Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 26: Back to Jiangning

After leaving for three months, it was the late autumn of September when I returned to Jiangning.

Jiangning's autumn is not clear, the hot summer and summer have passed, and there is a sense of autumn. It only lasted for more than ten or twenty days, and the weather suddenly became cold. A longer and harsher winter is coming.

Lin Bie's leg injury made it inconvenient to ride. He was lying on the soft couch of the carriage and looked at the desolate autumn scenery outside the car window. Liu Yue'er was dozing off with her head resting on Lin Bie's shoulder. Tie his thighs to talk to him.

Liu Yue'er didn't care about her either, but she couldn't make such an intimate gesture in front of Xiaoman.

Xiaoman saw Lin Bie staring at the curtain of the car, she turned over to look at the scenery outside the car window, her chest was pressed against Lin Bie's thigh/inside.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiaoman asked in a soft voice.

Across the brocade jacket, Lin Bie could still feel that the little girl had grown a little bit. He twitched the sore thighs that were pressing on Xiaoman, and he was a little reluctant to let her youthful and soft body press on her thighs. Feeling, he said: "I think about a lot of things, I feel that I just got a clue, and then I think about it, it is still messy, and I may not be able to rest well when I return to Jiangning."

Outside the car, the bells hanging from the horse's neck ding-dong, and the ruts were rutted.

Xiaoman turned his face to the pillow, and Lin Bie looked at her long eyelashes, her glittering eyes as clear as springs, her straight nose bridge and her lower lips were bright red, which matched her fair, transparent cheeks, making her even more tender and seductive. Man, there is a strand of hair loosely covering his cheeks, and his delicate and childish face is somewhat seductive and seductive.

Lin Bie stretched out his hand and pulled the messy hair behind her crystal clear ears. Xiaoman grabbed his hand and put it on her smooth jade face. He closed his eyes and seemed to feel the slight thorn in Lin Bie's palm. Slender fingers dug into his cuffs, stroking gently on his scarred arm.

The carriage knocked, Liu Yue'er woke up, saw Lin Bie's hand on Xiaoman's face, didn't say anything, just adjusted her posture, stretched out her hand to hug Lin Bie's arm, her head was closer to him .

After their group left Jiyang, they returned to Jiangning from Danyang Prefecture by land, and accompanied Gu Wuchen to make a special detour to inspect the area severely devastated by the East China Sea bandits. There are few places of stability, Liu Yue'er only hopes to stay by Lin Fu's side, and no longer hopes for anything else. Especially when Lin Fu left Jiangning, dangerous news came from time to time. She and Xiaoman couldn't leave the estuary, and they couldn't hope to go to Lin Fu's side to guard and take care of him. Share a man with her? She thought about letting Lin Fu bring Xiaoman into the room as soon as possible, so that she could treat Xiaoman sisters honestly.

Lin Fu enjoyed two slightly different gentleness with two soft bodies attached to his body. Liu Yue'er had a plump body, rounded **** and round buttocks, and was full of the seductive charm of a woman. He felt that Liu Yue'er woke up and put She held her hand and held it with the hands of the three of Xiaoman, so that she could know more clearly what she had to grasp when the troubled times were approaching.

For a while, there was an unusual rush of horseshoes from far to near, and someone greeted outside: "Lord Lin, you are about to reach the Jiuweng Bridge. The lord asked if you can enter the city?"

"Ah, we're all at Jiu Weng Bridge," Lin Bie probed to look outside the car. A small school next to Gu Wuchen came to talk to him on horseback, and he replied, "I'll go over and talk to the adults right away, you go first..."

Liu Yueer and Xiao Man moved to another carriage. Lin Bie's leg injury was not healed, so it was inconvenient to get off the horse. They sat in the carriage and asked Ao Canghai and Zhao Hu to accompany him to the front to talk to Gu Wuchen.

Recruiting men and horses from the people who survived the **** battle in Jiyang, Gu Wuchen's entourage has recovered to more than 300 people.

A large number of war dead and wounded were sent back to Jiangning for burial or treatment. During the **** battle of Jiyang, many horses were damaged, and less than half of them rode. However, even those who survived the **** battle still had many problems such as insufficient training. , but the fighting spirit is far better than before.

Yang Pu sat on the horse and looked at the cavalry team he led behind him. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: A **** battle without morale is an elite. The real elite teacher is not trained. tempered in.

After the cavalry team was the prison guards led by Zhao Hu, together with Lin Fu's accompanying military guards and more than 20 civilian braves who served Lin Fu in Jiyang, there were a total of 150 or 60 people. The size of the team was It was much less than Jiqi, but Yang Pu was sitting on the back of a horse and looked back at Lin Fu, who was rushing to the front in a carriage and horse, and suddenly realized that although the two groups of men and horses had been walking in the same way since Jiyang, there was a clear demarcation between them.

Yang Pu thought to himself that maybe Lin Fu was too independent and self-contained, which made adults feel scruples and separated from each other. If the young lady could marry Lin Fu as his wife, it would be like Tang Hao believed in a powerful person back then. Just like marrying a lady to an adult, the husband and the wife are close to each other, and there should be no estrangement between them.

Lin Fu rushed to the front in the carriage, opened the curtain of the car in front, moved to the door of the car, and said to Yang Pu, "Uncle Yang, is your lord looking for me?" He nodded to Gu Siyuan, who was riding beside him.

"It's been more than three months since you left Jiangning. Follow me back to the house for a drink." Gu Wuchen lifted the curtain of the car, revealing half of his face to talk to Lin Fu.

"It's unsightly for me to look like this." Lin Bie said with a smile, pointing to his legs that were still covered with bandages.

"What's in the way, let Zhao Hu find two people to carry you in," Gu Wuchen said with a smile, "It's not inconvenient to just sit and drink."

"It's better to be respectful than to obey." Lin Fu smiled.

Gu Siyuan stiffened and let Lin Bie ride in the carriage to the front to talk with his father. He stepped back and followed Yang Pu, Ao Canghai, and Zhao Hu on horseback.

Zhao Qinmin sat in a carriage at the back, looking at everything in front of him through the gap in the curtain of the carriage.

Zhao Qinmin could see that after the **** battle in Jiyang, Gu Siyuan deliberately imitated Lin Fu in his words and deeds.

Not only did Gu Siyuan pay attention to Jiyang Minyong, who was recruited into the hunt, he was concerned about Juxing, and he had a friendly face. He was even more able to endure hardship; in the past, he would never have been able to ride horses alongside Zhao Hu, Ao Canghai and other people whose identities were far below him.

Zhao Qinmin smiled slightly, closed the curtain of the car, and did not listen to what Lin Bie and Gu Wuchen were talking about in front of him. He knew that for a long time, Gu Wuchen had to rely on Lin Bie in many matters, but no one had any personal thoughts. As long as Gu Siyuan can bear hardships and stand hard work and is enterprising, how can Gu Wuchen not cultivate his son to be his successor?

The situation in Jiangdong is still serious, which is exactly the case. In particular, it is necessary to promote the victory of Jiyang to inspire people. Lin Fu followed Gu Wuchen into the city, according to the officials of the Chase, as well as Chen/Yuanliang, Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin and other Gu departments in Jiangning. Officials and military attachés learned that they were greeted at Donghuamen, and Wang Xueshan, the governor of Jiangning Prefecture, also sent representatives to greet him.

Zhao Hu led the military soldiers and Jiyang Minyong who defected to Lin Fu to **** Liu Yueer and Xiaoman back to the mouth of the river.

Gu Wuchen wanted to show Lin Fu's leading role in the battle of Jiyang, and asked him to drive into Donghuamen with him. Lin Fu naturally refused, and accompanied Yang Pu. Surrounded by the crowd, he went straight from Donghua Gate to Gu Mansion in the south of Tianhan Bridge. He was unable to walk due to his leg injury, so he went straight into the mansion in a soft sedan chair.


Gu's house.

"Lord Lin is really majestic," Gu Junxun's personal maid Cui'er hurried back to Gu Junxun after hearing the news from the former house, "I heard Wu Yazi say that under the city of Jiyang, the lake stone on which Mr. Lin was sitting has a divine appearance. Yes, the pirate's arrow will turn inexplicably when it hits there, and it won't hurt Master Lin at all..."

"What nonsense," Gu Junxun stretched out his hand to rub Cui'er's cheek, asking her to sit under the candlelight and tell him the news, "If it really doesn't hurt, why would he let people lift him up? Come in for a drink?"

"Aren't you afraid that you're worrying, Miss?" Cui'er smiled tenderly, "Lord Lin has inconvenience in his legs and feet, but he is very energetic, and his eyes look like thunder and lightning. Listening to Wu Yazi, under Jiyang City, Lin There were more than 20 pirates who had been slashed by the adults, and the pirates' heads were cut off when the knife hit the pirate's neck, and the base behind him was higher and bigger than the lake rock he was sitting on; whoever dared to retreat without obeying the order, He also cut off his head around his neck and placed it on the other side. Tang Gui in the front yard was killed by Mr. Lin himself because he was afraid of the battle, saying that it was military law. I don't understand, Tang Gui is such a playful one. It's a pity that man died in the hands of Lord Lin like this. Lord Lin didn't think that he was brought over by his wife, and served by the master's side for so long? I heard that after the killing, everyone became aggressive. The pirates didn't look as powerful as they had imagined. Even if they died, they refused to retreat to the lake and stone. They had to endure for four days. If it wasn't for the fact that Lord Lin ordered everyone to return to the city to rest, everyone would still want to chase the pirates in one go. Everyone feels a pity for taking so much credit for Ning Haizhen in vain. These things sound like straight people, Master Lin is like a murderer, don't you be afraid when you hear it?"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Gu Junxunying supported her delicate chin in her white slender hands, stared at the beeping candlelight, and said softly, "It is they who are guarding outside the city like a murderer, but they are not in the city. It will be ruined by pirates; you think Lord Lin is vicious, and when pirates break the city, you will feel that pirates are a hundred times more ferocious than Lord Lin. Lord Lin is the murderous king of pirates, but he is the guardian of the city. God of God."

"Okay, I know that I can't speak ill of Lord Lin in front of you, so I'm just telling you the news I heard from outside, so why are you arguing with me?" Cui'er smiled tenderly, "When do you think Lord Lin will send a message to you? People come to kiss, I see that you can't wait, miss..."

"What tongue are you chewing?" Gu Junxun blushed and stretched out his hand to pinch Cui'er's cheek, "Which dog of yours can't wait to see me?"

"What's the use of you being murderous with me? I heard that the two women in Lord Lin's room are both powerful characters. You know how to bully me at this time. Be careful that no one will help you deal with those two women when you go through the door." Dodging out of the room, unexpectedly bumped into Mrs. Gu who was standing outside the door.

Gu Tang stumbled, raised his hand and slapped his daughter's personal maid, and reprimanded: "There are no rules for doing things and talking, and they don't look like a girl."

"Mother, Cui'er is just joking." Gu Junxun hurriedly helped Cui'er to excuse herself, so that Cui'er, whose eyes were so frightened that her face turned white, left first.

"Laughing nonsense, she can say these words indiscriminately?" Gu Tang gave Cui'er a stern look and said, "Next time you dare to joke and laugh, I will tear your mouth carefully."

Cui'er retreated silently, and Gu Junxun also sat down in aggrieved way without saying a word, but in the inner house, no one could go against her mother's wishes and bear the anger without arguing. Originally, I wanted to pretend that I happened to meet Lin Bie, but then I gave up.


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