Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Xisha Island attacked

Lin Fu and the others entered the Yangtze River waterway and traveled with the wind. Xisha Island was blocked by the sandbar outside the estuary of the river. Only after nightfall did they see the abnormal fire in the direction of Xisha Island. Lin Fu made the boat stick to the north bank, and let people go ashore to pull the fiber and speed up.

It was sleepless all night. In the early morning, Xisha Island was already in front of me. Several pillars of black smoke in the direction of Guanyin Beach rushed towards Yunxiao. Lin Bieshou grabbed the parapet guard at the bow, beat the guard hard, and cursed. : "These many rations are used to feed the dogs, and the mother knows how to bark a few times!"

Junshan Water Village is nearby, and a battalion of elites from Ninghai Town is stationed in it, sitting and watching the pirate attack on Guanyin Beach.

Ao Canghai didn't say anything, his face was gloomy, and he just signaled that the soldiers and the refugees were brave and ready to land on the shore.

Lin Fu walked down the bottom boat cell, motioned the guards to leave, kicked the prison door open, glared at Du Rong and asked, "Besides you, what else does the second son of the She family have? The principal is in Pingjiang Mansion?"

Du Rong locked iron shackles on his hands and feet, a little uncomfortable with the strong light that the cabin door suddenly opened, raised his hand to cover his forehead, squinted at Lin Bie, who was furious, and asked suspiciously, "Qin Zitan sent people to attack Xisha Island. alright?" His voice was rather cold.

"Qin Zitan!" Lin Bie chewed on the name, only to realize that Du Rong was kidnapped at the mouth of Meixi Lake, but another big fish was released.

It was only two days before they went to sea from Jiahang Mansion. The main force of the East China Sea pirates could not have completed the battle in such a short period of time. They would withdraw from Taihu Lake and attack Xisha Island. The attack on Xisha Island could only be used to win over the luxury family - to be precise It was the group of Taihu thieves who had been captured by She Feihu, the second son of the She family, and gathered at the Xishan Island Village in Taihu Lake.

The number of Taihu pirates gathered on Xishan Island in Taihu Lake was nearly 1,000, and they were all mixed up. The actual combat effectiveness was not strong, but when the main force of the East China Sea pirates pursued the naval division of Ninghai Town, they sought a battle and attacked the counties and naval divisions of Ninghai Town along the Taihu Lake. When he was passively avoiding the war, the local garrison and the townsmen were exhausted, and Lin Fu went to sea to avoid the Taihu war, Qin Zitan led the Taihu pirates to attack the empty Xisha Island, but it was more than enough.


Lin Fu couldn't wait for the boat to pick him up. When the big boat approached the shore, he jumped off the boat and crossed the shallow water that was not as high as his chest to board Guanyin Beach.

After being raided, the Guanyintan disaster relief camp that can be set on fire has been in ruins. The outer walls of the encircling buildings that have been built up to the chest have collapsed in many places, and they have been burnt to black. The arrows are all striking, and the solidified dark red blood is shocking.

Half of Lin Mengde's face was scratched with blood scars, and his left arm was hung with a white cloth around his neck. Hu Zhiyong's eyebrows were burnt to half, but he was not seriously injured. He stood with Zhao Qingshan on the half-length stone dam to greet Lin Fu. .

Lin Mengde sighed and said, "Go and see Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu hasn't woken up since yesterday. Whether he can survive it depends on today..."

Lin Bie felt like he was hit **** his chest, and his eyes turned black for a while. He held the Shiba ground with his waist knife and forced himself to remain calm. He asked Lin Mengde, "How about the casualties of the others?"

"The thieves from the lake attacked at noon yesterday, and about a thousand people forcibly landed from Guanyin Beach," Lin Mengde said sadly, looking at the tragic situation behind him, "At that time, there were still 5,000 victims who could not be evacuated in time. Mr. Fu, Zhou Pu led the military guards and a temporary organization of more than 600 civilians to intercept along the beach, and they fought and retreated, and finally retreated into the wall of the enclosure. Fortunately, Zhao Hu and Zhao Qingshan came to help in time last night, and the lake thieves retreated, but only Less than half of them were able to stand up with knives and spears in the wall. It was confirmed that there were 94 hopeless rescuers, and 50 or 60 people were seriously injured. The elbow was cut by a knife. Mr. Wu Yanqing came with the boat, and he used enough medicine for the wound, but Mr. Fu had not woken up yet. We were surrounded by walls, and the lake thieves even separated some troops and attacked the island. After the Guanyin Beach was cleared, Zhou Pu and Zhao Hu led the crowd to pursue them, and at this time, I don't know the casualties in other places on the island."

"How many people have you brought here, and what will you do with the river mouth?" Lin Fu asked Zhao Qingshan.

"After receiving the news that Xisha Island was worried about bandit attacks, the Seventh Madam sent me to lead Xiangyong and Zhao Hu to lead a total of 200 soldiers by boat," Zhao Qingshan replied. The official document arrived in Jiangning, and Master Gu is in Jiangning at this time..."

With Gu Wuchen in Jiangning, the estuary is naturally worry-free. Besides, Li Zhuo will not allow a large group of pirates from the lake to gather into Jiangning; Lin Fu took a deep breath and went to visit Fu Qinghe temporarily. The boat is coming this way.

Lin Fu looked at the past coldly, and resolutely ordered: "Send an arrow warning and refuse to land on the island; you are ready to fight, and the army mountain water village warship dares to approach the beach within an arrow, that is, the enemy invades, kill it!"

"Lord Lin, you can't be reckless!" Li Shuyi was horrified, and hurriedly discouraged, "The officers and soldiers of Junshanshuizhai are under the jurisdiction of Ninghai Town, and Xisha Island is under the jurisdiction of Junshanshuizhaijiang River. There is really no excuse to stop them from landing on the island!"

Although Junshanshuizhai sits and watches Xisha Island being raided and stands by is really hateful, but Lin Fu refused Ninghai Town officers and soldiers to land on the island at this time, and even did not hesitate to meet each other.

"What's not to be reckless, the lake pirates attacked the island, the army mountain and water village are close at hand, and I stand by, how can I know that he has not colluded with the lake thieves? What is the recklessness in refusing to land on the island?" Lin Fu said coldly, not listening to Li Shuyi's dissuasion. , instructing Ao Canghai, Ge Cunxin, Ning Zechen and others to lead the crowd back to "Jiyun 1" and "Jiyun 2" to prepare for battle!

Ao Canghai, Ge Cunxin, Ning Zechen and others hated the officers and soldiers of Junshanshuizhai who were standing by, even if Lin Fu ordered them to take the initiative to attack the army's Shanshuizhai warships, they would not hesitate. They were either from bandits, or Whether it is from a defected general or a refugee, how can one take into account the consequences of refusing officers and soldiers to land on the island? The big deal is raising the flag to rebel.

Lin Meng wanted to persuade Lin Fu, but he gave up thinking about it. The officers and soldiers of Junshanshuizhai were indeed hateful. Besides, the officers and soldiers of Junshanshuizhai were all Xiao Taoyuan's cronies, and they might be the formidable enemies of Xisha Island in the future. No excuses, it will be harder to stop them from landing on Xisha Island in the future.

Li Shuyi saw that Lin Fu insisted on going his own way and did not listen to dissuasion. Lin Fu and his subordinates also held grudges against the officers and soldiers of Junshanshuizhai. But he didn't say that he would stay out of the situation, and followed Lin Bing to the disaster relief camp that was destroyed.

The ground is full of rubble and shocking. Most of the shacks and tents that were built before have been burned down. Although the outer wall of the newly built enclosure has collapsed several times, it has not been destroyed as a whole. stone.

It was this fortress that was built in time to reach the height of the chest, which saved the more than 600 soldiers and civilians guarding Guanyin Beach from the bad luck of being surrounded and annihilated.

The temporary tents were all within the enclosure. Wu Yanqing and his apprentices were treating the injured Wu Wei and Min Yong. When he saw Lin Fu approaching, he just shook his head with a sigh, and his subordinates did not stop to waste time with Lin. Bound more greetings.

"It's hard work, Mr. Wu," Lin Fu squatted down to inspect the wounds of the wounded that Wu Yanqing was treating, and exchanged a word with Wu Yanqing, but couldn't help but feel indignant, stood up and looked around, and said, "A month ago, this island suffered The typhoon, the tides flooded back and drowned more than 20,000 people, it can still be called a natural disaster; today is full of devastation, how can it be pushed to the head of a natural disaster? Remember, those who eat food for the people cannot protect the people's livelihood and die in the civil society, they are thieves for the people !"

Since ancient times, there has only been a saying among Qingliu that "eat the king's wealth and worry about the king". Lin Fu has the idea of ​​"eat the people's food and the people's thieves", so it's no wonder that Qingliu can't tolerate it. The military mountains and water villages and local officials are somewhat taboo. Li Shuyi heard it as if he couldn't hear it, and really couldn't defend Junshan Shuizhai and Chongzhou County, and even felt ashamed that he was also a member of the Chongzhou County Yamen.

Lin Bie reluctantly looked at the other wounded before entering the tent to see Fu Qinghe, who lost blood and fell into a coma with a broken arm. A medical apprentice was there to take care of him.

Fu Qinghe's face was like gold, there was no blood at all, his eye sockets were sunken deep, and the white beard on his chin was like withered grass in winter. The broken arm is set aside.

Lin Bie put his hand on his broken arm, and couldn't help but shed tears. He was a human being in two generations, and when he first met Fu Qinghe, Su Mei, and Xiaoman, he regarded Fu Qinghe as a master and a father, even though he was the same as Fu Qinghe. There are few gatherings and many separations, but the depth of affection is beyond the reach of others. Looking at Fu Qinghe, who does not know his life and death, he thinks that he should be a first-class character of Li Zhuo and Chen Zhihu, but his life has been bumpy. An unknown character in the rivers and lakes.

"Old Gao said a few words before he fell into a coma. He said that if he died this time, there would be nothing to worry about with you here." Wu Qi raised the curtain and walked in and said.

Wu Qi was not seriously injured. He was worried about the situation around Guanyin Beach. He was afraid that spies would come in. He insisted on being in charge of the sentinel. He only returned to the camp when he knew Lin Bie was back. Yanqing walked in and lost his temper at Wu Qi: "You don't have to die. You lost blood and died by walking around, and the old man's name has been ruined for you!"

"I'm here, it's important for Lord Crow to treat the wound first." Lin Bie turned around and sat upright beside Fu Qinghe, and asked Wu Qi and Wu Yanqing to re-bandage the wound first.

Only then did Wu Qi, Lin Mengde and the others see the tears on Lin Fu's face, and they didn't know what to say in their hearts. In their opinion, Lin Fu's determination is as strong as a rock, and although he is young, he is a first-class hero. The characters of the future, as the times dictate, must not be in the pool, but it is inevitable that the hero will have a long relationship with his son and daughter.

Lin Mengde thought that the robbery in Baisha County had transformed Lin Fu into two people. At that time, Fu Qinghe had the deepest relationship with him. In addition, they were probably the two daughters of Su Mei and Xiaoman. He thought that Su Mei might be the seven inch of Lin Fu's heart. The key point is that Lin Fu's tears today must not be leaked out, lest others use Su Mei to blackmail him. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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