Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 25: Road is different

The autumn moon was cool, and after seeing Yang Pu away, it was still early, and Lin Fu sat by the window, reading the ponds that collected news from all over the world with the light beeping candlelight.

The power of the Donghu people continued to expand in the north of Yanshan, and the border walls of Datong Mansion and other places at the northwestern foot of Yanshan were repeatedly attacked by the cavalry of the Donghu people.

The court transferred Chen Zhihu and other troops of the former East Fujian Army and Qing bandits in Zhongzhou and Jinzhong to the northern front to strengthen the defense of Datong, Xuanhua and other places. , as the Datong general.

So far, after the fiasco of Chentangyi, the empire has redeployed nearly 200,000 troops in the first-line military towns of Jizhou, Xuanhua, and Datong in Yanshan, but whether it can defend against the Donghu people remains the test of time.

The bandit incidents in Zhongzhou, Jinzhong, Xiqin and other places were relatively calm, but Jiangxi, Lianghu and other places suffered from severe floods in summer, crowded refugees, and improper handling by the government, which led to chaos, and the names of rogue leaders such as Luo Xiancheng and Gong Yucai appeared frequently. Above the pond, the internal troubles became more and more serious.

It's useless for Lin Fu to care about things that are too far away. He is more concerned about gathering Liu An'er's department on the front line of Sizhou. Even after the East China Sea bandits withdrew from the sea, the east line temporarily stabilized, and the defense along the Hongzepu line was still very fragile, especially in Changhuai Town, the core of the west line defense area.

Looking through the ponds in various places, apart from the official articles praising the virtues, there was almost no comforting news. Lin Fu pushed the stacks of ponds to the corner of the table in annoyance, thinking that his eyes could not see the heart. Liu Yue'er walked in and saw his frowning and sad look, and said, "Please don't be too busy, if you don't listen, you've seen Tang Chao and you're upset, where can you calm down and recuperate?"

"Even if you bury your head in the sand, these problems don't exist." Lin Fu pulled Liu Yue'er's smooth, jade-like hand and let her sit on his body. Liu Yue'er was afraid of pressing on his injured leg, so she sat next to his thigh by the edge of the soft couch.

Lin Bie's fingers gently twisted Liu Yue'er's cheeks, her skin was very smooth and unusually delicate, with a faint fragrance reaching her nose, her slightly charming eyes were like a clear spring under the moon, attractive and able to Temporary relief from annoying chores.

"What do you want to do, Mr. Wu said, your legs can't move." Liu Yue'er struggled shyly, her soft body seemed to be rubbing against Lin Bie's arms, trying to stop Lin Bie's hand Reach into the placket.

Lin Bie stretched his hand into Liu Yueer's arms and pressed it against her firm, plump, and soft breast through the silk apron. The silk cloth was smooth and thin. Lin Bie's fingers rubbed twice, and the cherry grains disappeared. Standing up, the docile, sheep-like Liu Yue'er leaned on Lin Bing's arms and her breathing gradually became short, her body was hot and soft, but she still insisted on saying, "You can't move your body..."

Lin Bie's foot injury was indeed quite serious, and he couldn't move around. Thinking about how to enlighten the traditional and conservative Liu Yueer to ride on him to do that, Xiaoman pushed open the door and came in, staring at Liu Yueer's chest and staring blankly for a moment. The hand that was going in for Lin Bie held up even more, and his little face became flushed. He said coquettishly, "Really, the injury is not good, be careful to cause the hole in his calf to open again..." Panic hide out the door.

"Say you don't listen," Liu Yue'er struggled to sit up, pushed Lin Fu down on the soft couch, and said shyly and annoyed, "I made that girl think that I seduced you." Take the quilt to replace Lin Bie Li put on the lid, looked at the firm bulge of his lower body, and thought about reaching out to pat it, but he was embarrassed to do so, leaned over to Lin Bie's ear, and said softly, "Can't wait until the leg injury heals?"

Lin Fu grabbed Liu Yue'er's hand and stuffed it into the quilt. When Liu Yue'er's hand touched the word, she would be scared to hide. Lin Fu grabbed it, so she resignedly held the word and turned around. His face was pressed against Lin Bie's chest, so shy he didn't dare to look into his eyes. Hearing the strong and powerful beating of his heart under his chest, he felt very at ease.

Lin Fu enjoyed it for a while, but things didn't stop, and the sound of footsteps was heard in the courtyard downstairs. Ao Canghai asked Wu Wei from the courtyard, "Has your lord slept?"

Liu Yue'er blushed and pulled out her hand, Lin Fu sat up and asked across the window, "What's the matter?"

"Xiao Baiming, the commander of the military cottage, and Captain Chen Qianhu, the battalion commander, asked to see the adults outside the courtyard..."

"No," Lin Fu said neatly, "and don't make up excuses for not feeling well and falling asleep long ago. If you don't see it, you don't see it."

Xiao Baiming came to approach on behalf of Xiao Taoyuan. Even if we don’t mention the Chongzhou boy robbery last year, the lake raided Xisha Island, and the army did not move, causing more than 2,000 casualties to the victims of Xisha Island. Tao Yuanxu and Wei She are perfunctory on the surface, otherwise what will the refugees resettled in Xisha Island think when they see it?

Even if Xisha Island is adjacent to Junshanzhai, it would be extremely stupid to have any illusions about Junshanzhai because of Xiao Baiming's visit. Lin Fu asked Ao Canghai to shoot Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu straight away, thinking about the future Find a way to pull this nail out to feel at ease.


The courtyard where Lin Fu lived was not big. Xiao Baiming could hear the conversation between Lin Fu and Ao Canghai at the entrance of the courtyard. He stared playfully at Wu Wei who was on duty at the entrance of the courtyard. For a while, the blue veins on Chen Qianhu's neck jumped wildly.

Xiao Baiming grabbed Chen Qianhu's shirt and told him to hold back from losing his temper. It was better to wait for Ao Canghai to come out before leaving, just to show the cultivation of a scholar.

"It's a **** of a deal, he's still a genius. We went to the door several times, and he didn't even see him. He was really shameless." In the passage, Chen Qianhu got angry and cursed. Can those pariahs on the island turn against the captain?"

"Anyway, the commander has benefited from him this time. It doesn't matter if he ignores us. We have to make a gesture for others to see." Xiao Baiming's gloomy face smiled a little evilly, and he glanced back. The courtyard of the wing where Lin Su lives, "He is arrogant, and it is helpless to tolerate him for three points. The commander should be in the courtyard of the inspector. Let's go there together, don't talk nonsense..."

"I know," Chen Qianhu said loudly, "Young Master Gu is very good at talking to the aide named Zhao next to Gu Wuchen. I can get angry in front of them, but I just don't like this guy. Xisha Island is right next to the military cottage. It's a headache, and it hinders the deployment of the captain..."

"It can only be like this right now," Xiao Baiming sighed softly. Xiao Taoyuan arranged all his cronies in Junshanzhai, just because he was afraid that the Chongzhou boy case would have a foothold for both advance and retreat. The distance between Xisha Island and Junshanzhai was only 2,000. Yu Bu, if the Chongzhou boy case is revealed, Xisha Island will be the biggest threat and obstacle for them to bargain with the imperial court. The fact that the island can help protect the south of Chongzhou, they have nothing to do at this time. They want to pretend to be pirates and disturb the refugees who cannot live in Xisha Island. They also need to consider the existence of Jiyun Weiyong and Xisha Island Township. After thinking for a while, Xiao Baiming said again, " Lin Fu has the name of disaster relief right now, but he always has to evacuate all his people from Xisha Island, we have to be patient and wait."

Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu walked to the house where Gu Wuchen lived temporarily in Jiyang County, and saw Xiao Taoyuan's guards in the courtyard, so they went to see Gu Wuchen together.


It should be said that Xiao Taoyuan's passive avoidance of the war in the early stage led to the destruction of the counties along the Taihu Lake by the East China Sea bandits. Coupled with the defeat in the Battle of Taihu Lake, Gu Wuchen had the right to impeach the army as an emissary. It was not difficult for Taoyuan to kick away from the position of the commander of the six battalion naval divisions in Ninghai Town.

The Zhenjun is a relatively closed system. If Xiao Taoyuan is kicked out, most of the generals who will replace Xiao Taoyuan will be selected from the Jiangning Water Camp, which will not be of obvious benefit to Gu Wuchen. Stiff, it is better to show it and let Xiao Taoyuan go in exchange for the support of Xiao Taoyuan and other generals of the town army in many matters.

Gu Wuchen couldn't ignore the benefits of these realities, especially the opinion of Pingjiang Prefecture on the passive avoidance of the Ninghai town navy, and it would be more effective to win over Xiao Taoyuan and other navy generals.

Lin Fu approached Xiao Baiming on behalf of Xiao Taoyuan, and Gu Wuchen met Xiao Taoyuan in the temporary house.

Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu walked into the courtyard, and Xiao Taoyuan was sitting at the bottom of the hall respectfully listening to Gu Wuchen's instructions. Gu Wuchen saw two generals walking into the yard, remembering that they were Xiao Taoyuan's subordinates, and said in a whisper, "Why are you punished for standing in the yard? Come in and talk."

Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu walked in and first saluted Gu Wuchen: "Xiao Baiming, the commander of the military cottage, and Chen Qianhu, the commander of the battalion, have seen the adults..." They walked over to Xiao Taoyuan and stood.

"Lord Lin, have you been there?" Xiao Taoyuan asked.

"Xisha Island was attacked by lake pirates in the first ten days of August. Although we have the responsibility of guarding Chongzhou, we have made a big mistake and caused heavy losses to Mr. Lin's subordinates. Mr. Lin refused to forgive us and we should have..." Xiao Baiming replied. , Mingli did not mention the matter of blasting the door.

"It's also my responsibility," Xiao Taoyuan said, accusing himself, "I'll accompany you in a while to plead guilty..."

"That's not necessary," Gu Wuchen said. "Lin Fu was seriously injured in this battle. He was in poor health. He didn't receive many foreign guests, but it was not necessarily that he refused to forgive the loss of the army cottage." Since he no longer pursued Ninghai Town Navy The responsibility of passively avoiding the battle will naturally not pursue the attack on Xisha Island and the military cottage stand idly by; besides, it is also indecent to ask Xiao Taoyuan to plead guilty to Lin Bie as the captain of the cavalry.

"Alas," Xiao Taoyuan complained, "In the battle of Taihu Lake and Binhai, I want to fight bravely to kill the enemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soldiers have forgotten their lives and died, and the result is still a disastrous defeat. It's not that I dare not fight with When the enemy fought, it was just that the navy warships had not been replaced for several years. The hull of the navy was severely damaged, and it shattered when it hit the rocks. The gate of Jiangdong County will be unguarded, and then I will be the greater sinner of the court."

Yang Pu stood behind Gu Wuchen and watched Xiao Taoyuan's wonderful performance with cold eyes. As a military general, Xiao Taoyuan's body is bulky, and he may not be too fat. Anyway, he is a general of the navy. Incapable of getting on a horse.

Yang Pu thought to himself: Lin Fu didn't say something clearly, but he had a great opinion on Xiao Taoyuan's passive avoidance of the war and the bandits along the Taihu Lake. He even bluntly suggested Gu Wuchen to use the power of impeachment to remove Xiao Taoyuan from Ninghai Town when he was in Chongzhou. The position of the commander of the six battalions of the navy was kicked away, not to mention the navy generals in Xiao Taoyuan's line were avoided as enemies during these days of recuperation in Jiyang, but the lord obeyed Zhao Qinmin's advice on this matter and showed it to Xiao Taoyuan. Well, it's hard not to let Lin Biehan's heart.

Even as a father, Yang Pu hopes that his son Yang Shi will have a brighter future in the Dongyang Army, but Lin Fu is not a fool, so how could he have no idea about the arrangement of Dongyang's personnel?

"It makes sense for General Xiao to think so, otherwise, there will be a great victory in the battle of Donglai River," Zhao Qinmin said next to him, "On Xisha Island, Master Lin is too serious about the refugees..." Anyway, Lin Bie used the resources that should have been used to compile and train Dongyang Township Yong to rescue and resettle the refugees in Xisha Island. Zhao Qinmin could see that Gu Wuchen had some opinions in his heart, but Gu Wuchen could tolerate Lin Bie doing this at this time.


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