Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 11: Bandit

"Hundreds of young and old of the Shu family are waiting for the eldest son to come and rescue him. The eldest son is thinking of Lao Xi'er's loyalty to the She family, please save the old and young of the Shu family!"

Shu Qingqiu and his two sons cried and kowtowed on the deck, begging bitterly.

She Feixiong was wearing blue scale armor, his hair was tied behind his shoulders at will, and his red helmet was held behind him by his squires. His chin was overgrown, giving him an unusually valiant look.

"Is this Lin Bie really so troublesome? I think you are too incompetent, you can't even handle a small Sei Shi Lang or a big prisoner!" She Feixiong ignored Shu Qingqiu, who was lying on the deck and begging endlessly, and turned to look at him. Qin Zitan asked in a cold voice.

When they withdrew from Anji County, they had a brief battle with Lin Fu in Meixi Lake, but the two Qianshi boats traveled very fast by the wind and quickly got rid of their entanglement. They did not know about Qin Zitan, Du Rong, etc. People acted without authorization and were ambushed by Lin Biao. In addition, they were going to retreat to Taihu Lake to meet the naval division of Ninghai Town, so they did not turn around to pursue them, but they encountered the disabled Qin Zitan and the remnants of Shujiazhai soldiers in Zhuxi.

"If you don't get rid of this son, he will be a big problem for the heirs of the luxury family!" Qin Zitan said with his hands pressed against the arrow wound on his shoulder.

Qin Zitan is arrogant about his intellect and conspiracy to calculate the world, but he has not suffered today's losses. He did not expect that Lin Fu would not be in a hurry to leave Anji County under such a situation, but dared to set up an ambush for them at Hukou. In the battle at Meixi Hukou, Du Rong was killed, Qin Zitan and Shu Qingqiu fled north, and another ambush The boat reappeared on their escape path. Fortunately, there were no elites on the second boat. They broke away from the entanglement and escaped after losing more than 30 people, but Qin Zitan was shot in the shoulder and suffered some injuries.

Lin Fu did not retreat to Taihu Lake after the first battle at the mouth of Meixi Lake. Instead, he continued to fight back at Anji County, which also surprised Qin Zitan. It was not until he met She Feixiong's department that he guessed that Lin Fu would return to Anji. The county is fighting back against Shu Jiazhai to avenge the Shu family for setting a trap for him.

Qin Zitan reluctantly pulled out the arrowhead, simply wrapped it, and went to the boat to see the eldest son. At this time, to get rid of Lin Bie, the only way to get rid of the eldest son was with the strength of the eldest son.

"Hmph, what you said is light, don't you want me to wipe your **** for you?" She Feixiong snorted coldly.

She Feixiong led the crowd to attack Anji County, mainly to lure the naval warships of Ninghai Town to attack. He retreated to Taihu Lake at this time to join the second group of East Sea pirates who attacked Taihu Lake, and then look for an opportunity to fight in Taihu Lake with the Ninghai Town Navy; at this time, he returned to Anji County to pursue Lin Fu, even if he succeeded in killing Lin Fu, However, if the two groups of East China Sea bandits missed the opportunity to join forces, there would be a huge risk of defeating the Ninghai Town Navy.

She Feixiong's use of troops is not temporary, how could it be possible to give up the established goal in order to kill one person and put the entire army in danger?

Qin Zitan's face was depressed, thinking that Lin Bie must have seen through the joints, so he dared to act so boldly.

She Feixiong thought that Qin Zitan was also working for the She family, and after reprimanded him, his tone softened a little, and said, "I'll give you two boats, and I'll give you two teams of people to call. Can you rescue the old and young of the Shu family? Look at yourselves..."

Qin Zitan and Shu Qingqiu moved to the loach boat and watched She Feixiong lead his troops towards Taihu Lake.

No matter how small a sea-going vessel is, it is much larger than a vessel traveling on an inland river. The loach has a narrow and long hull, nearly eight zhang long in the front and rear, its head and tail are raised high, and the mast is six zhang high. It sails to take advantage of the wind, and its speed is like a sea loach passing through the waves; It is operated by people, and the speed is still fast, and the load is about three or four hundred stone.

Different from ordinary sea loach boats, the two boats that She Feixiong assigned to Qin Zitan were refurbished and reinforced war boats, and they were the most commonly used boats by East Sea pirates. People can also stand on the shed to make up for the lack of boat height; there are iron bumpers and hook guns on the bow; thick parapets are installed on the side of the boat and around the war shed, which can avoid knives and guns, and are covered with cooked cowhide to prevent fire and oil.

If they met suddenly in the early morning, and the three boats they were on were all loach warships, Qin Zitan would still have the confidence to fight against Lin Fu.

At this time, although Qin Zitan had four ships in his hands, two more than 180 elite combat troops, and nearly 300 soldiers from Shujiazhai and handyman boatmen, his strength was still stronger than before Yu Fu. Strengthened, but Lin Biao's two ships had also converged, and their troops surpassed their side. The most important thing was that they watched Du Rong, together with the elites on the ship, village soldiers, and handymen, more than 80 people, to Lin in the early morning. The tie was annihilated almost effortlessly, and morale was severely shaken.

Except for the Shu family's father and son and the Shu family's village soldiers, no one here is willing to return to Anji County to fight Lin Bie to the death.

Qin Zitan couldn't help but think that if he could double the number of manpower and ships for himself, he might be more sure.

Qin Zitan looked at Shu Qingqiu and did not speak.

Shu Qingqiu looked in the direction of Shujiazhai. In the distance, a cluster of fire was very clear in broad daylight. Shujiazhai was already on fire. According to the time, it was Lin Fu who attacked Shujiazhai. Shu Qingqiu's old face was full of vicissitudes and tears were streaming down his face, and he reluctantly said: "This old man can't risk Mr. Qin for his own sake. If this son dares to kill the old and young of the Shu family, I only hope that Mr. Qin will remember to avenge the Shu family in the future."

Qin Zitan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No matter how daring Lin Fu is, he won't kill the Shu family. Convergence, only the eldest son can defeat the Ninghai Town Navy warship, and we have the opportunity to intercept the forest tie in Taihu Lake..."


As originally planned, Shu Qingqiu's younger brother, Shu Qingdong, the second master of Shujiazhai, led more than a hundred village soldiers who stayed behind to **** the old and young of the Shu family to Taihu Lake after the East China Sea bandits withdrew from Anji County, and attracted Ninghai Town by the invading East China Sea bandits. As well as the main garrison troops in Jiahang Prefecture and Huzhou Prefecture, they searched for opportunities to go to sea from the territory of Jiahang Prefecture, and have since returned to the luxury family.

In addition to the old and young Shu family, there are nearly 300 family members of the Zhai soldiers. In addition, there are a large number of boxes and cages to be loaded onto the ship. Preparations began before dark yesterday, and the final evacuation was not prepared until noon today.

Shu Qingdong was worried that officers and soldiers would come to Anji County by land. He sent people to urge them repeatedly, and also gave each house an ultimatum, waiting at most one hour before setting fire to the village and sailing on time.

Lin Bie received accurate information from Shujiazhai when he was more than ten miles away from Shujiazhai. Like an evil tiger, he defeated dozens of soldiers near Shujiazhai's water dock and controlled them with lightning speed. The six large awning boats that were docked at the water dock and parked beside the water dock were ready to go, and made a decisive decision to make Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen lead the military soldiers, and the refugees Jianyong more than 200 people to storm Shujiazhai.

At that time, Shu Qingdong was making the village soldiers set fire to the village. As soon as the fire started, he learned that Shuiwu had been attacked, and he led his troops out to rescue Ao Canghai by surprise, and hurriedly returned to the village. The fire in the village had become uncontrollable, and the village remained closed for half an hour. People kept suffocating and falling down due to the smoke of the fire. Finally, they opened the gate of the village and surrendered.

After the Shujiazhai incident, Lin Fu captured more than 400 Shujiazhai soldiers, their elders and children, and their families, and tied the six large awning sailboats that the Shu family was planning to evacuate to the tail of the "Jiyun II". After escorting the sail to Anji County.

The county seat of Anji has been burned to ashes. When Lin Fu entered the city, smoking ashes with sparks continued to fall from the city gate building. Most of the houses in a street in the east city gate were burned down, and hundreds of corpses lay lying on the ground. Lying on the streets, most of them were swordsmen and yamen in Anji County who were killed in the streets by Donghai bandits, and there were also many civilians.

There is also a male corpse wearing a green official robe, his head has been chopped off in half, the white brain, bright red blood mixed with ashes, and the ashes flowed all over the ground and were trampled by countless people. Green robe.

Seeing that the magistrate of Anji was still holding a knife in his hand and facing the direction of the Dongcheng Gate that was broken by the Donghai bandits when he died, Lin Fu asked someone to find a coffin and put his body in it.

After the Donghai bandits withdrew, no one in the county came forward to maintain order. The local gangsters took advantage of the fire to loot and looted houses and raped/prostitute women. Lin Fu sent people to arrest more than a dozen robbers who took advantage of the fire and beheaded them on the street. Only then did the order in the city stabilize.

Anji County is small, and the city has only two gates, east and west, and it is less than five miles around the city. The main street connects the east and west city gates, and the houses along the street are the most severely damaged. Almost no shops or houses have not been looted or set on fire. The county government, the county prison, and the official warehouse were all set on fire. Only the fire in the yard of the former government house was extinguished early, and the beams and pillars were not damaged.

Although it was unlikely that the East China Sea pirates would return the carbine, Lin Fu still ordered Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen and others to set up obstacles such as refusing horses to block the east and west gates, strictly control the people entering and leaving the city, and also prevent the Donghai pirates and the spies of the She family. Infiltrate or send information out.

After the county's order was settled down, the surviving Anji county officials, squires, arresters, and yamen, headed by the boss, Li Jiyuan, came out of the shelter one after another. Lin Fu handed over the security and the mess in the county to the surviving officials of Anji County, headed by Li Jiyuan, to clean up.

When the sky was about to fall, Liu Xingming, the Huzhou government secretary, joined the army and led more than a thousand horse infantry to enter Anji County by land. Lin Fu handed over the defense of the county to the Huzhou government horse infantry, and also handed over the Shu family captives with conclusive evidence to the local disposal.

The Shu family planned to take them out to sea, and the six large awning ships were loaded with a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry and weapons. He squeezed out 3,000 taels to donate to Anji to rebuild the county town, and handed over two large awning boats and some seriously damaged soldiers to Huzhou Prefecture as evidence of the Shu Jiatong bandits, and other gold and silver jewelry obtained were worth 20,000 yuan The remaining two, more than two hundred soldiers and armor, as well as other supplies and four large awning boats, Lin Fu all took into his personal bag.

At midnight, Wu Qi and Zhu Shao rushed back from Zhuxikou and brought back the latest situation in Taihu Lake.

In the afternoon, another group of pirates came in in the west waters of Taihu Lake. The number of them is unknown, but the number of ships they boarded was 50% more than that of the Donghai pirates who attacked Anji County. After the two pirates joined forces, they came to attack the East China Sea at dusk. Kou's Ninghai Town Sanying navy warships met and fought in the Taihu Lake waters outside the mouth of Zhuxi. The Ninghai town navy had a weak will to fight. From the beginning of the contact, he fought and retreated. As soon as it got dark, he completely disengaged from the contact. Taking advantage of the wind, he evacuated towards the west of Taihu Lake and Yixing County.

"We can't wait until the East China Sea bandits have completely defeated the water camp in Ninghai Town and then leave the country and go back to Chongzhou through Taihu Lake," Lin Fu said, looking at the shoddy map on the table, pointing to the northeast corner of Anji County, near the city of Huzhou. , "We circled from Bilang Lake to Zhejiang, and went to sea from Zhejiang to Xisha Island."

(Note: Zhejiang is the Qiantang River, the ancient name of Zhejiang)


PS: Recommend a vertical and horizontal novel "Biochemical Dynasty" of the wasteland doomsday, ISBN: 46290.

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