Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 31: Jiangdao layout

For three days in a row, Lin Fu spent the day in Hekou Thatched Cottage to handle official business and sleep. Changshan Islanders who "won't leak" secretly moved to Xisha Island.

The so-called "won't leak secrets" here, one refers to people who are trusted and reliable. This part of the population is very limited. Going to Xisha Island is to make up for the shortage of available manpower on the island; They followed to Changshan Island but did not know much about the situation on Changshan Island, and there was no secret that could be leaked from their mouths.

The area of ​​Changshan Island is comparable to that of Prison Island, but it is necessary to ensure sufficient jungle density to facilitate concealment and combat, and it cannot be over-exploited. To accommodate more than a thousand people, a large amount of survival materials must be imported from the outside world.

Lin Fu and the others planned to reduce the population of Changshan Island to less than 800 people, including the elite combat power, which was mainly due to the realistic threat to Changshan Island from East China Sea bandits entrenched in the Shengsi Islands.

If the number of people is reduced to less than 800, even by using the terrain of Changshan Island, it can deal with a large number of invading enemies for several days; in the event of an emergency retreat, two ships such as Dongyang can be fully loaded.

Of course, in the so-called three caves of cunning rabbits, Lin Fu has to plan for the worst. As Changshan Island is an important secret base, Lin Fu will not give up continuous investment and accumulation of supplies.

In addition, some people from the estuary will also be relocated to Xisha Island.

When Lin's hometown was full of uproar, Lin Fu incorporated all the uproaring village braves into Jiyun Wuwei, and became the main force of Jiyun Wuwei at this time. Most of these people were poor landless tenants.

Lin Fu decided to move Jiyun Wuwei's family to Xisha Island in batches. In addition to allocating houses and living materials, he also directly allocated fields.

Although it is difficult to leave the homeland, and although Xisha Island is still facing the threat of East China Sea pirates, the desire of landless tenants for land is unimaginable for later generations. Most Wuwei and their families have no resistance to moving to Xisha Island. It was quite welcome, and even regarded as Lin Bing's great reward to the brave warriors.

Lin Fu entered Taihu Lake in July, and after several battles, Jiwei and Wuwei accumulated nearly 90 casualties. Thirty-nine people were killed in the war, and Lin Fu directly purchased nearly 400 acres of fertile land in Jiangning to care for his family. Qin Chengzu, Fu Qinghe, Lin Mengde, Hu Chengzhong, Ge Cunxin and others took the Dongyang to Xisha Island for resettlement together, and the first batch of households moved to Chongzhou.

They are Lin Fu's most staunch supporters, and will also become an important foundation for Lin Fu's roots to take root in Xisha Island.

From the wave of refugees that started at the beginning of the year to Liu An'er's revolt in Hongzepu, the mobility of the people in the western part of Jiangdong County has increased sharply, and the strict household registration control has also been disrupted. People who seek relatives, rely on friends, and have more money to settle down are everywhere. Most of them live on the streets and villages, begging for food. Even a corner of the estuary can accommodate more than 6,000 refugees.

In this context, Lin Fu moved hundreds of people to Xisha Island to settle down, which was inconspicuous. Besides, Lin Fu did everything possible to disperse the refugees in the estuary and disperse the pressure on the estuary.


Five days later, Lin Mengde sent a letter, and Chen Kun, the county magistrate of Chongzhou, hesitated for a few days and made an offer to the Hu family through his staff.

Chen Kun agreed to support the Hu family as the first clan in Xisha Island Township. In the form of tax package and rent collection that is more common in the world, the Hu family will pay the county an annual package tax and rent discount of 15,000 taels, and the county will not ask the Hu family. The way to reclaim Xisha Island can even restrain Li Shuyi from interfering in the affairs of Xisha Island.

Chongzhou County's positive taxation is not as high as this amount. Anyway, it is asking prices all over the sky and paying the money on the ground. Lin Fu doesn't mind Chen Kun's lion's opening, but he just asks Lin Mengde, Hu Zhiyong and Chen Kun to bargain with Chen Kun to remove the tax-included rent. Ten starts from 1,500 taels of silver each year.

The current situation is in their favor, and there is no harm in procrastinating one or two times. Too eager promises or too high conditions for promises in Chongzhou will also make people suspicious.

Besides, Lin Fu and Li Shuyi are quite happy together, so there is no need to exclude Li Shuyi. If you really want to kick Li Shuyi out of Xisha Island, it will only increase the suspicion in Chongzhou.

Those who are born evil are rare, and those who truly stick to their principles are rare. As long as there is interest, there is almost nothing that can't be negotiated. Chen Kun personally has such a big prejudice against Lin Fu. Didn't he still make a bid this time?

The Li Shuyi family was also considered a prosperous clan in Chongzhou. When the East China Sea invaders attacked Chongzhou, Lin Fu had the whole family's kindness to the Li clan. Not only could he not take the opportunity to squeeze Li Shuyi out, but he also instructed Lin Mengde and Hu Zhiyong that, although the Li family could not be directly involved in the development of Xisha Island, they could purchase raw materials from Chongzhou to the Li family as much as possible, so that the Li family could enjoy the development. For the benefit of Xisha Island, Li Shuyi and the Li family will naturally not become resistance.

Commercial reclamation can be suspended, and even if it is actually implemented, it will not be fully successful in a year or two.

At present, we should focus on the construction of surrounding buildings that can control the situation around Guanyin Beach and form a defensive building complex, so that the military guards and township camps can cooperate to resist three to four times the enemy invasion from Guanyin Beach with less casualties and costs.

In addition, the Guanyin Beach extends to the central hinterland of Xisha Island to build a defensive enclosure. Based on the actual population of Xisha Island, 4,000 to 5,000 households need to be built. Fifty large enclosures.

An enclosure housing refugees is almost the size of a natural village.

In order to facilitate large-scale commercial reclamation in the future, it is also necessary to avoid suspicion between local and county officials. The surrounding houses cannot be built in such a concentrated manner as the estuary. Go to Guanyin Beach.

In addition to forming a control situation with Guanyintan as the core, it is also to prevent pirates from invading Xisha Island on a large scale from other aspects.

In order to facilitate the berthing of large ships and the rapid loading and unloading of large quantities of materials, Lin Bing asked Lin Mengde and Hu Zhiyong to build a floating dock in Guanyin Beach by setting up a pontoon bridge. The dozens of pirate ships captured by fishing some time ago can all come in handy.

Although the floating dock can be fixed with a large number of iron anchors, it can only be used in autumn and winter when the river is gentle and the wind and waves are weak.

Lin Bing stared at the topographic map of Xisha Island and the surrounding river area. In the future, he has the strength to connect Guanyin Beach with Junshan Island and Zilang Mountain in the north, so that the horizontal **** will directly become a channel connecting Xisha Island and the land on the north shore. The acceleration of sand makes Xisha Island connect with the land on the north coast and become a part of the land on the north coast, which can completely make up for the defects of the topography of Xisha Island.

Lin Fu took the palm of his hand to measure the distance from Guanyin Beach to Junshan Island, and the distance from Junshan Island to Zilang Mountain, which was almost 2,000 steps away.

With the help of machinery in later generations, it is not too difficult to build a four-kilometer long embankment in the middle of the river. Of course, building a stone dam to protect the island in Xitan can also stabilize the terrain of Xisha Island. In Lin Bie’s impression, Chongming Island’s The geological form is so stable, but the amount of these works is unusually huge and cannot be considered at the moment.

At present, most of Lin Fu's financial resources are mainly used to resettle, organize refugees, and build defense facilities at Guanyin Beach. It is estimated that the initial resettlement cost of more than 20,000 refugees will consume more than 100,000 taels of silver; It can reach two hundred paces into the river.

Looking at the map of Xisha Island, Lin Fu was worried that the 200,000 taels of cash he had accumulated could support the initial investment. Of course, the initial investment was the largest.

As long as the first two years are passed, especially if the refugees on the island settle down temporarily, even if the balance of payments cannot be reached, the investment can be controlled. At that time, if the world is not in chaos, the income from the prison island and the river mouth can also support the construction of Xisha Island for a long time.

What Lin Fu lacked the most was manpower. After Gu Wuchen's position was stabilized, the threat facing Hekou was greatly reduced. Now he only leaves Ge Cunxin, Lin Jingzhong, Ao Canghai, Zhao Hu, and several others in Hekou. Mengde, Fu Qinghe, Zhou Pu, Wu Qi, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Zhicheng and most of the Wuwei were all on Xisha Island.

The limited manpower he can use now can only mainly support the island, and the limited manpower must be concentrated on the island. After all, the East China Sea bandits are a long-term and realistic threat. The procurement and import of a large amount of raw materials to Xisha Island can only rely on Lin's warehouse and Xihehui.

If there is spare capacity, more miscellaneous trees should be planted in the east and south of Xisha Island. The forest binding also led Qin Chengzu to look for tree and shrub species adapted to the saline-alkali sandy soil from the coastal islands of the outer sea. An effective way to greatly reduce storm damage and tide flooding.


The large-scale invasion of East China Sea bandits in July turned the prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake upside down, and completely withdrew due to the **** battle of Jiyang.

Regardless of whether it is about meritorious deeds or whitewashing Taiping, the rewards for Lin Fu and Yang Pu and other first-timers in the **** battle of Yang are also conveyed from Yanjing to Jiangning in October. Yang Pu was promoted from the sixth-rank martial rank to Zhaowu's deputy lieutenant, with more than ten gold and silver coins from various internal treasuries, and Lin Fu was promoted to the seventh-rank Sanji rank Xuan Yilang.

Lin Fu started his career as an official, and he was promoted to four ranks within a year, which is also called a miracle in the officialdom; even Dong Yuan spent nine years in the position of the head of Rulin Lang and Xianxia County before he was established. Opportunities for rapid advancement.

Probably the only unpleasant thing is that this year's new champion Chen Mingzhe gave the current sage a leave of absence to return home to get married, and returned to Jiangning at about the same time.

After being rewarded for his merits, promoted to official position, and invited to drink according to the rules, Lin Fu and Yang Pu had a banquet together. On October 6th, Dongyang Township Party and relatives, friends and friends were invited to participate in Hekou.

After Yang Shi went to Dongyang, Dongyang Township Yong repeatedly used troops to the northeast. Out of the mind of training and cherishing soldiers, he would not engage in large-scale battles with Liu An'er's troops entrenched in Shiliang County, and naturally there was no victory.

The situation in other directions of Hong Zepu is also so stalemate, Dongyang has always been seriously threatened by Liu An'er's department.

Most of the people invited to drink are from Dongyang, and they are not in the mood to drink and have fun. They leave early in the night. Lin Fu grabs Sun Jingxuan and wants to hire 50 boats and 500 boatmen with Xihe Association to use it in Xisha. island.


PS: Chapter 3, ask for a red ticket. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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