Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 12: Ning Zechen

July was a blazing fire, and at the end of the month, the hot summer was fading away, and the breeze at the sea mouth outside the Yangtze River was cool and cool. Lin Bie stood on the deck and looked into the distance.

"The clear and turbid line is the boundary between the river and the sea. After crossing that line, we will enter the Yangtze River." Lin Biezhi pointed there, joked with the people around him, and followed Ning Ze, who was staring at the sea water. The minister said, "If you don't believe me, you can taste the water here. It's salty. After waiting for the line, you can taste the water again to see if it's still salty?"

Ning Zechen's lips twitched, and it was considered a smile. Although he believed what Lin Fu said, he still took a rope and dropped it into the sea and licked the end of the rope. It was bitter and astringent and made him frown. Entering the turbid water area, seriously took the other end of the rope and plunged it into the water to taste the saltiness, and said, "It's really bland..."

Lin Bie shook his head and smiled. Ning Zechen was a person who believed what others said and would verify it if he had a chance.

Ning Zechen's body couldn't be seen to be strong, and he was even a little thin. His face was thin and fair, but his arms were extremely strong.

When Lin Fuchu was working on Xisha Island for disaster relief, Ning Zechen and other young people selected them to do miscellaneous labor. Once there was a shipment of timber, Ning Zechen was involved in the royal goods. Lin Fu saw him carrying a log ashore with others. The others were strong and he was thin, but the thick root of the tree was on his shoulders. .

Lin Bie only thought that others were bullying him, and he called the man to him and reprimanded him. After listening to them explain, he realized that Ning Zechen was born with great strength and took the initiative to put the thick head on his shoulder.

Lin Fu wanted to test his strength at that time. He was allowed to work for two people and could also eat their fixed food. Ning Zechen carried the wood alone that day. Two to three hundred catties of wood were carried ashore from the boat and then carried to the shore. The construction site is two miles away, and he has run back and forth more than 20 times without any difficulty.

Lin Fu has been practicing martial arts for nearly a year to strengthen his body. Qinghe first-class hero.

Lin Fu was not in a hurry to keep him by his side at that time. There were many extra things in the initial stage of Xisha Island disaster relief, but Ning Zechen and many victims bravely participated.

Ning Zechen was from Fengli County, Zhongzhou. Before the typhoon on Xisha Island, he had his brother and aunt, two young nephews, and a widowed mother in their fifties fleeing to Xisha Island. A nephew was rescued, and his widowed mother held a log for the tide to rush to the **** seven or eight miles away and survived, but his brother and another five-year-old nephew were swallowed by the tide.

Ning Zechen's brother had read books for a few years and ran through the rivers and lakes with the Shang Gang. He was strong, skilled in fists and feet, and he was a chivalrous person. On the way to escape from the famine, he became the leader of the Fengli refugees. After the typhoon, Xisha Island was in chaos. Ning Zechen searched the island for his brother and nephew for two days. No one was born, no dead body was found, so he came back and went directly to the disaster relief camp to sign up for disaster relief.

The living conditions in this world are quite bad, and the refugees are even more difficult. It is normal for people from the same village to help those who are in danger, and it also forms a strong cohesion. After Ning Zechen returned to the disaster relief camp, Feng Li, who was selected to do miscellaneous labor, volunteered to help each other. headed by him.

It's just that Ning Zechen stubbornly believed that it was his brother who brought more than 10,000 Fengli refugees to Xisha Island with him. Two of the 10,000 Fengli people died in the typhoon. He had a responsibility that he couldn't shirk. Life and death refused to replace his brother as the leader of Fengli refugees.

Lin Fu only officially kept Ning Zechen by his side when he came out this time, and taught him the chopping technique in his spare time on the boat. He also learned very quickly. When the boat left Xisha Island in Chongzhou, many veteran soldiers in Wuwei were not as strong as Ning Zechen, but they had rich fighting experience. They could easily take down Ning Zechen with a wooden knife or practice spear, but they returned to Chongzhou from the southeast of Jiahang Prefecture. When they went to sea, most of the old soldiers were no longer Ning Zechen's rivals.

Ning Zechen is not only extremely strong and talented in martial arts, but he is also a man who is willing to use his brains among many refugees. After reading a private school for a few years, Lin Fu thought that with time, another Fu Qinghe might be born out of nowhere. In addition to teaching him chopping skills and attending tactical lectures that veteran soldiers usually attend, Lin Fu also asked him to read more military books in his spare time.

In addition to Ning Zechen himself being a simple and unadorned piece of jade that can be tempered, Lin Fu also considered that there are more than 26,000 refugees who survived on Xisha Island, of which nearly 5,000 are from Fengli.

Lin Fuji looked at the little sandbars under the sunset in the west sky, and couldn't tell if there was any shadow of Xisha Island. He looked up at the sails that were blown by the wind, thinking that as long as the wind was strong tonight and the moonlight could make them reluctantly After identifying the sand islands and waterways in the river, they will be able to arrive at Xisha Island in the early morning tomorrow.

Before Lin Fu and the others went to sea, the Ninghai Town Navy had been passively avoiding the battle in Taihu Lake, not fighting the main force of the East China Sea bandits that had gathered, which made the East China Sea bandits more arrogant, and more and more East China Sea bandit warships poured into Taihu Lake. The coastal prefectures have suffered greatly.

Although the cavalry infantry in Ninghai Town and the local township warriors who have been fighting pirates for a long time have strong fighting strength, they are also actively dispatched to seek and destroy pirates, but the East China Sea bandits invaded like the wind, and rode their warships in the Taihu Lake Basin, which was crisscrossed by the water network. When they went to sea from Jiahang Mansion, Yixing County and Changxing County successively attacked the pirates of the East and destroyed them by looting and arson.

Lin Fu and the others have been out to sea for two days. He will not know the latest news of Taihu Lake until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Lin Fu is a little worried. If the East China Sea bandits end this raid, what if they return from the Yangtze River waterway with a full load?

Lin Bie set up an ambush at the mouth of Meixi Lake to intercept Du Rong, and then rushed to Shujiazhai. He guessed that the East China Sea bandits who had attacked Anji County were targeting the Ninghai Town Navy and would not stay in Anji County. For the She family, Du Rong, as a general, smashed Meixi Lake, and the She family could see the strategic significance of Xisha Island. It is very likely that the She family would allow some East China Sea bandits to casually raid Xisha when they went out to sea from the mouth of the Yangtze River. island.

Before Lin Fu went to sea in the southeast of Jiahang Mansion, he ordered Wu Qi to lead the dark sentry to sneak back to Xisha Island by land, and asked Fu Qinghe, Lin Mengde, Zhou Pu, Hu Zhiyong and others to evacuate most of the victims from the Guanyintan disaster relief camp. Elsewhere, materials such as rice and grain were also transferred to the central area of ​​Xisha Island, which was not easily vulnerable to raiding.

At this time, Lin Fu didn't know whether Zhao Hu could successfully take the new military **** off the prison island after receiving the report. After all, he was not in Jiangning, and it was unknown whether Yang Shi and Chang Sun Geng would try to stop Zhao Hu.

Lin Fu was secretly worried: If the Naval Division of Ninghai Town suffered heavy losses in Taihu Lake and the East China Sea pirates crossed the border from Chongzhou South, Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu of Junshan Shuizhai would most likely stay put and preserve their strength, as long as the East China Sea pirates who landed on Xisha Island exceeded more Thousands of people, this is not an ordinary trouble.

Li Shuyi, the secretary of the household office in Chongzhou County, saw that Lin Fu was still chatting and laughing just now, but now he frowned again, unable to guess what he was worried about again.

Li Shuyi is a scholar from Chongzhou. He studied hard since he was a child. Maybe it was because he studied too hard and only for the sake of fame. As a native of Chongzhou, he has never seen the sea, let alone this river and sea, clear and turbid. the dividing line.

People stand on the boat, the boat travels on the sea, and the four fields are vast, and suddenly there is a feeling that people are only a minute between heaven and earth.

Compared with the rejection and disgust of putting Lin Fula on the boat at the beginning, Li Shuyi realized Lin Fujie after getting along for more than a month, especially after experiencing the ambush at the mouth of Meixi Lake to intercept Kou Dian and attack Shejia Village. It is not the incompetent and rampant pig herder who is ignorant of world affairs, ignorant of literature, and only knowledgeable about raising pigs. In the past month, although there has not been much communication, if you don't think about the arrogance on the face of Lin Fu who poured a hot tea on his face when they met at the beginning, Li Shuyi thinks that his knowledge, knowledge, and opinions, his eloquence, martial arts, wisdom and courage are both , There are really few people in the world who can match,

Some people are stubborn, but some people can re-understand themselves by learning from others. It is also the experience of traveling with Lin Fu for more than a month that has opened Li Shuyi's eyes. I was bored with the clean-smelling approach of satirizing the prostitutes and playthings, and I couldn't help thinking: East China Sea bandits plundered the county, burned, killed, and plundered. Besides hiding in the bed and trembling behind the gate, what else could the clean-flow people do? He also realized that in such a dilapidated society, only the emergence of a strong character like Lin Fu can turn the tide.

Li Shuyi is of course aware of this change in his mind, and Lin Fu can also feel it. Compared with the strangeness when he left Xisha Island in Chongzhou, Lin Fu asked Li Shuyi to sit on a boat with him at this time, and he was with Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen, and Ge Cunxin. When talking about the way of training troops and the technique of attacking, Li Shuyi did not shy away from him, and even discussed with Li Shuyi how to manage the harsh environment of Xisha Island.

Li Shuyi was ashamed and hated his own shallow knowledge. He had worked in the household book office for four or five years, but he had not learned much about the skills of the world.

Twilight came, and the stars twinkled in the sky. Seeing that Lin Fu would not delay his night trip, he felt relieved, and he could get back to Xisha Island sooner.

There was a bottom compartment for prisoners or captives on the boat. Lin Fu and Ao Canghai walked down to the bottom compartment, and the boatman was giving Du Rong medicine under the **** of two military guards.

"Let's go out..." Lin Fu let the boatman and Wu Wei go out without preventing him and Du Rong from saying.

Du Rong suffered multiple injuries, the most serious one being stabbed in the chest. Although he didn't hurt the vital part, he lost too much blood, making his face look abnormally pale.

When Du Rong saw Lin Fu walking in, he didn't want to act like a dying dog in front of him, he sat down with his back straight, and said coldly, "You should hurry up. kill me..."

"If you want to die, there are so many ways, why do you need to wait for me to do it?" Lin Bie sat down in front of Du Rong and said with a chuckle, "I didn't come here to persuade you to live, or persuade you to die, and I don't want to be punished by you. I have something out of my mouth. I am not qualified to covet anything from the luxury family. I am very self-aware, so don't worry that I will force you to sell the luxury family at this time. With your family, I can understand, but if you can live another day, who will beg for death? I can at least let you go to the prison island and live silently in the prison cell as an anonymous prisoner with no record. It's impossible for the family to know that you are still alive. If you are not satisfied with this arrangement, then I have no other way. I will ask Lang Zhong to stop taking the medicine... "

Du Rong didn't say a word, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart. If Lin Fu wanted to torture him, humiliate him, or induce him in various ways, he could bite his tongue or go on a hunger strike to death, but Lin Fu treated him like this. , let him say something, can people really beg for death?

Lin Fu also knew that Du Rong was of no use to him at this time. In short, he kept his mouth shut, and motioned for the boatman outside the cabin to come in and continue to diagnose and treat Du Rong. He and Ao Canghai returned to the deck and waited for the light of day. Arrive at Xisha Island.


Ps: Ask for a red ticket.

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