lot of materials to purchase materials, but in the end he didn't ask the Xihe Society to send a ship to deliver it, it's really strange - 'Dongyang' and 'Jiji' The three ships, Yun Yi and Ji Yun 2, were indeed full of cargo, and there was no fraud."

"Maybe there is a request. I'm afraid that Xihe will see the danger and withdraw at the last minute. I heard that Sun Jingxuan has been 'severely' ill these two days," Zi Tan said with a smile. Usually they don't pay special attention to Xihe's situation. It's just that the vortex has already involved the Xihehui, so they can't let them not pay attention. "Sun Jingxuan may be willing to send his daughter out, but he doesn't dare to easily join the Xihehui."

"Lin Bujie managed to capture most of the Xiangyong Yongcai in his hands and then took them all away as soon as they were incorporated into Wuwei. Did he really leave no others behind?" Song Jiaxiu asked with a frown.

"What can he keep behind?" She Fei asked, "Taking into account Gu Wuchen, how many soldiers can they deploy in Jiangning? Most of the police officers Si Jiqi are in Jiangbei, even if they are in Jiangning City, even if Gu Wuchen comes over in person, Jia Pengyu Let him transfer all the chariots? They can transfer less than 200 prison guards, 200 knives and archers in Moling County, and 1,200 elites from the two battalions of Dongcheng Wei. ...the only elites from the two battalions of Wei Dongcheng are the ones who can make the Qu family taboo," She Feihu laughed contemptuously.

The others also laughed with She Feihu.

Although the two battalions of horse infantry in Dongchengwei are well-equipped and numerous, their combat effectiveness has been fully tested in the Dongshi incident two months ago. Abandoned armor, defeated and returned. Although after the Dongshi incident, Wei Dongcheng was actually in the hands of Gu Wuchen, and Gu Wuchen also transferred a young general Liu Xilin from Dongyang to serve as the captain of Dongcheng to command the two battalions of horse infantry, but the two battalions of horse infantry of Dongcheng Wei were rotten from military officers to soldiers. To the core, only by disbanding and recruiting new recruits can it be possible to improve combat effectiveness. To do this, let alone Liu Xilin, even if Gu Wuchen personally goes out, it is impossible to do it silently in a short period of time. In order to defeat the two battalions of horse infantry, it would be a waste for the She family to send a hundred elite soldiers.

The same is true of the sword archers in Moling County. How much fighting power can the old soldiers who only bully the good and do good in the city on weekdays?

Zi Tan said: "Lin Fu can't be underestimated at this time, maybe the two hundred warriors on the prison island are more troublesome~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can Lin Fu be strong?" She Feihu said disdainfully, " There are only 60 old soldiers on the prison island, and the other soldiers are new recruits. I am afraid that they have never seen blood. How strong can they be trained in two months? Besides, after the incident, Lin Bie again Really dare to abandon the prison island and transfer all the military pawns to the estuary? No matter how the Qu family arranges, Lin Fu dares to transfer the military pawns to leave the prison island. We will either cross the island to attack it, or go directly to the island to kill people. Go down and stab the basket so big that no one can cover it for Lin Fu."

Lin Fu couldn't transfer the military pawns to the estuary, and the guards at the estuary were extremely limited.

"Will Lin Fu secretly transfer the two hundred Wuwei back?" Song Jia asked.

"The Qu family wouldn't be a fool. Lin Bing played 'Dividing the soldiers into two ways, leading the snake out of the hole', did the Qu family not guard at all? I think the Qu family would also play 'Dividing the soldiers into two ways, the truth is the truth'. She Feihu said, "Could it be that Lin Fu is really willing to throw the fleet that he finally formed to the water bandits and lake thieves to attack? There is a lot of cash. The news has already spread, and even without the Qu family coming forward, all the forces in the water villages will follow the news.”

"It's still necessary to prevent Lin Biebing from going sideways. We have to send out a sentry to keep an eye on the fleet." Zi Tan said.

"Where's Li Zhuo?" Du Rong asked, "When Lin Fu returned to Jiangning this time, the eyeliner said that Li Zhuo's cronies, Gao Zongting, had several contacts with Lin Fu, and the matter of the refugees on the riverbank was forced by Zhang Yubo, Lin Fu and Gao Zongting together. Gutang County bowed its head."

"Li Zhuo won't get involved in this matter," Zi Tan said with certainty, "If Li Zhuo gets involved, the Qu family won't be able to fight enough, so we'll just admit it." I The QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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