Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 14: Crane Beach

The southeastern beach of Xisha Island is also known as Crane Beach. This tidal flat wetland area is rich in water and grass, and the shrimp and snails thrive. Every autumn, red-crowned cranes migrate to Chongzhou and live here in large groups. Chongzhou fishermen call this Hetan.

This year's red-crowned cranes have not yet begun to migrate south, and there is no crane shadow on the crane beach. The survivors of the typhoon and the recharge of the tide have moved to Guanyin Beach, and a large number of water birds have begun to gather and feed here again.

The eight people fled into the reed field at the eastern end of the Hetan in a panic, and they were startled by a flurry of flying birds. The arrows in the quiver of the two archers were empty. It is a vast river, and there are assault boats in the distance. Listening to the sound of chasing horses’ hooves resounding behind them, this group of people wanted to cry without tears, and wanted to abandon their weapons and surrender, but the chasing soldiers behind them did not accept them at all. surrender.

More than thirty chasing soldiers, infantry and cavalry were mixed to intercept them. They shot with arrows first, and shot the eight lake thieves who had escaped into the reed field like hedgehogs. They then divided ten men into two groups and approached from left and right. A knife was smeared on the neck of the victim, and the auxiliary soldiers at the back stepped forward at this time, wading into the water and threw the eight corpses into the river.

Seeing the body being washed away by the river, Ning Zechen lifted the reins and ordered everyone to follow him back to Guanyin Beach.

At the end of July, the Guanyintan disaster relief camp was attacked by lake robbers. Wuwei and the people who were temporarily organized were killed and 267 injured. However, they did everything they could to burn, kill, plunder, and do everything they could to destroy, causing nearly 2,000 casualties to the refugees on Xisha Island.

Zhao Hu and Zhao Qingshan led the crowd to help from the estuary, and attacked the lake thieves at Guanyin Beach from the side. Zhou Pu led the guards of the island and Min Yong to fight back to repel the lake thieves. Most of the lake thieves crossed the entire Xisha Island. , escaped by boat from the South Beach, but there are still many lake thieves who have not had time to evacuate and who have caused the most murders on Xisha Island.

After Lin Fu regained control of the situation on Xisha Island, the lake pirates who did not have time to evacuate from Xisha Island were unable to do anything. After the great distress, everyone's hatred and anger needed to be vented. Lin Fu categorically refused to accept the surrender of the remaining lake thieves, so Ning Zechen and others led more than 300 people of the people to search the whole island in five teams, and gave resolute measures to the remaining lake thieves. The cleansing also made the people's courage on Xisha Island to be tempered in the battle of iron and blood, fire and tears.

Ning Zechen led the crowd back to the Guanyintan camp. When he saw people in the camp who looked like yamen and officers and soldiers, he asked people to ask them. Only then did he know that Chen Kun, the magistrate of Chongzhou, came to the island. Ning Zechen spat into the mud and cursed. : "God officer!" The people bravely returned to the camp, and led the horses to the horse camp with three or five squires.

Ordinary mules and horses are not too rare, and you can even buy one in Chongzhou City for less than ten taels of silver.

After Lin Fu was attacked on Xisha Island, he no longer cared about the opinions of Chongzhou. .

Only Ning Zechen led this kind of good horse with a high forehead, a huge body and a weight of 400 to 500 catties, and a short-range sprint that could lift a heavy object of 300 catties. The entire Xisha Island has more than 40 horses, which are precious. Very, Lin Fu was transferred from Jiangning.

There is a horse camp in the Guanyintan camp. When the people of each team return from the mission, they must return these good horses to the horse camp for unified feeding and care.

"Ning Zechen, Ning Zechen, my lord is calling you over."

Ning Zechen turned his head and saw that it was Lin Bie's bodyguard, Chen Hualian with a birthmark on his face, and asked, "What's the matter with my lord calling me?"

"Several officials came to Chongzhou, and the Hailing House Secretary Kou joined the army. He talked about the resettlement of refugees and the people's bravery for a long time. According to the rules, even if Xisha Island has a township camp, it will be under the jurisdiction of the Chongzhou County Commander and the Hailing House Secretary Kou Junjun. , I'm looking for you, I should be talking about this..." Chen Hualian said.

"The thief. When Xisha Island was invaded by the tide, where were these dog officials? Xisha Island was attacked by lake thieves, where were these dog officials? The people of Xisha Island only listened to the instructions of the adults. What do these dog officials want to see me? ?" Ning Zechen asked with a frown.

"My lord told you to go over, you are a long-winded fart, don't talk nonsense when you enter the camp." Chen Hua scolded with a smile.

"It's better to practice knives more when you have time!" Ning Zechen muttered reluctantly, and followed Chen Hualian to the tent where Lin Fu lived.


Chen Kun is in his forties, with a thin white face and a dark beard under his chin. He can also be regarded as a dignified man. He has a scholarly demeanor. , At this time, he and Wu Meijiu were sitting side by side, looking at Lin Bie, who was born and behaved erratically, sitting opposite them, an uncontrollable evil spirit was about to come to his heart.

The camp tent was set up according to the military tent, and the main seat was empty. The two seats below, Chen Kun, Wu Meijiu, and Chongzhou county magistrate Hong Changji and other local officials sat on one side, and Lin Fu sat alone on the other side. If Wu Meijiu hadn't persuaded him to say, "Gu Wuchen has already served as the censor of Youdu and Jiangdong, and has the power to supervise local officials. If he is determined to bring down a magistrate, it would still be easy. People under the eaves can bow their heads if they can." , Chen Kun has long since left.

The curtain was opened from the outside, and outsiders had no rules. They came in without singing promises. Chen Kun looked sideways and saw a thin and fair young man behind the guard who had just sent Lin Fu to find someone, thinking of him. Is it the leader of the people's bravery elected by Lin Fu? I thought it was a vulgar man with five big and three rough.

"Chen Zhixian, Wu Canjun, and Hongxian Lieutenant, he is the Ning Zechen I said, brother and nephew died in the typhoon, widowed mother died in the robbery, Xisha Island set up a township camp, Hu Zhiyong is a famous squire in Chongzhou, who served as the I have no opinion on the position of commander; I also recommend Ning Zechen as the deputy commander. He has read books for several years and knows some things about leading troops to drill. I asked him to come over to the school for Chen Zhixian, Wu Canjun and Hongxian Wei. Can he be competent?" Lin Fu introduced Chen Kun, Wu Meijiu, Hong Changji and others to Ning Zechen again, "These three are Chen Zhixian, Wu Canjun, and Hongxian Lieutenant, you should salute them quickly..."

Ning Zechen was unwilling in his heart, and Hu Zhiyong, who was standing beside him, tugged at the front of his shirt secretly, and he reluctantly clasped his fists to salute Chen Kun, Wu Meijiu, and Hong Changji without saying much.

"What books have you read?" Chen Kun turned his head to look at Ning Zechen, seeing that he was thin and fair, unlike ordinary martial artists, his previous resistance was reduced by two or three points, and he took the exam seriously.


After the attack on Xisha Island, the officers and soldiers of Junshanshuizhai sat on the sidelines and stood by. After Lin Fu returned to Xisha Island, he almost met the soldiers of Junshanshuizhai, and he didn't say hello to the place at all. Bows and arrows and armor began to clear the island.

Lin Fu's behavior was already extremely taboo, and Chen Kun's heart was agitated. After learning the news, he immediately sent a piece of paper to Hailing Mansion.

Refugees have always been regarded as a serious problem for the local area. The scope of their activities is restricted and strict monitoring is carried out. When the time is ripe, they will be repatriated in batches to their original places. Especially after the chaos in Hongzepu, although the county governors wanted to place the refugees in a safe place, they were more cautious, and contacting the refugees with military equipment was naturally regarded as a serious problem.

In Chen Kun's view, Minyong selected from the refugees cannot be loyal to the place at all. Lin Bie's behavior is like putting a sharp knife in the hands of the refugees in Xisha Island. , Chongzhou County will be difficult to resist.

After Chen Kun's paper was handed to Hailing Mansion, there was no uproar. Wu Meijiu, the chief officer of the government, joined the army and rushed to Chongzhou to represent Hailing Mansion to deal with the refugees on Xisha Island. It was also to mediate the conflict between Chongzhou and Lin Fu.

Chen Kun thought that a scholar should have the spirit of a scholar, how could he bow his head in the face of power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ easily refused to accept Wu Meijiu's mediation.

Wu Meijiu questioned him: "Once things get serious, will the typhoon on Xisha Island be held first? None of the twelve cemeteries on the island are buried with paper figurines. When Xisha Island is attacked, will the officers and soldiers be held accountable for slacking off the war? Prosecute first? Even if the paper is handed over to the capital, it will eventually fall into the hands of the Chu Party. How to deal with it is not the Chu Party’s decision? First, remove your post of magistrate and replace it with someone from the Chu Party to serve as the magistrate of Chongzhou. , this case is sent back to Chongzhou for disposal, do you hope to see such a result?"

It was only then that Chen Kun realized that Lin Fu, as the vanguard of the Chu Party, could no longer be defeated by him as a seventh-rank magistrate. It was said that the Chu Party, who had already controlled the center, would do everything possible to cover up and condone him.

If the responsibility for the poor local disaster relief in Chongzhou County is seriously investigated, Gu Wuchen can indeed remove him from the seat of the county magistrate first. People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Chen Kunjian can't prevent Xisha Island from setting up a township camp, but he must also try his best to limit it. Lin Tie's actions on the ground.

This is also the meaning of the officials of Hailing Mansion and Wu Meijiu. The new **** of the Chu party was sent back to Jiangning. After three or five years have passed, whether to make Xisha Island into a circle or into a square, isn't it a local decision?

Chen Kun put down his confrontational attitude and wanted to call Lin Fu to Chongzhou County to discuss the disposal of the refugees in Xisha Island, but he said to Lin Fu, "The East China Sea pirates have not left, Xisha Island is in danger, and I dare not leave for a moment." After a stroke, it was Wu Meijiu's persuasion that Chen Kun was willing to condescend to come to the island to see Lin Fu and discuss the disposal of the refugees together. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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